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Nayeli’s Story: From 0 to 3 Strict Chin-ups!

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Robby:             Hey guys. Robby here from Crossfit South bend. Today I’m here with Nayeli, who just finished three months of one on one nutrition coaching, and did an amazing job. I have her most recent in body here, where she basically went from 134.5 pounds to 118.6. She gained muscle mass during that entire time, and her body fat percentage went from 34.9 to 23.9. It’s now telling her, she actually had a little bit of body fat, and that’s on top of getting three straight chin ups the other day, doing better in the gym. So, Nayeli, congratulations-

Nayeli:             Yeah.

Robby:             Did an awesome job. Tell us what you thought about this way of eating and programming before you got started, and kind of how you had been eating before we got started.

Nayeli:             Well, I would try to eat healthy before I started, but I know I needed a lot of professional coaching. And, I would try to space my eatings out, but I knew something was wrong, especially with my gut problem that I knew I had. And, I tried going to my doctor and he basically told me it was constipation, and I knew it wasn’t.

‘Cause if I was constipated for the past six months before I started this nutrition journey, then I knew it had to have just been how I was eating or what I was eating in my diet. So, when we started, I was realizing that I was having less cramps. And, sometimes if I tried to reintroduce something, I knew my stomach couldn’t handle it so I stuck with the whole 30 the entire time and, it’s helped me so much.

Robby:             That’s awesome. So tell us about the three month process. Tell us about month one over transitioning, and then the whole 30. What sort of things did you notice, what struggles did you go through, all that type of stuff.

Nayeli:             I noticed that my body was restarting, you could say. I felt my first month, I was slowly seeing progress and, my body was kind of shutting down at first because I could tell that when I slowly was taking out grains and whatever, and I realized at night I was still having some problems before we started the whole 30. And, I must stay, it’ll be good.

Robby:             I remember that you said you ran into some energy stuff-

Nayeli:             Yeah.

Robby:             At one point, and then like it dipped for a while and then around … It was the middle of the whole 30?

Nayeli:             Oh yeah.

Robby:             It started to get better?

Nayeli:             Yep. Before we started month two of the whole 30, my [inaudible 00:02:36] were kind of down and then, when I stuck with the whole 30 the entire month, my levels started rising up. So when I woke up in the morning from work, which was about 4:00 in the morning ’til 2:30 to 3:00 in the afternoon, I felt sluggish the entire day. And then, now I wake up and I feel just energized throughout the entire day.

Robby:             That’s awesome. So, obviously you had really amazing numbers where you lost a bunch of weight, and better percent body fat, and all the rest of that stuff. Tell us about some of the stuff in the gym. So, workouts, did you feel stronger? Tell us about the strict chin up progression, and you know.

Nayeli:             Yeah, I was never able to do chin ups at all, and even if I tried, I knew I was gonna fail. And, I knew by the end of these three months, I’m just gonna try it so, I’m standing at the pull ups, and I know I just need to do it, so I did. And, now I can do three to four chin ups with tempo, three second tempo down. And, I feel like I have more stamina throughout my workouts, and I can last longer instead of being tired out early in the workouts.

Robby:             Good, good. So you said your digestion was better, energy was better. Anything in terms of like mood, or cravings, or the way your clothes fit, or sleep? Any other non-scale [crosstalk 00:04:00] things?

Nayeli:             Oh yeah. My favorite jeans don’t fit me anymore. I used to wear them all the time. I put them on and they just fall down, which I mean, it’s great but at the same time now I have to actually go clothes shopping. But, I know I get a lot of compliments, but I think it’s been harder when I’m at drills-

Robby:             Yeah.

Nayeli:             For the national guard, because they don’t eat well. And, for me people over there start to crave stuff throughout the weekend ’cause we don’t have access to Gogurt or something when we’re on a base. But, for me I don’t … when I’m there, or I’m at home I don’t crave a lot of sugars like I used to at all. If I have to go into a gas station and fill up my tank, I used to have to walk through the isles and get a snack. Now I just look at it and my body’s just walks away. My mind is like, you don’t need it. And, I’m glad I don’t crave any of that stuff anymore.

Robby:             That’s fantastic. So, now having gone through the process and thinking back to where you were before you started, what you say to someone who is kind of unsure of themselves, unsure of whether they could do the whole 30 and do all the stuff, what would you say to someone who’s thinking about maybe doing this program?

Nayeli:             I would say if you are really trying to make a change more physically and mentally, then you should first of all read about it before thinking about doing the program, and considering if you have the time and the effort mentality to do it. And, think about your support system because at the beginning I didn’t have any, and now I realized a lot of people like to come up to me, especially my family.

They come up and ask me questions and a lot of them realize that I lost weight, and I look more toned. But, if you’re really thinking of doing it, I would really consider just … It’s only three months, that’s what I tell myself, especially for the whole 30 it’s only 29 or 30 days. If you can go 30 days with eating junk food, you can go 30 days with eating straight up clean food.

Robby:             Absolutely. And, I couldn’t agree with that advice more. Especially the support system, I don’t think anyone’s ever mentioned that in a video we’ve done, but I think that’s absolutely true. Having a good support system, and people who support you. So, I can’t say enough good things Nayeli. I’m super proud of you, I think you did a fantastic job. Yeah, this is just awesome. So, congratulations on your progress. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. Nayeli, thank you so much for being here, and we’ll see you guys next time.