9 Year Anniversary Tomorrow!

By: 0

Party Tomorrow!
Listen, everyone. Real Talk.
It's going to be hot as fuck tomorrow.
We will be bringing water, but also bring your water, and have your water bring water.
Gym is closed
Arrive at the beach at 10:00am
Beach workout at 10:30am
Silver Beach Pizza and Drinks at 12:00pm
Ice Cream Optional after!
Volleyball, Spikeball, Games, Sand Castles after until whenever!
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What about a cheat day?

By: 0

One of the most frequent questions we get asked is: What about a cheat day? Here are my thoughts: 1. The word "cheat" is really ridiculous when applied to eating off-plan food. We typically use the word cheat to apply to academic dishonesty or marital infidelity. Who are you "cheating" on when you eat a cookie? This association leads to unnecessary guilt and shame with off-plan food. As Robb Wolf says there is no such thing as "cheating" when it comes to food. We eat things, there are consequences to eating things, and that's the end of it. No guilt or shame should be attached. 2. Blood Sugar RollerCoaster-If you go on a complete bender for an entire day you send your blood sugar and corresponding insulin response is going to be put through some hard paces dealing with that spike and crash on a routine basis. 3. Actively searching for bad food just because it's a cheat day is a bad idea. You shouldn't have off-plan food just because it's a Saturday. You should save your off-plan foods for legit special occasions for foods you really care about. Home made cookies made by your grandma for Thanksgiving is a way different context than sitting by yourself eating a bag of Doritos because it's a Saturday. 4. A cheat day results in an unhealthy psychological response to food. Half of that comes the word "cheat" itself, but the other half comes from this constant binging and "purging" on Monday (not literally purging). It's just this yo-yo back and forth, that could be dealt with in a much healthier fashion. So, if you're going to ditch cheat days what should you do instead? 1. First, let's focus more on a single off-plan meal in one-day rather than an entire day of off plan foods 2. Have an off-plan food only for a legit special occasion (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). If this is happening more than 1-2 times a month your definition of a special occasion is too broad. 3. Make it for a food you truly care about. ___________________________________________________________________________ Today we're gonna talk about the infamous cheat day, and my thoughts on the very notion of a cheat day. So first thing, always got to emphasize, especially with these types of videos, I'm not telling anyone what to do, you want a cheat day, have a cheat day. You like your cheat day, have a cheat day. We're not in the business of being a nagging spouse, or an overbearing boss, or a parent. We're just providing information and if you choose to use that, great, if you choose not to, that's cools too. These are just my thoughts on the whole concept of a cheat day. Number one. As a whole host of people besides me have pointed out, the very word cheat is really ridiculous when it comes to using it in this particular context. We use cheating to refer typically to academic dishonesty, cheating on a test, or marital infidelity, or something of that nature. Why are we using that term for something that you are activity choosing to do, and not harming anyone else? I don't really understand, I think there's a whole lot of physiological baggage that comes along with it. I understand the idea of trying to say, “Oh, well you've made a promise to yourself, and you're cheating on that promise,” but I think it just creates all this physiological baggage that is just really really unhealthy, and I'll dub into that a little bit more in just a second. But, I think as Robb Wolf one of my favorite people in the health and nutrition space has said, “We eat food, there's certain consequences that come from eating said food and that's it.” There should be not guilt or shame or anything around this notion of cheating on your diet. It's either you make a choice to have some food, or you make a choice not to have some food, that's really it. We shouldn't be using this term of marital infidelity or academic dishonesty for cheating. Second problem with a cheat day, in my opinion. Blood sugar roller coaster, so you're going along, going along, going along, you eat nice real whole food and then you spend this entire day essentially, coming close to being diabetic. Let's say, not of course actually, but spiking your blood sugar unnecessarily with all these kind of off planned meals. I think that is really problematic, which I guess leads into the third idea. When you make it into this kind of day, there are a few things that happen. There's this image of someone kind of sitting in the corner chowing down on a bag of Doritos, saying "Oh, it's my cheat day, it's okay." Actively searching for bad stuff to eat, because it's your cheat day, I think that whole notion is problematic. I think if you're gonna have off plan food, it should be with others in a social context, it should be a legitimate special occasion, as we've talked about many other times. And it shouldn't just be because it's that day, it shouldn't just be because it's a Saturday. Realistically speaking, it's not the case that we need to have this gigantic binge once a week just because it's a Saturday. Which leads into the next problem with the notion of a cheat day is, you create this very unhealthy physiological relationship with food. Part of that unhealthy physiological relationship comes from the idea of you're cheating on someone and the guilt and shame that comes along with it. But, the other half comes from the idea of kind this binging and then purging when Monday comes around. Not literally purging, but kind of cleaning things up and "Okay, it will come back around on Saturday, so I can binge as much as I want." I think that just creates a unhealthy physiological relationship with food. So, what do we propose instead? Well, I've said in many other videos that I think there's nothing wrong with having off plan foods, like pizza and ice cream, health conditions not withstanding, there are some people who legitimately with certain health conditions can't have those things. But, health conditions not withstanding, every year on my birthday I have a pizza and I'm going to continue to do that with friends and enjoy myself. And I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but it should be for a special occasion. Had do you navigate this? So again, don't try to plan this one specific day that has no connection to Thanksgiving or Christmas, or these other special occasions, it's just a random Saturday were you're just gonna completely binge, that's just silly. There's nothing wrong with having maybe a couple squares of dark chocolate on the weekend, or a glass of red wine if that's your thing or maybe a gluten free burger or something like that. But, just from the outside, let's reduce it down from like a cheat day, to maybe a meal, which I wouldn't call it a cheat meal, because again I think the whole notion of calling it a cheat anything is ridiculous. But, something that you're sharing with others, something that you legitimately enjoy and you're not just having it just because it's "Oh, it's my cheat day." Those are for the more of you're yellow light items, like the dark chocolate and the red wine and the gluten free items that we've talked about in other videos. And then for those red light items, those things that don't actively contribute to your health in anyway, shape or form, you really should just save those in kind of our opinion for no more than once or twice a month. Only for the purpose of a special occasion and only for something you truly care about, it shouldn't be something that happens on a regular basis. And no ones gonna be perfect with all of these rules all of the time, but this can be a way to guide you. So, just in general when people ask me my thought of a cheat day, I think it creates a horribly unhealthy physiological relationship with food. I think it makes people end up eating bad things that they wouldn't normally eat just because it's a cheat day and I think it makes it so that they fail long term at keeping their cravings and appetite in check. And I think there's a whole better way to do things that involves having those off plan things less frequently and in a more special and meaningful context. All right guys, thanks so much for tuning in.

