Supporting your wrists for CrossFit

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/2"][image src="13264" alt="" href="" title="" info_content="" lightbox_caption="" id="" class="" style=""][/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/2"][text_output]Lets talk about wrist support for CrossFit. Now that CrossFit has gone pretty mainstream, if you google "wrist wraps" - you won't find any shortage of every person in the world trying to get in on the CrossFit product game with  their own variation of a product. When you have a lot of weight on the bar, it tends to pull the wrist into a great amount of extension, the purpose of a wrist wrap is to provide support to the wrist during a pressing movement, or when the arm is in flexion and external rotation like the rack position - by limiting the extension of the wrist. Here are a few things to remember. 1.Don't isolate the wrist to get around a mobility issue. I see people grabbing their wrists after a clean, or during wrist supports in discomfort. Wrapping your wrists to move around a mobility issue is treating the symptom, not the source of the problem. Now treating the symptom and the source can be done in conjunction with one another, but don't ignore the source of your problem, which is more than likely poor mobility in your shoulders, extension in thoracic, forearms, and wrist flexibility. Wrist wraps also block the wrist, and will more than likely demand greater flexibility from the shoulders. So either work on some front rack mobility or some wrist mobility, or a little bit of both. Front Rack and Wrist mobility 2. Warm up without your wrist wraps. Warm up without them and allow your wrists to get into that full extension and flexion, wrapping your wrists up all of the time will more than likely encourage stiffening your range of motion, so that when you do take them offer, you'll further damage them. You don't need wrists wraps to move the bar, if you do, and if it hurts that bad that you have to use wrist wraps during a warm up - refer to the next one. 3. If it hurts, don't do it, or pull it back. Be smart, if it hurts. Ask a coach - Come up with a plan on how to fix it, and stick to it. Don't do the movement - let it rest, substitute something different Lower the weight - If it hurts, pull it back until its feeling better Do mobility - I don't feel sorry for you if you don't do anything to fix the problem. Get them checked out - If you are concerned about them, go get a medical professional to check them out. 4. Learn how to use them appropriately. Take a look at the image provided, this gives you a good idea of some of the wrist wraps out there and how to use them. Make sure  you use the wraps correctly and for their intended purpose.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Barbells For Boobs Wrap Up

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Hey all, Just wanted to send out a huge thank you for participating in this years Barbells For Boobs, we originally set our goal to $1000 and you all were quick to help us shoot past that, we raised the bar again to $1500 and wound up finishing up at $1525. Thank you all for all of your hard work and support! Click here to check out the finale of our donation page! Click here to friend us on facebook and check out the pictures!

Announcement – Free Train Heroic App For Our Members

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Hey everyone! We would like to announce the launch of a new App for CrossFit South Bend members - Train Heroic.   What is Train Heroic? Train Heroic is a workout logging system, Click here to check out some of the features. What platform can I use Train Heroic on? You can use this app a few different ways.
  1. Use the Train Heroic iPhone App here
  2. Use the Android App here
  3. Use the browser friendly version here
What does is cost to CFSB Members?  Nothing! It's Free What is it for? Currently, its for tracking our general CrossFit programming, we will expand it to our other streams of programming and let you know when those get launched! How do I get an invite? We have sent you all an invite to the email address you have on file with us through your FrontDesk Account OR Click here to subscribe. I haven't set up my Front Desk Account Well, click this link to sign up, use the email address you most frequently check, and sign up! Didn't get the Train Heroic invite email?  Step 1. Make sure the email you have on file for us is correct Step 2. Just click here and put your name and email in and we will get another invite out to you. When does the programming for the following week get published? We publish the programming weekly on Train Heroic for you to see whats coming ahead of time to be able to prepare your week. We publish it on Friday nights, and the programming shows the following Monday - Sunday      

Monday, 10.26.15

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Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Squat 5×1 (Use 92.5% of Squat 1 RM) Press 5×5


Quarter Gone Bad Five rounds for total reps of: 135/95 lb Thrusters – 15 Seconds Rest 45 Seconds Weighted pull-ups – 15 Seconds Rest 45 Seconds Athletic Burpees – 15 Seconds Rest 45 Seconds

