4.17 – 4.23
By: Brandon Wilton
Saturday April 17, 2021
Title: Saturday
A) Warm Up: Coaches choice warm up
B) Lower Body Mixed Modal Work: 250m Row
16 Dumbbell Snatches
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
15 Wall Balls
rest 2 Minutes between sets
x 4 Sets
*Non sharing - Run
C) Core Work: 10 Minute Amrap
30 Yard Farmers Carry - Dual KB or DB
10 Alternating Barbell Windshield Wipers
12-15 Hanging Tuck Ups
Sunday April 18, 2021
Title: Sunday
Warmup: 5-10 Minutes to warm up, then we'll get after it
A) Seated Vertical Jump: Every 30s x 10 sets
x 2
B) Snatch Skill Work: EMOM x 10 Minutes
x2 @60-70%
5 Sets
@3111; Front Squat x 3-4; rest 90s between
C) Clean and Jerk: Every 90s x 8 Sets
x2 @60-70%
5 Sets
4-6 Push Press; rest 90s between
D) Accessory: Snatch RDL @ 3111; x4-6; rest 60s
Bent Over Dual DB Row @30X2; x4-6; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
Monday April 19, 2021
Title: Week 7 - Monday
Warmup: Whiteboard Score: Bench and DB Row weight
A) Coaches Choice Warm Up: Coach choice warm up
B1) Close Grip Bench Press: @3111 x4-6; rest 60s
B2) Bent Over DB Row: @3111; x4-6; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
C) Mixed Modal - UB Focused: 15 Minute Amrap
400m Run
10 Dumbbell Hang Muscle Cleans
10 Burpees w OH Clap
60s Rest
Tuesday April 20, 2021
Title: Tuesday
Warmup: Whiteboard Score: Front Squat weight
A) Coaches Choice Warm Up: Coach choice warm up
B) Front Squat - Catalyst: @3111; 3x3-4; rest 2 minutes between
C) Single Leg Squat + Isometrics: 30 Yard Dual Arm Farmers Carry; rest 30s
10 Front Foot Elevated DB Suitcase Reverse Lunge; rest 60s
x 5 Sets
Wednesday April 21, 2021
Title: Wednesday
Warmup: Whiteboard score: Strict Press weight
A) Coaches Choice Warm Up: Coach choice warm up
B1) Single Arm OH DB Press: @30X1; x4-6; rest 30s
B2) Dumbbell Pullover: x3.3; rest 15s; rest 30s
*yep, cluster sets, hit 3, rest 15s, hit 3, move on
B3) Barbell Bicep Curl Cluster Set: x2.2.2; rest 15s; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
*do 3, rest 15s, 3, rest 15s, 3, rest 60s - then move on
C) Mixed Modal - Shoulder Focused: 12 Minute Amrap
15/12 Calorie Row or Bike
12-15 Push Press
push presses are unbroken
Thursday April 22, 2021
Title: Thursday
Warmup: Whiteboard Score: Deadlift
A) Coaches Choice Warm Up: Coach choice warm up
B) Deadlift: @3010;; rest 2 minutes between
C) Bilateral Bending + Core: 6 Sets for time; 12 Minute Cap
25 Double Unders or 75 Singles
10 Hang Muscle Clean
10 Abmat sit Ups
Friday April 23, 2021
Title: Friday
Warmup: Whiteboard Score: no score - get it
A) Warm Up: Coach choice warm up
B1) Tall Kneeling Single Arm DB Curl: x6-8; no rest
B2) Single Arm DB Skull Crushers : x6-8; rest 30s
x 4 Sets
C1) Barbell Reverse curls: x6-8; no rest
C2) Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extensions: x6-8; rest 30s
x 4 Sets
D) Mixed Cyclical: *practice this pacing one more week!
8 Minute Amrap; pick up the pace from last week
400m Run
500m Row
2k Bike
rest 6 minutes
x 2 Sets