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Tuesday, 6.20.17

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Snatch Warm Up 2x Through

Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last Deadlift workout.

Pull Up 3x Max Reps


Back Squat 1x3 70% 3x3 80%

Push Press 5. 5. 5. Work up to a heavy 5 reps.


5 Rounds Dumbbell Power Cleans - Max Reps 60 seconds Dips - Max Reps 60 seconds Rest - 60 seconds

Mindfulness Mondays: Get Your Priorities in Order With the 20-Minute Life Checkup

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I have a confession to make: For years, I was untruthful. I was untruthful to myself and to others. When I’d say “I don’t have time for that”, I thought I was speaking the truth. But I wasn’t. That statement wasn’t untrue because I lacked personal commitments. I’ve always been driven, and keep my calendar full! My real problem is that I hadn’t taken the time to consider how I spent my time, and why I spent it that way. Time is your most valuable resource. And once you’ve used it up, it’s gone. At the end of your life, you’ll give just about anything to have a few more years of youth. Which is why spending your time wisely is such an important issue. (more…)

Saturday 6.24.17

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A. Snatch – 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x1, 85%x1, 85%x1, 85%x1 B. Clean & Jerk – 70% x 1+1, 75% x 1+1, 80% x 1+1, 85% x 1+1, 85% x 1+1, 85% x 1+1, 85% x 1+1 C. Back Squat (max rep set not to failure) – 75%x3, 80%x3, 85%x3, 75%x Max reps D. Box Jump – 3x5 *Increase bold weights if you feel good

Monday 6.19.17

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A. Block Snatch (knee) – 78%x2, 81%x1, 84%x1, 80%x2, 83%x1, 86%x1, 82%x2, 85%x1, 88%x1 B. Floating Snatch Pull (%of snatch) – 90%x3x3 C. Overhead Squat (weight by feel - no grinds. try to beat week 3 weights) –5x2 D. Snatch Push Press (weight by feel - no grinds. try to beat week 3 weights) – 4x4

Programming 6.19 – 6.25

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" separator_top_type="none" separator_top_height="50px" separator_top_angle_point="50" separator_bottom_type="none" separator_bottom_height="50px" separator_bottom_angle_point="50" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="Whats going on at CFSB" open="false"]CFSB Garage Sale!    CFSB Wellness Wednesday - Should you Supplement with Vitamin D? Mindfulness Mondays - Keeping a gratitude journal CFSB COMPETITION - New Wods on the Block - This will be our first official competition we will be hosting, if you all make it a success, you'll see more in the future! CFSB Facebook Page: CrossFit South Bend Members Facebook Group Page ***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)** Kids Stuff: Childcare Partnership with CFSB and Free Time Kids Playcare[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 6.19" open="false"]FIT A. Press 5x3, heavy B. EMOM for 4 Rounds Minute 1: Deadlift x 3, build Minute 2: Russian Twist x 12 Minute 3: 20-30 Double Unders or 30-40 singles. COMP A. Press x B. EMOM for 4 Rounds Minute 1: Deadlift x 3, build Minute 2: Russian Twist x 20 Minute 3: 40-50 Double Unders Notes: Scoring: A. Fit-Score weight used for all press sets, Comp - Score single, B. score heaviest DL weight. Notes: For the press, all sets are working sets, as heavy as possible at the same weight, you may have to change a little between sets but expect to have to rest 2-3 minutes between sets. For part B, build to the heaviest DL during the EMOM.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Tuesday 6.20" open="false"]FIT A. 5 Sets 3 Back Squats, heavy rest 30s 8 Bent Over Dumbell Rows L 8 Bent Over Dumbell Rows R rest 2:30 B. 4 Minutes, Tester "Jingle Jangle" Max 5 Yard Sprints, touch the ground at each side COMP A. 5 Sets Back Squats, heavy rest 30s 8 Bent Over Dumbell Rows L 8 Bent Over Dumbell Rows R rest 2:30 B. 4 Minutes, Tester "Jingle Jangle" Max 5 Yard Sprints, touch the ground at each side Notes: Scoring: A. Score heaviest Squat used - for fit, all sets @ same weight, for comp, build. B. Total shuttles scored.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 6.21" open="false"]FIT A. Thacker Warm Up B. 8 Sets 75s to perform 2-3 Hang Power Snatches, build 75s to perform 3 Tall Box Jumps COMP A. Thacker Warm Up B. 8 Sets 75s to perform Full Snatch x 2 with 1 second pause at bottom, build 75s to perform 3 Tall Box Jumps Notes: Scoring: Score weight range used for FIT and COMP. Don't worry about height scoring. Build over the course of the 8 sets. Don't eat shit on the box jumps.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 6.22" open="false"]FIT A. Close Grip Bench Press 5x3 B. 12 Minute Amrap 15 Wall Balls 100m Sprint COMP A. Close Grip Bench Press B. 12 Minute Amrap 15 Wall Balls 30/20 100m Sprint Notes: Scoring: A. Score heaviest weight used, B. Score total reps. All sets at same weight for Fit on bench, build for comp. If you can't bench your bodyweight, do FIT.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Friday 6.23" open="false"]FIT AND COMP A. 15 minutes to work to a heavy 3 for the workout B. Teams of 3 - For time 6 Sets EACH 3 Front Squats, Heavy 6 Strict Pull Ups 15 Cal Row Notes: Score time per team and total weight added together of the heaviest front squats from each person. The way this works, I hit a set, the next person hits a set, the next person hits a set. We have now all hit 1 set out of 6. Start heavy, you can take weight off but you can't add it back on. Each team member can use something that is heavy for them individually, you will have time to switch plates out.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Saturday 6.24" open="false"]FIT AND COMP A. In teams of three, partners alternate rounds to complete five sets each of: 300/250 Meter Row 10 Dumbbell Man-Makers Note: Man-Makers for today = Row left, Push-Up, Row right, Power Clean, Push Press Score time[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 6.25" open="false"]35 Minute Amrap 1 Turkish Get Up, Left Arm (up) Overhead Walk 10yds down and back 1 Turkish Get Up, Left arm (down) 1 Turkish Get Up, Right Arm (up) Overhead Walk 10yds down and back 1 Turkish Get Up, Right arm (down) 10 Glute Marches Run 100m Bear Crawl 20 Yards, work level hip 15 Double Unders Handstand Hold for 5 Breathes OR Freestanding HS Hold work Notes: Nice easy flow session today, work at a smooth conversational pace.[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

Friday, 6.16.17

By: 0


Clean Warm Up x2

Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lb to last workout)

Chin Up 3x Max Reps


Clean Pull 1x3 100%, 1x3 105%, 3x3 107.5%

Close Grip Bench 3RM, 1x max reps @ 80%.


6 Sets Bottoms Up Kettlebell Press - I want three sets right and three sets left for 10 reps. Dips - 10, if you are hitting your 10 at BW add a little weight.

EXTRA CREDIT - JACKED STREET 5 Sets Chest Elevated Push Ups - MAX One Arm Dumbbell Row- 10 right and 10 left - Go heavy!