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Jeremiah’s Story-Renewed Confidence by Eating Right

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Here's the video: Jeremiah's Story-Renewed Confidence by Eating Right Have you ever seen someone be forced to use a seatbelt extender on an airplane flight because they're too big for a regular seatbelt? Have you ever seen someone have to get off a ride at an amusement park because they couldn't lock their seat in place due to their size? Can you imagine what that would do to someone's confidence and self-worth? That was Jeremiah before he started our nutrition coaching program and CrossFit. On a personal level, I have to say working with Jeremiah was definitely one of the most inspiring experiences I've had as a nutrition coach. Of course he lost a ton of weight and inches, which we'll talk about more below. But one of the most amazing parts of Jeremiah's story that really inspired me was his change in confidence. When I first met him he was very down on himself, and he was always worried about disappointing others or failing. However, after doing nutrition coaching and CrossFit he had a renewed sense of confidence not just with regard to nutrition and CrossFit but with regard to his job and life as well. During the challenge Jeremiah accomplished the following. -Two of his biggest bright spots were not having to have a seatbelt extender when he flew on an airplane recently and he was also able to board a roller coaster at Six Flags without any issues while taking his students on a fun day out. -He lost 40lbs doing nutrition coaching. He went from from 308-266lbs. -He lost 7inches off his waist -He lost 4 inches off his hips Before he did the program he -Didn't actually think it would be feasible -Had tried calorie counting with not much -Thought he'd have to cut everything out cold turkey After he did the program: -He thought it wasn't as hard as he thought it would be be. -He was able to play more sports -He was much more confident both in his personal and professional life. Jeremiah, we're so proud of you and your success! You're truly an inspiration!

Weightlifting Programming 11/27/17-12/3/17

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Monday - 11/27/17
  • Snatch - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Jerk - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Front Squat - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Snatch Deadlift - 100% (of snatch) x 5 x 3
Tuesday - 11/28/17
  • Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat - 70% (of PS) x 3+3+3 x 3, 75% x 3+3+3 x 2
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk - 70% (of PC) x 2(1+1) x 2, 75% x 2(1+1) x 3
  • Snatch Pull - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 2, 95% x 3 x 3
5 sets; no rest: 200 m row 10 KB clean + push press/arm Wednesday - 11/29/17
  • Clean - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Jerk Behind the neck (hold split for 3 sec) - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Back Squat - 70% x 2 x 5
  • Clean Pull - 90% (of clean) x 3 x 2, 95% x 3 x 3
Thursday - 11/30/17
  • Power Clean + Push Press - 75% (of PP) x 2(2+1) x 5
  • Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance - 70% (of snatch) x 3+1 x 5
  • Snatch Pull - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 5
4 sets; no rest: 10 pull-ups 3 min jump rope Friday - 12/1/17 Rest Day Saturday - 12/2/17
  • Front Squat - 80% x 3 x 5
  • Snatch - heavy single
  • Clean & Jerk - heavy single
  • Clean Deadlift - 100% (of clean) x 5 x 3
Sunday - 12/3/17 Rest Day

Programming 11.27 – 12.3

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on at CFSB"] Nothing Crazy other than some holiday closings! We are laying low for a week or two before we start launching some more stuff!

