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Weightlifting Programming 12/4/17-12/10/17

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  REMEMBER: Reps x Sets Monday - 12/4/17
  • Clean - 75% x 3 x 3, 80% x 2 x 2
  • Jerk Bnk (hold split 3 sec) - 75% x 3 x 3, 80% x 2 x 2
  • Back Squat - 70% x 2 x 5
  • Snatch Deadlift - 100% (of snatch) x 5, 105% x 5 x 2
Tuesday - 12/5/17
  • Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat - 70% (of PS) x 3+3+3, 75% x 3+3+3 x 4
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk - 70% (of PC) x 2(1+1), 75% x 2(1+1) x 4
  • Snatch Pull - 95% (of snatch) x 3 x 2, 100% x 3 x 3
4 sets; no rest: 12 chin-ups 15 push-ups Wednesday - 12/6/17
  • Front Squat - 85% x 2 x 5
  • Snatch - 75% x 3 x 3, 80% x 2 x 2
  • Jerk (hold split 3 sec) - 75% x 3 x 3, 80% x 2 x 2
  • Clean Pull - 95% (of clean) x 3 x 2, 100 x 3 x 3
Thursday - 12/7/17
  • Power Clean + Push Press - 75% (of PP) x 2(2+1) x 3, 80% x 2(2+1) x 2
  • Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance - 70% (of snatch) x 3+1 x 2, 75% x 3+1 x 3
  • Clean Pull - 95% (of clean) x 3 x 5
3 sets; no rest: 10 DB push press 20 DB chainsaw row   Friday - 12/8/17 Rest Day   Saturday - 12/9/17
  • Snatch - heavy single
  • Clean & Jerk - heavy single
  • Clean Deadlift - 100% (of clean) x 5, 105% x 5 x 2
  • Back Squat - 70% x 2 x 5
  Sunday - 12/10/17 Rest Day

SWAG Pre Orders

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Click here to Pre-Order Alright everyone, our winter apparel release is here! We are excited to bring you a few different items. 1. "The Stronger, The Better" Venetian Gray Hooded Long Sleeve T-shirt is lightweight, durable, tri-blend. Just like coffee, the stronger we are the, the better we are. 2. 20 oz Matte Black Tumble with Stainless Steel CFSB Logo
3. "The Stronger, The Better" Bundle, which includes Hooded Long Sleeve T-shirt, 20 oz Matte Black Tumble, and 1lb Bag, our own CFSB Coffee from Local Coffee Roaster Zen Cafe Pre-orders will run through the end of the day Friday, December 8th.  
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Programming 12.4 – 12.10

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on at CFSB"] Things we have going on this week! Swag Pre Orders Are Up! New Refer A Friend Program is Launched for the New Year! CrossFit South Bend DVT Trip Scheduled for December 16th Stay tuned this month for...Our upcoming Holiday Charity, Xmas Sweater/Holiday Wod, Pull Up Webinar, and us now having an officially registered USAW Barbell Club Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook: Click here! Google: Click here!  [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 12.4"] FIT A. 15 Minute Power Snatch + OHS Technique/Warm Up + 10 Minute EMOM - work one minute, rest another Power Snatch + OHS 1+3, build or work tech B. 12 Minute Amrap 10 Overhead Squats/Front Squats 20 Sit Ups COMP A. 15 Minute Snatch Technique/Warm Up + 10 Minutes Snatch EMOM x 1, build B. 12 Minute Amrap 5 Full Snatches @ 80% of today's single 15 Toes to Bar Score: A, weight. B, total reps. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 12.5"] FIT A. 20 Minute Cap Deadlift B. 20 Minute Amrap - Teams of 2, alternate rounds 10 Floor Presses 20 Kettlebell Swings COMP A. 20 Minute Cap Power Clean B. 20 Minute Amrap - Teams of 2, alternate rounds 10 Floor Presses 20 Double KB Swings Score: A, weight. B, rounds + reps. Notes: Alternate full rounds with your partner, pick a weight that is tough for the 10. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 12.6"] FIT A. 20 Minutes Clean Technique Work + 10 Minutes to practice and building to your 10 front squat from the floor B. 4 Sets 10 Front Squats Max Ring Rows rest 1:00 between rounds COMP A. 20 Minutes Clean Technique Work + 10 Minutes to build to your heavy clean B. 4 Sets Full Cleans AHAP Max UB Bar Muscle Ups/Strict Pull Ups Score: A, weight B, Weight, Reps. Notes: Think of part B as "for quality" move smoothly between the movements [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 12.7"] FIT FIT A. 15 Minutes of Push Press/ Push Jerk Technique Work + EMOM for 10 Minutes - Pulled from the floor Press, Push Press, Push Jerk x 3, build or work technique B. For time - 10 Minute Cap 5 Burpees 100 Singles 10 Burpees 80 Singles 15 Burpees 60 Singles 20 Burpees 40 Singles 25 Burpees 20 Singles COMP FIT A. 15 Minutes of Push Press/ Push Jerk Technique Work + EMOM for 10 minutes - Pulled from the floor Push Jerk x 2, build B. For time - 10 Minute Cap 5 Burpees on to a 45 plate 80 Dbls 10 Burpees on to a 45 plate 60 Dbls 15 Burpees on to a 45 plate 40 Dbls 20 Burpees on to a 45 plate 30 Dbls 25 Burpees on to a 45 plate 20 Dbls Score: A, weight. B, time or reps in cap. Notes: For FIT, No Push Up Burpees are an option [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 12.8"] FIT A. 3 Sets 16 Unbroken Bodyweight/Dumbell Walking Lunges rest 60s 8 Barbell Bent Over Row rest 60s B. 4 Sets 45s of Goblet Squats rest 15s 45s of Sit Ups rest 15s COMP A. 3 Sets 16 Unbroken  Dumbell Walking Lunges rest 60s 8 Barbell Bent Over Row rest 60s B. 4 Sets 45s of Wall Balls 20/14 - 10/9 rest 15s 45s of Medicine Ball V-ups rest 15s Score: A, weight(s) B, reps. Notes: For the barbell bent row, perform the variation where the bar does not touch the floor at the bottom. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 12.9"] FIT A. 5 Sets 3 Minute Amrap 3 Deadlifts 6 Push Ups/Incline Push Ups 9 Air Squats rest 60s between rounds COMP A. "Chief" 5 Sets 3 Minute Amrap 3 Power Cleans 135/95 6 Hand Release Push Ups 9 Air Squats rest 60s between rounds Score: A, reps. Notes: Choose a movement you can be consistent with through the workout. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 12.10"] FIT & COMP A. 7 Sets 30s Max KB Swings rest 30s 30s Max Dbls/Singles rest 30s + rest 3:00 + B. Death By 10 Score: A, reps. B, total 10 yard trips. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]


