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Monday 10.16.17

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Monday - Day 50
  • Snatch - 82% x 5x1 OTM, 87% x 5x1 OTM, 92% x 5x1 OTM - If after these 15 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles with a max of 2 min rest
  • Snatch Pull - 95%x3, 100%x3, 95%x3
  • Halting Snatch Deadlift (knee) + Finish + Floating Snatch Deadlift - 90% x (2+1+1), 95% x (2+1+1), 90% x (2+1+1)
  • Back Squat - 85%x3x3

Monday, 10.16.17

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Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Back Squat workout.

Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Press workout.


Back Squat 7 x 1 @ 95%

Press 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 Build to a heavy single


8 Sets 3 Box Jump 30 yard Sprint Rest 3x as long as it took you to complete the set. Focus on jumping as high as you can and running as fast as you can.

Programming 10.16 – 10.22

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" separator_top_type="none" separator_top_height="50px" separator_top_angle_point="50" separator_bottom_type="none" separator_bottom_height="50px" separator_bottom_angle_point="50" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="Whats going on at CFSB" open="false"]NEW WODS ON THE BLOCK: Don't forget, if you are on the fence get signed up right away. If we don't have 10 teams by Nov 1st I am going to shut this one down! – CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Wellness Wednesday - Dealing with the haters How to construct a healthy meal Are you a Coach, or interested in improving your coaching skills?  Movement and Assessment Workshop with Michael Bann  CFSB Facebook Page: CrossFit South Bend Members Facebook Group Page ***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)**[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 10.16" open="false"]FIT A. 25 Minute Amrap TO2 - share the work as needed 40 Burpee Box Step Overs 80 Alternating DB/KB Power Snatch 100 Dbls/200 Singles COMP A. 25 Minute Amrap TO2 - share the work as needed 40 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 80 Alternating DB/KB Power Snatch 55/35 200 Doubles Score: A, reps Notes: Teams of two, alternate back and forth as you need to get the work done.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Tuesday 10.17" open="false"]FIT A. Muscle Clean/ Power Skill Work and primer B. 16 Minutes to finish Upright Row @ 3111 C. 4 Sets - NFT, TO2-3 5 Hang Muscle Cleans - UB, Heavy Max Push Press D. Optional ITA 2 Sets Max Bar Hang COMP A. Muscle Clean/ Power Skill Work and primer B. 16 Minutes to finish Upright Row @ 3111 C. 4 Sets - NFT, TO2-3 5 TNG Power Cleans - Heavy Max Shoulder to Overhead D. Optional ITA 2 Sets Max Bar Hang Score: B, heaviest weight. C, weight and STO reps. D, total hang time. Notes: A - use this to understand where you should be scaling for the workout. B - build to the heaviest set of 6 or 4. C - You'll perform all of the 5 (MC or PC) unbroken, leave it in the rack, then start hitting your STO reps until you cant anymore, let your partners put on their weight and go as your rest. D - just...hang. pronated, as long as possible.             [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 10.18" open="false"]FIT A. 20 Minutes to finish Back Squat 4x6 @ 30X1 B. 5 Sets - 2 minute amrap 15 Scaled TTB/ Sit Ups Max Wall Balls/Goblet Squats in time remaining rest 2 minutes between sets COMP A. 20 Minutes to finish Back Squat @ 30X1 B. 5 Sets - 2 minute amrap 15 Toes to Bar Max Wall Balls in time remaining 20/14 rest 2 minutes between sets Score: A, heaviest weight. B, total wall ball reps. Notes: B - choose a scaling that will allow you to get your TTB/Sit Ups in at LEAST 45-60s[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 10.19" open="false"]FIT A. 25 Minutes to finish Bench Press 4x6 @ 31X1 B. 4 Sets - TO2-3 8 Floor Press Max Ring Rows C. Optional ITA Row 55 Calories AFAP COMP A. 25 Minutes to finish Bench Press @ 31X1 B. 4 Sets - TO2-3 5 Floor Press 5 Weighted Ring Row C. Optional ITA Row 55 Calories AFAP Score: A, heaviest weight. B, weight(s) C. Time Notes: B - Alternate through, one person floor press, one person ring row, one person spotting. move your weights around as needed between partners. all sets heavy and hard. FIT: I'd like to see at least 8-12+ Ring Rows each set, COMP: have a partner stack plates on your hip/stomach for the weighted ring row. Kind of like this, but you have to actually perform the full rep while pulling wrists in line with your body. C - Go hard, don't pace.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Friday 10.20" open="false"]FIT A. Snatch Warm Up B. Every 90s x 8 Hang Power Snatch x 4 C. 18 Minutes to finish Deadlift 2x6 @32X1 D. Optional, if time allows - attempt to beat last week 5 Minute Max Step Ups/Walking Lunges COMP A. Snatch Warm Up B. Every 90s x 8 Full Snatch x 2 C. 18 Minutes to finish Deadlift 6.4. @32X1 D. Optional, if time allows - attempt to beat last week 5 Minute Max Front Rack DB Walking Lunges Score: B, heaviest weight. C, heaviest weight. D, reps and weight. Notes: B, C, D. Repeat from last week with only the reps in C changed. attempt to progress your numbers from last time.     [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Saturday 10.21" open="false"]FIT A. 15 Minutes to finish Press 4x6 @ 3111 B. 3-4 Sets - 20 minutes to finish 15-20 Banded Strict Pull Ups/Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs 15-20 Box Dips rest as needed between sets C. Optional, if time allows - pick one Row 1500m or Run 1 Mile COMP A. 15 Minutes to finish Press @ 3111 B. 4 Sets - 20 minutes to finish Weighted Strict Pull Up Weighted Dip rest as needed between sets C. Optional, if time allows - pick one Row 1500m, Run 1 Mile, Bike 7 Minutes Score: A, heaviest weight. B, don't score - only do. C, time. Notes: A, B, C - Again, repeat from last week with a few rep ranges changed. Attempt to progress from last week.   [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 10.22" open="false"]FIT & COMP A. 30s Row 30s Overhead Barbell Hold 30s Step Ups 30s Dead Bug Hold 30s Double Unders 30s Bottom Squat Hold x8 Sets 30s rest between rounds Score: Nothing, move through smooth Notes: You did this one last week - there is more volume this time though[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

