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Programming 10.15 – 10.21

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Upcoming + Whats going on!"] October 8th - Reboot Challenge, Learn more by clicking here! October 20th AM - Barbells For Boobs - Details Here! October 20th PM - Halloween Party! - Details Here! October 27th - Olympic Weightlifting Camp - Spots Limited, Register here!  November 10th - Wades Army Lift Off! All proceeds go to the Wades Army Charity! Click here for more details November 13th - FREE Costco Grocery Store Tour - Click here to register Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 10.15"] FIT A. 10 Minute Amrap w/KB; For Quality, not for score. 10 Kettlebell Deadlifts 10 American KB Swings 10/Arm KB Push Press 10 Goblet Squats B. Every 1:15 x 9 Sets; build Hang Muscle Snatch x 6; work speed or 6 Box Jumps w/Step Down; choose a challenging height C. 3-4 Sets; all sets tough 8 Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Row, rest 60s 100' Dbl Kb Front Rack Carry, rest 60s 15 Abmat Sit Ups, rest 60s COMP A. 10 Minute Amrap w/Barbell; For Quality, not for score. 10 Snatch Lift Off to Knee 10 Hang Muscle Snatch from top of knee 10 Snatch Push Presses 10 Overhead Squats B. Every 1:15 x 9 Sets; build Full Snatch 1.1 C. 3-4 Sets; all sets tough 8 Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Row, rest 60s 100' Dbl Kb Front Rack Carry, rest 60s 10 Strict Toes Through Rings, rest 60s Score: B. Heaviest weight or highest height C.Bent Row Weight Notes: A. Maybe a little demonstration prior, but this is the warm up/primer for the day - stick to what you know and move with quality. B.Again, stick to what you know - don't each shit on box jumps. C. all sets tough - if you cannot perform the strict TTR, Hanging Knee Raises on Bar/Rings is acceptable. Pay attention to your own timekeeping. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 10.16"] FIT A. Each Station @ A 1:30 Mark; 5 Sets; all sets tough 1. @30X0; Back Squat x 6-8 2. @31X1; DB Press x 6-8 B. For time - 10 Minute Cap; high breathing rate Goblet Squats No Push Up Burpees COMP A. Each Station @ A 1:30 Mark; 5 Sets; all sets tough 1. @30X0; Back Squat x 3 2. @31X1; DB Press x 3 B. For time - 10 Minute Cap Wall Balls 20/14#, 10/9' Burpees Over 10# Plate (Facing) Score A. Weights B. Time or reps in cap Notes: A. All sets tough, minor adjustments up or down is fine. B. Fit: Choose something that feels "smooth" Comp: Use the weights listed and go to town, think of this as 10 minutes at a 12 minute pace. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 10.17"] FIT A. 10 Minute Amrap w/Barbell; For Quality/Light, not for score. 10 Barbell RDL 10 Barbell Push Press 20-30s Forearm Plank 5 Box Jumps w/step down B. Every 1:15 x 9 Sets; all sets the same weight Hang Muscle Clean + Push Press x 4+4; work quality/speed or RDL + Push Press x 4+4 C. 4 Sets; high breathing rate 3 Minute Amrap 16 American KB Swings 50 Jump Rope Singles/35 Dbls 90s Rest COMP A. 10 Minute Amrap w/ Barbell; for quality; not for score. 10 Clean Lift Offs 10 Hang Muscle Cleans 10 Front Squats 10 Split Jerks B. Every 1:15 x 9 Sets; build Full Clean and Split Jerk (2+1) C. 4 Sets; high breathing rate 3 Minute Amrap 8 KB Clean and Push Press/arm; moderate 35 Double Unders 90s Rest Score: B. Heaviest weight C. Lowest # Rounds + Reps Notes: A. Maybe a little demonstration prior, but this is the warm up/primer for the day - stick to what you know and move with quality. B.Again, stick to what you know C. choose something that you can cycle like a boss. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 10.18"] FIT A. 3-4 Sets; all sets tough @3111; Front Squat x 6-8, rest 2 minutes between B. 3 Sets; all tough Banded Strict Pull Up @31X1; x8-10; rest 90s Dumbbell Split Squat @ 2111; x8-10/leg; rest 90s C. 5 Sets @ 100% 10s Assault Bike rest/walk 90-120s between COMP A. 3-4 Sets; all sets tough @5551 Front Squat x 5; rest 2-3 minutes between B. 3 Sets; all tough Strict Pull Up @31X1; x6-8; rest 90s KB Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 2111; x6-8/leg; rest 90s (*use 25# plate) C. 5 Sets @ 100% 10s Assault Bike rest/walk 90-120s between Score: A. Heaviest weight B. Split Squat weight C. Just get it [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 10.19"] FIT A. @32X1; Bench Press x 3x8-10,2x6-8 rest 2 minutes between B. 4 Sets @ consistent pace 3 