[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" separator_top_type="none" separator_top_height="50px" separator_top_angle_point="50" separator_bottom_type="none" separator_bottom_height="50px" separator_bottom_angle_point="50" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="Whats going on at CFSB" open="false"]CFSB COMPETITION –
New Wods on the Block – This will be our first official competition we will be hosting, if you all make it a success, you’ll see more in the future!
Jean Jammin’ and Better Poops
: The Angie and Amy Story Part 2
Mindfulness Mondays:
Cultivate Strategic Objectivity to Make Clearer Decisions
Meals by Maura!
We want your story!
August Fundamentals Registration is up! share the link with your friends!
CFSB Facebook Page:
CrossFit South Bend Members Facebook Group Page
***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by
clicking here to review us on google, or
here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)**[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 8.7" open="false"]FIT
5 Sets
@ the top of a 2:00 mark
3 Front Squats
@ the top of a 2:00 mark
Max Strict Ring Rows in 60s
"Karen Lite"
9 Minute Max Goblet Squats
C. If time allows, extra credit
Single Arm DB Bent Over Row
5 Sets
@ the top of a 2:00 mark
3 Front Squats
@ the top of a 2:00 mark
Max Strict Pull Ups in 60s
"Karen" 12 minute cap
150 Wall Balls for time
C. If time allows, extra credit
Single Arm DB Bent Over Row
Scoring: A, score weight and total pull ups. B, score time or total reps/weight. C, don't score it, just do it.
A. Front Squats are HEAVY, pulled from rack - beat last week
B. If Fitness, choose something you can hit your first set at around 20 with. For Comp, I'll be flexible on the ball weight today - if you want to do the official Karen though, its 20/14 to the appropriate target. Shooting for the leaderboard? Let your coach know and you are responsible for setting up a method to record yourself as the athlete.
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Tuesday 8.8" open="false"]FIT
15 Minutes to establish a Deadlift 3rm @ 32X1
8 Sets
@ the top of a 90s mark
Press x 2, build
13 Minute Amrap
25 Russian KB Swings
25 Incline Push Ups
15 Minutes to establish a Deadlift 3rm @ 32X1
8 Sets
@ the top of a 90s mark
Press x 2, build
13 Minute Amrap
30 American KB Swings 55/35
15 Handstand Push Ups
Scoring: A, weight. B, heaviest weight. C, reps.
A. Beat your prior # for this
B. Build, but try to keep the sets tight together and heavy.
C. Choose the scaling that makes sense for you, very mild scaling on HSPU allowed.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 8.9" open="false"]FIT
Coaches Choice Oly Warm Up
Every 90s for 8 Rounds
Hang Power Snatch x 2
7:00 Amrap
5 Burpee Box Jumps
10 Hang Power Cleans
directly into
3:00 Max Cal Row
Coaches Choice Oly Warm Up
Every 90s for 8 Rounds
Snatch x 2
7:00 Amrap
5 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
directly into
3:00 Max Cal Bike
Scoring: B, score heaviest weight. C, score reps separately between the burpee/HPC and cal.
A. The coaches will ensure that the skill piece involves a little hang power clean and the snatch work.
B. Build for this one
C. Choose something that you can cycle quickly for the first piece here.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 8.10" open="false"]FIT
18 Minutes to establish a Back Squat 4rm @ 30X1
5 Sets - NFT
7 Left Arm DB Rows
7 Right Arm DB Rows
10yd Forward Monster Walks
10yd Reverse Monster Walks
10yd Lateral Walks Left
10yd Lateral Walks Right
rest 60s
C. optional, to be done after class
Run 400m
rest 2:00
18 Minutes to establish a Back Squat 4rm @ 30X1
5 Sets - NFT
7 Left Arm DB Rows
7 Right Arm DB Rows
10yd Forward Monster Walks
10yd Reverse Monster Walks
10yd Lateral Walks Left
10yd Lateral Walks Right
rest 60s
C. optional, to be done after class
Run 600m
rest 2:00
Scoring: A, weight. B, weight. C, don't score it, just do it.
A. Beat your prior 5.
B. Not for time, just get it done and grind it out. We have tons of extra glute work to do today. Choose a lighter band if you need to in order to get through the sets.
C. A little extra running work for the day, work on pacing and consistency.
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Friday 8.11" open="false"]FIT
18 Minutes to establish a Bench Press 3rm @ 31X1
3 Sets
Minute 1: 60s to perform 5 Heavy Deadlifts, max Burpees in time remaining
Minute 2: 60s Rest
Minute 3: 60s to perform 5 Heavy Deadlifts, max Knee Ups (CF Open Scaling) in time remaining
Minute 4: 60s rest
C. Optional, to be done after class
7 Minute Amrap
10 Ring Rows
10 Dips
18 Minutes to establish a Bench Press 3rm @ 31X1
3 Sets
Minute 1: 60s to perform 5 Heavy Deadlifts, max Burpees Over Bar in time remaining
Minute 2: 60s Rest
Minute 3: 60s to perform 5 Heavy Deadlifts, max Toes to bar in time remaining
Minute 4: 60s rest
C. Optional, to be done after class
7 Minute max Muscle Ups
Scoring. A, score weight. B, score weight and separate burpee/TTB reps. C, score total reps if you do it.
A. Attempt to beat your # from last week
B. Use the heavy DL's you've been doing as a reference, stay consistent on your repetitions here.
C. Do it to it, if you are doing muscle ups either bar or rings are sufficient. Use bench dips, bar dips, ring dips. Whichever works best.
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Saturday 8.12" open="false"]FIT
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes
Thruster x 1, build
rest 5 Minutes
17.5 Scaled - 15 minute cap
10 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters 45
35 singles
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes
Thruster x 1, build
rest 5 Minutes
17.5 - 15 minute cap
10 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters, 95 lb.
35 double-unders
Scoring: A, weight. Wod = time or reps in cap.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 8.13" open="false"]FIT and COMP
Every 90s x 6
Overhead Squat x 3
rest 5 minutes
5 Sets, build
10 TNG Left Arm DB Snatches, rest 60s
10 TNG Right Arm DB Snatches, rest 60s
rest 5 minutes
3 Minute Max Cal Bike
15 minute amrap
Row 10 Cals @ z1
Farmers Walk 50yd easy
Scoring: A, heaviest weight. B, heaviest weight. C, cals. D, Do it.