Weightlifting Programming 6/25/18-7/1/18

By: 0

Monday - 6/25/18
  • Back Squat
    • (73% x 10) x 3
  • Block/Hang Snatch
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • 75% x 3
    • (80% x 2) x 2
  • Snatch Pull on Riser
    • (95% [of Snatch] x 3) x 4
  • Heaving Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
    • (70% [of OHS] x 1+2 )x 2
    • (75% x 1+1) x 2 
Tuesday - 6/26/18
  • Jerk
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • 75% x 3
    • (80% x 2) x 2
  • Push Press
    • 80% x 4
    • (85%x 3) x 3
  • Snatch High-Pull
    • (75% [of Snatch] x 5) x 2
    • (80% x 5) x 2
  • 5 Rounds; 40 Seconds Work / 20 Seconds Rest
    • 15 KB swings
    • 15 push-ups
Wednesday - 6/27/18
  • Back Squat
    • (83% x 5) x 5
  • Block/Hang Clean
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • 75% x 3
    • (80% x 2) x 2
  • Clean Pull on Riser
    • (95% [of Clean] x 3) x 4
  • Straight Leg Deadlift
    • 65% [of Back Squat] x 5
    • (70% x 5) x 2
Thursday - 6/28/18
  • Power Snatch
    • 65% x 3
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • 75% x 2
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk
    • 65% (of Power Clean) x 3
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • 75% x 2
  • Snatch High-Pull
    • 75% (of Snatch) x 3
    • (80% x 3) x 2
  • 4 Rounds; No Rest
Friday - 6/29/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 6/30/18
  • Back Squat
    • (88% x 3) x 8
  • Snatch
    • 75% x 3
    • 80% x 3
    • 85% x 2
    • (80% x 2) x 2
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 75% x 3
    • 80% x 3
    • 85% x 2
    • (80% x 2) x 2
Sunday - 7/1/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 6.25 – 7.1

