Workout Log: CFSB – Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-04-18
End Date: 2022-04-24
Monday April 18, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending
Warmup: The run is the warm up here! you can build across sets if you’d like
A) Bodyweight Accumulation + Run Work: 1 Minute Run *10yd shuttles đ
30s Walk
x 12 Sets
rest/walk 7 minutes
20 Minute Amrap
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
rest 45s
Tuesday April 19, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Deadlift: *18 Minute cap
@3111; 5×5; rest 90-120s
B) Bench Press: *18 Minute cap
@3111; 5×5; rest 90-120s
C) Core Work: 10 Minute Amrap
50yd Farmers Carry
20 Med Ball Sit Ups
Wednesday April 20, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches choice you’ll choose either practice or express today
Snatch RDL
Hang Snatch Pull
Hang Snatch High Pull
A) Snatch [Positions] – 15 Minute Cap: 5 Sets
3 Overhead Squats @ 3111
Build up to a heavy set for the day or practice
13 Minute Amrap
15 American KBS
15 No Push Up Burpees
90 Single Unders
rest 30s
13 Minute Amrap
6 Hang Power Snatch @ 55-65% of PS
9 Burpees Over Bar *lateral, two foot jump
45 Double Unders
rest 30s
Thursday April 21, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Back Squat: 18 Minute Cap
@3111; 5×3; rest 2 minutes
B) Strict Pull Up: @3111; 4×7; rest 2 minutes
*if you can hold the tempo well, perform them weighted
*only one band allowed
if performing Ring Rows
@3111; 7×7; rest 60s
C) Core Work: 10 Minute Amrap
50yd Goblet or Dual KB Front Rack Carry
5 Kipping Toe to Bar
10 Ball Slams
Friday April 22, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice, you’ll choose either PRACTICE or EXPRESS today
Clean RDL
Hang Clean Pull
Hang Clean High Pull
A) Clean [Power] 15 Min: 5 Sets
5 Hang Power Clean @ 21X0
build up to a heavy set for the day or practice
B) Mixed UB – Teams of 2 – I go, you go (rounds): PRACTICE
15 Minute Amrap
10 Strict Press *pulled from floor
20 Cal Assault BIke
15 Minute Amrap
10 Push Jerk *pulled from floor
20 Calorie Row @ damper 10; tough
Saturday April 23, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending
A) Mixed MAP 6: 3 Minute Amrap
16 Alternating DB/KB Snatch
80yd Shuttle
2 Min Rest
x 4 Sets
rest 5 minutes
3 Minute Amrap;
Assault BIke; every 10 cals stop and perform
10 Burpees
2 min Rest
x 4 Sets
Sunday April 24, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending
A) Grinder + Move: For Time – 10 Minute Cap
60yd Plate Push
10 Wall Walks
30 Russian KBS
10 Double Push Up Burpees
30 Box Jump w/SD
30/25 Cal AB
rest 5 minutes
3 Sets @ easy conversational
1:30 each
Jump Rope
2022 04 16