Minute Amrap 60s Bike for Cals 20 Prisoner Step Ups 24/20" Max Singles/Doubles in remaining time 3 Minute Rest B/W Rounds COMP A. @32X1; Bench Press x, rest 2 minutes between B. 4 Sets @ consistent pace 3 Minute Amrap 60s Bike/Row for Cals 20 Prisoner Step Ups 24/20" Max Double Unders in remaining time 3 Minute Rest B/W rounds Score: A. Heaviest weight B. Lowest # of Dbls/Singles Notes: B. Be consistent on the # of Calories you get Scale the height if you need to for the prisoner step ups to finish them all and and get into dbls/singles [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 10.20 NO NORMAL CLASSES! BARBELLS FOR BOOBS IS TODAY!"] Time: Arrive at 9:00am, sign up for heats and warm up First Heat Begins at 10:00am and will go as long as we have heats! Cost: The event will be free for our members, we will be taking donations though! The wod “Grace” For Time 30 Clean and Jerks @ 135/95 *We will be putting out a scaled workout for people who do not want to perform Grace. Also, our Halloween Party is tonight! EVERYONE IS INVITED! Where? Coach Meg Stuk's house 10777 Chelsea Dr. Osceola, In 46561 When? Oct 20th @ 5pm Whats going Down? Chili Cook Off Pie eating contest Costume contest for adults and kids potluck/apple bar BYOB BYO Pumpkin to carve or paint [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 10.21"] FIT & COMP "Flow" 40 Minute Amrap Farmers Walk 100yd Row 350m @ D1 50 JR Singles 20s Ring Plank 10m Bear Crawl 20s Handstand Hold Don't score, just move blood, I will modify accordingly. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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Are you a sugar burner or a fat burner?

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Are you a sugar burner or a fat burner? Well, honestly speaking, no one is purely a sugar burner or a fat burner. We all use some balance of carbs and fat for fuel. However, most people today are way more dominant towards the sugar/carb burner side of things rather than fat. Unfortunately there are some major downsides to primarily being a carb/sugar burner: -you feel like you need to eat every two hours -you feel like you're on an energy roller coaster throughout the day. -you get hangry regularly (hungry+angry) -it's harder to wake up in the morning -you wake up from sleep in the middle of the night more frequently -you never get to burn fat because you're constantly replenishing carbs with no chance to tap into your fat stores So, being predominantly a carb/sugar burner is not so great from a health perspective. We want more of a balance between fat and carb burning for most people (hard charging athletes in power sports potentially being an exception). Generally speaking you should think of carbs and sugar as rocket fuel for more explosive activities (rugby, football, wrestling, MMA, Crossfit, etc.) One of my favorite sayings from John Welbourne of Power Athlete is: earn your carbs. I think this is certainly true for most people and most people do not need a ton of carbs to fuel their daily activity. So, what about being a fat burner? what are the upsides to that approach? First, from purely rom a biological perspective we can only store a few thousand calories of carbs in our liver and muscle cells as glycogen, but even the leanest body can store HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of calories in fat. So, tapping into those fat stores taps into a major source of clean energy. Furthermore, fats are more clean-burning than carbs, meaning that fat produces fewer harmful metabolic byproducts when utilized for fuel. For pretty much any human activity that happens below 75% exertion (walking, cleaning, basic weight lifting, etc.) fat should be the primary fuel. Also, from a biological and evolutionary perspective, we're supposed to be able to go a few hours at a time and sometimes a few days at a time without eating. The only way to do that metabolically is to tap into our fat stores. Being a more of a fat burner has the following upsides. -you have more energy throughout the day -you sleep better -you don't constantly crave food (no more hanger) -you are able to burn excess body fat more easily So, generally speaking having a proper balance of fat and carb burning is very important for overall health. Most of us are predominantly carb/sugar burners, and switching our fuel source over to fat a bit more is generally beneficial.

