Simple Muscle Up Program

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][text_output]This is meant as a little journey for you on your way to getting a muscle up, know that there are quite a few ways to develop a muscle up, I've even done an another post on it a while back right here for a completely different progression.  There are soooooo many ways to develop them. But here is one way. In the diagram, what I mean by a clean pull up, is a pull up that is strict and smooth, that will get your clavicle at or above the bar and you have complete control over your body. In the diagram above, what I mean by a clean deep ring dip, can you control the rings on descent with a neutral ring position (not internally rotated) touch your shoulders to the rings, then ascend without overextension and internally rotating the shoulders? I also want the body hanging off the ground with straight legs. This is why we prefer strict movements in strength prior to the kip - there is a place for each within a specific context, but strict work will lay a better and safer foundation than kipping work will for a volume of gymnastics. Sure, you can get a muscle up with numbers that aren't exactly within the range of prerequisites above by kipping like hell, but here is what you are looking at... [/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/3"][promo image="13747" alt="" id="" class="" style=""]If you have below the prerequisites for strength, you have to have stellar technique, or at least a lot more than what you would need if you had the right amount of strength. Your chance for injury goes up - this also goes up or down depending on a lot of other factors - flexibility and stability in the musculature itself, the amount of volume you are performing, relative to the amount of volume you are adapted to, etc.[/promo][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/3"][promo image="13748" alt="" id="" class="" style=""]If you have exactly at the prerequisites of strength, the amount of technique you'll need will go down, as will the chance for injury...again this also goes up or down depending on a lot of other factors - flexibility and stability in the musculature itself, the amount of volume you are performing, relative to the amount of volume you are adapted to, etc. when you get your very first muscle up in practice, is not the time to immediately do 30 muscle ups for time.[/promo][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/3"][promo image="13749" alt="" id="" class="" style=""]If you have well over the prerequisites of strength, the amount of technique you'll need will go down greatly - not that you don't want to practice technique, as having high markers in both will result in your ability to hit big sets with beauty. the chance for injury will go down a great deal as well - assuming you have flexibility in that very stable area. The volume you are performing still does have a factor, its all relative to what ability level you are at, no one is safe from injury with stupid programming and neglect for flexibility and stability.[/promo][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion id="" class="" style=""][accordion_item parent_id="" title="Keep It Simple Gymnastics Strength Work" id="" class="" style=""]

 Simple Frequency Method 

1.Take what you are trying to improve, push ups, pull ups, ring dips, etc. and hit one max unbroken set. Divide that total number by about 50-60%, that is your starting rep set. 

For example:

Lets say Sally can hit 5 pull ups in one sitting, we are starting with sets of 2 (round down preferably when dividing, starting easier is better than starting too hard)

SIDE NOTE: If you cannot perform a repetition at what you are trying to perform, there are a ton of scaling options to start this at, for instance...

Push Ups: Incline Push Ups, Bench Press, Knee Push Ups, Negatives

Pull Ups: Isometric Holds, Negatives, Banded Pull Ups, Ring Rows

Ring Rips: Isometric Holds, Negatives, Static Dips, Seated Dips

WARNING: Negatives make new trainee's very sore, so be careful in progressing them, no more than 10% volume a week. maybe even adding in an extra rest day.

There are many more things you can do for accessory work - I like therabands or crossover symmetry for some shoulder prehab - but this post is for those of you who are doing this stuff from home or office and don't have access to a ton of equipment.

2. Start with an amount of volume of sets that feels easy, almost too easy

For example, lets begin with 6 SETS of 2 REPETITIONS.

3. The time of day to perform

These are to be spread as evenly throughout the day as possible, one in the morning, one at night, one at lunch, and the others sprinkled throughout - if you cannot make this work there are other methods of putting it all into one block of repetitions, but thats a story for another blog post. Performing 12 repetitions split evenly throughout the day has less chance to develop volume injury issues than doing 12 all at once. If you need things split into 2-3 sets a day, or all at once because you only have access to the equipment once through the day, thats a cause to sit down and chat with us about how to make that work.

4. Number of days per week

You'll perform, this every day of the week, with the exception of Sunday.

