2014 08 20
8min work each side(!) on front/back of shoulder w/ lax ball - really crunch on these, guys!
A) Jerk - 2x1@65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, etc until form breaks down (I.e.
Your split is shortened, you fail the lift, you press out, etc). When you get to that weight, stop moving up and hit 3 GREAT jerks at that weight, not to exceed 6 attempts. Try having your partner video you on these today so you can see what the faults/successes are!
B) weighted OH duck walks - 4 steps forward, 4 steps back - 4 sets @ 60% of 1RM
C) 12min EMOM:
Min 1: 4 single leg squats each leg (standing on box with opposite leg hanging down off the side)
Min 2: 30sec plank hold w/ feet jump outs
Min 3: 8 barbell rows (fast up, 3sec down) @ 53/75
2014 08 20
3 Rounds (at the top of each 2:30 mark)
Max Reps to Failure Strict Pull Ups
Max Reps to Failure Strict Push Ups
For time
1000m Row
30 Step Ups
15 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
Note: Attempt to hit a FAST pace on the row, come off, and move consistently through the step ups.
2014 08 19
1) upright bottom of the squat banded stretch
2) 3x through - 30sec each side handcuff stretch, 10 sotts press w/ PVC pipe
A) snatch + 2 OHS - 12min to find heavy set, then 2 sets @75-80% of that heavy single every 2:30 for 6 rounds
B) 3x5 - R lunge-L lunge-front squat - AHAP - all 3 movements=1 rep
>>using one of the following: 2 DB in rack position, 2 kb in rack position, 45# plate held at chest, or sandbag in rack position
C) 8min AMRAP:
10yd banded side steps (5 out, 5 back)
10 push-ups
10 v-ups
2014 08 18
Hey everyone! We are back from vacation :) missed all of you!
3-5 Rounds
30 sec Static Pillar Hold
30 sec Rest
15 sec Iso Deadlift Start Position Hold
45 sec Rest
Deadlfit 5RM
4 Rounds
Plate Push 15yds out and back
10 Russian Swings 70/55
Score is total time
2014 08 18
Jerk 1rm
Teams of 2
2 Rounds
Partner 1 performs 20 Ball Slams
Partner 2 performs 20 Ball Slams
Partner 1 performs 80 Yard Sprint (out and back)
Partner 2 performs 80 Yard Sprint (out and back)
Partner 1 performs 20 Ball Squats
Partner 2 performs 20 Ball Squats
Partner 1 performs 80 Yard Sprint (out and back)
Partner 2 performs 80 Yard Sprint (out and back)
2014 08 17
2014 08 17
2014 08 16
7 Minute Ladder
Clean and Jerk 135/95
Bar over Burpee
Score is total repetitions
*Rest as needed between A and B
Teams of 2
50 Russian Twists (R/L = 1)
Partner 1 Holds bottom of Goblet Squat 55/35
While Partner 2 performs Russian twists, you may switch when you'd like.
Notes: Elbows cannot be supported on legs, shoulders must be set back and down.
2014 08 15
15 min hip & bottom of the squat stretches
A) power clean + double jerk - 8x1 @ 85% of 1RM
B) tempo back squat - 22x2 -
C) 4 rounds:
20 Step ups w/ 2 DB
20 RDLs w/ DB
20 x 4-count flutter kicks
2014 08 15