Weightlifting Programming 10/8/18-10/14/18

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Monday - 10/8/18
  • Push Press + Pause Jerk
    • (5+1)RM
    • 95% x (5+1)
    • 90% x (5+1)
  • Back Squat
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • Weighted Lunge
    • 3x5/leg
  • Back Squat Jump
    • 20%x5x3 (% of back squat)
 Tuesday - 10/9/18
  • Snatch High-Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (knee)
    • (1+1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1+1)
  • Halting Snatch Deadlift (upper thigh)
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Muscle Snatch
    • 3x5
  • SLDL
    • 3x5
Wednesday - 10/10/18
  • Snatch Push Press + OHS
    • (5+1)RM
    • 95% x (5+1)
    • 90% x (5+1)
  • Pause Back Squat
    • 3RM
    • 95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • Jumping Quarter Squat
    • (50%x5)x3 [Back Squat]
  • Press
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
Thursday - 10/11/18
  • Clean High-Pull - Power Clean + Hang Clean (knee)
    • (1+1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1+1)
  • Halting Clean Deadlift (upper thigh)
    • 5RM
    • 95%x5
    • 90%x5
  • Muscle Clean
    • 3x5
  • Good Morning
    • 3x5
Friday - 10/12/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 10/13/18
  • Segment Snatch (knee) + OHS
    • (1+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Segment Clean (knee) + Jerk Drive + Jerk
    • (1+3+1)RM
    • 95% x (1+3+1)
    • 90% x (1+3+1)
  • Front Squat
    •  3RM
    •  95%x3
    • 90%x3
  • SLDL
    • 3x5
Sunday - 10/14/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 10.7.18

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Upcoming + Whats going on!"] October 8th - Reboot Challenge, Learn more by clicking here! October 20th AM - Barbells For Boobs - Details Here! October 20th PM - Halloween Party! - Details Here! October 27th - Olympic Weightlifting Camp - Spots Limited, Register here!  November 10th - Wades Army Childhoood cancer is the leading cause of death in children under 15. 1 in every 285 children in the US will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20. Wade's Army is here to lead the charge against childhood cancer, and working hard to bring relief to families overburdened with the cost and stress of treatment. Donate to Crossfit South Bends page or become a fundraiser' then select the initiative you want to support. A $35 donation and you can claim your 2018 Wade's Army shirt. 1. International Neuroblastoma Research Initiative ? 2. Direct financial support of family battling neuroblastoma ? 3. Green Kitchen in Children's Hospital ? 4. Wade's Army operation costs ? DONATION LINK Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 10.8"] FIT A. 20 Min Cap - Tough Effort Push Up/Incline Push Up Farmers Carry 30m after each set B. 20 Min Cap - Tough Effort Dumbbell/KB Deadlifts 6-10 Ab Mat Sit Ups between each set COMP A. 20 Min Cap - Tough Effort Ring Push Up Farmers Carry 30m after each set B. 20 Min Cap - Tough Effort Dumbbell/KB Deadlifts Strict Toes Through Rings/ Kipping Toes through rings Score: A. Time and FC weight B. Time and DB/KB Weight Notes: A/B. Pick a weight and modification that allows for the first set to be tough but unbroken. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 10.9"] FIT A. 30 Minute Amrap 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 35 Double Unders/Singles 15 Ball Slams 200m Run 15 Box Jumps with Step Down 10/8 Cal Bike COMP A. 30 Minute Amrap 15 American Kettlebell Swings 35 Double Unders 15 Ball Slams 200m Run 15 Box Jumps with Step Down 24"/20" 10/8 Cal Bike Score: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 10.10"] FIT A. 15 Minute cap Establish a heavy Back Squat x5 @3111 for the day B. Max Strict Ring Rows in 5 minutes C. For time - 12 Minute Cap 20 Db/Kb Suitcase Reverse Lunges 300m Run 50 JR Singles/50 Dbls 16 Db/Kb Suitcase Reverse Lunges 200m Run 50 JR Singles/35 Dbls 12 Heavy Db/Kb Front Rack Walking Lunges 100m Run 50 JR Singles/20 Dbls COMP A. 15 Minute cap Establish a heavy Back Squat Single for the day B. Max Strict Pull Ups in 5 minutes C. For time - 12 Minute Cap 12 Heavy Dbl Db/Kb Front Rack Walking Lunges 300m Run 50 Double Unders 10 Heavy Db/Kb Front Rack Walking Lunges 200m Run 35 Double Unders 8 Heavy Db/Kb Front Rack Walking Lunges 100m Run 20 Double Unders Score: A. Weight B. First set unbroken, total reps. C. Time/Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 10.11"] FIT A. 15 Minutes to