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Wednesday 4.22.15

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[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]A.

15-20 minutes of Handstand Push Up Skill Work


Max Lo-Rep Range Handstand Push Up 3 x 4-7


For Time:

30 Box Jumps 24/20

30 Plate GTO 45/35

30 Cal Row

30 Russian Twists 45/35

6 minute cap[/text_output][accordion][accordion_item title=”Low Rep Range Progression”]Key Points for progressing for low rep range hspu:

**TRANSITIONING: You may not transition until you have achieved three sets of 7 or more perfect repetitions at the current level.

**STAYING AND MOVING BACK: Once you have transitioned, If you cannot achieve a minimum of  three sets of 4 repetitions at the next progression, as long as you are continuing to hit 1 or 2 repetitions at the harder progression, continue with it.

**STANDARDS: the movement standard for repetitions will be:

“vertical forearm” constitutes around a 90 degree angle as seen in the push up picture – You may be around a 80 or 70 depending on how you are built.

**You must maintain a hollow body position throughout the movement.

**You must finish with your head pushed through at the top for hspu work as seen in the wall facing hspu picture.

**You must touch the crown of your head into the triangle tripod position as seen in the 40″ picture[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”High Rep Range Progression”]Key Points for progressing for high rep range hspu:

**TRANSITIONING: You may not transition until you have achieved three sets of 12 or more perfect repetitions at the current level.

**STAYING AND MOVING BACK: Once you have transitioned, If you cannot achieve a minimum of  three sets of 8 repetitions at the next progression, move back and continue past 12 to 15-20 repetitions. Then progress.

**STANDARDS: the movement standard for repetitions will be:

“vertical forearm” constitutes around a 90 degree angle as seen in the push up picture – You may be around a 80 or 70 depending on how you are built.

**You must maintain a hollow body position throughout the movement.

**You must finish with your head pushed through at the top for hspu work as seen in the wall facing hspu picture.

**You must touch the crown of your head into the triangle tripod position as seen in the 40″ picture[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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