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Tiffany’s Story-Love Yourself First

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In this video we sit down with Tiffany who completed our one-on-one heathy eating program.
Tiffany's story is interesting for a number of reasons, but one that really stuck out to me was the following. The main reason she decided to do one-on-one coaching wasn't to lose weight, but to love herself more and create more positivity in her life.
In our society, we sometimes equate loving ourselves with arrogance or self-obsession. But there's a healthy form of self-love that Tiffany is describing where you care for yourself so that you can care better for others and be the best version of yourself possible. As she said in the video, if your cup is empty you're not going to be able to fill anyone else's cup, and therefore doing things like eating healthy, working out, sleeping and de-stressing allow you to be the best version of yourself you can be.
Tiffany accomplished the following during her program.
Even though she was already eating really well before she started the program she:
-Lost 13lbs total
-Lost 10lbs of pure fat
-Lost 3.5% body fat
-Maintained her muscle mass.
She also got some non-scale victories:
-Not anywhere near as sore as workouts
-Went from a half-pull-up to doing pull-ups
-Energy way better, no 2-3pm slump
-Saving money because she was cooking most of her meals.
Tiffany we're so proud of you, and all that you've accomplished!

Weightlifting Programming 6/4/18-6/10/18

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Monday - 6/4/18
  • Snatch
    • (60% x 2) x 5
  • Clean & Jerk
    • (60% x 1) x 5
  • Back squat
    • (50% x 2) x 3 (focus on acceleration up)
This will be a very light and easy week in preparation for max back squat testing on Saturday. Tuesday - 6/5/18
  • Power Snatch
    • (60% x 1) x 4
    • (70% x 1) x 3
  • Power Clean & Power Jerk
    • (60% x 1) x 4
    • (70% x 1) x 3
  • Squat jump
    • 3 x 3
  • 3 sets; no rest:
    • 10 DB row/arm
    • 10 1-arm DB bench press/arm
Wednesday - 6/6/18
  • Snatch
    • (60% x 1) x 5
  • Clean & Jerk
    • (60% x 1) x 5
  • Back Squat
    • (40% x 2) x 3
  • Squat jump
    • 3 x 3
Thursday - 6/7/18
  • Hang Power Snatch
    • (60% x 1) x 5
  • Hang Power Clean & Power Jerk
    • (60% x 1) x 5
  • Box Jump
    • 3 x 3
  • 3 sets; no rest:
    • 15 pull-ups (Strict; use bands if necessary)
    • 10 1-arm KB press/arm
Friday - 6/8/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 6/9/18
  • Back Squat
    • Test max
  • Snatch
    • Heavy Single
  • Clean & Jerk
    • Heavy Single
Don't expect snatch and clean & jerk PRs today. Do what you can, and if you don't break 80%, throw in a few more singles between 70-80%. Sunday - 6/10/18
  • Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning 6.04.18 – 6.08.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 6.04.18 "] Part A 4 Sets MR Hammy - 3. 3. 3. 3. Broad Jumps - 3. 3. 3. 3. Part B Deficit Deadlift - 3. 3. 3. 3. 3, build each set, but I want to avoid any grinding of reps Part C Single Arm Dumbbell Row - 3x MAX Effort [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 6.05.18"] PA Metabolic Circuit (Light)  Back Squat - 3x 10 Bench Press - 3x 10 Pull Ups - 3x 10 Full Glute Ham Raises - 3x 10 Press - 3x 10 Chin Ups - 3x 10 Front Squat - 3x 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 3x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3x 10 I would suggest taking 10-15% off from Friday depending on the lift. Just remember that we are progressing this. You will have 20 seconds to complete the 10 reps and then 60 seconds to rest, for a total of 80 seconds per set. You will complete all sets at each movement before moving onto the next movement. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 6.07.18"] Part A Power Clean Warm Up (2 rounds) - 5 Deadlifts + 5 RDLs + 5 Hang Muscle Cleans + 5 Push Press + 5 Back Squats + 5 Good Mornings Part B Clean Pulls - 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. I want you to do your first set at 105% of your 1RM. Continue to add weight each set, provide the bar is moving quickly Part C Ring Rows - 4x MAX Effort [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 6.08.18"] PA Metabolic Circuit (Heavy)  Back Squat - 3x 10 Bench Press - 3x 10 Pull Ups - 3x 10 Full Glute Ham Raises - 3x 10 Press - 3x 10 Chin Ups - 3x 10 Front Squat - 3x 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 3x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3x 10 For the heavy days , I want 10 reps, then 60 seconds rest between each set.  I want this heavy, so it might take you 30-40 second to bang out 10 reps. Don't worry about the 80 seconds on these, just make sure you are getting at least 60 seconds between sets.  [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Programming 6.4 – 6.10