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Hey all!
Keith Davis is going to give a DVT Presentation for all of us!
This is free and is for anyone of any age to come out and enjoy
The Digital Visualization Theater (or DVT) is an entirely digital planetarium.  As a planetarium it can provide all the traditional demonstrations of the night sky as seen with the naked eye from Earth.  As a digital planetarium it includes a three dimensional model of the universe as astronomers know it, and can take the audience on a personal tour through the universe.  This virtual universe is projected above the audience on a 50-foot diameter hemispherical dome for an immersive experience.  At 3:00 PM On Saturday December 16th, Keith Davis will offer a live tour of the universe, starting with a demonstration of the night sky from earth, flying by a few planets of the audience’s choice, showing the orbit if the newly discovered comet ISON and flying to the edge of the universe.  Keith live narrate the presentation, customizing it to the audience’s questions, and will happily answer questions at the end of the presentation.
Location:  The DVT is attached to the North side of Jordan Hall of Science on Notre Dame Campus (see map)
Parking: On Saturday, there aren’t any events listed on the University Calendar, so you shouldn’t have any trouble parking.  The closest spot is in the library parking lot (labeled B2 Library Lot), or the ROTC (in gray on the map, labeled B2) building parking lot right next to Jordan.  If for some reason those are gated or full, you can park by the stadium and walk north to the building.
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Jeremiah’s Story-Renewed Confidence by Eating Right

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Here's the video: Jeremiah's Story-Renewed Confidence by Eating Right Have you ever seen someone be forced to use a seatbelt extender on an airplane flight because they're too big for a regular seatbelt? Have you ever seen someone have to get off a ride at an amusement park because they couldn't lock their seat in place due to their size? Can you imagine what that would do to someone's confidence and self-worth? That was Jeremiah before he started our nutrition coaching program and CrossFit. On a personal level, I have to say working with Jeremiah was definitely one of the most inspiring experiences I've had as a nutrition coach. Of course he lost a ton of weight and inches, which we'll talk about more below. But one of the most amazing parts of Jeremiah's story that really inspired me was his change in confidence. When I first met him he was very down on himself, and he was always worried about disappointing others or failing. However, after doing nutrition coaching and CrossFit he had a renewed sense of confidence not just with regard to nutrition and CrossFit but with regard to his job and life as well. During the challenge Jeremiah accomplished the following. -Two of his biggest bright spots were not having to have a seatbelt extender when he flew on an airplane recently and he was also able to board a roller coaster at Six Flags without any issues while taking his students on a fun day out. -He lost 40lbs doing nutrition coaching. He went from from 308-266lbs. -He lost 7inches off his waist -He lost 4 inches off his hips Before he did the program he -Didn't actually think it would be feasible -Had tried calorie counting with not much -Thought he'd have to cut everything out cold turkey After he did the program: -He thought it wasn't as hard as he thought it would be be. -He was able to play more sports -He was much more confident both in his personal and professional life. Jeremiah, we're so proud of you and your success! You're truly an inspiration!