finish 3 Sets 12m Slow Bear Crawl 75 JR Singles 30s Side Plank/Side Row 150m/125m, hard rest/walk 2 minutes B. 15 Minute Cap Deadlift - build to a heavy Double, however you are feeling, go for it. C. KB Complex 3-4 Sets 12 Dual DB Deadlifts 9 Dual DB Cleans 6 Dual DB Push Press 20m Dual DB Rack Carry Rest as needed between COMP A. 15 Minutes to finish 3 Sets 12m Slow Bear Crawl 75 JR Singles 30s Side Plank/Side Row 150m/125m, hard rest/walk 2 minutes B. 15 Minute Cap Power Clean and Jerk - build to a heavy single today, however you are feeling, go for it. C. KB Complex 3-4 Sets 12 Dual KB Sumo Deadlifts 9 Dual KB Cleans 6 Dual KB Push Press 20m Dual KB Rack Carry Rest as needed between Score: A. nothing - this is a warm up B. Heaviest load C. Heaviest Complex Weight Notes: A. We will cover the movements for the warm up and then get right after it, if you finish it early, get right into warming up for B. B. You know what to do. C. These sets are meant to be unbroken, build to the heaviest set you can manage. Dual KB Sumo DL: Dual KB Clean: Dual DB Deadlift:   [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 10.12"] FIT A. Gymnastics - 15 minute amrap @ smooth pace 20m Dumbbell Bear Crawl 16 Sit Ups 16 Reverse Lunges 50 JR Singles   B. Breathing - 15 Minute Amrap 16/12 Cal Bike or Row 50yd Farmers Walk, tough 12 Rep Plank March (L/R=1) 50 JR Singles COMP A. Gymnastics - 15 Minute Amrap @ smooth pace 10m Handstand Walk 6-10 Toes to Bar 6-10 Alternating Pistols 10 Box Jumps with SD 24"/20" B. Breathing - 15 Minute Amrap 20/16 Cal Bike or Row 50yd Farmers Walk, tough 3 Wall Walks 50 Double Unders Score: A. Don't score this one, just flow through it with intent B. Score FW weight and Rounds + Reps Plank March: [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 10.13"] FIT A. 4 Sets NFT 30s Alternating Childs Pose 30s Bottom Squat Hold 30s Overhead Squats/Front Squats @ smooth pace - LIGHT B. 15 Minute Cap Overhead Squat / Front Squat - build to a heavy double C. EMOM x 12 Min 1. 15 Wall Balls 2. Bike 10/7 Cals 2. 14 Alternating DB Curls COMP A. 12 Minute Cap - NFT Pace row 1k or bike 1 mile 20 Empty Bar Muscle Snatch 20 Behind the neck empty bar Snatch Push Press 20 Empty Bar OHS B. 15 Minute Cap Power Snatch - build to a heavy single for the day C. EMOM x 12 Min 1. 15 Wall Balls 2. Bike 13/10 Cals, tough (scale to 10/7 if needed) 2. 14 Alternating DB Curls Score: A. Nothing, this is a warm up. B. Heaviest weight. C. Don't score, just challenge yourself. Notes: A. This is the warm up, notice they are different. Fit will be walked through the warm up, comp should know what this is and be able to perform it without being walked through it. B. Just a heavy set for the day. C. If these numbers don't work for you, find something challenging that you can maintain, I want this to be tough but doable during the range. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 10.14"] FIT A. 20 Min Cap - Tough Effort KB/DB Deadlift, heavy HR Push Up/Incline Push Up + rest 5 minutes + NFT get it done DB Z Press GHD Back Extensions Score: A. Time B. No score, get it done COMP A. 20 Min Cap - Tough Effort KB/DB Deadlift, heavy HR Push Up + rest 5 minutes + NFT get it done DB Z Press GHD Back Extensions / Weighted Score: A. Time B. No score, get it done [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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Zita’s Story-I’m in Control of My Food Choices Now

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In this video we sit down with Zita to talk about her journey with the nutrition coaching program. Zita's story is unique for a few reasons. She's a business owner, and she's a mom of 5. So she has a lot of responsibilities on her plate. Her story is also unique because when we were transitioning to real whole food she felt better but her weight didn't budge as much. However, as soon as we did the Whole30 with Zita her weight started dropping much more rapidly and her energy and endurance were way better. A lot of her old clothes are sliding off, and people have noticed. Zita said the biggest thing for her that she learned from the program was how to be in control of food instead of food controlling her. When all was said and done Zita: -Lost 18lbs total -Even more impressive 16.2 of those 18lbs were pure fat -She kept her muscle mass almost exactly the same throughout the entire program (not easy to do when you're losing weight) Zita we're so proud of all that you've accomplished! Keep up the great work!