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] This Week! June 30th is CrossFit South Bend's 9 year anniversary party! Click here to let us know you'll be going! Our CFSB Garage sale has been launched! Click here for the details Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Jorts Day July 4th - more details to come Bring A Friend Day July 21st - more details to come! [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 6.25"] FIT A. E60s 10-15 Left Leg Glute Bridges 10-15 Right Leg Glute Bridges 5 Box Jumps with step down - challenging - but don't eat shit x 3 Sets (9 min) + E60s 30-60s Left Clamshell Side Plank Hold 30-60s Right Clamshell Side Plank Hold 5 Hang Muscle Cleans *work technique, stay light x 4 sets (12 min) B. For time - 8 minute cap 27 Kettlebell Swings 40 Singles/Double Unders 21 Kettlebell Swings 70 Singles/Double Unders 15 Kettlebell Swings 90 Singles/Doubles COMP A. E60s 10-15 Left Leg Glute Bridges 10-15 Right Leg Glute Bridges 5 Box Jumps with step down - challenging - but don't eat shit x 3 Sets (9 min) + 5-10 Left Side Plank Clamshells 30-60s Right Side Plank Clamshells 5 Hang Muscle Cleans *build x 4 sets (12 min) B. For time - 8 minute cap 9 UB Hang Power Cleans 40 Double Unders 7 UB Hang Power Cleans 70 Double Unders 5 UB Hang Power Cleans 90 Doubles Score: A. no score B, weight left on bar and total time or reps in cap Notes: A. -Be explosive on the concentric portion of the Glute Bridge -Pick a height that gets your hips having to work - but don't eat shit - I want a power position landing for this -For clamshells - fit is hold, Comp is reps -If you look pretty on the Hang muscle cleans, build - just work on opening those hips B. Start with something challenging, you can take weight off but you can't put it back on if you can't perform it UB you MUST take weight off and repeat that set [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 6.26"] FIT A. EMOM Max UB Incline Push Ups 4+Max Strict Pull Ups/Ring Rows Rest x 8 Sets (24 min) B. For Quality 2-6 Pull Ups *can be banded 25ft Handstand Walk/50ft Bear Crawl *CF Standard 10-20s Tuck Sit x 7 Sets (21 min to finish) COMP A. EMOM Max UB Strict Dips/Ring Dips 4+ Max Strict Pull Ups Rest x 8 Sets (24 min) B. For Quality 2 Muscle Ups 25ft Handstand Walk 10-20s L-sit/Tucksit Hold x 7 Sets (21 min to finish) Score: A, total reps pushing, total reps pulling. B, nothing, for quality. Notes: Fit B: Pull ups can be with or withou band, practice kipping pull ups, chest to bar, or strict pull ups. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 6.27"] FIT & COMP A. For time - 36 min cap Row 500m rest/walk 2 min x 3 sets Run 400m rest/walk 2 min x 3 sets Bike 25/20 Calories rest/walk 2 min x 3 sets Score: Bring in a phone/watch and try to keep your score each round, note your pace range for each one. i.e. If you didn't bring anything, and timing is too complicated...just do it Row: 2:00 - 2:05, Run: 1:45 - 1:50, etc [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 6.28"] FIT A. EMOM Back Squat x 5 20-40s Forearm Plank rest x 4 Sets (12 min) B. E90s 9-12 Reverse Lunges - left leg front 9-12 Reverse Lunges - right leg front 20-30s Left Side Plank 20-30s Right Side Plank x 3 sets, build (15 min) C. Sled Push 10s All out @ moderate load rest 1:30 between rounds x 5 sets (8:20) COMP A. @20X1 Back Squat - build to a tough 6 12 Min Cap B. E90s 9-12 RFESS - left leg front 9-12 RFESS - right leg front 9-12 Left Arm Teapot 9-12 Right Arm Teapot x 3 sets, build (15 min) C. Sled Push 10s All out @ moderate load rest 1:30 between rounds x 5 sets (8:20 min) D. Optional: This means not during class time/not coached 4x6 Barbell Glute Bridge Score: A, back squat weight. B, lunge weight. C, don't score - only do. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 6.29"] FIT A. 9-12 Barbell Bench 9-12 Ring Rows x 5 Sets 20 minutes to finish B. 10 Heavy Shoulder to Overhead 20 Scaled Toes to Bar 30 Cal Bike x 2 Sets (12 min cap) COMP A. 6-9 Barbell Bench 9-12 Ring Rows x 5 Sets 20 minutes to finish B. 10 Heavy Shoulder to Overhead 20 Toes to Bar 30 Cal Row x 2 Sets (12 min cap) Score: A, bench weight. B. weight and time. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 6.30 CLOSED - 9 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY AND BEACH WOD!"] Details here! https://www.facebook.com/events/1753121124782254/ This is all subject to change depending on the weather... We are going to shut down for the day on Saturday 6/30 Arrive at the beach at 10:00am Beach workout at 10:30am Silver Beach Pizza and Drinks at 12:00pm Ice Cream Optional after! Volleyball, Spikeball, Games, Sand Castles after until whenever![/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 7.1"] FIT & COMP Recover A. Foam Roll Everything! B. 30 min amrap Bike 60s Spiderman Crawl x 6 Steps 5 Goblet Squats Run Down and Back 5 Scap Pulls + 10s Hanging Stretch 5 Thoracic Extensions each side [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Strength & Conditioning 6.25.18 – 6.29.18

