2014 07 28

A) Snatch
B) Snatch PP + snatch balance - 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 -- start at 60% of snatch, increase only as long as you can safely deload the push press back to your back, not to exceed 75% of snatch
C) Partner WOD (1 person working at a time - except for the sit-ups)
100 KB front squats (racked position) 55/35
80 push press 45/33
60 med ball sit-up passes (you all saw Caitlin's group doing these last week!)
40 cal row
20 burpees
**15min cap
2014 07 28
2014 07 28
2014 07 28
2014 07 28
The results are in from Ray Rays throwdown! I'll be posting the final standings for everything tomorrow :
Tempo (02x1) Bench Press 3.3.3
15 minute time cap
800m run
21 shoulder to overhead 135/95
400m run
15 hang power cleans 185/125
200m run
9 front squats 205/135
2014 07 27

Standings thus far for ray ray’s throwdown
Points - 2
Points - 6
3. Ray Ray/ Neri
Points - 9
4. Fay/Amy
Points - 9
5. Katrina/Jess
Points 10
6. Ed/Liz
Points - 10
7. Doug/Bri
Points 15
8. Katelynn/Ojeta
Points - 15
9. Dawn
Points - 18
10. Dany/jenn
Points - 18
11. James/CJ
Points - 20
2014 07 27
If you didn't sign up for ray ray's competition in time, you won't know what the wod is today. We are still holding our usual 10am wod.
So, for those of you that don't know. The wod will be a surprise today.
Hope everyone has a good time today!
2014 07 26

A) Mid-thigh hang clean -
B) Back squat - EMOM x 8min - 3 reps at 70% of 1RM
C) 8 min ladder: 3, 6, 9, 12... Of push ups, hang cleans (@65% of 1RM found today), step ups
D) 50 butterfly sit-ups - as fast as possible!
2014 07 26
Childcare schedule on Saturday
Hey everyone! No childcare at the 9am, we will have it at the 11am though! I am sorry for the inconvenience!
2014 07 26