2014 08 05
Don't forget guys! tomorrow. All classes. Are bring a friend classes. Bring yo friends. They don't have anything better to do, and neither do you!
6 Rounds, every 2:30
3 Hang Power Snatch - AHAP
For time
400m run
30 box jumps 30/24
30 toes to bar
Compare to last scores here, and beat them
2014 08 04

Child Care Canceled for Monday
Child Care canceled for Monday! I am having issued finding someone for childcare so sorry! Stay tuned for upcoming childcare schedule for this week.
2014 08 04

Hey folks! This Saturday (8/9) will be our next max out day. Let's hunker down this week and get ready to test out all the work we've been doing on getting under the bar!
A) High hang snatch + snatch - 20min to work up to a heavy but perfect set, not to exceed 85% of your 1RM
B) Snatch DL - 4x2 @ 85% of 1RM (slow to knee, fast to hip)
C) Front squat - 3.3.3 --3 sec, 2 sec, 1 sec hold
D) 10-8-6-4-2 of plank hold elbow touches (each side) and parallette-over burpees
2014 08 03
Bench Press 1rm
3 Rounds
200m Run
20 Ball Slams 40/30
*Compare to last bench and wod score on 5.19.14
2014 08 03

Hey Guys, no open gym today. If you have a training session you have to get in, try to get it in from 10-11!
2014 08 03
Ashley! We are going to miss you at childcare! Especially these little ones.
Thrusters 95/65
Pull Ups
2014 08 02
Retest day - For those of you who performed this test wod - Try to make it in to retest - compare to your last results here
Beat the Coach 1.2
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 225/150 lbs
**Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.
Rest 5 minutes
3:00 minutes max toes to bar
rest 60 seconds
3:00 minutes max burpees
rest 60 seconds
3:00 minute max double unders
2014 08 01

Guest coach Caitlin today! Don't give her too hard of a time today. :) A) Clean - 20min to work to a heavy single B) EMOM x 12min - even=3 back squats@75% of 1RM, odd=6 push ups C) 3 rounds-- 60 flutter kicks, 20 teapots (10 each side, 70/55 kettle bell), 10 TTB
2014 08 01
Open Gym for CFSB Strength and Conditioning class tonight
Hey guys!
Crossfit at 4:15pm is still on, but Carl is coaching a Crossfit Football Trainer Course Seminar this weekend, so just this one class will be an open gym class at 5:30pm!
2014 08 01