Barbells For Boobs 2018

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The Barbells For Boobs Mission: To mobilize and empower people to take action in breast cancer. CrossFit South Bend will be hosting a one day fundraising event for Barbells for Boobs this year. This event will take place on Saturday October 20th,  and it will be our only class of the day! We will be taking donations that morning and sending it off to A little something about Barbells For Boobs... At 26 years old, Cecy discovered a lump on her breast. She was denied breast screening services by medical professionals and recommended for “ mammography at age 40 ”. Not satisfied, Cecy advocated for her own health. Due to her persistence, she discovered that she was living with breast cancer. Zionna realized the healthcare system failed her friend. From the reality that no one is immune to breast cancer and her passion for health and fitness, Barbells for Boobs was born. DETAILS When: Saturday October 20th Time: Arrive at 9:00am, sign up for heats and warm up First Heat Begins at 10:00am and will go as long as we have heats! Cost: The event will be free for our members, we will be taking donations though! The wod "Grace" For Time 30 Clean and Jerks @ 135/95 *We will be putting out a scaled workout for people who do not want to perform Grace.

Weightlifting Programming 10/1/18-10/7/18

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Monday - 10/1/18
  • Snatch
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1
    • 90%x1x3
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1
    • 90%x1
  • Back Squat
    • 75%x3
    • 80%x2
    • 85%x1x2
  • Clean Pull
    • 90%x2
    • 95%x2
    • 100%x2
Tuesday - 10/2/18
  • Dip Snatch
    • 70%x1x5
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk
    • 70% x (1+1) x 5
Wednesday - 10/3/18
  • Snatch
    • 70%x1
    • 75%x1
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1x3
  • Front Squat
    • 75%x2
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1
  • Snatch Pull
    • 90%x2x3
Thursday - 10/4/18
  • Snatch
    • 60%x1x5
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk
    • 60% x (1+1) x 5
Friday - 10/5/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - Day 83
  • Snatch - Max
  • Clean & Jerk - Max
  • Front Squat - HS
Sunday - 10/7/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 10.1 – 10.7

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Upcoming + Whats going on!"] October 8th - Reboot Challenge, Learn more by clicking here! October 20th AM - Barbells For Boobs - more details to come soon! October 20th PM - Halloween Party! - Details Here! October 27th - Olympic Weightlifting Camp - Spots Limited, Register here!  November 10th - Wades Army Childhoood cancer is the leading cause of death in children under 15. 1 in every 285 children in the US will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20. Wade's Army is here to lead the charge against childhood cancer, and working hard to bring relief to families overburdened with the cost and stress of treatment. Donate to Crossfit South Bends page or become a fundraiser' then select the initiative you want to support. A $35 donation and you can claim your 2018 Wade's Army shirt. 1. International Neuroblastoma Research Initiative ? 2. Direct financial support of family battling neuroblastoma ? 3. Green Kitchen in Children's Hospital ? 4. Wade's Army operation costs ? DONATION LINK Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 10.1"] FIT 30 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's/B's/C's B. EMOM x 5 Sets (15 Min) 1. Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat x (3+2); build 2. 30s Max Ring Rows 3. Rest + after last minute of rest of the last round, perform + C. EMOM x 3 Sets (6 minutes) 1. Max Unbroken Overhead Squats in the minute (use heaviest weight from hang power snatch or within 90%) 2. Rest COMP 30 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's/B's/C's B. EMOM x 5 Sets (15 Min) 1. Hang Snatch from Below Knee + Full Snatch + Overhead Squat (1+1+1) ; build 2. 