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Sports Performance Camp Pre-registration is up! Click here for more details Save the Date! June 30th is CrossFit South Bend's 9 year anniversary party! Our CFSB Garage sale has been launched! Click here for the details Our Beginner's Olympic Weightlifting Camp Registration will be closing soon! Click here to check it out Have a friend wanting to check out CrossFit? We have a 5 week Reboot Challenge beginning soon! Send them this link if you think they will be interested!  Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up   [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 6.4"] FIT A. EMOM 8-10 Back Squat @ 1 sec pause at bottom 8-10 Strict Pull Ups 40s Max Anchored + Hands at temples Sit Ups 8-10 L-Seated Dumbbell Presses x 5 Sets (20 minutes) *Build B. 3 Minute Amrap Run Max Distance rest 1:30 x 4 Sets COMP A. EMOM 3 Back Squats @ 4441 20s Chest to Bar Pull Ups 5 UB Push Jerks rest 1 min x 5 Sets (20 minutes) *Build B. 3 Minute Amrap Run Max Distance rest 1:30 x 4 Sets Score: A. BS Weight, Total Pull Ups, Press/PJ Weight B. Distance as accurately as you can Notes: B. Run inside, outside, shuttle, run out 1:30 and then run back - just do it. Work on consistency. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 6.5"] FIT A. 15 Minutes of HPS Skill work B. @90s Mark Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (3+2) x 7 Sets (10:30) Stay at light to moderate weights and work technique/speed C. EMOM 8 Deadlifts - Let go of the bar at the bottom and regrip 60s Max Push Ups Calorie Bike 60s x 5 Sets (15 min) Build COMP A. 15 Minutes of HPS Skill work B. @90s Mark Hang Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat (1+1+1) x 7 Sets (10:30) Stay at light to moderate weights and work technique/speed C. EMOM 5 TNG Power Cleans 60s Max Ring Dips Calorie Bike 60s x 5 Sets (15 min) Build Score: B. Don't score,  work technique C. Heaviest load - total PU/RD reps, total calories. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 6.6"] FIT A. @ the top of a 2 min mark 20 UB BW/DB Reverse Lunges 50 Singles/25 Doubles 12-15 Left Arm Meadows Row 12-15 Right Arm Meadows Row 60s Row for Calories x 5 Sets (25 min) *Start challenging, you can take weight off, but you can't put it back on. COMP A. @ the top of a 2 min mark 20 UB Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges 40 Doubles 12-15 Left Arm Meadows Row 12-15 Right Arm Meadows Row 60s Row for Calories x 5 Sets (25 min) *Start challenging, you can take weight off, but you can't put it back on. Score: -Lunge weight remaining -Meadows Row Weight remaining -Lowest Calorie Row score [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 6.7"] FIT A. 15 minutes of HPC Skill work B. @90s Mark Hang Power Clean + Front Squat (3+2) x 7 Sets (10:30) Stay at light to moderate weights and work technique/speed C. 30s Push Presses 30s Rest 30s Russian KB Swings 30s Rest x 5 Sets COMP A. 15 minutes of HPC Skill work B. @90s Mark Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk (1+1+1) x 7 Sets (10:30) Stay at light to moderate weights and work technique/speed C. 30s Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 30s Rest 30s Alternating DB Snatches 50/35 30s Rest x 5 Sets Score: B. Heaviest complex weight C. Total reps and weight used. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 6.8"] A. EMOM 9-12 Barbell Bench Press 15-20 DB Curls 10 Scap Pulls x 5 Sets (15 min) Build B. For time (20 minute cap) 5 Front Squats AHAP *pulled from rack 5 Burpees Run 100m rest/walk 2:00 between rounds x 4 Sets COMP A. EMOM 3-6 Barbell Bench Press 5 Burpee Pull Ups rest 1 minute x 5 Sets Build B. For time (20 minute cap) 5 Front Squats AHAP *pulled from floor, first rep can be squat clean 5 Burpee Box Jumps Run 100m rest/walk 2:00 between rounds x 4 Sets [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 6.9"] FIT & COMP Putting the notes at the top today, listen. we are using sandbags ,tires, and ropes today. You may get your shit dirty and your legs scratched up (that is, if you forget to wear appropriate gear for rope climbs) So, I'll do my best to clean up the tires before the workout You do your best to wear clothes you don't mind messing up and wear socks/leg protection for rope climbs. Teams of 3 *get the work done, however possible 60 Tire Flips 60 Sandbag to shoulder 600m Heavy Farmers Walk 30 Rope Climbs Score: Just get the work done before class is finished. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 6.10"] FIT & COMP A. @ the top of a 3:30 min mark 20s Bike, Hard 3:00 row, easy 20s Run, Hard 3:00 amrap, 10 Russian KBS, 5 NPBP, 30 Singles/15 Dbls, easy x 2 Sets (28 min) B. Row 3:00 for calories Notes: for A, keep everything sustainable [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Is Chocolate Healthy?