Making the most of your time at CrossFit South Bend.

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Trust us. We understand busy schedules. In fact, many of the members we have here at CrossFit South Bend initially joined because they needed a more efficient workout that didn’t require them to be in the gym for hours at a time. That’s why we’ve put together this list of ways you can make your time at the box as productive and fulfilling as possible. HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME AT CROSSFIT SOUTH BEND: SET A TRAINING SCHEDULE While you generally enjoy coming into the box, there are some days when maybe overtime at work, school papers, family issues and other nasty things can really get you in the mood to skip the WOD "just because." A good way to deter the "just because" excuse is to get into the habit of coming in at the same time on the same days. Once you’ve created this habit, it becomes automatic. You’ll find yourself going to the box without any force involved regardless of the plants who could probably use watering (or any other strange excuse you give yourself.) Bottom line: A schedule keeps you consistent, and consistency is the key to forming healthy habits. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS, CELEBRATE ACHIEVEMENTS If you’re serious about hitting your fitness goal, it’s critical to track your progress. And we don’t mean stepping on the scale every morning and completely freaking out at any increase in weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you’re doing it right you’ll be gaining lean muscle while you’re losing fat which doesn’t always result in seeing a lower number on the scale. Throw out that scale and buy a notebook. Keeping track of your workouts and progress will help you train with a purpose. If you did 5 back squats at 135 a few months ago, and that sequence has come up again, well now you’ll know what number to shoot higher than. Bottom line: Knowing what you did yesterday will help you be better today. COME EARLY, STAY LATE (TRAIN MORE, CHAT MORE) Many of us get into the habit of coming in on-time and leaving on-time. That’s by no means a bad habit. But to make the most of your workout, the best thing you can do is put in a little extra time before and after class. We know, working out before working out sounds like advice from a crazy person, but it’s really the key to taking your fitness to the next level. It’s no news to say that putting in some extra credit will turn you into a better athlete, but when you do it with other athletes that like to go above and beyond outside of class times, you’re fostering some really positive relationships. That’s when the true awesomeness happens. Bottom line: To get the most out of your training session, put in some extra work both physically and socially ASK FOR HELP It’s ok to admit that you feel a little intimidated to ask for help at the box. But don’t be! Even those big, huge, grunting, bearded guys were new once. Everyone has been in the same spot and there’s absolutely no shame in needing some extra help to understand a movement. In fact, that’s the sign of a smart athlete who’s on their way to big things. Bottom line: There’s no such thing as a stupid question. Except for maybe, "Can I pee before you start the clock?" We don’t like that one. ALWAYS HAVE A WATER BOTTLE CLOSE BY (ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU’RE NOT TRAINING) Are you the type to only drink water when you’re feeling really thirsty or maybe you like to chug the majority of your day’s water intake right before and after a WOD? Well, you might want to change that and here’s why. Feeling thirsty and getting dry mouth indicates that your body is already dehydrated. Dehydration can reduce the volume of blood pumped by the heart which means less oxygen to the muscles which often results in premature fatigue. And if you try to quick fix your dehydration by drinking lots of fluid right before class it can cause bloating and cramping. That’s a terrible way to suffer through a WOD. This is especially important for women. "Women are not small men," says Stacy Sims, Ph.D., exercise physiologist-nutrition scientist. "They’re five times more likely than men to have GI problems when exercising . . . women are also more likely to suffer from heat exhaustion and heat stroke." Bottom line: To get the most out of your training session, stay hydrated all day long before you step foot into the box. SLEEP MORE We want you to sleep more. In fact, we insist you sleep more. We can’t stress enough the importance of getting a good night’s rest because without it, all the training and dieting in the world will just be a waste of time. It’s hard to believe that something you do when you’re not even awake can be one of the most important ways you can make the most out of your training sessions, but it’s true. To put it simply, lack of sleep stresses out your body which cases weight gain and anxiety. Bottom line: Prioritize your sleep. Prioritize your well-being. PRACTICE MOBILITY AT HOME Stretching and becoming more flexible really shouldn’t take a back seat in your plan to become a fitter you. If we could tack on an extra 30 minutes to the WOD for mobility, we’d do just that! An hour a day at the box isn’t going to undo a lifetime of sitting on your bum craning over a keyboard. Invest in a few key items for home like a foam roller and a PVC pipe to improve your range of motion while you’re watching TV or right before bed. Practicing mobility at home will improve your overall athletic ability and will decrease the risk of injury. Bottom line: Mobilize everywhere and invest in the tools to do so.