Monday 6x2

Tuesday 6x2

Wednesday 6x2

Thursday 6x2

Friday 6x2

Saturday 6x2

Sunday REST

5. Fatigue, Injury, Managing Volume. 


*Every set should feel easy, it should never come close to failure

*You should never have to break technique to squeeze in a rep

*If you have mobility issues, address them before starting the program, you are adding volume to something, so things will tighten up a bit. If you add volume to a bad movement pattern and already tightened musculature and ignore correct movement patterns, you'll get injured.

*you can squeeze in a couple sets pretty close together, but that also increases your fatigue rate, so remember that.

*be careful of any other programs you may be doing on account that we don't program to suit YOUR volume of extra stuff you are doing, you may have to be intelligent enough to modify some movements that may push you over the edge.

6. Progressing.

Add a set, or a rep per week as recovery will allow, ONLY, and ONLY if the last week's sets were easy.

For example:

WEEK 1: 72 total weekly reps

Monday 6x2

Tuesday 6x2

Wednesday 6x2

Thursday 6x2

Friday 6x2

Saturday 6x2

Sunday REST

WEEK 2: 84 total weekly reps (14% jump in total volume)

Monday 7x2

Tuesday 7x2

Wednesday 7x2

Thursday 7x2

Friday 7x2

Saturday 7x2

Sunday REST

WEEK 3 : 108 total weekly reps (28% jump in total volume)

Monday 6x3

Tuesday 6x3

Wednesday 6x3

Thursday 6x3

Friday 6x3

Saturday 6x3

Sunday REST

WEEK 4 : 126 total weekly reps (16% jump in total volume)

Monday 7x3

Tuesday 7x3

Wednesday 7x3

Thursday 7x3

Friday 7x3

Saturday 7x3

Sunday REST

etc. Only climbing sets or reps as the last week should feel EASY - I don't like to jump more than 30% of total volume per week otherwise I noticed most people doing this (general population whose main job isn't recovering from an aggressive program) start to get little twinges and tweaks in the area worked on and usually results in a two week backpedal. But this volume of increase is depending on the athlete i'm working with as well - if you have all your ducks in a row, bigger jumps may be in order.

7. Continuing

Continue this until you hit your goal, or pass your goal, and remember - progress is NEVER a straight line. It has a few slants and zig zags in there, you may have a setback, and you may have to move in a few different directions to get to where you need to be. As you leave the area of the Novice and into intermediate, the more advanced methods and tools will become useful for you. Developing 1 pull up, is different from developing 20, which is different from developing a 150b weighted pull up. Remember that.

[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id="" title="Keep it simple Technique Work" id="" class="" style=""]Simple Technique Work Im going to throw some videos in here, but just remember, throwing in the attempts for muscle ups prior to having the strength to perform them, is asking for it. Technique and Skill work is meant to be non exhaustive, once you start to break technique on account of fatigue, STOP. just...stop. Keep in mind, there is much more out there than what is below, its just some good stuff that works, to some degree there can be a lot of personalization that goes into this with specific false grip work and transition work that fits your own needs. 10 minutes of practice works well Dip to upper arm support - Helps with both false grip and non false grip Toenail transition - better for false grip transitions Non false grip transition - This is video number one, he carries it through somewhere around 6 videos. False grip transitions - This is video number one of a few as well, continue through the videos a few good books - overcoming gravity by steven low, and freestyle by carl paoli. [/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id="" title="Want us to program something specifically for you?" id="" class="" style=""]Want us to program something specifically for you? Click here to email us to let us know what you are interested in learning! Once you've emailed us, we'll look it over and give you the best idea of what its going to take to get you there.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