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[/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 11.27"] FIT A. 20 Min Snatch Technique Work/warm up + 10 Minutes to practice/build OHS B. 15 Minute Amrap 5 Overhead Squats - Smooth Moderate Weight 10 Ring Rows 20 Sit Ups COMP A. 20 Min Snatch Technique Work + 10 Minutes to build B. 15 Minute Amrap Full Snatch x 2 moderate to heavy 12 Chest to Bar/Kipping Pull Up Full Snatch x 2 moderate to heavy 12 Toes to Bar Score: B, Snatch/OHS weight, Total Reps. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 11.28"] FIT A. 25 Minute Cap 4-5 Sets, all sets heavy CGBP x 5 C. 5 Sets for time - 10 minute cap 5 Heavy Deadlifts 10 Hand Release Push Ups/Push Ups/ (15)Incline Push Ups COMP A. 25 Minute Cap 4-5 Sets, Build CGBP x 5, all sets heavy C. 5 Sets for time - 10 minute cap 5 Heavy Deadlifts 10 Ring Dips Score: A, weight. B, Weight/Time (or reps in cap) [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 11.29"] FIT A. 20 Minutes Clean Technique Work + 10 Minutes to practice/build FS B. 15 Minute Amrap 5 Front Squats 10 Bent Over KB Rows Each Arm COMP A. 20 Minutes Clean Technique Work + 10 Minutes to build B. 15 Minute Amrap Full Clean x 2 2-4 UB Bar Muscle Ups, 2-4 Strict Chest to Bar Score: B, Weight/Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 11.30"] FIT A. 15 Minutes Push Jerk Technique Work B. 15 Minutes to work to a Push Jerk/Push Press x 5 C. 5 Sets - 12 Minute Cap 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 10 KB Press/Push Press Each Arm COMP A. 15 Minutes Jerk Technique Work B. 15 Minutes to work to a Split Jerk/Push Jerk 3rm C. 5 Sets - 12 Minute Cap 8 Power Cleans @ 155/100 10 Handstand Push Ups Score: B, Weight. C, Time or Reps in Cap [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 12.1"] FIT A. Every 2:00 for 6 Sets Back Squat x 3, all sets heavy B. 15 Minute Amrap 50 Singles/25 Doubles 20 Reverse Lunges/Step Ups 5 Strict Pull Ups/10 Ring Rows COMP A. Every 2:00 for 6 Sets Front Squat x 3, all sets heavy B. 15 Minute Amrap 50 Doubles 20 DBL Front Rack Reverse Lunges 8 Strict Pull Ups Score: A, weight. B, Weight/Reps. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 12.2"] FIT 3 Minute to perform 10 Burpee Box Step Ups 10 Shoulder to Overhead 7 Burpee Box Step Ups 7 Shoulder to Overhead 5 Burpee Box Step Ups 5 Shoulder to Overhead + rest 3:00 + 3 Minute Amrap Calorie Row + rest 3:00 x3 Sets COMP 3 Minute to perform 10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 7 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 7 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 5 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 5 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 + rest 3:00 + 3 Minute Amrap Calorie Row + rest 3:00 x 3 Sets Score: Reps/Calories individually per each round [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 12.3"] FIT A. 30 Minute Amrap 15 Russian KB Swings 50 Singles Run 100 Yards COMP A. 30 Minute Amrap 15 American KB Swings 55/35 30 Doubles Run 100 Yards Score: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

5 Tips to Survive Thanksgiving

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Click the link directly below to access the video.        5 Tips to Survive Thanksgiving      In this video we present 5 tips to help you survive Thanksgiving from a food perspective. As I've said in many other videos, no one ever got fat, sick or diabetic from eating whatever they want on the single days of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. It isn't those single days that makes us unhealthy it's all the other days in between that are the issue. In particular the fact that we as a society make November 25th to December 25th into a gigantic food orgy and then January into an atonement for that food orgy. It doesn't need to be this way. Enjoy yourself with family and friends on the day of Thanksgiving and then get back on the wagon, so to speak. Remember Thanksgiving is one day not four. So, what are the 5 tips? 1. Enjoy yourself. Thanksgiving is objectively a special occasion to be celebrated with family and friends so you shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying yourself with family and friends, again for that single day. 2. Make sure you personally consider Thanksgiving a special occasion. Just because it could objectively be considered a special occasion doesn't necessarily make it special to you. For some people I work with, they care about Thanksgiving while others don't. So ask yourself whether it's truly important to you or not. 3. Make a list of the foods that you really care about and want to have and have them. For foods that aren't so healthy that you don't care as much about avoid them. 4. Thanksgiving is 1 day not 4 days. Have what you want for that single day and enjoy yourself, and then get right back on the wagon. 5. During this holiday season more generally you can have what you want on the single days of the special occasions, but that means it’s going to be even more important to be eating nutrient dense real whole food the rest of the time. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Programming 11.21 – 11.24

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week at CFSB"]

Whats going on at CFSB This week?!

