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What do CFSB Coaches Eat?-Andrew’s Story

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This video is the first in a series of videos discussing what CFSB coaches eat. In this video we sit down with Coach Andrew to discuss what he eats on a regular basis. Andrew just graduated from Notre Dame, he's getting married this summer, and he's starting a new career. He's also an all around bad-ass in the gym, and he's got a super cool coach edition shirt with a sword on the back, which is pretty awesome. In this video we talk about: -what Andrew typically eats -what he grew up eating -his favorite off-plan items -how he navigates social situations -how to eat healthy while in school Andrew, it's been a pleasure having you here at the gym, and we wish you all the best in the future! Robby:             Hey guys. Robby here from Crossfit South Bend. Today I'm here with Andrew and we are going to be talking about Andrew and food. And this is actually going to be the first in a coach series about how coaches deal with nutrition and eating and all the rest of this stuff. By the way, rocking the Andrew signature series shirt. Andrew:           Shameless plug. Robby:             It's got a sword on the back. How many shirts do you know with a sword on the back? Cop it, if you don't have it yet. Alright, so what are we going to talk about today? So, first thing I want to talk about is, what was food like for you growing up? Andrew:           Food for me growing up, I'm thinking my mom did most of the cooking around the house and she cooked pretty well 'cause she actually had celiac disease so she was gluten free for the most part. But that does not mean that when I came home in middle school I didn't throw, like, eight chicken breasts from Tyson in the oven everyday. So there was definitely that mixture of pretty healthy when she was cooking but then, you know, there was plenty of the friend foods and Chick-fil-A all the time. Robby:             Okay. So what's food like for you now? So you're a college student about to graduate, give us a typical breakfast, lunch, dinner. Andrew:           Yeah, and this is something I'm kind of working through. This school year is actually the first that I was preparing my meals and kind of figuring that out for myself. So right now my typical breakfast looks like is, I'll just cook some eggs and I'll have some toast with some jelly on it, get some carbs in there. And that's typically about it and then a [inaudible 00:02:00] and coffee. If I'm pressed for time I'll do, like, some kind of shake just with Greek yogurt, protein and then throw some fruit in there. But that's typically all I'm working with in the morning, and I kind of have to force myself sometimes. Robby:             Okay. How about lunch and dinner? Andrew:           Lunch and dinner, shamelessly, it is chicken and rice all day every day and I'm about as sick of that right now as I possibly could be. But I do a lot of crock pot chicken. I'm the terrible cook as you can probably tell from me saying this. But lots of shredded chicken, rice and trying to figure out how to do some other stuff. Robby:             Okay, so we have a lot of college students here, you know, you've been through the ringer living on campus and being off campus. Talk about some stuff you've run into, some things you've learned. Like, is it even possible to eat some of the things in the dining halls and things like that? Andrew:           I think a lot of it is the social pressures around it, and just what is the norm? Now, us crossfitters, we're probably not fitting into the norm most anyway, but when you're around people it's a lot of alcohol and a lot of bad eating. It's late night pizza. It's just the norm. So that's what the biggest challenge is for me, is kind of drawing that line, saying, "I have to do things differently so I don't fall into that." But it certainly is possible. And if you're eating dining hall, you eat like cattle. It's like anything you need just go and it's fuel and none of it tastes good. So I just had the healthy stuff. And obviously they're not always cooking it in the healthiest ways, but you can still get your rice, your chicken, your veggies, and it's actually quite easy in the dining hall setting. Once you move off, as I did, and kind of go off the meal plan, got a little bit tougher because I'm starting to prepare. And so that's kind of what I mentioned