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 6.25.18 "] Base Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout. Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout. Intermediate Back Squat 5RM, Max Reps @80% Press 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. I want these to be to be tight clustering of weights, with the last one being the heaviest Conditioning EMOM for 8 Round Russian Kettlebell Swing - 7 Assault Bike - Max Calories [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 6.26.18"] Base Box Jump 3. 3. 3. build to a challenging height you can hit for 3 reps landing in a solid position with hips above parallel. Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout. Pull Ups 3x Max Reps Intermediate Box Jump 3. 3. 3. build to a challenging height you can hit for 3 reps landing in a solid position with hips above parallel. Power Snatch work up to a 3RM Snatch Pull 2. 2. 2. start your first set at your 3RM and add weight from there. Conditioning 12 Minute AMRAP Get Up Sit Up - 5 right and left Isometric Rack Pull - 10 seconds Banded Good Mornings - 20 [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 6.28.18"] Base Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Squat workout. Bench Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Bench Press workout. Intermediate Back Squat 5x5 @75-85% of the bar. goal here is speed out of the bottom, and we will keep rest to 90 seconds Close Grip Bench Press 5RM, Max Reps @80% Conditioning 5 Rounds Bottoms Up Kettlebell Press - 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 10 Double Arm Bent Over Row - 10 [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 6.29.18"] Base 3 Rounds MR. Hammy - 3 Broad Jumps - 3 Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Chin Up 3x Max Reps Intermediate 3 Rounds MR. Hammy - 3 Broad Jumps - 3 Power Clean work up to a 4RM Clean Pull 3. 3. 3, start your first set at your 4RM and add weight from there Conditioning 4 Rounds Hammer Curls - 10 Dumbbell Hex Press - 10 Hammer Curls - 10 Kettlebell Supported Dead Bug Feet Only - 10 [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

How many calories do you need?