30s Max Ring Rows 3. Rest + after last minute of rest of the last round, perform + C. EMOM x 3 Sets (6 minutes) 1. Max Unbroken Overhead Squats in the minute (use heaviest complex weight) 2. Rest [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 10.2"] FIT A. 15 Min cap - Not For Time Heavy DB/KB Strict Press Ab Mat Sit Ups B. For time - 15 Minute Cap 10 Deadlifts 400m Run 8 Deadlifts 20 Cal Bike 6 Deadlifts 20 No Push Up Burpees Over Bar 4 Deadlifts 50 Singles/Double Unders 2 Deadlifts COMP A. 15 Min cap - Not For Time Heavy DB/KB Push Press Toes to Bar B. For time - 15 Minute Cap 10 Heavy Power Cleans 400m Run 8 Heavy Power Cleans 20 Cal Bike 6 Heavy Power Cleans 20 Burpees Over Bar 4 Heavy Power Cleans 50 Double Unders 2 Heavy Power Cleans Score: A. Weight B. Time and Weight Notes: A. Pick a weight and modification that allows for the 10/9 to be unbroken in both Push Press/TTB Fit-B. I want the deadlifts to be heavy but pretty Comp-B. pick a weight that you cannot perform unbroken for 10 in the power cleans, if you fail a power clean, move down in weight. You should be able to perform at least 1 power clean every 10s [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 10.3"] FIT A. 7 Sets 1 Minute Row 1 Minute Bear Crawl *hips down 1 Minute Bike 1 Minute Jump Rope 1 Minute Run 1 Minute Rest Score: Noooothing, move, breathe, and sweat. Notes: Transition fast, take the first 3 sets to get up to speed and take the last 4 sets hard but consistent. No warm up today, the first 3 sets are the work up. COMP A. 7 Sets 1 Minute Row 1 Minute Bear Crawl *hips down 1 Minute Bike 1 Minute Jump Rope 1 Minute Run 1 Minute Rest Score: Noooothing, move, breathe, and sweat. Notes: Transition fast, take the first 3 sets to get up to speed and take the last 4 sets hard but consistent. No warm up today, the first 3 sets are the work up. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 10.4"] FIT E3:00 x 4 Sets (12 Min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; x2 (beat last week) B. EMOM x 4 Sets (16 min) 1. 5 Front Squats *fit uses rack, comp does not 2. 20s Max Push Ups *choose difficult scaling 3. 20s Max Ring Row *choose difficult scaling 4. 10s Bike @ 100% COMP E3:00 x 4 Sets (12 Min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; B. EMOM x 4 Sets (16 min) 1. 5 Front Squats, HEAVY FROM FLOOR 2. 20s Max Strict HSPU *up to 3 mats 3. 20s Max Strict Chest to Bar/Pull Ups 4. 10s Bike @ 100% Score: A. Weight B. Challenge yourself accordingly during the EMOM [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 10.5"] FIT 30 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Clean; A's/B's/C's B. EMOM x 5 Sets (15 Min) 1. Deadlift x2-3; build 2.30-45s Weighted Plank/Plank 3 Rest + after last minute of rest of the last round, perform + C. EMOM x 3 Sets (6 minutes) 1. Max Push Ups @ challenging scaling 2. Rest COMP 30 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Clean; A's/B's/C's B. EMOM x 5 Sets (15 Min) 1. Clean and Jerk x (1+2); build 2.45s Weighted Plank 3 Rest + after last minute of rest of the last round, perform + C. EMOM x 3 Sets (6 minutes) 1. Max Ring Push Ups in One Minute 2. Rest Score: B. Heaviest Weight C. Push ups do not have to be unbroken in the minute [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 10.6"] FIT A. Gymnastics - 15 minute amrap @ smooth pace 20m Dumbbell Bear Crawl 20s Tuck Sit 16 Walking Lunges 50 JR Singles + rest 5 minutes + B. Breathing - 15 Minute Amrap 20 Unbroken Barbell Thrusters 40yd Farmers Walk, Heavy 20 Cal Row or Bike COMP A. Gymnastics - 15 minute amrap @ smooth pace 10m Handstand Walk 6-10 Rower Pike Ups 10 Alternating Pistols 30 Double Unders + rest 5 minutes + B. Breathing - 15 Minute Amrap 20 Unbroken Barbell Thrusters 40yd Farmers Walk, Heavy 20 Cal Row or Bike Score: Rounds + Reps in Both [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 10.7"] FIT 30 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's/B's/C's B. EMOM x 5 Sets (15 Min) 1. Hang Power Snatch x 4; build 2. 30s Max Ring Rows 3. Rest + after last minute of rest of the last round, perform + C. EMOM x 3 Sets (6 minutes) 1. Max Unbroken Overhead Squats in the minute (use heaviest weight from hang power snatch) 2. Rest COMP 30 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's/B's/C's B. EMOM x 5 Sets (15 Min) 1. Full Snatch + Overhead Squat (1+1) ; build 2. 30s Max Ring Rows 3. Rest + after last minute of rest of the last round, perform + C. EMOM x 3 Sets (6 minutes) 1. Max Full Snatches in One Minute @ 90% of heaviest single 2. Rest [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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What do CFSB Coaches Eat? Chad’s Story