Weightlifting Programming 11/27/17-12/3/17

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Monday - 11/27/17
  • Snatch - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Jerk - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Front Squat - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Snatch Deadlift - 100% (of snatch) x 5 x 3
Tuesday - 11/28/17
  • Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat - 70% (of PS) x 3+3+3 x 3, 75% x 3+3+3 x 2
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk - 70% (of PC) x 2(1+1) x 2, 75% x 2(1+1) x 3
  • Snatch Pull - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 2, 95% x 3 x 3
5 sets; no rest: 200 m row 10 KB clean + push press/arm Wednesday - 11/29/17
  • Clean - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Jerk Behind the neck (hold split for 3 sec) - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Back Squat - 70% x 2 x 5
  • Clean Pull - 90% (of clean) x 3 x 2, 95% x 3 x 3
Thursday - 11/30/17
  • Power Clean + Push Press - 75% (of PP) x 2(2+1) x 5
  • Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance - 70% (of snatch) x 3+1 x 5
  • Snatch Pull - 90% (of snatch) x 3 x 5
4 sets; no rest: 10 pull-ups 3 min jump rope Friday - 12/1/17 Rest Day Saturday - 12/2/17
  • Front Squat - 80% x 3 x 5
  • Snatch - heavy single
  • Clean & Jerk - heavy single
  • Clean Deadlift - 100% (of clean) x 5 x 3
Sunday - 12/3/17 Rest Day

Programming 11.27 – 12.3

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on at CFSB"] Nothing Crazy other than some holiday closings! We are laying low for a week or two before we start launching some more stuff!

Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps!

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[/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 11.27"] FIT A. 20 Min Snatch Technique Work/warm up + 10 Minutes to practice/build OHS B. 15 Minute Amrap 5 Overhead Squats - Smooth Moderate Weight 10 Ring Rows 20 Sit Ups COMP A. 20 Min Snatch Technique Work + 10 Minutes to build B. 15 Minute Amrap Full Snatch x 2 moderate to heavy 12 Chest to Bar/Kipping Pull Up Full Snatch x 2 moderate to heavy 12 Toes to Bar Score: B, Snatch/OHS weight, Total Reps. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 11.28"] FIT A. 25 Minute Cap 4-5 Sets, all sets heavy CGBP x 5 C. 5 Sets for time - 10 minute cap 5 Heavy Deadlifts 10 Hand Release Push Ups/Push Ups/ (15)Incline Push Ups COMP A. 25 Minute Cap 4-5 Sets, Build CGBP x 5, all sets heavy C. 5 Sets for time - 10 minute cap 5 Heavy Deadlifts 10 Ring Dips Score: A, weight. B, Weight/Time (or reps in cap) [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 11.29"] FIT A. 20 Minutes Clean Technique Work + 10 Minutes to practice/build FS B. 15 Minute Amrap 5 Front Squats 10 Bent Over KB Rows Each Arm COMP A. 20 Minutes Clean Technique Work + 10 Minutes to build B. 15 Minute Amrap Full Clean x 2 2-4 UB Bar Muscle Ups, 2-4 Strict Chest to Bar Score: B, Weight/Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 11.30"] FIT A. 15 Minutes Push Jerk Technique Work B. 15 Minutes to work to a Push Jerk/Push Press x 5 C. 5 Sets - 12 Minute Cap 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 10 KB Press/Push Press Each Arm COMP A. 15 Minutes Jerk Technique Work B. 15 Minutes to work to a Split Jerk/Push Jerk 3rm C. 5 Sets - 12 Minute Cap 8 Power Cleans @ 155/100 10 Handstand Push Ups Score: B, Weight. C, Time or Reps in Cap [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 12.1"] FIT A. Every 2:00 for 6 Sets Back Squat x 3, all sets heavy B. 15 Minute Amrap 50 Singles/25 Doubles 20 Reverse Lunges/Step Ups 5 Strict Pull Ups/10 Ring Rows COMP A. Every 2:00 for 6 Sets Front Squat x 3, all sets heavy B. 15 Minute Amrap 50 Doubles 20 DBL Front Rack Reverse Lunges 8 Strict Pull Ups Score: A, weight. B, Weight/Reps. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 12.2"] FIT 3 Minute to perform 10 Burpee Box Step Ups 10 Shoulder to Overhead 7 Burpee Box Step Ups 7 Shoulder to Overhead 5 Burpee Box Step Ups 5 Shoulder to Overhead + rest 3:00 + 3 Minute Amrap Calorie Row + rest 3:00 x3 Sets COMP 3 Minute to perform 10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 7 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 7 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 5 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 5 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 + rest 3:00 + 3 Minute Amrap Calorie Row + rest 3:00 x 3 Sets Score: Reps/Calories individually per each round [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 12.3"] FIT A. 30 Minute Amrap 15 Russian KB Swings 50 Singles Run 100 Yards COMP A. 30 Minute Amrap 15 American KB Swings 55/35 30 Doubles Run 100 Yards Score: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]