By: 0

In this video we discuss how many calories you need. Generally our approach when it comes to eating healthy is to focus on food quality first before worrying about calories or macros. However, once the food quality is in place it can be useful, in some contexts to consider calorie intake. There are three main methods for determining calorie intake that are discussed in this video: -The simplest one is to multiply your weight by 14 cals/lb if you're trying to lose weight, 17 cals/lb if you're trying to maintain weight, and 20cals/lb if you're trying to gain weight. While this method is useful as a quick back-of-the envelope calculation it's not terribly precise. -A better measurement is to get your basal metabolic rate either online or by getting an InBody scan done. Once you have that you can use the chart from the following article based on activity levels to determine calorie needs. https://inbodyusa.com/blogs/inbodyblog/49311425-how-to-use-bmr-to-hack-your-diet/ -Lastly I discuss the Precision Nutrition calorie calculator which has the added virtues a) that it lets you determine how many calories you need depending on how much weight you want to lose in a given time and b) it takes into account the fact that your body will plateau when losing weight. You can check that out here. https://www.precisionnutrition.com/weight-loss-calculator   ___________________________________________________________________________TRANSCRIPT   Today, we're going to talk about how to determine your calorie needs. There are a few things I want to say up front before we dive into things. First, as many of you know from watching our videos, we think calories and macros, all these different things can be important and useful, but we also generally think that most people need to focus on food quality first before worrying about these things. If you don't have your food quality in place yet, you're going to want to get that in mind, and then you can start worrying about calories. The second thing is that what I'm going to tell you today isn't meant to be the end-all and be-all of calorie counting. It's meant to give you a few different ways to think about caloric needs that all kind of generally point in the same sort of direction, and give you an idea of where to go. Depending on what you're trying to do, one may be more useful than another, and it is also going to depend on the resources you have available to you. So, let's start off with the most dead simple, easiest way to determine calorie needs. A really simple way that's not super precise, but most people can just easily do at home is the following: If you want to maintain your current weight, then you're going to multiply your body weight by 17 calories per pound of body weight. So take a theoretical hundred pound person, which obviously would be very light for both sexes. Take a hundred pound person. That person would need to eat 1,700 calories a day to maintain their weight. If that person wanted to lose weight, I don't know why they would at a hundred pounds, but let's just use a hundred pounds to make the math easy; they would multiply their weight times 14 calories per pound. So we'd be talking 1,400 calories a day. If they wanted to gain weight, then they would multiply their current weight by 20 calories per pound, so a total of 2,000 calories a day. Now, what's nice about this approach is that it's just super simple, back of the envelope, really easy to calculate. What's not so great about it is: It's not terribly precise. How much lean body mass does the person have? The more muscle they have, the more lean body mass they have, the more calories they're going to burn. Is this hundred pound person very fat-dominant or very muscle dominant? It's not terribly precise, but most people who just want to get a basic sense, they can use that as a rough guideline. What if you want to go a deeper down the rabbit hole to determine calorie needs? Well, to do that, you can either look up your basic metabolic rate online, which is based on things like height, weight, things like that. It's the amount of calories you burn not doing anything whatsoever. Being asleep, just your heart beating, breathing, brain functioning, things like that. You can calculate it online with these online calculators that are based on height, weight, and other things. But if you're a member of the gym, or you're not a member of the gym, but you'd like to find out super accurately; you can get an in-body scan here. We can tell you, super precisely based on your lean body mass, what your BMR is. Let's just say, theoretically speaking, that someone's basic metabolic rate a day is 1,500 calories. 1,500 calories is the absolute bare minimum they need to maintain their energy relative to their function. This isn't even, again, doing anything. This is just ... Imagine someone sleeping. If someone were just walking around, but not doing too much in the way of activity, you would multiply that 1,500 number times 1.2, and that would capture the energy needs of someone who had a 1,500 calorie basal metabolic rate, but was just walking around. So, what would you do in the case of someone here, who is working out three to four times a week? For most people, I talk with ... We multiply their basal metabolic rate times 1.5 or 1.55, depending on who you ask. Basically, it's their basal metabolic rate with another 50% added onto that. That amount that you would calculate out would basically be the amount of calories you would need to stay at your current rate. Assuming I'm doing the math correctly in my head here, if we had someone with a 1,500 calorie basal metabolic rate, and let's say they were working out three times a week; then roughly speaking, they would need to consume 2,250 calories just to maintain their current weight. That's not saying anything about losing weight, that's not saying anything about gaining weight. That's just maintaining their current eight. Now, if someone wanted to lose weight from there, they would take that 2,250 and basically knock anywhere between 10 and 20% off of that. 20% being very aggressive, and 10% being less aggressive. If someone wanted to gain weight, they would add 10 to 20% to that. Again, 20% being more aggressive, and 10% being less aggressive. Now, if you're listening to this and you're thinking, "Wow, 2,250 is a whole lot more than I'm consuming." Well, you might be right, because what we see far more often than not, you might be surprised to hear this; is we see a lot of people under-eating. People not eating enough relative to their calories are rounded up to the calories that they need. If you think this means that they should be losing weight, it actually doesn't, necessarily. If you drop below 20% of your calorie needs on a daily basis, your body will essentially go into starvation mode and horde onto whatever it can, and make it very, very hard for you to lose weight. So it's not the case that if you're severely under-eating, you'll necessarily lose weight. You want to do it in a smart way, with no more than a 10 to 20% variation, relative to that total daily energy expenditure that you calculate by getting your basal metabolic rate, and then multiplying it times your activity level. If you guys are getting all creeped out by the math, don't worry, I'm going to put this all below in the description of the video. The last way that we really like ... There are other ways as well, I'm just mentioning some of the ways that we really like to calculate calorie need. There is a calculator online put out by Precision Nutrition that I'll post a link to in the comments, excuse me, in the description below; that not only determines your calorie need, but it has an equation that basically accounts for the fact that the more weight you lose, the more your body is going to try to resist you losing weight. That's just the way your metabolism works. It doesn't like you losing more and more weight, so it accounts for that and it gives you an even more precise calorie count of what you need. The other thing that's really nice about this is that you can exactly say: How much weight do you want to lose, and in what period of time? The problem with the previous methods that I mentioned, the 14, 17, and 20 body method and the BMR method is that we're not specifying how much weight someone wants to lose or gain in what period of time. That makes all the difference. If someone wants to lose 10 pounds over six months, that's a gigantic difference from someone wanting to lose 30 pounds in a month. So, those inputs and outputs are going to make a huge difference to your overall calculation. The Precision Nutrition calculator is really, really cool, because it allows you to change the time domain. So let's say you want to lose 40 pounds. Well, the amount of calories you're going to need to take in is going to depend on whether you want to lose 40 pounds in six months or three months. The other really cool thing about the calculator is that it tells you how many calories you'll need to maintain to lose that weight. Then once you get there, how many calories you're going to need to maintain that weight, and those two are very different. You're going to need to drop your calories lower to lose that 40 pounds initially, but to maintain it once you've lost it, you can actually up your calories. That's a very, very important point that people often forget. You don't need to be hyper-caloric for the rest of your life. It can be short term in the service of getting you where you need to be, and then once you're there, you can up your levels a bit. Alright guys, so those are just three different methods that we like for determining calorie needs. Again, remember that food quality is first and most important above all else. Get that in line first, and then maybe worry about calories and macros. The second thing, these methods that I've laid out aren't the be-all and end-all, but they're just places to start to determine how many calories you need. Again, if you've been listening to this and thinking, "Boy, am I under-eating?" That might be the case, and that could be why you're not losing weight, surprisingly. We've seen a number that people who eat more of the right things, and they can actually lose weight. Alright guys, thanks so much for tuning in. I'll see you next time.  

