Saturday 4-25-15

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Warm-up: work up in the deadlift to 100% of your clean weight - focusing on the *deloading* phase (setting hips back, chest out over the bar, vertical shins, low back active, hamstrings taut) A.  3-position clean (2" below knee, 2" above knee, hips) - 20min to hit - only move up if the lift had perfect form! B.  Back squat - 5 rounds - max reps @65% in :30, 2:00 rest C.  Alternating tabata: reverse lunges, inchworm with push-up

Friday, 4.24.15

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Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps


1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean Weighted Pull Up 2 RM *Collegiate take 20 minutes to find your heaviest complex. You may not drop the bar between Power Clean and Hang Power Clean.


Complete for 5 Rounds for time: DB Power Snatch AHAP – 4 Reps Right 5-10-5 Yd Sprint – 1 Right Rest :30 seconds DB Power Snatch AHAP – 4 Reps Left 5-10-5 Yd Sprint – 1 Left Rest :60 seconds

Friday 4.24.15

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A. 15 - 20 Minutes of position work pertaining to today's complex B. Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats Notes: Build to a heavy but pretty set of the complex C. Tabata Barbell Curls 45/33 Tabata Sit Ups Tabata Banded Tricep Extensions Notes: Finish all 8 rounds of one movement before moving on to the next Choose something you can keep the movements honest with

CrossFit South Bend Groupon!

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CrossFit South Bend Groupon  Hey All! If you, or anyone you know who is new to CrossFit and has ever been interested in getting in on our Fundamentals program, now is the time to do it! We only do this once a year, and the sale is only up for 12 hours, so get on it now or click here and share the link to someone who wants it! You Can Choose Between Two Options $149 for 12 CrossFit Fundamentals classes, plus, one month of unlimited CrossFit classes (a $310 value) $79 for 12 CrossFit Fundamentals classes (a $180 value)

The Fine Print

Expires 120 days after purchase. Not valid for clients active within the past 6 month(s). Limit 2 per person. Valid only for option purchased. Individual customers may only use this offer once, but may purchase another to be used by separate individual. Must sign waiver. Must activate by expiration date on voucher; unlimited classes expire 30 days from day last punchcard class is used. Customers new to CrossFit who have not gone through introductory fundamentals courses must complete beginner's course. Punch card may be used towards this course. Classes must be used by the same person. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.

Thursday, 4.23.15

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Don't forget to preorder your Summer Swag!


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Close Grip Bench Press 5, 5, 5 Barbell Lunges 4×6 each *For Barbell Lunges use 80% of bodyweight.


Complete 2 Rounds: 55/35 lb DB Thrusters – 1 Minute Max Reps Rest 1 Minute Dynamic Push Ups – 1 Minute Max Reps Rest 1 Minute 40/30 lb Ball Slams – 1 Minute Max Reps Rest 1 Minute 20″ Burpee Box Jumps – 1 Minute Max Reps Rest 1 Minute

Wednesday 4.22.15

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]A. 15-20 minutes of Handstand Push Up Skill Work B. Max Lo-Rep Range Handstand Push Up 3 x 4-7 C. For Time: 30 Box Jumps 24/20 30 Plate GTO 45/35 30 Cal Row 30 Russian Twists 45/35 6 minute cap[/text_output][accordion][accordion_item title="Low Rep Range Progression"]Key Points for progressing for low rep range hspu: **TRANSITIONING: You may not transition until you have achieved three sets of 7 or more perfect repetitions at the current level. **STAYING AND MOVING BACK: Once you have transitioned, If you cannot achieve a minimum of  three sets of 4 repetitions at the next progression, as long as you are continuing to hit 1 or 2 repetitions at the harder progression, continue with it. **STANDARDS: the movement standard for repetitions will be: "vertical forearm" constitutes around a 90 degree angle as seen in the push up picture - You may be around a 80 or 70 depending on how you are built. **You must maintain a hollow body position throughout the movement. **You must finish with your head pushed through at the top for hspu work as seen in the wall facing hspu picture. **You must touch the crown of your head into the triangle tripod position as seen in the 40" picture[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="High Rep Range Progression"]Key Points for progressing for high rep range hspu: **TRANSITIONING: You may not transition until you have achieved three sets of 12 or more perfect repetitions at the current level. **STAYING AND MOVING BACK: Once you have transitioned, If you cannot achieve a minimum of  three sets of 8 repetitions at the next progression, move back and continue past 12 to 15-20 repetitions. Then progress. **STANDARDS: the movement standard for repetitions will be: "vertical forearm" constitutes around a 90 degree angle as seen in the push up picture - You may be around a 80 or 70 depending on how you are built. **You must maintain a hollow body position throughout the movement. **You must finish with your head pushed through at the top for hspu work as seen in the wall facing hspu picture. **You must touch the crown of your head into the triangle tripod position as seen in the 40" picture[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Tuesday, 4.21.15

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Deadlift 1x5 (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Rack Pull 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 *Collegiate work up to a heavy set of 5 and continue to add weight until you’ve reached your heaviest triple for the day.


Complete 5 Rounds for time: 135/95 lb Power Snatch – 6 Reps KB Walking Lunge – 20 yds Strict Chin Up – 12 Reps *For Walking Lunge, use 1.5 pood KB in each hand.