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Today we're going to talk about one of my favorite topics, chocolate. It might be the case that chocolate is one of your favorite topics, as well. There's certain things that some of us care about and some of us don't. I couldn't care less about alcohol or soda or anything like that, but man, do I love chocolate. So today I'm going to give you a sense of whether chocolate can play a role in a healthy diet or not and what sort of considerations should go into whether you should have chocolate. The first thing to say is if you use our rubric that we sometimes use for how to judge a food, green light foods being the super nutrient dense foods that are anti-inflammatory. They don't spike your blood sugar. They're healthy for you, so on and so forth. Things like quality protein, vegetables, healthy fats, fruits, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices. Those are green light foods. Then over on the other side, you've got your red light foods. Your red light foods are going to be things like pizza and soda and processed foods, candy bars, ice cream, things of that nature. Things that aren't bringing you any health whatsoever. They're psychologically addictive. They're inflammatory. They put your blood sugar on a roller coaster. Chocolate is going to fall squarely in the middle, what we sometimes refer to as yellow light foods. Yellow light foods are things that have some not so great things about them, and they also have some positive things about them. So let's talk about both the positives and the negatives in the case of chocolate. Let's start off with the positives. From a health perspective, of course, it tastes delicious, but from a health perspective, there are some nutrients in chocolate. Things like magnesium and potassium and chromium and copper and other nutrients of that sort. There's a compound known as theobromine that can have certain antibacterial benefits. It can ... You get a little bit more energy. It's got that effect to it when it comes to neurological effects. That's kind of the positive side of things. It's very, very high in antioxidants, so if you look at pure cacao powder on the ORAC scale, which is the measure of how many antioxidants are in a particular food, cacao powder, pure cacao powder is really, really high up there. So that being said, it would be a mistake to treat chocolate as a pure health food. I think that really is where things sometimes veer off the road, and in particular, the reason is that chocolate is very much addictive for a lot of people. I know for me, that's something I have to watch out for. Probably for you, that's something you have to watch out for, with chocolate more so than with broccoli or with steak, right? If you have a little bit of it, you're going to want more. It can also spike your blood sugar a little bit, depending on how much you eat. That fact that it's both addictive and it can spike your blood sugar, given the sugar content of it can also be problematic. It's that yellow light food, which is to say that you shouldn't be having it certainly on a daily basis, but it's not something you need to avoid like McDonald's and pizza, for example. What are the things you should look for, and how often should you have it? The things I tell people to look for when it comes to chocolate are number one, anything less than 70% cacao, in my opinion, is just a Hershey bar. Might as well just be a candy bar. That cacao content determines how much sugar is in it. If you've ever compared the 70% cacao bar versus an 85% cacao bar, you know that the 70% cacao will have 12 grams of sugar versus like an 80, 85 will have maybe six grams of sugar. So you really drop down precipitously with the sugar, the higher and higher you go. That's why I think 70% is a minimum. The second thing to say is that a lot of chocolate has a lot of artificial ingredients and not good stuff, some crap in it that you just shouldn't get. Good, real chocolate shouldn't have dairy in it, for the most part. It shouldn't have milk chocolate. It shouldn't have any of that type of stuff in it. It should just really be cacao powder, which is the dark brown stuff that typically gives chocolate its antioxidant effects. It's going to have cacao butter, which is the fat that gives chocolate that creaminess. And it's going to have some sugar. Unless it's 100% cacao, it's going to have some sugar in it. So you're going to have some sugar, maybe some vanilla or maybe some salt or something like that, but really besides that, it shouldn't have any soy lecithin. It shouldn't have any dairy products in it. It shouldn't have any wheat or gluten or anything like that. You want to make it like that. Now, how frequently should you have it? Again, you have to know yourself. You have to know are you someone, like me ... I'll be honest here ... who if you have a square or two, you want to have the entire thing. In that case, you probably want to have it less frequently. If you can have a square or two and just leave it be, then maybe two or three times a week in addition to a nutrient dense food ... Or excuse me ... in addition to a nutrient dense diet wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. That can be a way to do it. Another way to do it that I have taken to doing is there's something about buying an entire bar that it's almost like the bar is challenging you to finish the entire thing. Maybe that's just me. I've taken to buying smaller bars, and that way, I have a smaller amount. That's another way you can do it. In terms of what types of bars to get, Whole Foods, local good grocery stores that have the fancier chocolate. Those tend to be better items. Alter Ego is a brand that I really like. They make a really good 85%, a really good 90%, a really good 70%. One other thing to mention about those cacao percentages that you should keep in mind is that not all are created equal. You could get an 85% from one brand that tastes like a chalkboard, and an 85% that tastes really good from a different brand. That has to do with the relative balance of cacao powder and cacao butter. So don't write off all 85% or 90% chocolate if you just had one bad experience. Hey, go out and experiment, right? I'm telling you to go out and experiment with chocolate. That's another thing to keep in mind. All right. Hopefully, now you've got a better sense of where chocolate fits in the hierarchy of healthy foods, whether you can have it long term as part of a healthy diet and what things to look out for. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. We'll see you next time.  

