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Holiday Closings 2017

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Hey all! We will be closed for these holiday hours! 11/23 - 11/24 12/24-12/25 12/31 - 1/1 We MAY POSSIBLY have open gym hours on some of these dates. If we do, we will post them to the facebook page the night before!

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Monday 11.13

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FIT Warm Up: Overhead Squat/Snatch Skill Warm Up A. 20 Minutes to establish an OHS/FS x 5 B. 5 Minute Max Ring Rows C. Tabata Sit ups COMP Warm Up: Overhead Squat/Snatch Skill Warm Up A. 20 Minutes to establish an Full Snatch B. 5 Minute Max Chest to Bar Pull Ups/Kipping Pull Ups C. Tabata Sit ups Score: A, heaviest weight. B, Max Rep/Total Reps. C, total reps. Notes: A. Choose a scaling that makes sense for your mobility, strength, and skill level. B. Two scores, first set is a Max rep score, second score is your total reps. C. Score total reps, standard is feet anchored, hands at temples.

Should you count your carbs?

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 Should you count your carbs? As with everything we discuss the answer is always... it depends.
What does it depend on? It depends on your goals.
Well, let's start with a plain fact. The average American eats 300-400g of carbs a day from refined carbs while leading a sedentary lifestyle. That's an insane amount of carbohydrates from poor sources with not enough exercise.So, that's the high end.
The low end would be something like the ketogenic diet which typically goes below 25-50g of carbs a day.
The middle ground, for most people being between 75-150g of healthy carbs from vegetables and fruits is a good place to start.
When might it be a good idea to count your carbs:
-You're eating good quality food already, and you hit a weight loss plateau
-You're a hard charging athlete
-You are trying to achieve a particular body composition (six pack, fitness competition, etc.)
When do you not need to count your carbs for most people:
-You're just starting to eat healthy, focus on food quality
-If eating non-starchy vegetables (brussels sprouts, spinach, celery)
-If eating foods with more fiber than sugar (i.e., low net carbs)

Sunday 11.5

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FIT AND COMP 40 minutes to complete each station at your leisure A. Find a heavy Log Viper Press B. 2 Sets – Max Sandbag to Platform in 60s AHAP rest as needed between C. 2 Sets – Max Distance Keg Carry AHAP D. EMOM – 10 Min 25 Yard Sled Push AHAP, you can take weight off but you can’t add it back on score is the weight you have left Score: A. weight for viper press B. total number of sandbag to platform in both sets C. total keg distance D. total sled weight.

Friday 11.3

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FIT A. 15 Minutes to finish Press 2x4, 2x2 @ 3111 B. 18 Minutes to finish Deadlift 1x3, 2x2 @32X1 C. 5 Minutes Max Scaled Toes to Bar COMP A. 15 Minutes to finish Press 4x2 @ 3111 B. 18 Minutes to finish Deadlift - Find a 2rm @32X1 C. 5 Minute Cap 75 Toes to Bar For Time Score: A, heaviest weight. B, heaviest weight. C, reps or time. Notes: Beat last week, and don't shred your hands!          

Saturday 11.4

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FIT 3 Sets - Teams of 2 90s @ each station Wall Balls Kettlebell Swings Box Step Ups Incline Push Ups/Push Ups COMP 3 Sets - Teams of 2 90s @ each station Wall Balls 20/14 - 10'/9' Deadlifts 155/105 Box Jumps 24/20 Deficit Push Ups/Handstand Push Ups Score: Total Reps Notes: Share the work however you'd like!

Thursday CF

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Just a heads up everyone - until we get this website switched over, it may be a little messy - hang in there with us! FIT Clean Warm Up A. Every 90s x 8 Hang Power Clean x 2 B. 5 Sets for time - 15 Minute Cap 20 Walking Lunges 10 Ring Rows COMP Clean Warm Up A. Every 90s x 8 Clean x 1 B. 5 Sets for time - 15 minute cap 20 Front Rack Walking Lunges 10 Ring Rows w/feet on box Score: A, heaviest weight. B, weight and time. Notes: A. Try to best last weeks B. FIT: Load if you can, COMP - DB or KB Can be used