Programming 7.27 – 8.2

By: 0

Workout Log: Class Programming Start Date: 2020-07-27 End Date: 2020-08-02 Blog Monday July 27, 2020 Title: Wk 4 Progression: Monday - Bend / Push Patterns + Mixed Aerobic Warmup: 10 Minute Amrap 10 Superman Reps *controlled 10 Glute Bridges 20s Single Arm Plank/side 50 Jump Rope Singles A) Notes: We'll be transitioning lower in reps, I expect that you can load heavier as the reps drop! B) EVERY 2 MINUTES x 4 Sets (24 Minutes): 1. @3111; x6-8 Romanian Deadlift 2. @3111; x9-12 DB/KB Left Arm Glute Bridge Floor Press 3. @3111; x9-12 DB/KB Right Arm Glute Bridge Floor Press *anytime they are listed this way, it is 2 minutes for each exercise - note your RDL and Floor Press weights/reps C) 10 Min Amrap: 30 Double Unders or 60 Singles 10/arm KB or DB Cleans *from hip 10 Hand Release Push Ups Notes: Modify this so the work is consistent and smooth ----- Tuesday July 28, 2020 Title: Tuesday: Squat / Pull Patterns + Mixed Aerobic Warmup: 10 Min Amrap 10 Air Squats w/20s Bottom Squat hold in last rep 5 Arms Only Inchworms 10 Prone T 30s Bent Hollow Position A) Notes: -Lower reps on the FS for heavier loading -New variations and tempos for the pull up options B) Front Squat - Catalyst: Every 2:30 Minutes x 4 Sets (10min) @20X1; x 6-8 C) Strict Pull Up: Every 2:30 x 4 Sets (10 min) @20X1; 6-8 Some options if you cannot perform this many pull ups could be NEW OPTION: If you can perform the 6-8 easily, weight them Option 1: UNBROKEN negatives at 31A1; for 6-8 reps Option 2: Banded Pull Ups; @3131 for 6-8 reps Option 3: Ring Rows x15-20 @2111 these are not necessarily in order of progression preference, but space / equipment / ability D) 12 Min Amrap: 4 Turkish Get Ups 12 Alternating Goblet Step Ups 10 No Push Up Burpees 10/side Three Point DB or KB Row ----- Wednesday July 29, 2020 Title: Wednesday Warmup: Take a few moments to set up, everyone can start on something different here A) Cyclical: 1 Minute Assault Bike rest 30s x 7 Sets + rest 1 minute to clean and switch + 1 Minute Row rest 30s x 7 Sets + rest 1 minute to clean and switch + 1 Minute Run rest 30s x 7 Sets ----- Thursday July 30, 2020 Title: Thursday Warmup: 10 Minutes of Hang Power Clean Skill Work - Coaches Choice + 6 Minutes to Dial in Weights for A A) Notes: -The reps have dropped slightly in B, which should allow for some heavier loading -We are adding some loading to the Core/Glute work, this is meant to be muscle endurance accumulation here on this one -Some timing was adjusted per running it a little close last week :) -Whiteboard Scoring: note your Hang Power Clean and Single Arm Push Press Weight B) Bend / Push Muscle Endurance (17:30): 7 Sets 2:30 to perform 7 Hang Power Cleans 10 Single Arm Push Press KB/DB/side Lower the movement with simplicity if it is an issue Hang Power Clean > RDL > Russian Kettlebell Swing SA Push Press > Press C) Core/Glute Amrap: 8 Minute Amrap 15 DB Weighted Sit Ups 20 DB Weighted Glute Bridge Modifications Weighted Sit Ups > Abmat Sit Ups Weighted Glute Bridge > Glute Bridge ----- Friday July 31, 2020 Title: Friday Warmup: EMOM x 4 Minutes; increase your jog pace per set - finish tough 20s Jog 3 Air Squats @ 3111 + (the + indicates a separation here) EMOM x 4 Minutes; increase your bike pace per set finish tough 20s Assault Bike 4-6 Ring Rows *quick transition here A) Notes: Overall density per set has dropped which should now allow for some faster cycle times, however your rest is gone, so you'll have to manage your run pacing a bit better to stay continuous throughout. -Whiteboard Scoring: I want rounds + reps today per both amraps B) Squat w/ Higher Breathing Rate: 12 Min Amrap Run 100 yards 10 Goblet Squats rest 5 minutes between B and C C) Pull w/ Higher Breathing Rate: 12 Min Amrap 12/9 Cal Assault Bike 10 Ring Rows ----- Saturday August 1, 2020 Title: Saturday Warmup: 8 Min Amrap 10 Alternating Plank March 30 Jump Rope Singles 10 Alternating Superman Arm/Leg 30 Jump Rope Singles + Dial in part A A) Notes: This is meant to be dialed in so that you can stay CONSISTENT with your times each round, if you find yourself slipping we will pull reps out or modify the movement so it can be performed consistently B) Accumulation and Practice: EMOM x 30 Minutes Odd Rounds 5 No Push Up Burpees + 20 Double Unders or 40 Singles Even Rounds 5 Hand Release Push Ups + 10 American KBS Whiteboard score - Yes / No; were you able to stay consistent? ----- Sunday August 2, 2020 Title: Sunday Warmup: 3 Minute Easy Bike + 20s Moderate 60s rest 15s tough 60s rest 10s tough x 2 Sets A) Notes: We are going to start off with the Alactic work today, then get into some easy conversational MAP 10 isometric work B) Alactic Work: 20s Assault BIke @ 100% 5 minute rest x 3 Sets C) Isometric Focused MAP 10 Work: 30 Minute Assault Bike; every 5 minutes stop and perform 20s Bottom Squat Hold 20s Reverse Plank Hold 4 Alternating Turkish Get Ups - light -----