Programming Week 8 of 9, 10.26.15 – 11.1.15

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Whats going down at CFSB Super Awesome!! Free Wod Tracking Software for CFSB Members! Train Heroic is LIVE - download it now! CFSB Member Stories: Making my back squat scream even screamier - Katelynn M. Last Weeks Wellness Wednesday: Blood Sugar 101 Events: CFSB Halloween Party Details! Events: Wades Army 2015 Events: Wod with Warriors Nov 7th Clinic: 60 Minute Rowing Clinic with Kendra Rask – November 12th Getting Started! November Fundamentals Details are up! Classes: October Mobility – 4 Week Shoulder Fix Also: If you have the Flu… Classes: Mobility Schedule Change Our WIFI: Hey all, new wifi settings for “CFSB Public” If you want to use our wifi, when you connect it will ask you to check into Facebook to use it! Hold up for even NEWER stuff coming next week![/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 10.26.15 - Train Heroic Goes Live Today for the members!" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Monday 10.26.15  - Train Heroic Goes Live Today for the members, download it now! A. Squat 3rm B. 3 Rounds Max Left Arm Kettlebell Floor Press Max Right Arm Kettlebell Floor Press 300 Yard Shuttle Notes: For the Squat, we want you to beat your pause squat 3rm from 10.5.15, this is NOT a pause today. Find something on the floor press you can get 12-20 reps with from the start. For the workout, there will be two scores -Max number of repetitions combined for the floor press -Track each individual sprint time, score on Train Heroic is slowest sprint time. You may notice in the video he is demonstrating the floor press with straight legs, we will be having a little stability assistance with the feet. Also...go hard on all of the runs, max effort, this ain't that[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 10.27.15 - November Fundamentals Begins Today!" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 10.27.15 - November Fundamentals Begins Today! A. 15 minutes to establish Snatch 1rm B. Amrap in 10 minutes 6 Snatches at 55-65% of your 1rm 12 Pull Ups 24 Doubles Notes: If you are within 3 months of finishing the fundamentals, perform a hang power snatch 3rm. If flexibility allows, perform a full snatch. For the workout, stick within that range, and keep the reps clean. Double Under scaling will be a 2:1[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 10.28.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Wednesday 10.28.15 A. 3 Rounds Max L-Sit Hold Max Top of the Pull Up Hold Max Wall Facing Handstand Hold B. 15 Minute amrap Teams of 4 Bear Crawls - Two 10 yard down and backs (40 yard total) Max Cal Max Plate GTO 45/35 Max Box Step Ups 24/20 Notes: The workout is man overboard style, with the bear crawl person being the pacesetter, and everyone else moving in conga line fashion through the workout. I could explain it here, but lets just wait until you get into class to deal with that. score is total reps with your team[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 10.29.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 10.29.15 "Bear Complex" 5 Rounds each "round" consists of 7 cycles (35 consecutive reps total) performed unbroken, of the following. 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Shoulder to Overhead 1 Back Squat 1 Shoulder to Overhead dropping the bar before all 35 reps are completed is a failed set rest as needed between rounds, you can move up, move down, or stay at the same weight. score will be the individual weights lifted for each round.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 10.30.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 10.30.15 A. Every 3 minutes for 5 Rounds Clean Pull x 3 B. 50 Chin Ups Every time you break perform 10 Hollow Rocks 15 minute time cap Notes: This is a Clean Pull, don't turn this into a deadlift. Once your lift slows down through the middle, you are done. The coach will decide what an appropriate speed is for you. Want to know how much you should shoot for in this? go to the link, and look at "programming" do a little reading. Same thing for hollow rocks, keep them clean and we will scale them back as necessary. Ring Rows will be the sub today for the chin ups[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 10.31.15 - Halloween Workout, and Halloween Party Today!" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 10.31.15 - Halloween Workout, and Halloween Party Today! Dress up for BOTH events. Mystery Halloween Workout[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 11.1.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Sunday 11.1.15 13.3 12 Minute amrap 150 Wall Balls 90 Double Unders 30 Muscle Ups Notes: compare to 8.29.15, come in with a plan to beat your prior score.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday, 10.23.15

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Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps


Power Clean 3, 3, 3, 3 Weighted Pull Ups 2 RM


Complete every 90 seconds: 185 lb Ground to Overhead – 4 Reps Chest to Bar Pull Up – 5 Reps 40 lb Lateral Ball Slam – 6 Reps *Every 90 seconds, complete all of the above exercises. Continue until you have completed 8 Rounds.