CrossFit Wods 1.11.16 – 1.17.16 **Week 8**

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="New Stuff, Events, and Classes" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]New Stuff, Events, and Classes NUTRITION – WHOLE90 NUTRITION CHALLENGE PREREGISTRATION IS UP STARTING CROSSFIT – January Fundamentals Has Begun!  MOBILITY CLASS – 4 Weeks to less upper body pain – Begins Thursday January 7th SNOW AND SHOES! - SAVE THE DATE – PARTY! – CFSB Holiday Party – Saturday Jan 23rd ***Click for Details*** FREE – Whole Foods Grocery Store Tour New Swag Coming Soon! - Look to the blog for a post NEW CLASSES! Kids and Teens training has begun! click here for details[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Some new posts!" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Some new posts! Strict - Open Gym stuff Angie's Story - 13lbs lost while eating MORE food Sticking to your new years resolution Jeremy and Heather's Story Crossfit South Bend on CrossFit Radio Simple Muscle Up Program - CFSB[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 1.11.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Monday 1.11.16 A. 2 Rounds :45 Seconds Contralateral Dead Bugs :15 Seconds Rest :45 Seconds Moose Antlers :15 Seconds Rest B. Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes Odd Minutes - Power Snatch AHAP x 2 Even Minutes - Pull Ups x 10 For the pull ups, you'll do 10, or work for :30 seconds, whichever comes first. B. 6 Minute Amrap 5 Deadlifts 225/155 10 No Push Up Bar Facing Burpees Over Bar
  Notes: Power Snatch: I want it heavy but pretty. So pretty. Pull Ups: You can kip on the pull ups, if you are going to be performing in the open, here is a good chance to throw in chest to bar. Deadlifts: Again, pretty here. NPUBFBOB: Watch your foot position, try to land clean with your toes forward.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 1.12.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 1.12.16 A. 2 Rounds :45 Seconds Pillar Hold Alternating Hand Reach :15 Seconds Rest :30 Single Leg Glute Bridge :30 Single Leg Glute Bridge :15 Rest B. 15 Minutes to establish Squat 5rm Compare to your prior Squat 5 from 12.10.15 C. 5 Rounds Max Bench Press at **a preferred heavy starting range of 10-17** 7 Box Jumps @ 30"/24" Score: Tonnage, Reps x Weight
Notes: Squat: We have been hitting Squat 5's this whole cycle, try to best your prior by 3-5% Bench Press: Really try to nail that initial rep range and then get after it from there Box Jumps: Don't choose a box height you are uncomfortable with. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 1.13.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]So, my gymnastics speech that I do quite a bit, about being okay to look like an idiot? here is a gymnastics field trip that we did about 4 years ago - the dramatic music is a counterpoint to the horrible gymnastics being done at 1:45 on the clock. Wednesday 1.13.16 A. Handstand Kick Up Progression Handstand Walking Progression B. 3 x Max Reps Handstand Push Ups C. 3:00 Cal Row 1:30 Kossack Lunges (not scored) 3:00 10 Yard Shuttle Runs 1:00 Rocking Couch Stretch (not scored) 3:00 Jump Rope Singles 1:00 Banded WY Negative (not scored) Notes: No notes, just pay attention to the coach, and you don't get to move forward in a progression until you keep the body position in tight.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 1.14.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 1.14.16 A. 2 Rounds 45 seconds SIDE PILLAR HOLD HIP DROP AND REACH Right 15 seconds Rest 45 seconds SIDE PILLAR HOLD HIP DROP AND REACH Left 15 seconds Rest 45 seconds Reverse Snow Angel 15 seconds Rest B. 3 Rounds 3 Minutes to perform Power Clean Heavy 3 Max Strict Chin Ups C. 3 Rounds 3 Minutes on - 1 Minute Rest 3 Hang Power Cleans 55-65% of heaviest 3rm for the day 6 Toes to Bar 9 Air Squats Notes: Power Clean: This isn't a huge climb, begin with a weight that is, or is damn close to 100%  of your heaviest 3,[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 1.15.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 1.15.16 A. 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Forward Facing Med Ball Series 10 Teapots Right 10 Teapots Left B. 15 minutes to establish Push Press 3rm C. For Time 50 Cal Row while partner holds double KB overhead (55/35) 50 Burpees while partner holds double KB in Front Rack (55/35) 50 Thrusters 95/65 while partner holds double KB by side (55/35)[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 1.16.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 1.16.16 A. 5 Rounds 21 Russian Kettlebell Swings 55/35 15 Thrusters 75/55 9 Burpees over bar rest 2 minutes between rounds scale so that you hit the GOAL GOAL is unbroken rounds - or same times/round with highest maintainable power.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 1.17.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Sunday 1.17.16 A. 5 minutes burpee box jump overs rest 5 minutes 4 minutes of shuttles rest 4 minutes 3 minutes of power cleans 155/105 rest 3 minutes 2 minutes of wall balls rest 2 minutes 1 minute to perform max set of unbroken chest to bar pull ups[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Thursday, 01.07.15

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Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Close Grip Bench Press 5, 5, 5, 5 Front Squat 3 RM, Max Reps @80%


Complete for time: Reverse Wall Walk with Push Up – 40 Reps Strict Pull Up – 50 Reps *You may break sets and reps up in any combination.