working through is, you know, preparing with my Tupperware and having my shredded chicken and having my rice and, you know, my broccoli whenever I can. But it just takes a little more preparation once you get away from that meal plan kind of setup. Robby:             Okay. So tell us a bit about nutritional off-roading. So of your favorite, you know, what are your top three favorite, like, I don't care about health, I don't care about [crosstalk 00:04:11] I just want to have a Caracas milkshake or what have you. Andrew:           So no matter how tough of that I'm following, I can't say no to Chick-fil-A. Like, that is my thing. And I've just recently been able to make the switch to grilled sandwiches and that is a huge thing for me. So if there's an excuse to eat Chick-fil-A, I'm there and it just goes down well with sweet tea. And it's just a bomb. And so that's like, just, let it go. Do that. And then if I can, you know, stay away from the Chick-fil-A and then if I'm going, like, the candy route I'm all about any kind of sour Gummies. And that's just, like ... That's tough. That is temptation, that is temptation. Robby:             Have you ever had the, not that I've ever had them before, ever had the chocolate cookies at Chick-fil-A? Andrew:           Oh, they're incredible. They come in bags of six. Robby:             Yes. That's a mistake. How about any, like, food holidays? Special, you know, things with your family these days? Anything like Thanksgiving, anything that your Mom cooks or anything like that, that you really enjoy? Andrew:           Favorite thing about going home is having the nice grill they kind of work on. So I do a lot of grilled meats. Chicken thighs are, like, my favorite thing ever. So I eat a lot of grilled chicken thighs and do any kind of veggies with those. But probably my favorite thing that my mom makes whenever I go home is, like, these zucchini boats that she does. So she hollows out the zucchini, puts it in a food processor with cauliflower and ground beef or turkey, mixes it all up in there, throws it back into the zucchini and then bakes it. And it's my favorite thing. So on a good day we've got that going and I'll eat on that, you know, whenever I'm home. So that, like, that's a good day. Robby:             That sounds pretty awesome. So one of things we want to do with this series is try to help give people advice about how to deal with different struggles that they've been through with food and, you know, especially in your case with college. If you were talking to someone, I don't know, maybe coming in fall, 2018 to Notre Dame. And, you know, it's obviously not going to be completely going to be [inaudible 00:06:23]. It's not even going to be close to that for the most part. But just, like, little things you could do, or they could do to kind of help keep them healthy. What advice would you give to, like, an incoming freshman to stay healthy? Andrew:           Most times just plan. Plan out your meals and know that there're going to be times when you want to go get pizza with your best friends, like, and I would encourage you, go do that, that's an experience. But it's just planning that. And if you can have a good meal, have a good meal. So it's just kind of taking those opportunities when, you know, if it's not a big deal, like, there's no reason for you not to be eating what you should. So it's just making sure you put parameters around that, so that you're not just kind of saying, you know, "C'est la vie" at all times. And that's something that I work on, too, is just making sure. It's, like, okay, well, if I'm going to go get pizza on Wednesday night, that means I better be crisp the rest of the week. And that's sometimes a struggle. Robby:             Gotcha. I think that's good advice. And that's one of the things we talk about in our nutrition coaching program is, like, you know, not every day is a special occasion. Andrew:           Yes. Robby:             Yeah, so it's just kind of finding those ones that are legit special occasions and then enjoying yourself. Alright, guys, so first in the series here of nutrition coaching videos. Just want to give you guys a sense of what the coaches do here. Again, it's got a sword on the back. If you don't have the shirt yet, go get it. Andrew, thank you so much for joining us today. Appreciate it. Andrew:           Thank you, Robby. Robby:             Guys, thanks so much for tuning in. See you next time.  

