The MWod Leopard Test

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I challenge everyone to the mwod leopard test. The Contest: Who can get 5 perfect repetitions with 55/35 overhead? The Rules: This will be an ongoing competition.  Submit a clear video where we can see the entire profile (shoot it at an angle from the front) for all 5 repetitions. Load it to youtube, post the link to THIS BLOG POST. Do not email it to me. The coaches and I will then determine whether or not we believe the repetitions were perfect, if it was a valid video or not. Mobility 101 - All things Gym <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tuesday 6.17.14

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Its getting hot! shirts off and don't forget to drink plenty of water through the day guys. Not...2 liters on your drive to the gym. Get a few glasses in as soon as you wake up and get in plenty through the day. IMPORTANT: Lets have a talk about todays workout before you scroll down, skim over it, and head out the door to do the workout. Volume: There is a lot of stuff to get done today, so move fast and listen to the coach. Come in with a plan, and if you don't understand a movement, watch it again as I have linked every movement to a video. Intensity: These are short fast rounds with a lot of movements, that will require a decent amount of setup. Scale the deadlifts to something you find very comfortable for repetitions, if the coach tells you otherwise, listen. Same goes for the Pull ups, scale to something that is very manageable for you, lets say, to do 10-20 easily if you had to. Hit your target on your wall balls each time, and your scaling will be singles 2:1 for the double unders. A. 8 Rounds Every 2:30 minutes 2 Power Snatches *Does not have to be touch and go. Weight can increase, stay the same, or move down. B. 2 Rounds 4 minute amrap 10 Burpee Box Jumps *I suggest stepping down 15 Deadlifts 225/155 20 Pull Ups 25 Wall Balls 30/20 30 Double Unders Rest 4 minutes *Score each round separately  

Monday 6-16-14

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A) 2 Snatches - every 2:00 for 8 rounds - start @ 60%, move up if technique is sound Snatch DL + snatch pull - 2x2 @ 100%, 2x2 @ 105% of snatch 1RM B) Pause FS - 2sec pause in bottom - 3x3 @ 70% C) 30sec on, 15sec transition - 2 rounds GHD back extensions single leg v-ups plank elbow touches jumping lunges partner med ball sit-ups ^^we will run this like a circuit since we are limited by our # of GHDs

Monday 6.16.14

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So, Em Clem and Carl chalkboard painted the entire wall. It looks awesome doesn't it? Its not ready yet though! so don't write on it! yet...also, don't stretch on it or touch it. You know what, don't even look at it yet. I'm sorry, I was in a bad place when I said that last comment you can look at it just don't write on it. A. Squat 1rm *Come in with a game plan today on what you want your sets to be. Click here to compare to old results B. 10 minutes to accumulate as much time as possible in an L-hang. Every time you break from the bar, perform 14 rotational ball slams. click here to watch a video about rotational ball slams click here to watch a video about L-hang and possible scalings If you cannot perform any of the above scalings, perform a pillar for max time within the 10 minutes.

Monday, 06.16.14

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Drake warming up for the Indiana North All-Star Team this past weekend.


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Squat 3 RM (rest 3-5 minutes) During 3-5 min rest period, perform 10 single leg box jumps (5 RT/ 5 LT) 16-20″ Squat 3 RM (rest 3-5 minutes) During 3-5 min rest period, perform 10 single leg box jumps (5 RT/ 5 LT) 16-20″ Squat 3 RM (rest 3-5 minutes) During 3-5 min rest period, perform 10 single leg box jumps (5 RT/ 5 LT) 16-20″ *you can add weight, take off or stay the same for the 3 RMs, just remember we rather find your 2 RM than your 4 RM. *you had the same format last week but with 5RMs. Come in with a plan of attack based off of last week Press 5 RM


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes: 45/35 lbs Overhead Walking Lunge – 30 reps (15 RT/ 15 LT) Dynamic Push Ups – 15 reps