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Hey all, so - this is the way this goes. We start noticing a trend of 18 or more at a particular class, and we are going to do our best to open up another class AND possibly put on more coaches for those classes. So this will be a TRIAL! We will open up, beginning next week on Thursday January 28th, a 7:00pm class. If it is attended well enough through the month of February, we will add it permanently to the schedule!  


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Hey, we had a few questions about the Holiday Party. It's a Cocktail Party, so dress up if you'd like! That means Tuxedo, Suit and Tie, Dress, Ballroom Gown, Prom Dress, Wedding Dress, Tuxedo Shirt while Donald Ducking' it. In the end, we just want you here, come and have fun, play some games - card games, board games, drinking games, drinking board card games, we will have one of these set up with Doug B on it, you can throw some knives at him. So if you want to show up in cut off shorts and a tuxedo top with tails - just as long as you are here, we are good. Bring a Food Dish, and Some Alcohol if you want to get it crackin' and lets have fun!

Quinny Bear the CrossFit Nerd – OG Status Member

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][text_output]I first discovered CrossFit online in 2010. After slowly learning more about it, I decided to give it a try about a year later. A friend introduced me to the movements and put me through basic workouts for a few months leading up to my first year at Notre Dame. When I got to ND, I did a quick Google search for gyms in the area but decided I would just workout on campus. I met Sarah Connors when I commented on her Nanos one day in the dining hall, and she told me about CFSB. She ended up taking me for my first visit (as well as nearly every day for the rest of the year). Being a total CrossFit nerd, I thought CFSB was the coolest place ever when I first arrived. I was so pumped to finally use rings, bumper plates, sandbags, and all the other things I had only seen on YouTube videos. I laugh now because the gym has nearly tripled since then, but I love that I can be considered an “OG member”. Back when there were only 3 Oly bars I used to camp out by the wall racks during the warm ups. And I still have nightmares about what might have happened to you if you accidentally stepped on that Jiu-Jitsu mat with your shoes on. It’s been so nice to see the size of the gym, amount of equipment, and number of members grow over the years. The gym has always had a very comfortable and positive atmosphere, which must be the reason why I always perform my best at CFSB. My first big accomplishment took place during my first CrossFit Open. One of the Open workouts involved an ascending snatch ladder—30 reps at 75, 135, 165, and 210lbs. I had just hit 130 for my 1RM snatch a few days before trying this workout. My goal was to get 1 rep at 135. After missing my first attempt, a group of members and coaches started cheering for me and giving tips. Thanks to their encouragement, I ended up getting 14 reps at 135. What accomplishment am I working towards now? Being elite?? Not. I don’t have many specific goals at the moment… I’ve just been enjoying working out with friends and having fun with my training. I’m trying to focus more on the basics (mobility, squatting mechanics, etc.) and not worry too much about numbers. The community of members and coaches is definitely my favorite aspect of CFSB. I don’t think I could’ve made it through Notre Dame without this place. Many times, going to the gym was the only highlight of my day. The workouts were a great way to clear my mind and have some fun with other like-minded people. I never really had a college social group, so I was happy to have found one at CFSB. It’s been great getting to know the CFSB family both inside and outside of the gym. Missing everyone already![/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Thursday, 01.21.16

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   Amateur Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Collegiate Floor Press 3, 3, 3, 3 Barbell Step Ups 4×6 each side  Conditioning Complete 4 Rounds for time: Ground to Overhead – 3 Reps Lateral Box Jump – 6 Reps Ground to Overhead – 3 Reps 100 yd Shuttle Rest 90 seconds

What is the Paleo Diet?

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What is the Paleo Diet?-CFSB Wellness Wednesday In this week’s Wellness Wednesday video we answer the following two questions: 1. What is the Paleo Diet? 2. Is it worth trying? The short answers to those questions are: 1.The Paleo Diet is a nutrient-dense, real whole food diet that focuses on quality protein, vegetables, and healthy fats. 2. The Paleo Diet is absolutely worth giving a try. There are a number of amazing health benefits and very few drawbacks. Running short on time? Check out the 90-second preview here: Want to give the Paleo diet a try? Click here to schedule a FREE 30min One-on-One Nutrition meeting with CFSB Head Nutrition Coach Robby Gustin

Monday 1-18-16

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Warm-up: prone barbell/PVC press, wall facing shoulder rolls A.  Power snatch - 2RM in 20min *we will be recording a few of these in slow-mo to watch your positioning, so bring your phone or something so you can take them home to watch, too! B.  Front squat - 2.2.2 - 10min to warm up, then 1 set every 3:00. These should be heavy! C1.  3x5 tempo goblet squats (35X1) *extra credit if you add a band (I'll show you how)* C2.  3x8 reverse hypers (now that we know how to do these responsibly, we can add a LITTLE BIT more weight. Nothing crazy!)