Making my back squat scream even screamier – Katelynn M

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][text_output]

I moved to South Bend to begin a new job at Notre Dame. I had crossfitted before in Minneapolis for three years and I knew crossfit was the only way to achieve a maximal level of fitness so I was eager to pick right up in my new home as soon as possible. My only objective was to achieve a 200 pound back squat and since CrossFit South Bend had a class dedicated solely to strength and conditioning, it was a great fit. Very few gyms have the capacity to have that kind of specialized class, with the vast majority of crossfit gyms having only enough space and equipment for the workout of the day.

My first impression of CrossFit South Bend was that it was chaotic and there was way too much stuff going on! I came from a much, much smaller gym in Minneapolis that only had enough space for a strictly capped 12 person class to complete the workout of the day. CrossFit South Bend is nothing like that. When I started my strength and conditioning class, we had our class going on, another class was doing the workout of the day, the weightlifting class was doing its thing, and then several people were there for open gym. I was extremely overwhelmed from this radical difference where I was used to just one thing going on at the gym at one time.

Over time, I realized how lucky I was to have a specific strength-focused class where I could concentrate on my strength goals without being forced to do the WOD. That kind of specialization cannot exist at a small gym that only has the capacity for one class during each time slot doing the workout of the day. Period.

My first accomplishment at CFSB was my first lifting PR in the gym. I don't even remember exactly what it was now. I think I deadlifted 225 when my previous PR had been 220. This was a big deal for me because like I said, I came from three years of crossfit experience and about 6 months of pretty focused lifting training so I was not a newbie. I was worried that it would be very difficult for me to make any lifting progress. When I got my first PR, it was a big deal and a sign that the strength and conditioning programming truly does work.

I am still working toward my 200 LB back squat goal but I am close! I hit 195, which is a 30 LB improvement over a year. I am very excited about this given that I worked for months to bust past 165 and couldn't do it until I started CFSB's strength program.

I am also working on making my back squat scream even screamier.

I could say my 195 back squat PR or 255 deadlift PR but what I will really remember forever are not those things. The other regular strength training class participants are very funny, not easily offended people and one of them came up with a hilariously off-color term for describing a difficult workout. We use it all the time now and have found a way to describe it in varying degrees. It makes class fun and reminded me that you have to have a sense of humor to power through strength training because you will with 100% certainty have bad days in the gym.

-Katelynn M


Thursday, 10.22.15

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Complete 10 rounds:

Lateral Hurdle Hops – 4 Reps 20 yd sprint

*90 seconds between efforts. *For lateral hurdle hops to sprint…set up four 16″-20″ hurdles, cones or boxes. Jump laterally over the hurdle landing on the other side, immediately laterally jumping over the 2nd hurdle, then the 3rd and the 4th. Once you clear the 4th hurdle, transition immediately in a 20 yard sprint. *Alternate starting sides each rep. You should have 5 reps starting from the left, and 5 reps starting from the right.


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Every minute on the minute perform: Front Squat – 2 Reps Bench Press – 2 Reps

*For Front Squat use 70% of Back Squat 1 RM. For Bench Press use 85% of Bench Press 1 RM. *Alternate exercises at the top of each minute. Minute 1 – Front Squat, Minute 2 – Bench Press, etc. You will complete 10 Rounds of each exercise.

Wednesday 10-20-15

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**No oly class on Saturday 10/24 due to the Barbells for Boobs event that starts at 9:00!*** ^^check this out! A CrossFit event for people like us!! It's all online so check it out. Warm-up: squat mobility, 27 squats warmup A.  Snatch - 3x1@85% B.  Back squat - 3x2@85% C.  20-15-10-5 of KB swings (55/75) and T-tilts

Blood Sugar 101 – CFSB Wellness Wednesday

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