10% off referral program

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How it works These cards are in the office, take a couple! Fill the card out with your name and your friends name. When your friend signs up, You get 10% off of your next month, they get 10% off of their first month Have another friend that signs up? guess what, you get another 10% off another friend? another 10% off! there is no limit. #boom.

Tara R Whole 90 Testimonial

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/3"][promo image="9735" alt="before"]Before[/promo][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][promo image="9737"]After[/promo][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][promo image="9736"]After[/promo][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][container][text_output]When I first joined Crossfit and heard about Whole 30 I was intrigued but thought that there was no way I could ever do it. As I began to learn more about Whole 30 I thought "anyone can do anything for 30 days," so I decided to give it a shot. My goal when I first joined Crossfit was to be fitter by 40 and nutrition certainly needed to play a big part in my goal. I had also been feeling sluggish, having joint pain, headaches and severe heartburn so I knew something in my life needed to change. I have tried every possible diet known to humankind and have struggled with my weight for years. Nothing has ever really worked for the long term for me. I am a junk food junkie and love sweets so you can imagine that I anticipated Whole 90 being difficult. The really surprising thing was it was not difficult. Not at all. It did require preparation and meal planning but isn't that true of anything worth doing? The 90 day challenge CHANGED MY LIFE. Really. I know that might sound cliche but it is true. In three short months I not only lost weight but too many inches to count. It transformed my body the first month and continued to do so throughout the challenge. I lost 6 inches in my waist the first month! I dropped two pant sizes and wear a smaller shirt size as well. More importantly, I feel better than I have felt in 10 years. There is something very satisfying about eating whole, natural foods and fueling your body with what it needs. Once I stopped eating the junk, sugar and processed foods, I didn't miss or crave them. I also learned a lot about my body, including that I have several food allergies. Although minor on the scale, the allergies were enough to wreak havoc on my digestive system, so as result I choose not to include them in my meals. I don't suffer from joint pain, headaches or heartburn anymore. It is amazing!! It's always "two steps forward, one step back" in my life and this process has been no different. This is a lifestyle change and as with any major change progress takes time. I am only just beginning this journey and plan to continue to strive to eat healthier. I am astounded at the incredible results I had doing the challenge and would recommend it to anyone. I also cannot get over the number of friends and family that have noticed the changes and have commented about how great I look. Naturally, that makes anyone feel wonderful and is a great motivator to continue a healthy lifestyle. I am exceptionally grateful to the Whole 90 coaches who helped me on my journey. I am very passionate about Whole 30 because it was so dramatically life-altering for me. I just wish everyone would give it a shot. What's a mere 30 days in your life?[/text_output][/container][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][share title="Share this Post" facebook="true" twitter="true" email="true"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Wednesday 9-17-15

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Overhead mobility Posas mobility A) push press - B) OHS - 2x2@70, 75, 80%, max reps at 85% ***try to increase from 1 month ago (8/13) C) partner WOD: 3x10 Partner 1: weighted GHD w/ 20/14# med ball (toss to partner 2) Partner 2: double front squat with med ball (toss back to partner 1)

Thursday 9.18.14

By: 2 Comments


Pre-Warm Up, Warm Up

3 minutes of Jumping Rope


5 Rounds

30 Second Deadbugs, advance those that are able

30 Second Spiderman + Horizontal Twist

30 Second Child Pose Straight Arm

30 Second Child Pose Moose Antler

30 Second Chin Up Scap Pull Up


Power Athlete Competition Team Series

Teams Kalsu

In Teams of 4 Complete

20 Rounds of

5 Thrusters 155/105

5 Lateral Bar Over Burpees, (changing this from single leg burpees)

*** 15 Minute Cap

CFSB Team Times to beat RX from last weekend

Crossfit South Bend 9:00, Team Ipood 10:00, Team "Whats a gluten" 179 reps

Wednesday 9.17.14

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3 Rounds

10 Scap Pull Ups w/ 3 second pause

2 Jimmy Buffets in Power Clean landing position

10 Seated Reverse Shrugs


3 Rounds (not for time)

10 Kelso Shrugs with a Barbell, these should be a smooth and fluid movement, weight will be dictated by the individual

Max Top of The Chin Up Hold

10 Double Push Up Burpees (strict push ups)


Team 2k

Partner 1 will row a 2k, then tag in partner 2 for the second 2k


Time your individual splits for this 2k - I want this as an ALL OUT EFFORT


Mike SWOLE90 Testimonial

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][container][text_output]I followed the Swole 90 protocol for the entire 90 days while following the Strength and Conditioning programming. In that time I put on 11 pounds and increased all of my measurements including 2.25" in my chest, 1.0" in each thigh, and 0.5" in each (upper) arm. I also had a number of PRs including adding 30 lbs to my front squat. The extra calories allowed me to get above 175 for the first time, and eating healthy food and sleeping properly helped my body recover noticeably faster from hard workouts. Robby is a great resource to have while making these lifestyle changes, and he was very generous with his time. 1/9/2014[image type="rounded" src="http://crossfitsouthbend.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10272509_692979827433187_3863378634427931459_o-e1410894497817.jpg" float="right"] Shoulders 3.5" down, 43.75" Chest 36.25" Arms 5.5" up from elbow, 13.25" (R) 13.25" (L) Waist 32.5" Hips 37.75" Thighs 9" up from top of knee cap, 23.75"(R) 23.75" (L) Weight 173. 4/28/2014[image type="rounded" src="http://crossfitsouthbend.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/10272606_693450940719409_6940788686235365390_o-e1410894591156.jpg" float="right"] Shoulders 3.5" down, 44" Chest 38.5" Arms 5.5" up from elbow, 13.75" (R) 13.75" (L) Waist 34" Hips 39" Thighs 9" up from top of knee cap, 24.75"® 24.75" (L) Weight 184.2 Difference Shoulders: +0.25" Chest: +2.25" Arms: +0.50" Waist: +1.50" Hips: +1.25" Thighs: +1.00" Weight: +11#[/text_output][/container][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][share title="Share this Post" facebook="true" twitter="true" email="true"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

CrossFit Open 2015

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LAST DAY TO SIGN UP Click here to fill out this form and subscribe for free Interested in competing in the 2015 CrossFit Open?

I will be compiling a series of emails pertaining to just about everything about this years CrossFit Open, preparing for it, and preparing for years to come.

This list will be left up until the end of September to gather athletes, starting in October, I will be sending out an email a week pertaining to various topics such as...

You will receive emails pertaining to...

*Our current programming and its aims

*Other programming we offer and its aims

*Styles of competitive programming and their aims - The skill level required to move up to another level of programming

*Patience in following a program

*Feedback from workouts you are currently performing and what to do with the information

*Your yearly training cycle - Time you have left prior to the open and what to do with it

*What your training schedule should look like

*What do different levels of athletes training seasons resemble

*Programming - Skill Sessions - Nutrition - Services we offer, and our policies pertaining to them.

*Movements in the 2015 open - given movements, possible movements, unlikely movements

*Triaging yourself to get the most out of the time remaining

*Prior years open details

*Your lifestyle and the level of responsibility of training for the open

*Injuries, Recovery, and Intelligent Training

*Programming in Weaknesses Biased work

*Setting smart goals for  this years open

*Tapering for the open

*Different types of athletes - Your athletic assessment

*Comparing yourself to other athletes

*Planning your weeks during the open

*Planning your warm ups during the open

*Specific prep for this years open


This email list will close around mid October