Weightlifting Programming 6/18/18-6/24/18

By: 0

Monday - 6/18/18
  • Back Squat
    • (70% x 10) x 3
  • Block/Hang Snatch (knee)
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • (75% x 3) x 3
  • Snatch Pull on 2" Riser
    • (90% [of Snatch] x 3) x 2
    • (95% x 3) x 2
  • Heaving Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
    • (65% [of OHS] x 1+2) x 2
    • (70% x 1+2) x 2
Tuesday - 6/19/18
  • Jerk
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • (75% x 3) x 3
  • Push Press
    • (80% x 4) x 3
    • 85% x 3
  • Snatch High-Pull
    • (75% [of snatch] x 5) x 4
  • 5 Rounds; No Rest:
    • 90 sec jump rope
    • 12 KB snatch/arm
Wednesday - 6/20/18
  • Back Squat
    • (80% x 5) x 5
  • Block/Hang Clean (knee)
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • (75% x 3) x 3
  • Clean Pull on 2" Riser
    • (90% [of clean] x 3) x 2
    • (95% x 3) x 2
  • Straight Leg Deadlift
    • (65% [of BS] x 5) x 3
Thursday - 6/21/18
  • Power Snatch
    • (65% x 3) x 2
    • (70% x 3) x 2
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk
    • (65% [of PC] x 3) x 2
    • (70% x 3) x 2
  • Snatch High-Pull
    • (75% x 3) x 3
  • 4 Sets; No Rest:
    • 15 DB chainsaw rows/arm
    • 10 DB push press
Friday - 6/22/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 6/23/18
  • Back Squat
    • (85% x 3) x 8
  • Snatch
    • (75% x 3) x 3
    • (80% x 2) x 2
  • Clean & Jerk
    • (75% x 3) x 3
    • (80% x 2) x 2
  • 3 Sets; No Rest:
    • 1/2 Mile Assault Bike - 30 sec easy/30 sec sprint
    • 10 Landmine Twists/Side
Sunday - 6/24/18
  • Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning 6.18.18 – 6.22.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 6.18.18 "] Base Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout. Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout. Intermediate Bulgarian Split Squats 5. 5. 5. 5. 5, build up to a heavy 5RM for the day Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench 10. 10. 10. 10, build to a heavy 10, you have 4 sets to get there. Conditioning Russian Kettlebell Swings - 150 Every time you break perform 5 Side Pillar Hip Tap to Hip Reach on each side [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 6.19.18"] Base Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout. Pull Ups 3x Max Reps Intermediate RDL to Shrug 8. 8. 8. 8. 8, build to a heavy 8, you have 5 sets to get there. Conditioning Assault Bike - 100 cals for time [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 6.21.18"] Base Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Squat workout. Bench Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Bench Press workout. Intermediate 3 Sets Close Grip Bench Press - Max @65% of 1RM Press - Max @65% of 1RM Conditioning Ball Slams - 150 Step Ups w/ Slam Ball - 60 (total) Break up any order, rep, and round scheme you would like. Just get the work done. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 6.22.18"] Base Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Chin Up 3x Max Reps Intermediate Barbell Complex (1) Deadlift + (1) Hang Power Clean + (1) Front Squat + (1) Shoulder to Overhead + (1) Back Squat + (1) Rack to Overhead Work to your heaviest weight of the complex. You cannot come disconnected from the bar. Conditioning 5 Rounds Forward Sled Drag - 30 yards Reverse Sled Drag - 30 yards Finisher Banded Tricep Extensions - 100 [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Programming 6.18 – 6.24