***Familiarize yourself with the holiday closings at the gym!


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[/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 11.21"] FIT A. EMOM 8 Sets, Build Deadlift x 3 B. 20 Minute Cap 4-5 Sets, Build CGBP x 5 C. 10 Minute Amrap 10 Russian KB Swings 5 Hand Release Push Ups/Push Ups/(10) Incline Push Ups COMP A. EMOM 8 Sets, Build Deadlift x 3 B. 20 Minute Cap 4-5 Sets, Build CGBP x 5 C. 10 Minute Amrap 20 American KB Swings 70/55 10 Ring Dips Score: A, heaviest weight. B, heaviest weight. C, total reps. Notes: A.Build over the 8 sets, this includes your warm up sets B. It's a 20 minute hard cap, no more sets after the bell goes off, so plan this out and move that ass. C. Fit has dropdown scaling, there is no scaling the ring dips for comp. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 11.22"] FIT A. 20 Minutes Clean Technique Work B. E90s x 16 Sets, Build Odd Sets: Power Clean + Front Squat (1+3) Even Sets: KB Bent Row 8-10 Each Arm COMP A. 20 Minutes Clean Technique Work B. E90s x 16 Sets, Build Odd Sets: Full Clean 1.1.1 Even Sets: 2-4 UB Bar Muscle Ups Score: B. Heaviest weight and total reps. Notes: Get the reps done and have a sense of urgency for the KB Bent Row Ring muscle ups will be allowed if equipment isn't available.   [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday & Friday 11.23 - 11.24"] Hey everyone, we are closed for thanksgiving and black friday, if we have open gym hours we will be posting it to the facebook members page here https://www.facebook.com/groups/cfsbmembers/   [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 11.25"] FIT & COMP 3 Minute Amrap 10 Barbell Thrusters 10 Toes to Bar/Scaled Toes to Bar rest 3:00 x 3 Sets + rest 10 minutes + 3 Minute Amrap 30 Alternating DB Snatches Max Burpee Box Jumps in remaining time rest 3:00 x 3 Sets [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 11.26"] FIT & COMP Move that blood again 60s Row 60s Jump Rope 60s Step Down Step Up 60s Jog 60s Bike 60s Turkish Get Up 60s Rest x6 Rounds [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Monday 11.20

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FIT A. 20 Min Snatch Technique Work/warm up B. E90s x 16 Sets, Build Odd Sets: Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (1+3) Even Sets: 8-10 Ring Rows, Hard C. Optional - if time allows 2 Sets 60s Dead Bug immediately into 60s Max Sit Ups - hands at temples, feet anchored rest 60s COMP A. 20 Min Snatch Technique Work B. E90s x 16 Sets, Build Odd Sets: Full Snatch 1.1 Even Sets: 7-10 Chest to Bar/Kipping Pull Ups C. Optional - if time allows 2 Sets 60s Dead Bug immediately into 60s Max Sit Ups - hands at temples, feet anchored rest 60s Score: B. Heaviest Weight, Total Reps. Notes: Everyone builds over the sets with weightlifting Fit: If the PS+ OHS is too much, Front Squat x 4 Whats going on at CFSB This week?! ***Familiarize yourself with the holiday closings at the gym!
https://crossfitsouthbend.com/holiday-closings-2017/   Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook: Click here! Google: Click here! 

Friday 11.17

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FIT A. 20 Minute Amrap 20 Single Arm Front Rack Reverse Lunges 20 Alternating Dumbell Snatches 20 Scaled Toes to Bar/ Jumping Chest to Bar Pull Ups COMP A. 20 Minute Amrap 20 Single Arm Front Rack Reverse Lunges 55/35 KB 20 Alternating Dumbell Snatches 55/35 KB 20 Toes to Bar/Chest to Bar Score: Total Reps Notes: Alternate rounds on TTB and JPU Dropdown scaling for Fit will be Scaled TTB > Sit Ups Jumping Chest to Bar > Jumping Pull Ups > Ring Row  

Thursday 11.16

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FIT Warm Up: Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk A. 20 Minutes to establish a 1rm Shoulder to Overhead B. For time - 8 minute cap 21 Deadlifts 30 HR Push Ups/Incline Push Ups 15 Deadlifts 20 HR Push Ups/Incline Push Ups 9 Deadlifts 10 HR Push Ups/Incline Push Ups COMP Warm Up: Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk A. 20 Minutes to establish a 1rm Shoulder to Overhead B. "Diane" - 8 Minute Cap 21.15.9 Deadlifts 225/155 Handstand Push Ups Score: A, weight. B, time. Notes: A, press, push press, push jerk, split jerk - keep to what you are most technically sound. B. Keep the deadlifts pretty - The only scaling I will allow for HSPU is up to two mats under the head, that is all.