Strength & Conditioning 5.21.18 – 5.25.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 5.14.18 "] Part A Dumbbell Box Jumps - 3. 3. 3. 3, find a height and weight that you can land in a good position Part B Prep - 5 Hang Power Snatches + 5 Overhead Squats + 5 Snatch Push Press; do this for a total of 3 Rounds Part C Hang Power Snatch - 3. 3. 3. 3, build to a heavy 3 for the day Part D Snatch Pull: 1x5 @ 100% of 3RM, 1x5 @ 105% of 3RM, 1x5 @ 110% of 3RM [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 5.15.18"] PA Metabolic Circuit Back Squat - 3x 10 Bench Press - 3x 10 Pull Ups - 3x 10 Full Glute Ham Raises - 3x 10 Press - 3x 10 Chin Ups - 3x 10 Front Squat - 3x 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 3x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3x 10 We are throwing in an extra set for all of our lifts. I would suggest taking 5-10lbs depending on the lift. Just remember that we are progressing this. You will have 20 seconds to complete the 10 reps and then 60 seconds to rest, for a total of 80 seconds per set. You will complete all sets at each movement before moving onto the next movement. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 5.17.18"] Part A 4 Rounds MR. Hammy - 4 Broad Jumps - 3 Part B Power Clean Warm Up (2 rounds) - 5 Deadlifts + 5 RDLs + 5 Hang Muscle Cleans + 5 Push Press + 5 Back Squats + 5 Good Mornings Part C Hang Power Clean - 3RM, 1x3 @ 95% of 3 RM, 1x3 @ 90% of 3 RM Part D Starr Shrugs - 3x 15-20 reps. I would suggest starting around your 3RM weight give our take a few pounds Part E Ring Rows - 3x MAX [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 5.18.18"] PA Metabolic Circuit Back Squat - 3x 10 Bench Press - 3x 10 Pull Ups - 3x 10 Full Glute Ham Raises - 3x 10 Press - 3x 10 Chin Ups - 3x 10 Front Squat - 3x 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 3x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3x 10 Today We are going to add weight to all of your lifts. I would suggest 2.5-10lbs depending on the lift. As we continue to progress adding weight the 20 seconds work interval becomes a bit unrealistic. Today I want you to focus on executing your sets. If it takes you 25-30 seconds thats fine. Just give yourself 60 seconds of rest. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Weightlifting Programming 5/20/18-5/27/18

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Monday – 5/21/18
  • Back Squat
    • 70% x 10 (reps) x 3
  •  Block/Hang Snatch (mid-thigh)
    • 65% x 3 x 2
    • 70% x 3 x 3
  • Halting Snatch Deadlift (hip)
    • 80% (of snatch) x 3
    • 85% x 3 x 2
  • Overhead Squat
    • 65% x 3 x 2
    • 70% x 3 x 3
Tuesday – 5/22/18
  • Jerk behind the neck
    • 75% x 3 (reps) x 5
  •  Push Press
    • 75% x 5 x 2
    • 80% x 5 x 2
  •  Jerk Dip Squat
    • 85% (of jerk) x 5 x 3
  •  4 sets; no rest:
    • 10 pull-ups
    • 15 KB swings
Wednesday – 5/23/18
  • Back Squat
    • 80% x 5 x 5
  •  Block/Hang Clean (mid-thigh)
    • 65% x 3 x 2
    • 70% x 3 x 3
  •  Halting Clean Deadlift (upper thigh)
    • 80% (of clean) x 3
    • 85% x 3 x 2
  •  Straight Leg DL
    • 65% (of back squat) x 5 x 3
Thursday – 5/24/18
  • Power Snatch
    • 65% x 3 x 2
    • 70% x 3 x 2
  • Power Clean
    • 65% x 3 x 2
    • 70% x 3 x 2
  • Power Jerk
    • 65% x 3 x 2
    • 70% x 3 x 2
  • Snatch High-Pull
    • 70% (of snatch) x 3 x 2
    • 75% x 3
  • 4 sets; no rest:
    • 10 1-arm KB push press/side
    • 200 rope jumps (or 2 min max)
Friday – 5/25/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday – 5/26/18
  • Back Squat
    • 85% x 3 x 8
  •  Snatch
    • 75% x 3 x 3
    • 80% x 2 x 2
  •  Clean & Jerk
    • 75% x 3 x 2
    • 80% x 2 x 2
  •  Snatch High-Pull
    • 70% (of snatch) x 3
    • 75% x 3 x 2
Sunday – 5/27/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 5.21 – 5.27

