Tag Archives: crossfit

TUESDAY, 07.23.13

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Hey everyone I made a Flickr account as you can see on the right hand side of the page. I am gonna try to post all of the pictures I take during class on there. Take a look and see if there are any cool pics of yourself!


Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)


On the minute Sprint 60 yards on the minute for 10 minutes.

MODAY, 07.08.13

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Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)


Close Grip Bench @ 80% of 5 RM Floor Press - 3 Reps Plyo Push Ups - Max Reps in 30 seconds *Rest 90 seconds between rounds *Perform a plyos push up by placing one hand on the a 45 lbs plate and the other on the floor, perform an explosive push up that allows you to transition the hand on the floor to the hand on the plate. *If you are following amateur, use you the weight you got for you last set of 5 on Thursday. Just use a close grip instead of a normal grip.

FRIDAY, 07.05.13

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Power Clean 5x3 (add 2.5lbs to last workout) 1RM Standing Broad Jump


On the Minute: Perform a standing double broad jump and 3 power cleans at 80% of 3RM for 10 minutes *Double broad jump is two consecutive broad jumps focusing on minimizing ground contact time between jumps. *You must try to cover as much ground as possible with your broad jump. Minmimum distance is 12' / 3.6 meters each round. *For each round you do not jump the minimum distance, perform 10 evil wheels after the workout.

MONDAY, 06.24.13

By: 0


Sorry for the late post everyone. Long weekend and the post slipped my mind

SWOD Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

DWOD Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes: 30 Overhead Walking Lunge w/ 45 lb plate 15 Ring Dips *Ring Dips need to be done with Retracted and Depressed shoulders *Plate has to be locked overhead with straight arms. *15 lunges with the right leg, 15 lunges with the left leg. *Back knee has to touch the ground to count as a rep.