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In this video we sit down to chat with Coach Chad to discuss his food choices: what he grew up eating, how he started eating healthy, what he eats now, his favorite off-plan foods, and his food advice for anyone with a crazy schedule like his. This video is definitely a bit bittersweet because after a couple years of coaching at the gym, Chad is leaving his coaching role at the gym to further his career as a firefighter. I think I speak for everyone when I say he'll definitely be missed. (I'm not crying, you're crying) We also had a special guest star, Chad's dog Scout who told us about her food choices as well. Chad has a very unique situation in that he is a firefighter and he's going back to school. So in addition to having a crazy schedule he has a lot of commitments to keep up with, and through all that he's still able to eat real whole food a lot of the time. He gave great advice in the video about how to juggle all those things. Chad, we wish you all the best in the future!! ___________________________________________________________________________ -Hey guys! Robby here from CrossFit South Bend today. I am here with Chad and I'm here with his awesome dog Scout, who is accompanying us today. So Chad, thanks so much for being with us today. - Sure. - So today, we are going to talk about food. So, the first question I want to ask is, what was food like for you growing up? - So, growing up, it was all junk food. Kind of like, we ran around, every meal was from a box. Like, including cereal with water, you know. When we'd cook on our own. But, macaroni and cheese, you know, or we'd eat out every other night of the week. So, it was pretty unhealthy. - Yep - Yeah. - And, when did you start to find out about, kind of, eating more healthy, and what was that journey like up to this point? - So, when I joined the fire department, they told me I was way to skinny so, they said I was like 110 pounds, so, I was like okay, well I'm gonna start eating. And it was like I'm eating like Burger King and stuff like that. So, I started working out. And, I was like okay, I'm working out so maybe I should eat healthy. And then I was starting to eat healthy, and then I was like maybe I should stop smoking. And, kind of snow-balled this healthy lifestyle. - And, what's food like for you now? Tell us about like what you eat on a typical day, typical week, and then if you brought some stuff with you. - So, I eat pretty plain. I call it bachelor chow. That's pretty much like food mixed together. So, like today I have, this is like my Chipotle bachelor chow. So, she's gonna try to go for that. So, I'll always get a carb. So, cilantro rice, I made up. Cilantro lime rice. Some chicken, and then some veggies. I always want to throw in a veggie, whether that's just having a spinach salad, before a meal or, I really don't like veggies that much. I know that's kind of taboo to say. - That's alright. - But, I've got to get them in. So, I always have them in. So, I'll throw like spinach in my eggs, or whatever. But, it's pretty plain. It's protein, carb, veggie. - Yep. - Yeah. - So, one of the things I was thinking about, with this videos, I like to try highlight the unique aspects of each persons life. So, you are a firefighter, going to school, doing a bunch of different things. What tips and tricks have you kind of learned, you know time management, and cooking, and grab this on the go. What sort of things have you learned in the process eating healthy, while maintaining the schedule that you have? - Definitely meal prep. For breakfast, when I'm at work I always make, like I'll bring ingredients, for my lunch, it's always prepared, already cooked, ready to go. 