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Save the Date! June 30th is CrossFit South Bend's 9 year anniversary party! Click here to let us know you'll be going! Our CFSB Garage sale has been launched! Click here for the details Our Beginner's Olympic Weightlifting Camp Registration will be closing soon! Last call this week! Click here to check it out Have a friend wanting to check out CrossFit? We have a 5 week Reboot Challenge beginning soon! Send them this link if you think they will be interested!  We are closed Saturday for a YPN Event! click here to learn more Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Jorts Day July 4th - more details to come Bring A Friend Day July 21st - more details to come! [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 6.18"] FIT A. Hip Extension + Breathing + Core E60s 10-15 Left Leg Glute Bridges 10-15 Right Leg Glute Bridges 30-50 Singles 30s Front Rack Kettlebell Hold, heavy x 3 Sets (12 min) B. Absolute Strength 10 Minutes to Work to a Heavy Deadlift x 2 C. CP 8 Minute Amrap 15 Russian KB Swings, heavy 30 Singles/Dbls COMP A. Hip Extension + Breathing + Core E60s 10-15 Left Leg Glute Bridges 10-15 Right Leg Glute Bridges 30-50 Singles 30s Front Rack Kettlebell Hold, heavy x 3 Sets (12 min) B. Speed Strength 10 Minutes to build to a Power Clean heavy single C. CP 8 Minute Amrap 3 Power Cleans @ 80% 30 Double Unders Score: A, nothing. B, heaviest weight. C. Total Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 6.19"] FIT A. Horizontal Press work + Vertical Pull Accumulation 6-9 Dumbell Bench Press 3+ Max Banded Strict Pull Ups rest 60s x 5 Sets 15 minutes to finish B. Gymnasty 3 min cap 9-12 Bench Dips/Dips 8 Burpees 9-12 Scaled Toes to Bar 60ft Hips above shoulder bear crawl rest 3 min between rounds x 4 Sets (24 min) C. Practice (optional) 8 min practice double leg roll up or hollow rocks COMP A. Horizontal Press work + Vertical Pull Accumulation 6-9 Dumbell Bench Press 3+ Max Strict Pull Ups rest 60s x 5 Sets 15 minutes to finish B. Gymnasty 3 min cap 1-5 Muscle Ups 5 Burpee Box Jumps 7-10 TTB 30ft Handstand Walk rest 3 min between rounds x 4 Sets (24 min) C. Practice (optional) 8 Min practice on candlestick pistol roll ups Notes/Mods: *MU Can be ring, bar, or both *HS Walk/60ft Bear Crawl can be 5 Wall Walks (if they look pretty) *scaled ttb can be sit ups Score: A, DB weight and  total pull ups. B. Total MU and Total TTB [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 6.20"] FIT A. Map 8 15 Minute Amrap 8 TNG Deadlifts 10 Sit ups *anchor - hands at temples 30 Singles + 15 Minute Amrap 12 DB/KB Snatches *alternating 20s Plank on hands 30 Singles + 15 Minute Amrap Run 100m 20s L side plank 20s R side plank 30 Singles COMP A. Map 8 15 Minute Amrap 8 TNG Power Snatch 10 Sit ups *anchor - hands at temples 30 Singles + 15 Minute Amrap 12 DB/KB Snatches *alternating 20s FLR on Rings 30 Singles + 15 Minute Amrap Run 100m 20s L side star plank 20s R side star plank 30 Singles Score: Don't score this one, practice tracking your round times for consistency. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 6.21"] FIT A. Double Leg Squat WU.WU.WU 2x8 2x5 2x3 perform these sets at the top of a 2:30 min mark -the first three at the top are warm up sets, fit will hit two sets of 8, add weight and hit two sets of 5, add weight and hit two sets of 3. B. Single Leg + Core E90s 18 Walking Lunges/Reverse Lunges 50yd Farmers Walk Row 15/10 Cal Rest x 3 sets (18 min) C. Optional After (on your own) 5x8 Barbell Weighted Glute Bridge, all sets challenging COMP A. Double Leg Squat WU.WU.WU perform these sets at the top of a 2:30 min mark -the first three at the top are warm up sets, I want the second 5.3.1 is heavier than the first. (22:30) B. Single Leg + Core E90s 18 Walking Lunges/Reverse Lunges 50yd Farmers Walk Row 15/10 Cal Rest x 3 sets (18 min) C. Optional After (on your own) 5x8 Barbell Weighted Glute Bridge, all sets challenging Score: A, heaviest weight. B, Lunge/FW Weight. