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A) Power Snatch + hang snatch from power position – (1+1) x 5
*****try to beat #s from 3 weeks ago (5/19)

Power clean and ; jerk (2PC + 1J) – 5 sets
*****try to increase from 5/19

B) BS – 20 min to find 1RM/heavy single

C) Alternating tabata – Bulgarian split squats (make sure you alternate legs each time) and plank hold
*not for score, but for badassery

Monday 6-9-14

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If you didn’t your video of your lifts from Saturday, let me know!

A) Snatch – 3×2 @ 70%, 3×2 @ 75%, 1×2 @ 80%

Clean DL to knee, floor, hip, floor, clean – 15 min to work to heavy set, then 3×2 @ 85%

B) Split jerk + strict press from split x 2 — work to heavy set x 10 min
Back Squat – 70% x5, 75%x5, 80% x5

C) 100 butterfly sit-ups

Saturday 6-7-14

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Sorry, late post. But you all know what day it is!

Take your time warming up. You will have 3 attempts at a max snatch and 3 attempts at a max clean and jerk. Try to hit a full squat on both, as that’s the movement we will be basing percentages off of. Jerk can be any way you like (split or power). Go with your strongest variation.

Monday 6-1-2014

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This week is going to be a little bit lighter since we’re going to be maxing out on Saturday! So try not to fry yourselves on any regular CrossFit WODs on our off days.

A) Hang snatch (mid-thigh) – 4×2 – pick a moderate weight and maintain for all 4 sets

Power clean and jerk – 4×2, see above

B) Back squat – EMOM for 6 minutes – 4 fast reps at 65%

C1) GHD back extensions – 3×15
C2) 3-touch med ball sit-ups – 20#/14# – 3×10
Ideally, alternate between the two to share the GHD love

Saturday 5-31-2014

By: 0

Today is my last day at my current job, so to celebrate we are going to lift heavy things! Yay!

A) Clean and jerk – 2×1 @ 80, 85, 90% of last C&J from 1week ago

B) Front squat – 3×5 (increase from 2 weeks ago, explode out of the bottom)

C1) Good mornings 5×5
C2) Accumulate 50 evil wheels, 50 side plank touches w/ 3sec hold at top

Wednesday 5-28-2014

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I hope you all had a good holiday weekend! Time to get back down to business. 🙂

A) Snatch – 3×1 @ 85% of max last Wednesday, 3×1 @ 90%
2-position hang clean (floor, below knee) – 5×2 (only move up in weight if form is perfect)

B) Push Jerk –
Back squat (pause) – 30X1 – 5×3

C) WOD – 8 minute AMRAP
6 push-ups
8 box jumps 24″/20″ (landing on full foot, quarter squat)
10 butterfly sit-ups (extra credit if they’re weighted with 30/20# ball
…..We love abs, right?)

Saturday 5-24-2014

By: 0

A)  3-position snatch (floor, below, knee, power position) – 4 x 3

C&J – (start at 80% of last Wednesday’s last rep, try to increase this week)


B)  Back squat – warm up, then 2×3 @ 75%, 2×3 @80%, 2×3 @85% of 1RM


C1)  10 DB Push Press, 10 DB double arm rows, 10 windshield wipers – 3 sets, no rest, not for time


** Don’t forget:  there is no Oly class on Monday 5/26! Come out and do Murph with the rest of the gym (or bring beer and watch everyone else work out.)!