Monday 10-5-15

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Happy recovery week! Staying in the low percentages this week to give you a chance for your body to rest and recover. Expect to see a lot of mobility work and conditioning to flush your systems.  Warm-up: 5#plate shoulder series, 10-12min shoulder mobility A.  Jerk - 2x2@70% B.  Front squat - 2x3@70% C.  Every 2:30x4 rounds, :30 sec HS hold (OR 20 shoulder taps with feet on box), 30 Russian twists, 15 squats hugging a plate

Programming Week 5 of 9 Monday 10.5.15 – Sunday 10.11.15

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="What is this CrossFit Open Notes stuff?!"]What is this CrossFit Open Notes stuff?! October marks pre-season for the CrossFit open. What is the crossfit open? Click here I will start increasing the amount of volume and standards for those of you who would like to compete in the open. I will also start throwing in extra practice work for CFO people under a different tab. This work will be possible to get done within the hour time frame, and perhaps within 10 minutes after a wod if the open gym schedule allows it. If you intend on coming in during an off time to do a bunch of open gym stuff this year, be sure to keep to the open gym rules.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Classes: Mobility Schedule Classes: October Pumpkin Spice Fundamentals Events: Wades Army 2015 Events: Barbells for Boobs 2015! Last Weeks Wellness Wednesday  Stay tuned for some new stuff coming this week[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 10.5.2015"]Monday 10.5.2015 A. 20 Minutes to establish Squat 3rm - Rest 2 seconds at the bottom Accumulate 3x12 Prone Y's during your 20 minutes B. 5 Rounds - NFT - Bench Religion Max Bench Press @ Bodyweight 7 Box Jumps 30/24
Notes for CrossFit Competitors Its not for time but move quickly on the Bench Religion
Notes: For the count on the squats, keep the count honest. It's "One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three" You come up on the three Choose a bench weight that allows you to hit around 10-12 for your first round if you can't perform bodyweight. also, be careful on the box jumps. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 10.6.2015"]Tuesday 10.6.2015 A. Power Snatch x 2 - Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 Rounds) B. 8 Minute amrap 7 Pull Ups 21 Air Squats
Notes for CrossFit Competitors: If flexibility allows, perform a full snatch pull ups are chest to bar
Notes: Build with each set on the Power Snatch Choose a scaling that allows you to move smoothly through the pull ups, ring rows or bands are acceptable, but you should be able to cruise through the reps.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 10.7.15"]Wednesday 10.7.15 A. 3 Rounds Max L-Sit Hold Max Top of the Pull Up Hold Max Wall Facing Handstand Hold B. 20 Minute amrap 15 Cal Row 30 Step Ups 24/20 60 Doubles 400m Run
***Notes: For the Conditioning – try to move at a consistent pace through everything, we want constant movement throughout. For the Iso progressions L- Sit Progression Box KneeTuck -> Parallette Knee Tuck -> Box L-Sit -> Parallette L-Sit -> Varying Degrees of L-Sit Pull Up Hold Progression Black Band -> Green Band -> Blue Band -> Red Band -> Pull Up Hold -> Weighted Pull Up Hold Wall Facing Handstand Hold Progression Toes on 30″ Box -> Wall Facing -> Wall Facing Pull 1 Foot off the Wall -> Free Standing
***Notes for CrossFit Open Competitors Keep the toes pulled back on the Handstand Hold to prep for the standards for this year. try to keep your double under sets unbroken Same as the notes above, don’t fly and die, find a painful place to be with your conditioning and stay there the whole time.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 10.8.15"]Thursday 10.8.15 A. 15 Minutes to establish Heavy single Thruster - Pulled from floor B. "Partner Kalsu" 100 Thrusters at 135/95 Every minute on the minute, begin with 5 Burpees - alternate minutes between the partners
Notes for CrossFit competitors: Keep to heavy thruster rules, if you take a step or redip during the thruster, it doesn't count, feet can't transfer. (the coaches can specify) Perform burpees over the bar
Notes: Scaling - If 50% of what you hit today for your max is LESS than 135, use that. If 50% of what you hit today is 136 or MORE, use 135[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 10.9.15"]Friday 10.9.15 A. Power Clean 3 - Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 Rounds) During the rest, Accumulate 3x12 Prone Y's B. 4 Rounds NFT 10 Ring Rows 10 KB Snatches 1 full length plate push
Notes for CrossFit competitors: If flexibility allows, perform full. It says NFT - but I want it quick
Notes: Weight for the workout is as heavy as possible[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 10.10.15"]Saturday 10.10.15 A. 10 Minute Amrap - TEAMS OF 4 Max 10 Yard Shuttles (20 Yards = 1 rep) Immediately transition into B. Every 5 minutes until each team member has completed 30 Deadlifts 155/115 Max Burpees over bar in time remaining
Notes for everyone: Alternate however you'd like for he sprints, you can hit as many as you want however you'd like. Score is separate, total shuttles, and total deadlifts+burpees [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 10.11.15"]Sunday 10.11.15 A. 14 Minute Amrap 7 Muscle Ups 100 Double Unders
Notes: We will have a general scaling for the muscle ups, so get in here even if  you can't do one.   [/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Monday, 10.05.15

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Why we Sprint: High CNS demands, increased muscle fibre recruitment, speed increase, creates pressure in circulatory system.

Complete 4-6 MAX EFFORT sprints: 40 yds

*Is important that these sprints are done at Max Effort. This is only way that we can train speed, sub-maximal reps do us no go. Sprinting is not “running”. Sprinting is not “running fast”. Sprinting is running as fast as you can. Period. *You will be resting upwards of 3 minutes, or till full recovery between sprints. We will want to keep our speed above 95% of our fastest time. For example your fastest 40yd sprint is 5.0sec, the slowest you could run and still be developing speed is 5.25 (5.0 x 105%)


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Squat 5, 5, 5, 5 Press 5×1 (Use 92.5% of 1 RM Press)

Friday, 10.02.15

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Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Hang Power Clean 1, 1, 1, 1, 1


Complete as many rounds as possible in 13 minutes: Power Clean and Jerk – 3 Reps Pull Ups – 13 Reps Double Unders – 23 Reps *For Power Clean and Jerk, go as heavy as possible.