Monday, 01.18.16

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Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 2.46.39 PM


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workut)


Squat 4, 4, 4, 4 Press 5, 5, 5


Complete 3-5 Rounds. 40 yd Sprint 2/1.5 pd KB Swing – 11 Reps

-Rest 60 Seconds-

30 yd Sprint Strict Handstand Push Up – 11 Reps

-Rest 60 Seconds-

20 yd Sprint Broad Jump – 5 Reps

-Rest 60 Seconds-

CrossFit Wods 1.18.16 – 1.24.16 **Week 9**

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]New Stuff, Events, and Classes THE CROSSFIT OPEN- Announcing the 2016 CrossFit Intramural Open KIDS/TEENS NUTRITION – Feeding the Soccer Animal  BLOG POSTS - Simple Muscle Up Program SAVE THE DATE – PARTY! – CFSB Holiday Party – Saturday Jan 23rd ***Click for Details*** New Swag Coming Soon! – Look to the blog for a post[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 1.18.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Monday 1.18.16 A. 2 Rounds :60 Seconds Contralateral Dead Bugs :15 Seconds Rest :60 Seconds Moose Antlers :15 Seconds Rest B. 15 Minutes to find Bench Press 5rm C. For Time 500m Row 25 Front Squats 155/105 7 Muscle Ups Notes: Bench Press: Next week is a testing week, get in a heavy 5 with a nice little touch at the chest each time, keep it honest, that way you have a solid number to base off for next week. I'd say your single for next week you can shoot for 110-115% of your 5rm. The Workout: We are not capping this, but we want you to scale accordingly so that you finish in 10 minutes or under. Keep the row as set, but adjust the front squat to something that you may just have to break into two sets. If you are breaking the squats into sets of 5 or less, you have the wrong weight. Front Squats are pulled from the ground. Muscle Ups: Scaling for Muscle Ups goes as followed - (7) Muscle Ups --> ( 14) Chest to bar pull ups --> (21) Regular Pull Ups --> (21) Ring Rows[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 1.19.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 1.19.16 A. 2 Rounds :60 Seconds Pillar Hold Alternating Hand Reach :15 Seconds Rest :30 Single Leg Glute Bridge Right :30 Single Leg Glute Bridge Left :15 Rest B. 12 Minutes to find Hang Power Snatch 1rm C. 4 Rounds 2 Hang Power Snatch – 70-80% of today's 1 RM 10 Balls Slams – 40 lbs 1 Rope Climb – 15 feet 2 Hang Power Snatch –70-80% of today's 1 RM 10 Balls Slams – 40 lbs 1 Rope Climb – 15 feet Rest 2 minutes between rounds (Yes, that is not an error, each 1 round consists of two cycles) Notes: Hang Power Snatch Single: Leave a little in the tank on your Hang power snatch unless you look fuckin' beautiful and you are on a roll, then kill it, but PLEASE make intelligent jumps. This could also be referred to as a technical 1rm - If my coaches see any technical issues with your 1rm that would constitute a no rep, you are to fall back to the weight you had done prior as your 1rm. It's nothing personal when they do it...its just that my coaches prefer you do things the right way, and not add weight just to get the number on the board. Since this is a technical max for most of you, and to get the right stimulus for a novice, percentages aren't always the best tool to use, we have a range out there of 70-80% of the days max. Rope Climbs: Come prepared, with protection, meaning, double sock your leg up, duct tape, metal armor, futuristic lazer rope climbing boots, whatever.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 1.20.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Wednesday 1.20.16 A. Handstand Kick Up Progression Handstand Walking Progression B. 3 x Max Reps Handstand Push Ups C. 3 Minutes Row 90 seconds Kossack Lunge 3 Minute 10 yard shuttle Runs 90 Seconds WY Negatives 3 Minutes No Push Up Burpees 90 Seconds Russian Baby Makers 3 Minutes Step Ups 24/20 90 Seconds Childs Pose Score is total Calories, Shuttles, No Push Up Burpees, and Step Ups - Combined. Notes: Gymnastics Work Notes: We are doing gymnastics work, again, I know not everyone cares for it - but it's good for you as an athlete and just moving around functionally. Read this quick article, breaking muscle does a pretty good job of speaking to its importance. But you can't ignore the importance of