2014 02 02

Who do you have on Sunday and why?
Power Clean 5 x 3 (add 2.5 lb to last workout)
4″ Deficit Deadlift 5 RM, 1 x max reps @ 80% of 5 RM
Complete for time: 40 lb Ball Slams – 50 reps Toes to Bar – 50 reps Supine Ring Pull Ups – 50 reps
On an exciting note Brandon and I ordered 8 Slam Balls (4x 30lbs, 4x 40lbs) on Wednesday. I know it doesn't help us today, but definitely will next time they come up.
2014 01 30

In the NFL, Which Body Part Gets Hurt the Most? Jess S. sent this to me the other. I found it to be very interesting break down of injuries that were incurred during the 2013-2014 NFL football season. Does any of this surprise you, or is it what you would expect? The NFL has dramatically changed to rules to reduce concussions, but has that lead to more knee injuries with players going low to avoid fines? Should there be some sort of "tackle box"? Based on their concern for player safety as shown by many rule changes do you see something like this happening? Post thoughts to comments.
Squat 3×5 (add 5 lb to last workout) Bench 3×5 (add 2.5 lb to last workout)
Front Squat 7 RM
Complete 5 rounds for time: Push Press – 5 reps Chin Ups – 3 reps Push Press – 3 reps Chin Ups – 5 reps Push Press – 1 rep Chin Ups – 7 reps
**Amateurs use 90% of Press 3x5 **Collegiate use 90% of Press 5 RM
2014 01 29

Attention Class is still on Tonight
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YJ_L7jqgoA]This is an awesome slow motion video of Chad Vaughn doing a Clean and Jerk at 315lbs. You can really see how Chad hits all of the positions along with way that we talk about and try to drill in; he pulls his knees back, stays over the bar till the last minute, reaches full extension, dips straight up and down in his jerk, throws his head back and punches it through. Over the past few years Chad has become a huge influence in the Crossfit world. Chad is a 2x Olympian who competed at Athens, and Beijing.
Also Missy will be doing half hour massages this Saturday February 1st at the gym. Most of us coaches use Missy to help aid in our recovery/injury prevention, along with helping fix acute injuries that may pop up. If you haven't had a chance to have Missy work on you, you are really missing out. 30 Minutes is enough time for her probably to work a problematic area. There is a sign up sheet for time slots and they are first come first serve, sorry no reserving spots.
Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lb to last workout)
Hang Power Clean 2 RM
Complete 3 rounds: 1 Muscle Clean to Push Press…2 Muscle Cleans to 2 Push Presses…3 Muscle Cleans to 3 Push Presses and so on until you can not complete the progression. Once you fail, rest 3-4 minutes, decide if you went too heavy or too light, adjust the weight if need be and try to beat your previous rounds. *Each muscle clean must start on the ground.
2014 01 27

Attention No Class Tonight
There will be open gym hours from 2:00pm to 5:30pm if you would like to come in and get your workout done. Otherwise we will be closing after 5:30pm.
Keith getting after it on the Airdyne from Thursday. Be happy that we are subbing Rowing for the Airdyne on the assault sprints today, or at least I think so :)
Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lb to last workout) Push Ups with hands elevated 36″ - 3 x max reps (do these from a power rack or with your hands elevated 36″. Go for max reps)
Press 5 RM, 1x max reps @ 80% of 5 RM Push Ups with hands elevated 36″ - 3 x max reps (do these from a power rack or with your hands elevated 36″. Go for max reps)
Complete 8 rounds of: Squats – 3 reps Assault Sprint – 45 seconds Rest 60-75 seconds between rounds.
*Amateurs – Use the same weight completed from last Monday *Collegiate & Professional – 80% of most recent 3 RM *For the second portion of the workout, complete an all out sprint for 45 seconds on a C2 Rower. The focus is all out effort for 45 seconds.
2014 01 26
2014 01 26

Congrats to Jack on making the USA U17 team, along with the other Penn players that made teams.
Power Clean 5 x 3 (add 2.5 lb to last workout) Strict Chin Ups 3 x max reps
Overhead Squat 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 Weighted Chin Up 3 RM
"E CAF" COMPLETE 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME: Row for 1 minute, rest for 1 minute. *Row for 1 minute as many meters as you can, rest one minute. *Continue this cycle for a total of 20 minutes. *Your score is the total amount of meters rowed – goal is row at least 3000 meters *Penalty is 1 burpee pull up for every 5 meters under 3000 meters.
2014 01 23

Cleared for take off.
Squat 3 x 5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press 3 x 5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
Squat 5 x 3 @ 92.5% of 3 RM from last Thursday Close Grip Bench 3 x 5 @ 90% of 5 RM
Complete 8 reps: 40 yard prowler push w/ 180 lbs
Rest 90 seconds between efforts
2014 01 22

For those of you who watched the Seattle Seahawks vs San Francisco 49ers how do you feel about Richard Sherman's interview. Was he being cocky, classless, and just making a fool of himself? Or was what you saw raw emotion from one of the greatest moment of his playing career, and helped send his team to the Super Bowl the epitome of his sport. This interview was probably minutes after this play. In a later interview he was very calm. Here is one person's take on it along with a video of the interview 22 Brief Thoughts About That Richard Sherman Interview. What are your thoughts?
Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)
Deadlift 3 RM
CrossFit Disco 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, reps of: Power Cleans @ 75% of body weight Pull Ups
2014 01 20

All 4 Platforms finished and in their place.
Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lb to last workout)
Close Grip Bench 5 RM, 1 x max reps @ 80% of 5 RM
Complete 12 rounds of: Squats – 2 reps Burpee Box Jumps w/ 20″ box - 3 reps
Rest 45 seconds between rounds.
* Amateurs – Use your last set of completed 5 reps from last week. * Collegiate & Professional – 75% of 1 RM * For burpee box jumps, perform a burpee and jump up on the box landing in a good athletic position. Step down and repeat two more times.
2014 01 19