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Sports Performance Camp Pre-registration is up! Click here for more details Memorial Day Murph Schedule launched Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 5.21"] FIT A. EMOM Pull Ups x 8-12 Weighted Glute Bridges x 20-30 x 5 Sets (10 min) Build B. EMOM Alternating Reverse Lunges in Place x 10 L/R=1 10 Landmine Twists L/R=1 x 5 Sets (10 min) Build C. Amrap in 10 minutes 10 Thrusters 75 Singles or 35 Doubles COMP A. EMOM (Power Clean + Front Squat 1+3) + (6 Burpees over Bar) rest 1 min Row 60s for Cals rest 1 min x 6 Sets (24 min) *Work on being consistent, start challenging with the weight - you can take weight off but you can't put it back on - if you can't get the work done in the time frame...don't do COMP. B. Amrap in 10 minutes 10 Left Arm Single Arm KB Overhead Squats 55/35 10 Right Arm Single Arm KB Overhead Squats 55/35 50 Double Unders Score: Fit A/B: Total Pull Ups, Fit C: Rounds + Reps Comp A: Weight left on bar, Lowest Cal # Comp B: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 5.22"] FIT A. EMOM Left Arm Landmine Suitcase Deadlift x 9-12 Right Arm Landmine Suitcase Deadlift x 9-12 Left Arm DB Bench Press x 9-12 Right Arm DB Bench Press x 9-12 Left Side Plank 20-45s Right Side Plank 20-45s x 4 Sets (24 min) Build B. 10 Minute Amrap 10 Ring Rows 10 Incline Push Ups *Share spots if needed with ring rows - perform at casual pace *perform ring rows pronated today COMP A. EMOM Left Arm Thicc Side Landmine Suitcase Deadlift x 9-12 Right Arm Thicc Side Landmine Suitcase Deadlift x 9-12 50yd Unbroken Farmers Walk AHAP (25 out and back) Max Tuck/L-sit in 60s x 6 Sets (24 min) Build Max tuck/L-sit does not have to be unbroken, accumulate time within the minute. B. 10 minute amrap 10 Ring Rows 10 Deficit Push Ups *share spots if needed with ring rows - perform at casual pace *perform ring rows pronated today Score: Fit A: Heaviest landmine weight and bench press weight. Fit B: Rounds + Reps Comp A: Heaviest landmine weight, farmers walk weight Comp B: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 5.23"] FIT & COMP 30 Minute Amrap - Teams of 2 - Alternate Movements Row 10 Cal 20 American Kettlebell Swings Bike 10 Cal 15 Box Jumps with Step Down 50 Doubles or 50 Singles Score: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 5.24"] FIT A. EMOM Left Arm DB/KB Row x 12-15 Right Arm DB/KB Row x 12-15 Floor Press x 12-15 x 5 Sets (15 min) Build *perform rows pronated today instead of neutral grip B. @ the top of a 5 minute mark 20 Unbroken Back Squats 7 Burpees x 4 Sets (20 min) *If you can't perform the set unbroken or you can't finish in the time, you must take weight off -if you take weight off - you can't add it back on. COMP A. EMOM Strict Pull Ups x 6-9 Supinated Grip Bent Over Row x 12-20 rest 1 minute x 5 Sets (15 min) B. @ the top of a 5 minute mark 20 Unbroken Front Squats pulled from floor 8 Bar Facing Burpees x 4 Sets (20 Min) *If you can't perform the set unbroken or you can't finish in the time, you must take weight off -if you take weight off - you can't add it back on. Score Fit A: Row Weight and Floor Press Weight Fit B: Weight left on your bar Comp A: Strict Pull Up Reps, Bent Over Row Weight. Comp B: Weight left on your bar [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 5.25"] FIT A. EMOM L-Seated Dumbell Press x 12-15 60s Steps 5yd Lateral Hip Circles 60s Max Plank on Hands 60s Steps 5yd Fwd/Back Monster Walk Theraband x 5 Sets (20 min) Build B. 10 Steps Alt Reverse Dumbell Death March LR=1 10 Weighted Sit Ups 20 Hammer Curls x 3 Sets (15 min cap) COMP A. EMOM Bench Press x 6-9 rest 1 min Max Handstand Hold in 1 min rest 1 min x 5 sets (20 min) Build across the sets B. 20 Alternating DB/KB Snatches 15 Toes to Bar 10 Ring Push Ups x 3 Sets (15 min cap) Score: Fit A: DB Press Weight Fit B: Just do it Comp A: Bench Press Weight Comp B: Just do it [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 5.26"] FIT & COMP 3 Minute Amrap 30/25 Cal Bike Max Burpee Box Jumps in time remaining rest 3 min + 3 Min Amrap 35/30 Cal Row Max Double Unders in remaining time rest 3 min x 3 Sets (36 min) [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 5.27"] FIT & COMP A. LE Work 2 Min Clock 7.5.3 Unbroken TNG Deadlifts No Push Up Burpees + Run Hard in remaining time rest 6 minutes x 4 Sets *if you aren't finishing the 7.5.3 in 60s or under, you need to modify or strip weight *work on consistency [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Zach’s Story, Rugby player at University of Arizona