developing proprioception along with "strength, control, coordination, spatial awareness, movement quality, sequencing, and mobility". Everything can be broken back into intelligent progressions - don't get fixed on moving too fast during the handstand holds and walking. Handstand Push Up Progression: Notice the position during Carl Paoli's progression here? look familiar? If you'd ever like a long explanation about why we do them the way we do, you can ask me and I'll tell you. If you can give me a good reason why sacrificing a position that lends to the longevity and further transferability to a movement to achieve a higher number on the board makes sense, I'm all ears. Conditioning mixed with some stretching work. Don't be afraid to go hard during those conditioning stints, get after it. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 1.21.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 1.21.16 A. 1 Round 60 seconds SIDE PILLAR HOLD HIP DROP AND REACH Right 15 seconds Rest 60 seconds SIDE PILLAR HOLD HIP DROP AND REACH Left 15 seconds Rest 60 seconds Reverse Snow Angel 15 seconds Rest B. 15 Minutes to find Squat 2rm C. For time 3 Rounds 15 Wall Balls 30 Double Unders immediately into 3 Rounds 15 Toes to Bar 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 55/35 Notes: Squat: Next week is testing, use this squat 2 to figure out what you want to get after for next week, You should be able to hit around 103-105% of what you hit today as a 2. For the workout: You go directly from the 3 rounds, into the next 3 rounds of work. Have fun! [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 1.22.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 1.22.16 A. 2 Rounds 60 Seconds Forward Facing Med Ball Series 10 Teapots Right 10 Teapots Left B. Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes Odd Minutes – Overhead Squat AHAP x 2 Even Minutes – Pull Ups x 10 For the pull ups, you’ll do 10, or work for :30 seconds, whichever comes first.   C. THROWBACK! CrossFit Open Wod 11.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: Squat clean 165/110 Jerk 165/110 Notes: Overhead Squats: RACKS SHOULD BE USED FOR THE OVERHEAD SQUATS - How should you work up? based off of technical ability, if you know a prior number, start heavy and stay heavy, if you have no clue - build from the bottom up and find something that is challenging but technically sound. For the wod... Description Squat clean and Jerk In this movement, the barbell goes from ground to overhead with the athlete passing through a full squat position while the barbell is racked on the shoulders. This can be a full-squat-clean-thruster, a power-clean-front-squat-split-jerk, or anything in between as long as the three key positions are reached. The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing. The athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below knees. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the heels. One round includes a squat clean and a jerk. You must complete the squat clean before moving on to the jerk and you must complete the jerk before moving on to the next squat clean. If you miss a jerk you may power clean the bar to set up your jerk attempt.  

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="HOLIDAY PARTY DAY! Saturday 1.23.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]HOLIDAY PARTY DAY! Saturday 1.23.16 5 Rounds 30 Double unders 20 Wall Balls 20/14 - 10'/9' 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups rest 2 minutes between rounds scale so that you hit the GOAL GOAL is unbroken rounds – or same times/round with highest maintainable power.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 1.24.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Sunday 1.24.16 A. 15 Minutes to Establish a heavy single Power Snatch B. 3 Minute amrap 20 Burpees Max Snatches in time remaining at 35% of today's max rest 3 minutes   3 Minute amrap 20 Burpees Max Snatches in time remaining at 50% of today's max rest 3 minutes   3 Minute amrap 20 Burpees Max Snatches in time remaining at 65% of today's max rest 3 minutes   3 Minute amrap 20 Burpees Max Snatches in time remaining at 80% of today's max rest 3 minutes[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]