Wods 1.3.16 – 1.10.16

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Events and Stuff! NUTRITION – WHOLE90 NUTRITION CHALLENGE PREREGISTRATION IS UP STARTING CROSSFIT – January Fundamentals Begins Soon! MOBILITY CLASS – 4 Weeks to less upper body pain – Begins Thursday January 7th SAVE THE DATE – PARTY! – CFSB Holiday Party – Saturday Jan 23rd ***Click for Details*** FREE – Whole Foods Grocery Store Tour VIDEO – Rowing Clinic Video with Kendra  NEW CLASSES! Kids and Teens training has begun! click here for details Rehashing Open Gym Rules – Schedule – Prices[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 1.4.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Monday 1.4.16 A. 3 Rounds :30 Contralateral Dead Bugs :15 seconds rest :30 Childs Pose Moose Antler :15 seconds rest B. 15 Minutes to establish a Push Press 3rm ***Try to beat your Push Press from 12.15.15 C. Teams of 3 Continue the format until each person has finished 3 rounds Person 1 - 10 Back Squats 155/105 (pulled from the floor) Person 2 - 15 Calorie Row Person 3 - 20 Push Ups You cannot transition until everyone has finished their repetitions. Notes: Pretty self explanatory today - get after those rounds on the workout and scale so that you and your team members finish at around the same time![/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 1.5.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 1.5.16 A. 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Pillar Hold alternating hand reach 15 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds Each side Single Leg Hip Bridge 15 Seconds Rest B. Every 3 minutes perform for 5 sets: Deadlift After Odd Rounds: Max Unbroken Strict Pull Ups After Even Rounds: Max Unbroken Kipping Pull Ups C. 5 Rounds 1 Minute to perform 40 Double Unders 1 Minute to perform 30 American Kettlebell Swings 55/35 1 Minute to perform 15 Wall Balls 20/14 10'/9' Notes: We are working up to a heavy 5 today and will be hitting up the rep scheme of 10,8,5,5,5 to get there. We will also be super setting these with max strict and kipping pull ups. Just...Just pay attention to the coaches today on how the deadlift / pull ups will work :) For the Double Unders: Either nail them out, or do double under attempts for 40 seconds - then give yourself a little transition time[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 1.6.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Wednesday 1.6.16 A. 1. Forward Rolls 2. Backward Rolls 3. Dive Rolls 4. Quick Rolls 5. Bear Crawl 6 . Forward Roll To Bear Crawl 7. Crab Crawl 8. Backward Roll To Crab Crawl 9. Cartwheel B. Handstand Kickup Progression - Transitioning to Walking for the more advanced. C. 3 x Max Handstand Push Ups D. 15 Minute amrap 250m Row 10yd Handstand Walk Max Toes to bar Notes: The idea here is to move at a steady pace, and focus on each movement. Not how many round you get. Don't get into a rush - keep the walking smooth and again, don't get fixated on your number of rounds or reps.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 1.7.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 1.7.16 A. :30 Second Side Pillar Hold Left 15 Seconds Rest :30 Second Side Pillar Hold Right 15 Seconds Rest :30 Second Reverse Snow Angel 15 Seconds Rest B. Snatch Touch and Go Skill Work C. 20 Minutes to perform 4 Rounds 10 Yard out and back Dumbbell Walking Lunge 15  Yard Bear Crawl with Kettlebell Push D. Death by Burpees You'll be progressing by 2's here 2...4...6...8...etc Beat your score from 11.25.15 Notes: The bear crawl with the kettle bell push is fun, enjoy![/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 1.8.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 1.8.16 A. 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Upper Body Plyo Circuit - Only Wall Facing Alternating Sides Standing Teapot 10 Left, 10 Right B. 20 Minute amrap 1-2 Rope Climbs 20 Sledgehammer Strikes 10L, 10R 20 Yard AHAP Kettlebell Waiters Walk 20 Yard Kettlebell Rack Walk 20 Yard Kettlebell Farmers Walk[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 1.9.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 1.9.16 A. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: 95-lb. Thrusters Burpees Notes: This is happening...just let it happen. I will make sure everyone finishes in a reasonable amount of time today :)[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Sunday 1.10.15 "Cindy" 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats Notes: Classic Cindy, but, there is a catch for today's workout with it being a leaderboard workout - we are introducing a new rule.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Monday, 01.04.15

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Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Squat 4, 4, 4, 4 Press 3 RM, Max Reps @75% 3 RM


Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 minutes:

AHAP Barbell Thrusters – 5 Reps 20″ Lateral Box Jumps – 5 Reps Plyo Push Ups – 10 Reps

Monday 1-4-16

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**New cycle begins today! We may be seeing a few new faces this time around, so be friendly! :)** Warm-up:  wall-facing active shoulder drill, high pull --> turnover with active shoulder drill A.  Hang snatch from blocks (2 inches above knee) - work up to a 3RM in 20 min B.  Front squat - 1 1/4 squats (descend to full depth, up to parallel, back down to full depth, stand up to full extension) - 1x5@60% of 1RM, 1x5@65%, 1x5@70% C1.  3x10 med ball roll-ups C2. 3x8 reverse hypers (minimal, if any weight this week. Here is a link to a brief article on what the reverse hyper is and what it's meant for. I'll be watching everyone closely so we can all learn to FEEL (not just SEE) what correct position is like.)

Saturday 1-2-15

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Recovery day! Today will be a fun day and our new cycle starts Monday! Warm-up: dynamic warm-up A.  EMOM x 14 min - Odd min: 2 hang power cleans + 2 push jerks. Even min: 4 step ups each leg B. 1 behind the neck jerk + 2 OHS - work up to heaviest set of the complex in 15min C.  Partner WOD! 30-20-10 of KB swings (70/55) and partner med ball situp toss - partner 1 completes all 30 KB swings, then partner 2 does their KB swings, then they both move on to the med ball situp toss together

Last Chance Deadline for Competitors Program

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Hey all, This will be the last chance to show interest for the competitors program - we currently have 5 and would need a minimum of 10 in order for it to make sense to run the class :) So if you intend on signing up, or are incredibly interested - You have until 12:00pm Saturday January 2nd to click this link and fill out the interested form. Otherwise the class will be postponed until next year!