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What brought me to CFSB to train was pressure from my rugby coach to become a better athlete, he saw some athletic potential in me but I needed some way to unlock that potential. Carl Case is one of our conditioning coaches for the Penn Rugby team and he also is a trainer at CFSB so that helped draw me to this gym and program instead of other programs. The training was different than the traditional ways of strength training I was used to because of the exercise split but it is aimed at making you a better athlete and that’s exactly what it does. The conditioning work is brutal, but well worth it and gives you a great feeling of accomplishment after you grind through one. All of my athletic accomplishments are due to training at CFSB and in the strength and con ditioning program. I was never the fastest runner, most agile, or the quickest guy on any of my teams, but that was before I went through this program. I am now much quicker and have a much better step. I remember one play my junior year in specific, where I was very near to the out of bounds line and I made a quick step and remained in bounds and ran in for a score, after that I looked at Coach Carl and attributed that to his training. I started coming into CFSB my sophomore year and after that season and my junior year I made the all-state team and before CFSB there was no chance I would have made a high level team like that. I have gained, speed, strength and power through this program that I can attribute to all of my on field successes. Interested in learning more? Click here to learn more about our Sports Performance Camps  


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MEMORIAL DAY MURPH Monday May 28th 2018 Arrive at 9:00am Wod Begins at 10:00am hanging out from 11:00am - 12:00pm Potluck! Bring Some Food/Drinks and Hang out After! A team of 4 Navy SEALs led by LT. Michael P. Murphy on a mission to capture or kill a key Taliban leader, found themselves seriously outnumbered in a firefight with hundreds of enemy troops. Pinned down and under intense enemy fire, their communications operator severely wounded, they were in desperate need of help. Due to the mountainous terrain, their communications could not be received. Understanding the situation, LT. Michael P. Murphy moved to open ground, to use his satellite phone, exposing himself to enemy fire. LT Murphy was mortally wounded making that call. They continued fighting until Lt. Murphy and two of his three teammates were mortally wounded. His fourth team member, severely injured himself, managed to escape and was rescued 4 days later. He went on to tell the story in a book and movie titled “The Lone Survivor”. For his selfless leadership, courageous actions and extraordinary devotion to duty, LT. Michael P. Murphy was posthumously rewarded the Medal of Honor, the first service member to receive the medal for service in Afghanistan, and the first Navy recipient of the medal since Vietnam. The Workout “Murph” For time: 1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats 1 mile Run Notes: Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it. Scaled Variation: Row 250 meters or Bike .5 miles 15 incline pushups 20 ring rows 25 air squats x 4 rounds Scaled Notes: You may also perform Murph in a team of 2-4.
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Nayeli’s Story: From 0 to 3 Strict Chin-ups!

