2014 08 10
Click here for our Gone on Vacation Post
*Program Notes: This is a transition week. We will back off some of the heavy stuff and work in some sessions that are less typical for our program. Stick with the program, understand that transition weeks are designed to give you the the recovery to excel in the next cycle, and resist the urge to add in extra work. I shouldn’t have to impress upon you the importance of an occasional deload week. Google It. The next cycle begins on Monday, August 18th. Then we will get back to building up your foundational strength and aerobic base, and be ready to set some new PRs in the next 9 week block. Remember, we program off of the technical and strength deficiencies that we notice in the athletes that show up regularly per each prior 9 week block.
Squat 3x5 @ 65% of 2rm, Rest 90 seconds between.
Base squats off of 8/7/14
Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes
Odd minutes: 5 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell RDLs 55/35
Even minutes: 6 box jumps 24/20
2-3 Rounds
Active Hamstring Stretch 30R/30L
Dancer Stretch 30 R-M-L
Carl and I will be gone on vacation from Thursday August 14th - Monday August 18th! Its a much needed vacation and we will miss you guys while we are gone! In the meantime, our amazing ass coaches are running the gym. Listen to them. They have the authority to shoot on sight.
If you have any emails you are sending Carl and I, be patient, because we will be hiking, and doing stuff like that :) We will get to them asap!
If you feel that Robby, Amy, Savannah, Mike, or Caitlin could answer a question you may have.
Click here to email Robby
Click here to email Amy
Click here to email Savannah
Click here to email Mike
Click here to email Caitlin
2014 08 10
2014 08 10
2014 08 10
Capacity Test (Retest)
4 minutes of Rowing (Calories)
Rest 60 Seconds
3 minutes of Pull Ups
Rest 60 seconds
2 minutes of Back Squats (men - bodyweight, women .75 bodyweight)
Rest 60 Seconds
1 minute of Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 (Pulled from floor)
2014 08 08

Shark Week!
6 Rounds
Every 2 minutes
Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (1+3)
Build to your heaviest set within the 6 Rounds
2 Rounds
Toes to Bar
Burpee Ball Slams
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
C. (Optional)
3 Rounds for quality, not for time
12 Renegade Rows 6 Left, 6 Right
:45 Second Dead 4 way Dead bug
2014 08 07
Back Squat 2rm
Crush some of your old numbers here from 6.13.
10 minute time cap
20 Push Press 95/65
40 Double Unders
20 Push Press 115/85
80 Double Unders
20 Push Press 135/95
120 Double Unders
Score is total repetitions performed or time finished
2014 08 06

Happy birthday, Katie!! :) hope you're having a fabulous day!!
A) Hang clean + push jerk + clean + split jerk -- 20min to work to heavy but beautiful set
B) OHS - EMOM x 10min, 3 OHS w/ 1sec pause in bottom
C) 30 x 3-count med ball sit-ups -- do them with a pass to a partner if you'd like!
2014 08 06
Bring A Friend Day Wednesday 8.6.14
Teams of 2
7 minute amrap
Alternating Rounds
100m Row
4 Burpees
Teams of 2
7 minute amrap
Alternating Rounds
7 Wall Balls 20/14
7 Kettlebell Swings 70/55
2014 08 05
2014 08 05