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Tuesday, 01.21.14

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CORRECTION NFC Championship Football.JPEG-07513

For those of you who watched the Seattle Seahawks vs San Francisco 49ers how do you feel about Richard Sherman’s interview. Was he being cocky, classless, and just making a fool of himself? Or was what you saw raw emotion from one of the greatest moment of his playing career, and helped send his team to the Super Bowl the epitome of his sport. This interview was probably minutes after this play. In a later interview he was very calm. Here is one person’s take on it along with a video of the interview 22 Brief Thoughts About That Richard Sherman Interview. What are your thoughts?


Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Deadlift 3 RM


CrossFit Disco
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, reps of:
Power Cleans @ 75% of body weight
Pull Ups

Comments: 0

  1. Not the classiest way to behave ever, but he was fired up and it was seconds later after the big play. With a game that physical and with so much on the line, what do you expect? Do I feel bad for Crabtree? Nope, the dude gets paid millions of dollars (public scrutiny just goes along with that).

  2. I don’t blame the guy. Sounds like there’s some beef there anyway. I know if I was playing against someone I couldn’t stand, my emotions would be all over the place too. He’s human. He’s allowed to show emotion. Plus, it was way more entertaining to watch his interview than it would’ve been if he had given the “correct” response.

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