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Robby:             Hey guys. Robby here from Crossfit South bend. Today I'm here with Nayeli, who just finished three months of one on one nutrition coaching, and did an amazing job. I have her most recent in body here, where she basically went from 134.5 pounds to 118.6. She gained muscle mass during that entire time, and her body fat percentage went from 34.9 to 23.9. It's now telling her, she actually had a little bit of body fat, and that's on top of getting three straight chin ups the other day, doing better in the gym. So, Nayeli, congratulations- Nayeli:             Yeah. Robby:             Did an awesome job. Tell us what you thought about this way of eating and programming before you got started, and kind of how you had been eating before we got started. Nayeli:             Well, I would try to eat healthy before I started, but I know I needed a lot of professional coaching. And, I would try to space my eatings out, but I knew something was wrong, especially with my gut problem that I knew I had. And, I tried going to my doctor and he basically told me it was constipation, and I knew it wasn't. 'Cause if I was constipated for the past six months before I started this nutrition journey, then I knew it had to have just been how I was eating or what I was eating in my diet. So, when we started, I was realizing that I was having less cramps. And, sometimes if I tried to reintroduce something, I knew my stomach couldn't handle it so I stuck with the whole 30 the entire time and, it's helped me so much. Robby:             That's awesome. So tell us about the three month process. Tell us about month one over transitioning, and then the whole 30. What sort of things did you notice, what struggles did you go through, all that type of stuff. Nayeli:             I noticed that my body was restarting, you could say. I felt my first month, I was slowly seeing progress and, my body was kind of shutting down at first because I could tell that when I slowly was taking out grains and whatever, and I realized at night I was still having some problems before we started the whole 30. And, I must stay, it'll be good. Robby:             I remember that you said you ran into some energy stuff- Nayeli:             Yeah. Robby:             At one point, and then like it dipped for a while and then around ... It was the middle of the whole 30? Nayeli:             Oh yeah. Robby:             It started to get better? Nayeli:             Yep. Before we started month two of the whole 30, my [inaudible 00:02:36] were kind of down and then, when I stuck with the whole 30 the entire month, my levels started rising up. So when I woke up in the morning from work, which was about 4:00 in the morning 'til 2:30 to 3:00 in the afternoon, I felt sluggish the entire day. And then, now I wake up and I feel just energized throughout the entire day. Robby:             That's awesome. So, obviously you had really amazing numbers where you lost a bunch of weight, and better percent body fat, and all the rest of that stuff. Tell us about some of the stuff in the gym. So, workouts, did you feel stronger? Tell us about the strict chin up progression, and you know. Nayeli:             Yeah, I was never able to do chin ups at all, and even if I tried, I knew I was gonna fail. And, I knew by the end of these three months, I'm just gonna try it so, I'm standing at the pull ups, and I know I just need to do it, so I did. And, now I can do three to four chin ups with tempo, three second tempo down. And, I feel like I have more stamina throughout my workouts, and I can last longer instead of being tired out early in the workouts. Robby:             Good, good. So you said your digestion was better, energy was better. Anything in terms of like mood, or cravings, or the way your clothes fit, or sleep? Any other non-scale [crosstalk 00:04:00] things? Nayeli:             Oh yeah. My favorite jeans don't fit me anymore. I used to wear them all the time. I put them on and they just fall down, which I mean, it's great but at the same time now I have to actually go clothes shopping. But, I know I get a lot of compliments, but I think it's been harder when I'm at drills- Robby:             Yeah. Nayeli:             For the national guard, because they don't eat well. And, for me people over there start to crave stuff throughout the weekend 'cause we don't have access to Gogurt or something when we're on a base. But, for me I don't ... when I'm there, or I'm at home I don't crave a lot of sugars like I used to at all. If I have to go into a gas station and fill up my tank, I used to have to walk through the isles and get a snack. Now I just look at it and my body's just walks away. My mind is like, you don't need it. And, I'm glad I don't crave any of that stuff anymore. Robby:             That's fantastic. So, now having gone through the process and thinking back to where you were before you started, what you say to someone who is kind of unsure of themselves, unsure of whether they could do the whole 30 and do all the stuff, what would you say to someone who's thinking about maybe doing this program? Nayeli:             I would say if you are really trying to make a change more physically and mentally, then you should first of all read about it before thinking about doing the program, and considering if you have the time and the effort mentality to do it. And, think about your support system because at the beginning I didn't have any, and now I realized a lot of people like to come up to me, especially my family. They come up and ask me questions and a lot of them realize that I lost weight, and I look more toned. But, if you're really thinking of doing it, I would really consider just ... It's only three months, that's what I tell myself, especially for the whole 30 it's only 29 or 30 days. If you can go 30 days with eating junk food, you can go 30 days with eating straight up clean food. Robby:             Absolutely. And, I couldn't agree with that advice more. Especially the support system, I don't think anyone's ever mentioned that in a video we've done, but I think that's absolutely true. Having a good support system, and people who support you. So, I can't say enough good things Nayeli. I'm super proud of you, I think you did a fantastic job. Yeah, this is just awesome. So, congratulations on your progress. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. Nayeli, thank you so much for being here, and we'll see you guys next time.

