John and Anne’s Husband and Wife Testimonial

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][image type="rounded" float="none" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover" src="9807"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][text_output]Well, my Whole 90 was really great...for the first 45 days. For the first 45 days, I was eating well and felt wonderful. I lost weight and inches and was feeling great. But then, things got incredibly stressful at work. I had to make some very difficult decisions, and turned back to my old friends carbs and sugar to cope. I know that I'm an emotional/binge eater, but the power of feeling good from the healthy food I was eating was not enough to overcome my brain's desire to comfort myself in food. I felt very deprived, very sad that I could no longer eat what made me feel good. This is not new - I've had these struggles my whole life. Now, I can identify them. But it's very difficult in the moment, for me, to make the right choices. What has the Whole90 done for us as a family though? Tons. Jonathan, wow. I'm so impressed at how this has changed him. Jonathan is the guy who would have gladly eaten McDonald's or Wendy's three or four times a day. When we met, he was really skinny, ate everything and never gained an once. As he got older though, he started to gain weight, especially in his belly. I could see that it bothered him, but he wasn't willing to do anything about it until we signed onto this plan together. Also, just doing this at mealtimes at home, our daughter's eczema has cleared up substantially. Jonathan will keep me going and keep me on track, since he's the cook in our house. I'm trying to take it one meal at a time, and am trying to make sure that at meals I am eating the right amount of protein and fat to stay full so those chocolate covered pretzels stop calling my name. -Anne[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][text_output]Thank you to you and the rest of the team running the Whole30 classes (sessions? seminars?). I learned a great deal about things of which I was not aware before beginning them, and am glad to have done so. In addition, it is always nice to have confirmed some things which one always suspected (e.g., the importance of omega-3 intake). Moreover, the weight and bulk losses in changing my eating habits have been slow and steady, and I think the changes will be permanent. I have enjoyed your lectures, peppered as they are with philosophy and your own attendant wisdom. In learning and reflecting upon this information, several things have happened in regards to my daily habits. First, simply, I make better choices. When given an open selection, I have moved towards eating whole foods - minimally-processed meats and vegetables - from the best sources available and affordable. I have become an inveterate can, box, package, etc. reader when purchasing anything with an ingredient list, and have discovered whole hosts of things to avoid in innocuous-looking items. (For instance, canned tuna almost always has soy in it; even brands which formerly did not have soy now use it.) I have also learned about my own gluten sensitivity, and the need to avoid dairy in my diet, with the exception of certain grass-fed butters. In addition to these things, I have learned about my own sensitivities, particularly to lack of protein. Eating 3/4 of a pound of protein at a meal has been a challenge, particularly where prep time is limited. But, deciding to eat in a Paleo-compatible way requires foresight. This has been a side benefit - the increase in mindfulness requires not only choosing the food, but planning the time. We have had more meals with the whole family after making a move to this diet (especially breakfast), which is another benefit of the mindfulness and planning. --Jonathan[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Whole Foods and Crossfit South Bend Partnering Up!

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][columnize][image type="thumbnail" src="" alt="Text"] CFSB and Whole Foods are partnering up for the Whole Planet Foundation What is the Whole Planet Foundation? The Whole Planet Foundation works to end poverty by providing microcredit loans in the communities where Whole Foods products are sourced. The foundation's focus is on women in the developing world where a small loan can help an entrepreneur build a home-based business that creates an opportunity for stability and prosperity for her family. When you donate to Whole Planet Foundation, 100% of your contribution goes directly to microlending programs dedicated to alleviating poverty worldwide. In support of the mission to end poverty and help entrepreneurs all over the world, CrossFit South Bend will be out at Whole Foods Market in Mishawaka on Friday, Oct. 17th. Your donations will keep us working out from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. while making it possible to end poverty and put more people to work in other parts of the world. Come on out for a good time and turn the tables on your coaches (and a few notable CFSB athletes) by telling them what their workout will be for a change. Where does the money go: Whole Planet Foundation® works to end poverty in communities where Whole Foods Market® sources products. $41.9 million authorized to microfinance institutions $29.8 million disbursed 330,000+ microcredit clients funded 1.95 million people supported $175 average first loan in the developing world 97% repayment rate 88% women clients Where does the money come from? $23.3 million from Whole Foods Market customers $13.3 million from Whole Foods Market $5.2 million from Whole Foods Market suppliers $5.2 million from Whole Foods Market team members $166,400 from online donors Click here to learn more about the Whole Planet Foundation[/columnize][/vc_column][/vc_row]

October Fundamentals Course

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Our October Fundamentals Course is right around the corner! If you have anyone else who is interested in getting two weeks for free, forward them this email and have them Click here to subscribe. Thats it! We will add them to our list and send you information as it gets closer! After that, scroll down to check out the schedule or any other details you may want to know about. Our Schedule for the Fundamentals is as follows. The Dates: (The first two weeks of the Fundamentals course each month are the dates that say FREE!) FREE Tuesday September 30th FREE Thursday October 2nd FREE Saturday October 4th FREE Tuesday October 7th FREE Thursday October 9th FREE Saturday October 11th Tuesday October 14th Thursday October 16th Saturday October 18th Tuesday October 21st Thursday October 23rd Saturday October 25th   Class Times: Tuesday 7:30am OR 7:00pm Thursday 7:30am OR 7:00pm Saturday 9:30am   Other Details: If you will be missing an Fundamentals class, no worries, we can do some make up work to catch you up. Try not to miss as many as you can though because each one builds on the prior class. But if you have to, just email and we will get it organized for a makeup during the Fundamentals.   Signing Up: The first two weeks, (in red) is free! We want people to give CrossFit a good honest try before they decide whether or not it is for them. After that first two weeks from the 30th - 11th. If you decide its for you, you can sign up on the Tuesday the 14th to continue your Fundamentals.   Saving a little time: If you'd like to fill out the waiver online and save yourself a little time before you start, click here to create an account and take care of the waiver process ahead of time   Questions about anything: If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask. Any of us, our office and inboxes are always open! You can also check out our website for more info about our programs, prices, programming, and schedule at Other than that, we will expect to see you in here on Tuesday September 30th

The real Tuesday 9.23.14

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Look at that sexy CFSB team there

Jumped the gun on the Wednesday post. THIS is the Tuesday workout guys :)


20 Minutes of the Rope Climb Skill practice

Note: COME PREPARED TO ROPE CLIMB - Wear long pants, long socks, don't tear your legs up


5 Rounds (Not For Time)

5 Deadlifts 315/210

Max Unbroken Double Unders

1-2 Rope Climbs, 2 if you are a skilled rope climber


10 total is the minimum you must perform of double unders or double under attempts if you cannot do them unbroken, for those of you who can perform unbroken double unders, if you trip at 9 or under doubles, you may reattempt. Once you hit 10 and continue, that is your set.

Score is (1) deadlfit weight (2) total double unders (3) total rope climbs

Monday 9-22-14

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It's going to be a heavy week, guys! Warm-up: Prayer stretch x 3:00 Hamstring on pole stretch x 3:00 each leg A) snatch - 15min to work to a heavy single FOR TODAY (note: this may or may not be close to your 1RM. It is OK if it isn't!!!) Then: 3x1@90% of that heavy single B) front squat - 9min EMOM - 2 reps @ 80% with 3 sec pause in bottom C) 30sec on, 30sec off x 10:00 Even rounds: 5# plate scarecrows Odd rounds: jumping lunges