Pinterest Party

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Date: Saturday, June 7
Time: 6pm-??
What: CFSB Ladies-only Pinterest Party
Where: CFSB
Bring: a craft of choice (and the supplies) or if you don't have a craft, bring a blank canvas. I'll be doing a herringbone craft if you want to join me (click here to check it out). I will have plenty of paint so you'll just need a canvas (your choice of size) and a large paint brush. If you aren't a crafty person, you certainly don't have to bring anything but you should still come and hang out with all of the lovely CFSB ladies!
Also, bring whatever drinks/food you want. This may turn into a "let's drink and eat" party instead of a Pinterest party but hey, we'll all be together and that's what is most important! :)
Any questions? Feel free to contact me. Phone number is 574-538-8774 or email is
Hope to see everyone there!

21 Guns Wod – June 7 – All Classes

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px" border="none" parallax="true"][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity. Want to donate to team RWB? Click here! June 7th for all of our scheduled classes we will be performing... "21 Guns" -- A 21 Gun Salute is the Nation's highest display of honor, appropriately reserved for our Fallen troops. Our WOD intends to replicate this honor, on behalf of the functional fitness community, to honor our Nation's Warriors, past, present, and future. This WOD includes 21 repetitions signifying a 21-gun salute. The 5 exercises are one for each Branch of the Military. Please join us in hosting or participating in WOD with Warriors as we're doing it bigger, better, and more effectively this year. The WOD - “21 Guns” 21 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) *400 meter run 21 pushups 21 box jumps (24”/20”) 15 burpees 9 pull-ups[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Monday, 06.02.14

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Still one of my favorite training/lifting videos to watch.


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Weighted Barbell Step Ups 10, 10, 10, 10 (5 RT/ 5 LT) Press 2, 2, 2, 2, 2


Complete 5 rounds: 135/95 lbs Barbell Walking Lunge from Front Rack – 10 reps (5 RT/ 5 LT) Plyo Skiers – 20 reps (10 RT/ 10 LT) Supine Ring Rows – 10 reps

Monday 6.2.14

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Sunday 6.1.14 marked the last day of this 9 week training cycle, with that being said we will be moving onto a transition week 6.2.14-6.6.14, then into the next 9 week cycle from there. The strength work next week will be percentage based and the wods will reflect what a “Deload” week should look like. These will not be workouts intending to wreck you. I shouldn’t have to explain the importance of an occasional deload week. Google it. Next week, your focus should be on healing up any nagging injuries you may have incurred in training to get ready for the next 9 week cycle. Come in next week, get your sweat on, and be ready to hit it hard again and set PR’s on June 9th. A. 3 Rounds 5 Squats @ 60% 3RM 10 Lat Jumps (5 each side) 5 Squats @ 65% 3RM 3 Box Jumps 5 Squats @ 70% 3RM 3 Consecutive Broad Jumps Rest 3 min between rounds B. 3 rounds 200m Row 10 Ball Slams

Monday 6-1-2014

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This week is going to be a little bit lighter since we're going to be maxing out on Saturday! So try not to fry yourselves on any regular CrossFit WODs on our off days. A) Hang snatch (mid-thigh) - 4x2 - pick a moderate weight and maintain for all 4 sets Power clean and jerk - 4x2, see above B) Back squat - EMOM for 6 minutes - 4 fast reps at 65% C1) GHD back extensions - 3x15 C2) 3-touch med ball sit-ups - 20#/14# - 3x10 Ideally, alternate between the two to share the GHD love