Programming 7.5 – 7.11

By: 0

Start Date: 2020-07-05 End Date: 2020-07-11 Sunday July 5, 2020 Title: Sunday A) Alactic Work: 12s Assault Bike @ 100% rest/walk 2:45 x 5 Sets B) For Time - Mixed Modal Muscle Endurance Extended Set: 40 Double Unders 40 Dual DB / KB Deadlifts 30 Double Unders 30 No Push Up Burpee Box Jump 20 Double Unders 20 Hand Release Burpee ----- Monday July 6, 2020 Title: Monday Warmup: 3 Minute Assault BIke directly into + 5 Minute Amrap 6 Prisoner Good Mornings - slow 20s Plank on Hands directly into + 10 minutes to grab a barbell and dial in RDL / Push up before starting the official time cap; this is a time where we can modify technique and make adjustments A) Notes: Modify the push up so that the tempo and rep range is difficult for the day, an example of a spectrum of modification from below the push up to above it could be.... Plank on hands (60-90s) > Elevated Push Ups > Push Ups > Deficit Push Ups > Ring Deficit Push Ups > Weighted Push Up > Weighted Ring Push Up...etc B1) Romanian Deadlift : @3111; x6-8; rest 60s B2) Push Up: x3111; x12-15; rest 60s x 4 Sets Notes: -all sets tough -18 min cap for this superset C) 10 Min Amrap: 15 American KBS 20 Alternating Plank Shoulder Taps 45 Double Unders ----- Tuesday July 7, 2020 Title: Tuesday Warmup: 8 Min Amrap 20s Forearm Plank 5 Air Squats @ 4211 8 Reverse Lunges 10 Prone Y 30 Jump Rope Singles A) Front Squat - Catalyst: Every 3 Minutes x 4 Sets @4211; x6-8 B) Strict Pull Up: Every 3 Minutes x 4 Sets @30X1; 6-10 C) 10 Min Amrap: 45 Doubles or 90 Single Unders Single Arm Turkish Sit Ups x 6-8/arm Single Leg Glute Bridge x 10-12/leg Notes *use KB on hip for single leg glute bridge ----- Wednesday July 8, 2020 Title: Wednesday Warmup: Take a few moments to set up, everyone can start on something different here A) Mixed Cyclical Map 6: 5 Minute Assault Bike rest 2:30 5 Minute Row rest 2:30 5 Minute Run rest 2:30 x 2 Sets ----- Thursday July 9, 2020 Title: Thursday Status: pending Warmup: 10 Minutes of Hang Power Clean Skill Work + 8 Minutes to Dial in Weights for A A) Bend / Push: EMOM x 5 Sets; 20 minutes M1. Hang Power Clean x 6-8 M2. Left Arm Single Arm DB/KB Push Press x 8-10 M3. Right Arm Single Arm DB/KB Push Press x 8-10 M4. Rest B) Core/Glute Amrap: 9 Minute Amrap 5 Arms Only Inchworms 12 Alternating Front to Side Plank, slow 20 Alternating Step Glute March, slow ----- Friday July 10, 2020 Title: Friday Warmup: 30s Moderate Assault Bike 30s Easy Pace x 4 Sets + 2 minute Clean / Switch + 30s Jog 30s Walk x 4 + 8 Minute Foam Roll; quads, glutes, lats, upper back A) Squat w/ Higher Breathing Rate: 3 Sets 2:30 to perform Run 200m 30 Air Squats *or Max, whichever comes first 2:30 rest B) Pull w/ Higher Breathing Rate: 3 Sets 2:30 to perform 12/9 Cal Assault Bike 15-20 Ring Rows 2:30 rest ----- Saturday July 11, 2020 Title: Saturday Warmup: Dial in the movemetns for the workout and get after it! A) 30 Minute Amrap: 20s Single Arm Overhead Hold Left Arm 20s Single Arm Overhead Hold Right Arm 10 No Push Up Burpee Step Ups 20s Left Arm Side Plank 20s Right Arm Side Plank 10 Single Arm DB/KB DL