Angie’s Story-13lbs lost while eating MORE food

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"Eat less, workout more." We hear it all the time. It's the simple key to weight loss and health. Or is it? Angie had been told multiple times by her doctor and others to eat less and workout more, and she ended up GAINING 12lbs over the course of a year weight with that approach. When she came to see us we suggested she eat MORE real whole food not less. Over the course of three months of eating more food, but quality real whole food, she lost 13lbs, 2.5 inches off her waist, and 2.25 inches off her hips. Even more importantly, her hair and nails started growing again, her cravings for bad food are gone, and her digestion is a lot better. There are so many people out there who are told "just eat less, and workout more". But that's not always the right answer, and the truth is a lot more nuanced than that. We actually find that most people achieve their health and weight loss goals faster by eating MORE real whole food, and exercising LESS but more intelligently with high intensity interval training and strength work. Want to experience your own transformation by eating real whole food? There are only 10 days left to sign up for our Whole90 nutrition challenge, the very same program that Angie used to achieve all her success. You can reserve your spot in the Whole90 Nutrition Challenge here: You can get all the details here: Our  2016Whole90 Nutrition Challenge is 60% off our normal one-on-one nutrition coaching prices, and it won't happen again until next year. Come join us for what is sure to be our biggest and best Whole90 ever.


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When you deal in force, you measure weight and time a lot. We tell a lot of stories, it's true. But we're selling science here – unbiased, nonempathetic, measurable. Objective. A litre of your sweat is the same as a litre of my sweat. We believe that consistency is kindness: that, by holding you to the same line as everyone else, we can promise you'll only be beaten in a fair fight. If you squat 300lbs to competition depth – crease of the hip, crest of the knee, and all that – then you've done it. You've done 300. What does it take to squat more than you? If I squat 450lbs, but only halfway to your depth, have I done better? 550lbs? Six-fitty? No, because I haven't done a squat. The line was clear, and I fell short. If the line is unclear, then I'll squat as low as – well, pretty good – and beat you. I'll call it 'squatting to ninety,' and it won't be fair, but it will count. I'll win. Maybe you can pile a bit more on, and squat a little higher, and trump me, in turn. So I'll go to five plates a side, walk out of the rack, curtsy…and who are you to call me wrong? At CrossFit South Bend, we call that cheating. At other gyms, they call that Thursday. Without that consistency, we can't measure 'yes' or 'no.' It's all just 'kinda.' As some visiting lifters have found, our pass/fail is black/white. Fifty Shades of Gray may be on our bookshelves, our pillows, or our minds, but it ain't on our platforms. We also hold our Open Gym time to a standard just as rigid. You can check that schedule out right here We are looking to expand the open gym times in the future, but not until the rules are followed. Relaxing the standard for one of our 200 members doesn't help her out – it screws everyone else: "You have to be done by noon, unless you're Amber. Then the rule is 12:07." "Jim gets to stay until 3 minutes after, because he's – y'know – slow." “Jessica’s shirt looks new. Let's give her an extra few minutes and tell her to just stay out of the way." Our staff members train when they want - thats a perk of being a staff member - They work hard for us here, and deserve some flexibility. We've tried it both ways for everyone. Consistent and fair is better. The squats get higher, the 'late' gets later, and everyone gets angry if we make exceptions. Let's keep it low and tight. What is CFSB Open Gym? The goals of Open Gym are as diverse as you all are, but here are some highlights of why you might choose to utilize it: Practice skills at your own pace, outside of the normal group Do some extra work that your coaches have prescribed to you Meet new friends and workout with them Make-up a missed WOD Prepare for an upcoming competition or event Try new things – PLAY with your fitness! Who is eligible to use it? EVERYONE There are a few general house-keeping rules: There will be no coaching going on. If you’re seen doing something sketchy, you’ll be asked to stop Three strikes and you’re out This is not the time to bring a friend along who has never performed CrossFit or does not have a membership. Make sure you keep to the listed schedule Want to purchase an Open Gym Membership? It's $20 a month, you can train at any of the scheduled open gym hours. You can cancel any time you want. But if you don't happen to have one and you'd like to - or you have trained during an open gym time. You can click here to purchase one. Want to check out our Frequently Asked Questions? Click here to do so