Weightlifting Programming 5/14/18-5/20/18

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Monday – 5/14/18 • Back Squat - 65% x 10 (reps) x 3 • Hang snatch (mid-thigh) - 65% x 3 x 5 • Halting Snatch Deadlift (hip) - 80% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 • Overhead Squat - 65% x 3 x 5 Tuesday – 5/15/18 • Jerk behind the neck - 70% x 3 x 5 o 1 Sec Pause in the Split • Push Press - 75% x 5 x 4 • Jerk dip squat - 80% (of jerk) x 5 x 3 3 sets; no rest: 2 min jump rope 15 pull-ups Wednesday – 5/16/18 • Back Squat - 75% x 5 (reps) x 5 • Hang Clean (mid-thigh) - 65% x 3 x 5 • Halting Clean Deadlift - 80% (of clean) x 3 x 3 • SLDL - 60% (of back squat) x 5 x 3 Thursday – 5/17/18 • Power Snatch - 65% x 3 x 4 • Power Clean - 65% x 3 x 4 • Power Jerk - 65% x 3 x 4 • Snatch High-Pull - 70% x 3 x 3 3 sets; no rest: 600 m row 15 DB push press Friday – 5/18/18 Rest Day Saturday – 5/19/18 • Back Squat - 80% x 3 (reps) x 8 • Snatch - 70% x 3 x 2, 75% x 2 x 3 • Clean & Jerk - 70% x 3 x 2, 75% x 2 x 3 Sunday – 5/20/18 Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning 5.14.18 – 5.18.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 5.14.18 "] Part A Box Jumps - 5. 5. 5. 5, build to 5RM where you can land hips above parallel Part B Burgener Warm Up x2 Part C Hang Power Snatch - 5. 5. 5. 5 Part D Snatch Complex: 3 Snatch Pulls + 3 Power Snatches + 3 Snatch Push Presses [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 5.15.18"] PA Metabolic Circuit Back Squat - 2x 10 Bench Press - 2x 10 Pull Ups - 2x 10 Full Glute Ham Raises - 2x 10 Press - 2x 10 Chin Ups - 2x 10 Front Squat - 2x 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 2x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls - 2x 10 We are going to continue to add weight to all of your lifts. I would suggest 2.5-10lbs depending on the lift. Just remember that we are progressing this. Just a reminder you will have 20 seconds to complete the 10 reps and then 60 seconds to rest, for a total of 80 seconds per set. You will complete all sets at each movement before moving onto the next movement. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 5.17.18"] Part A 4 Rounds MR. Hammy - 4 Athletic Burpees - 3 Part B Power Clean Warm Up (2 rounds) - 5 Deadlifts + 5 RDLs + 5 Hang Muscle Cleans + 5 Push Press + 5 Back Squats + 5 Good Mornings Part C 3" Deficit Deadlift - 3RM Part D 5 Rounds Deadlifts - 3 @65% 1RM Double Unders - 20 seconds Rest - 2 Minutes Part E Ring Rows - 3x MAX [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 5.18.18"] PA Metabolic Circuit Back Squat - 2x 10 Bench Press - 2x 10 Pull Ups - 2x 10 Full Glute Ham Raises - 2x 10 Press - 2x 10 Chin Ups - 2x 10 Front Squat - 2x 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 2x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls - 2x 10 We are going to continue to add weight to all of your lifts. I would suggest 2.5-10lbs depending on the lift. Just remember that we are progressing this. Just a reminder you will have 20 seconds to complete the 10 reps and then 60 seconds to rest, for a total of 80 seconds per set. You will complete all sets at each movement before moving onto the next movement. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Programming 5.14 – 5.20