Robert Mischler, Basketball player at Cornell University

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Going into the Strength &Conditioning program, I didn’t know what to expect because a lot of the movements and lifts were new to me. What I got out of the program beat my expectations tenfold. Not only was I able to train with my brother every day, but Carl and Brandon provided me and the other trainees the expertise needed to perform each exercise and lift to the best of our abilities. They were very personable and took the time to teach each athlete correct techniques while pushing us to be at our best. I made huge strides in my overall strength, explosiveness, and quickness in the short, ten weeks of training to the point when I got back to school, my Strength & Conditioning coach asked me, "What did you do this summer?" The Summer S&C training camp was a great experience all around and I’ll be back again this summer to do it again. Interested in learning more? Click here to learn more about our Sports Performance Camps

Weightlifting Programming 5/28/18-6/3/18

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Monday - 5/28/18
  • Back Squat
    • (72.5% x 10) x 3
  • Block/Hang) snatch (mid-thigh)
    • (70% x 3) x 5
  • Halting Snatch Deadlift (hip)
    • (85% x 3) x 3
  • Overhead Squat
    • (70% x 3) x 5
Tuesday - 5/29/18
  • Jerk behind the neck -
    • (75% x 3) x 3
    • (80% x 3) x 2
  • Push Press
    • 75% x 5
    • (80% x 5) x 2
    • 85% x 5
  • Jerk Dip Squat
    • (85% [of jerk] x 5) x 3
  • 7 mins
    • 5 1-arm KB swing/arm
    • 5 1-arm KB clean & push press/arm
    • 5 1-arm KB snatch/arm
Wednesday - 5/30/18
  • Back Squat
    • (83% x 5) x 5 (Move up in weight on last set if no fails)
  • Block/Hang clean (mid-thigh)
    • (70% x 3) x 5
  • Halting Clean Deadlift (upper thigh)
    • (85% x 3) x 3
  • Straight Leg Deadlift
    • 65% [of back squat] x 5
    • (70% x 5) x 3
Thursday - 5/31/18
  • Power Snatch
    • 65% x 3
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • 75% x 3
  • Power Clean
    • 65% x 3
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • 75% x 3
  • Power Jerk
    • 65% x 3
    • (70% x 3) x 2
    • 75% x 3
  • Snatch High-Pull
    • (75% [of snatch] x 5) x 3
  • 5 Rounds
    • 2-4-6
    • This will be 60 total reps. 12 reps per round x 5 rounds.
Friday - 6/1/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 6/2/18
  • Snatch
    • 75% x 3
    • 80% x 3
    • 85% x 2
    • (80% x 2) x 2
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 75% x 3
    • 80% x 3
    • 85% x 2
    • (80% x 2) x 2
  • Back Squat
    • (87.5% x 3) x 8
  • Snatch High-Pull
    • (75% [of snatch] x 3) x 3
Sunday - 6/3/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 5.28 – 6.3

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Sports Performance Camp Pre-registration is up! Click here for more details Our CFSB Garage sale has been launched! Click here for the details Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 5.28"] Murph! Check the murph details on the banner above :) [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 5.29"] FIT Global Warm Up: 15 Minute Hang Power Clean / Power Clean Warm Up A. Every 2 minutes for 24 minutes Hang Power Clean x 3 Build to a challenging set B. Bike 3 minutes for Max Calories COMP A. Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets): Power Clean x 1 Loading per set (by %): 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 93, 96, 99, 101, 101+ B. Bike 3 minutes for Max Calories Score: A, weight. B, Calories. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 5.30"] FIT A. @ the top of a 2 minute mark Back Squat x 5 Back Squat x 5 Back Squat x 3 Back Squat x 2 Back Squat x 2 Back Squat x 1 Rest 2 minutes after last single, then perform @ the top of a 3 minute mark Back Squat x 1 Back Squat x 1 Back Squat x 1 Build over the course of the sets B. Teams of 3 - At the top of a 1:30 minute mark Back Squat x 3 (75-85% suggestion) Burpees x 5 Run 100m Partner 2 goes at the top of the next 1:30, partner 3 goes on the 1:30 after that. Continue until you have all hit 4 Sets COMP A. @ the top of a 2 minute mark Back Squat x 5 @ 55% Back Squat x 5 @ 65% Back Squat x 3 @ 75% Back Squat x 2 @ 85% Back Squat x 2 @ 90% Back Squat x 1 @ 95% rest 2 minutes, then perform Immediately into @ the top of a 3 minute mark Back Squat x 1 @ 101-105% Back Squat x 1 @ 101-105%+ Back Squat x 1 @ 101-105%+ B. Teams of 3 - At the top of a 1:30 minute mark Back Squat x 3 (75-85% suggestion) Burpees x 5 Run 100m Partner 2 goes at the top of the next 1:30, partner 3 goes on the 1:30 after that. Continue until you have all hit 4 Sets Score:  A, weight. B, weight and lowest round time. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 5.31"] FIT A. @ the top of a 2 minute mark Bench Press x 5 Bench Press x 5 Bench Press x 3 Bench Press x 2 Bench Press x 2 Bench Press x 1 rest 2 minutes, then perform Immediately into @ the top of a 3 minute mark Bench Press x 1 Bench Press x 1 Bench Press x 1 Build over the course of the sets B. 5 Minute Amrap 10 K/DB Push Presses 10 Box Jumps with Step Down x 3 Sets Row remaining time for Calories COMP A. @ the top of a 2 minute mark Bench Press x 5 @ 55% Bench Press x 5 @ 65% Bench Press x 3 @ 75% Bench Press x 2 @ 85% Bench Press x 2 @ 90% Bench Press x 1 @ 95% rest 2 minutes, then perform Immediately into @ the top of a 3 minute mark Bench Press x 1 @ 101-105% Bench Press x 1 @ 101-105%+ Bench Press x 1 @ 101-105%+ B. B. 5 Minute Amrap 10 K/DB Push Presses 50/35 10 Box Jumps with Step Down x 3 Sets Row remaining time for Calories Score: A, weight. B, total reps including the 3 initial sets. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 6.1"] FIT A. @ the top of a 2 minute mark Deadlift x 5 Deadlift x 5 Deadlift x 3 Deadlift x 2 Deadlift x 2 Deadlift x 1 rest 4 minutes, then perform Immediately into @ the top of a 3 minute mark Deadlift x 1 Deadlift x 1 Deadlift x 1 B. "Annie" - 8 Minute Cap Double Unders Sit Ups COMP A. @ the top of a 2 minute mark Deadlift x 5 @ 55% Deadlift x 5 @ 65% Deadlift x 3 @ 75% Deadlift x 2 @ 85% Deadlift x 2 @ 90% Deadlift x 1 @ 95% rest 4 minutes, then perform Immediately into @ the top of a 3 minute mark Deadlift x 1 @ 101-105% Deadlift x 1 @ 101-105%+ Deadlift x 1 @ 101-105%+ B. "Annie" - 8 Minute Cap Double Unders Sit Ups Score: A, weight. B, time or reps in cap. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 6.2"] FIT & COMP 30 Minute Amrap Teams of 4 100 Burpees 200 Cal Bike 300 Air Squats/Goblet Squats 400 Double Unders/Singles *Run 200m as a team between segments Score: Total reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 6.3"] A. LE Work 2:30 Min Clock 9.7.5 Unbroken TNG Deadlifts No Push Up Burpees Run in remaining time + rest 7:30 minutes x 4 Sets [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