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 6.22"] FIT A. Push/Pull 8+ Max Incline Push Ups 8+ Max Ring Rows x 4 Sets 15 Minutes to finish B. Grind For time - 20 minutes to finish 20 Cal Bike 15 Heavy DB Hang Clean and Jerks 10 Strict Pull Ups 5 Wall Walks/Arms only inchworms COMP A. Push/Pull 5+ Max Deficit Push Ups 5+ Max Ring Rows x 4 Sets 15 Minutes to finish B. Grind For time - 20 minutes to finish 20 Cal Bike 15 Heavy DB Hang Clean and Jerks 10 Chest to Bar 5 Wall Walks x 3 Sets Score: A. Total Push ups, Total Ring Rows B, time and weight. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="CLOSED FOR YPN EVENT Saturday 6.23"] We appreciate you all understanding our closing today! If you are a Young Professional/Business owner in the area we invite you to come out to our Young Professionals Network Event today! Click here to register The Day's Agenda is below! 10:00a.m. – 11:00a.m. = Entrepreneurial Insight
  • Learn about our entrepreneur’s:
    • Background, milestones, successes, failures, and lessons learned
    • Business skills acquired, business challenges faced and currently facing
    • Business model and its evolution over time
11:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. = Introduction to CrossFit
  • Learn about and perform a new workout
12:00p.m. = Recover & Connect
  • Enjoy the light snacks provided, ask our entrepreneurs questions you may not have been able to ask, and connect with those who exercised with you
You must register for this event in advance. Please note that all attendees will be required to sign a waiver. Please sign and submit the waiver through this link. Gym/workout attire is required. Water is encouraged to bring. Space is limited so if you have a change of plans, notify us immediately so someone else can have your spot. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 6.24"] FIT & COMP A. Flow/Map10 60 Minute Amrap 20yd Left Arm Overhead Carry 20yd Right Arm Overhead Carry 10 Cal Bike 20s FLR on Rings 10 Spiderman Steps 30 singles 10 Step Ups 10 Cal Row Map 10: https://opexfit.com/blog/why-do-we-love-map-10/ [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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Are whey protein shakes good or bad?

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In this video we discuss whether whey protein shakes are good or bad. The answer is that whey protein shakes are neither good nor bad. Whether they should be considered "good" or "bad" just depends on the context and someone's goals. Whey protein is pretty clearly what we would call a yellow light food. It's not nearly as healthy as something like broccoli (a green light food), but it's certainly not as bad as a can of soda either (a red light food). So it has some good and not so good aspects, which is why it's a yellow light food. Good: -provides a good amount of easily digestible protein -It's very quick and easy to have on the go -increases glutathione production, the body's master antioxidant Not So Good: -Dairy is a very common food allergy and food sensitivity -If whey protein is used as a substitute for, instead of a supplement to, real whole food that can be problematic -The overwhelming majority of whey protein shakes have crap ingredients (artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and sugar) So what are some examples of contexts where whey protein can be useful -An athlete using whey protein as a final supplemental addition to an otherwise real whole food diet. -Someone who is not eating very healthy who is using whey protein as a temporary(!) stepping stone towards eating more healthy food. So, if you're going to use whey protein make sure either a) that 80-90% of what you're currently eating is real whole food or b) that you're using whey protein as a temporary tool to get you closer to that goal of 80-90% real whole food.