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Bring A Friend Day on Saturday!!!! 5.19! Sports Performance Camp Pre-registration is up! Click here for more details Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 5.14"] FIT A. EMOM Pull Ups x 8-12 Glute March x 40s x 4 Sets (8 min) B. EMOM Left Split Squat in place x 8-12 Right Split Squat in place x 8-12 10 Russian Twists L/R=1 x 4 Sets (12 min) Build C. 10 Heavy Unbroken DB Clean and Jerks 20 Calorie Bike rest 2-3+ minutes x 3 sets COMP A. EMOM 10 UB Double KB/DB Thrusters 1 minute rest 10 DBL Russian KB Swings 1 minute rest x 6 Sets (24 min) All sets challenging, adjust as you need to B. 10 Unbroken Shoulder to Overhead 20 Calorie Bike rest 2-3+ minutes x 3 Sets Score: Strength Portion(s) Sweet jesus, look at all of this stuff. Just challenge yourself, lets only score the conditioning today. Conditioning: Weight Used, and round time individually. Notes: Rest times may be dependant on class size, you'll share DB's so flow through and be prepared to get after it, as long as you are getting at least 2 minutes of rest - cool. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 5.15"] FIT A. EMOM Deadlift x 8-12 Push Ups Singles or Double Unders 2 minute rest x 5 Sets (25 min) Build, Push ups aren't unbroken, just go B. 10 minutes to finish 20 Sit Ups 20 Unbroken Ring Rows x 3 Sets COMP A. EMOM Power Clean x 3 rest 2 min x 5 sets (15 Min) Build, try to beat your prior # on this + Directly transition after the last 2 minute rest into EMOM 10 Alternating DB/KB Snatches 30-50 Double Unders x 5 sets (10 minutes, which makes this whole series 25 minutes long) B. For time - 10 Minute Cap 75 Toes to Bar Don't tear your hands apart Score: Fit A: DL Weight, Total Push ups, Total Singles/Dbls Fit B: Time or reps in cap Comp A: Heaviest Weight Power Clean - don't worry about the second EMOM Comp B: Total time or reps in cap [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 5.16"] FIT & COMP 30 Minute Amrap - Teams of 2- Alternate Movements 10 Ball Slams 30 Double Unders 10 NPBP 30 Double Unders 100m Run Score: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 5.17"] FIT A. EMOM Bent Over Dual Dumbbell Row x 8-12 rest 1 minute Bench Press x 6-9 rest 1 minute x 5 Sets (20 min) Build across sets B. Amrap in 15 Minutes 15 Push Ups 30 Air Squats COMP A. EMOM 10 Hanging Hip Taps L/R=1 rest 1 minute Bent Over Barbell Row x 8-12 rest 1 minute x 5 Sets (20 min) Build across sets B. Amrap in 15 minutes 5 Full Cleans, heavy 15 Ring Dips Score: Fit A: heaviest weights for both Fit B: Total Reps Comp A: Bent over barbell weight Comp B: total reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 5.18"] FIT A. EMOM Strict Dumbell Press x 8-12 10-15 Steps Left Hip Circles 10-15 Steps Right Hip Circles x 5 Sets (15 min) Build across the sets B. For time - 9 minute cap 21-15-9 of Hanging Knee Raises Jumping Pull Ups Reverse Lunges L/R =1 COMP A. EMOM Strict Barbell Press x 5 rest 2 minutes x 5 sets (12 min) Build across the sets B. For time - 9 minute cap 21-15-9 Power Snatch 75/55 Hand Release Push Ups Score: Fit A: Dumbbell Press Weight Fit B: Time or reps in cap Comp A: Barbell Press Weight Comp B: Time or reps in cap [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="BRING A FRIEND DAY Saturday 5.19"] FIT & COMP A. Teams of 3 3 min Amrap 7 Burpees, 7 Med Ball Cleans/Squats 3 min Calorie Bike 3 min rest 4 Sets (36 min) Score: Cals + Step Ups Each round [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 5.20"] A. LE Repeatability Test Row 250 10 KBS 10 Burpees 10 KBS 10 Burpees 10 KBS Row 250 rest 10 min x 2 sets Score: Individual times each round [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]