Thursday, 10.12.17

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Back Squat 3×5, Add 5 pounds to your last Squat workout.

Bench Press 3×5, Add 2.5 pounds to your last Bench Press workout.


Squat Walk Outs 5x 10 seconds, use 110% - 120%

Bench Press 6x3 @ 85%, focus on moving the bar as fast a possible


10 Minute AMRAP 20 yard Sandbag Walking Lunge 10 Sandbag Dynamic Push Ups

Dealing with the Haters

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One thing that almost everyone who starts eating healthy is sure to encounter is the haters. Who are the haters? -The people who are skeptical of any eating change -The people who themselves aren't motivated enough to make positive changes in their lives so they have to bring other people down -The people who are food pushers So how do you deal with the haters? Every situation is different but here are some good rules. -If someone asks you once or twice why you're having a gluten free bun or no dessert, for example, just politely say that eating this way makes you feel better and leave it at that -If they persist a third or a fourth time ask them why they care what you're eating. As long as you're not pushing them to eat something, which you shouldn't do, there's no reason why it should bother them that you're eating a certain way. -If it still continues and you consider this person a true friend or loved one ask yourself why you're still hanging out with them. If they really love you and care about you they should let you pursue what you choose. Alternatively, find some other non-eating activity to do together. At the end of the day, each situation is different, but hopefully this gives you some options for dealing with these situations.

Tuesday, 10.10.17

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Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout.

Pull Up 3x Max Reps


Deadlift 6x3 @ 85%, make sure to focus on moving the bar as fast as possible off the ground


4 Rounds Dips - Max Single Arm Dumbbell Row Right - 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Row Left - 10 Evil Wheels - 10

Mindfulness Mondays: 12 Daily Choices That Define Your Life

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You make thousands of choices every day. What to do next... What to eat... What to say... Most of these choices don’t matter very much. You won’t remember them in a few weeks. About 1 dozen of these choices do matter. They aren’t the choices that define a day. They’re the choices that define your life. They’re the most important choices you'll ever make, and you get to make them every day.

When you wake up in the morning…

Choose gratitude, because life is filled with countless gifts. Choose happiness, because you can be a source of light for others. Choose humility, because you aren’t perfect and you’ll never be. Choose abundance, because the world is filled with opportunity.

When you come to a crossroads…

Choose action, because you have the opportunity to make things better. Choose your priorities, because you've only got one life to live. Choose persistence, because life’s resistance will try to stop you. Choose curiosity, because the world has endless wonders to discover. Choose patience, because creating lasting positive change doesn’t happen overnight. Choose courage, because doing the right thing usually isn’t comfortable. Choose ownership, because you’re in the driver's seat in life.

Above all else…

Choose awareness, because the biggest danger in life isn’t making the wrong choice, it’s not realizing you have a say in the matter. So what’ll it be? The choice is yours.

Get the free minimalist wallpapers to help you stay present.

Patrick Buggy is a coach and writer at, where he shares mindful strategies to help you live your best life. To start every week on the right foot, join the free newsletter: Mindful Monday Mornings.