Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2021-12-27
End Date: 2022-01-02
Monday December 27, 2021
Title: Monday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) 15 Minute Amraps: *1 minute transition between each
15 Minute Amrap
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
15 DB or KB Deadlift
15/12 Cal Row
15 Minute Amrap
100yd Shuttle (in 10yd increments)
15 No Push Up Burpees
15 Minute Amrap
12 Box Jumps w/Step Down
16 Prisoner Step Ups
20 Abmat Sit Ups
*yep! shuttles - not a straight shot AGAIN
Tuesday December 28, 2021
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Back Squat: *20 minute cap
Find a heavy 3 for the day
*if you're new to this, work up to a heavy 8
B) Vertical Pull + Squat + Breathing: *more density on the sets here
15 Minute Amrap
4 Strict Pull Ups *bands allowed
6 Jump Squats
8 Barbell Bicep Curl
10 BW Reverse Lunge
50 Double Unders
Wednesday December 29, 2021
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
-Take some time to cover the movements in technique/expression
A) Power Clean: A. Technique Work
15 Minute Amrap - choose ONE
*work up to a heavy set of one of the below in the tiime
10 Hang Muscle Clean
6 Hang Power Clean
3 Power Clean
B. Expression
15 Minutes; work up to a heavy power clean and jerk - jerk it any way
For today, if you…
-Can power clean your body weight
-You can do it with beautiful technique
Then you may choose "expression"
B) Horizontal Push + Bend: 5 Minute Max Assault Bike
4 Minute Max Burpee Box Jump Overs
3 Minute Max Russian KBS
2 Minute Max Push Ups
1 Minute Max Russian KBS
*score total reps
*use a tough weight for the kbs
Thursday December 30, 2021
Title: Thursday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Three Point Dumbbell Row: 6x4-6/arm; rest 60s between arms
*all challenging here
*20 minute cap
B) Squat Focused: 5 Sets
45s Assault Bike for Calories
45s Alternating Single Arm DB Hang Squat Clean
90s Rest
Score lowest and highest reps per round
Friday December 31, 2021
Status: pending
Saturday January 1, 2022
Status: pending
Sunday January 2, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches choice
A) Overhead Squat: 20 Minute Cap
Cyclist overhead squat
@3010; 5x2-3; rest 90s between
4xMax Reps @ 85% of last weeks 1rm
B) Gymnastics - HS Work + Rope Accumulation + BW: *removed hollow position, this will increase the volume of the HS and rope climb work
20 Minute Amrap
10 Kick Ups to Freestanding
3 Rope Climbs
10 Cal Assault Bike
2021 12 28