'Cause our time between breakfast and lunch we could have a bunch of calls, so, that meal is always pre-made. Then dinner, I'll bring ingredients and cook fresh, because I prefer not to eat reheated meals, but sometimes it's just a necessity. - Gotcha. Scout did you want to share your meal? That looks pretty gourmet. - Oh, I'll talk for you. So, here we have dog food, dry, I think it's Purina One, large breed, she eats it every day, so she must like it. In fact, do you want to try some now? She loves it. See? - she loves it. And she's off camera - Low bearer frenchy with dogs, it's like, is it edible. Even then. - For a while she had her own Instagram, And, I wanted to make her a foody, but since she's a dog, it was the same picture every day of the same bowl, the same food. I don't think people got it. - Ya, pretty good guess. So, tell us about off plan food. What are your top, I don't know, two-three, like holy-shit, I love this. You know, peanut butter, pizza, ice cream. Like what are your favorite off plan foods? - Definitely, pizza, deep dish, Chicago style. Oh man, I'm in heaven. That, and then brownie ice cream, big time, for dessert. Every time. - Any particular place you get for brownie ice cream? - Well, what was that place we went to? Korachka's? - Yeah, that was pretty good. - That was pretty darn good. I mean my blood sugar was like 400, but. -That was after the insulin shot. - Yeah. That was after three insulin shots, actually. Yeah. - What are some special occasions? What are some times, for some people it's like Thanksgiving, or their birthday, or what are special times you like to have special off time food. - Usually the first day of my four day, is usually honestly like - yeah it's like okay, time to still, I don't go hog-wild or anything like that. But, I might treat myself to dinner. I might have a burger with dinner, or a beer, or whatever. - Gotcha. And, you know. Let's say you were talking to someone who was you know, in a similar situation, going back to school, firefighter, just, you know, crazy shift work schedule. Like, what would you say to someone who has a similar schedule, where they're trying to get healthy, but they don't quite know what to do? What advice would you give, or what thoughts do you have, now having gone through that yourself? - So, when it comes to food and really training, I want the least stress as possible. - Yeah, absolutely. - So, people will get out scales and measure, and I've done it too, measure food, and make sure I've this much carbs, this much protein. For me, it's just eat real food, like try not to eat out of a box. And, if you're shopping on the exterior of your supermarket, that's where you're gonna find the real food. And, if you stick to that, I think you're gonna be doing pretty good. I mean if you are in a body building competition, then maybe dial in your macros, but for me, that's really stressful, and I'm not doing any bodybuilding. - Yep. No, couldn't agree. clearly - Well no, couldn't agree more like, yeah, just eat real, whole, food, don't stress out about it too much. Awesome. Well, thank you guys so much for joining us today. - Thank you. Appreciate it. - Alright guys, thanks so much for tuning in. See you guys next time.

Weightlifting Programming 9/24/18-9/30/18

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Monday - 9/24/18
  • Snatch
    • HS
    • 90%x1x2
  • Clean & Jerk
    • HS
    • 90%x1x2
  • Front Squat
    • HS
    • 90%x1x2
  • Clean Pull
    • 105%x2x3
Tuesday - 9/25/18
  • Dip Snatch
    • HS
    • 90%x1x2
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk
    • (1+1)RM
    • 90% x (1+1) x 2
  • Snatch Pull
    • (100%x2) x3
Wednesday - 9/26/18
  • Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch
    • 5 x (3+3)
  • Tall Jerk (from shoulders)
    • 5x3
  • Clean Long Pull + Tall Clean
    • 5 x (3+3)
Thursday - 9/27/18
  • Snatch
    • HS
    • 90%x1
  • Clean & Jerk
    • HS
    • 90%x1
  • Back Squat
    • HS
    • 90%x2
  • Clean Pull
    • 100%x2x3
Friday - 9/28/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 9/29/18
  • Snatch
    • 80%x2
    • 85%x2
    • 90%x2
    • 95%x2
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 80% x (2+1)
    • 85% x (2+1)
    • 90% x (2+1)
    • 95% x (2+1)
  • Front Squat
    • 70%x2
    • 80%x2
    • 85%x2
    • 90%x2
    • 92%x2
  • Snatch Pull
    • 110%x2
    • 115%x2
    • 120%x2x2
Sunday - 9/30/18
  • Rest Day