CFSB Garage Sale!

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Hello CFSB FAMILY, We are going to hold our 2nd annual CFSB Garage Sale!!! Why? We would like to purchase some more equipment for the gym and what better way than to get rid of your “Junk” someone else’s “Treasure” and have the money go towards new equipment!!! Our goal is to pull in around $3000 ? We can do it!!!! If you have some bigger value items, bring those in and we can help price it if you’re not sure. If you need help getting them here, let us know and we will pick it up!!! Everything that does not sale we will be donating unless you come and pick up your stuff, Sunday the 8th by 12pm. DROPPING OFF: You can bring in your items starting on Saturday June 30th through the Day Of - Saturday July 7th. I would take any help for set up on Friday starting around 2:00pm. If you have bags, card tables, clothes hanging units or money holders ( box, aprons, etc) that you would not mind us using for the sale, it would be much appreciated! LAST! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP WORK -  LET AMY KNOW. We are looking to have 2 checkout stations- we will be accepting cash & credit. 4-6 helpers would be ideal every 2-3 hours.  We can rotate in taking money and floaters to keep the sale looking nice, organized and not trashed! Trust me a well kept area where people don’t have to search thru stuff, sales quicker!! It also gives the appearance that we take pride in our stuff and it’s not just JUNK ? Email Amy at if you can help.  Let her know SPECIFIC hours you can help, if not she will put you in anywhere!!!! WHEN: July 7th,  2018 TIME: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm WHERE: CFSB GYM WHAT TO BRING: ANY and ALL items you want to sell. BIG or SMALL ? *Examples: Antiques, couch, tables, chairs, tv’s, computers, household items, clothes, shoes, hats, books, cds-music or movies, mowers, hand tools, power tools, toys, camping gear, hiking gear, sporting equipment, or sports related items, bikes, cookware, dishes, appliances, medical stuff …….. YOU GET THE IDEA !!!!!! ** PRICING: If you have garage sale stuff marked already, you DO NOT need to remove your label. We will just sale it at the price marked ?

Strength & Conditioning 5.28.18 – 6.01.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 5.28.18 "] Open Gym Hours  9:00am - 12:00pm Part A BOX JUMPS - 2. 2. 2. 2. 2,  find a height and weight that you can land in a good position Part B Prep - 5 Hang Power Snatches + 5 Overhead Squats + 5 Snatch Push Press; do this for a total of 3 Rounds Part C Power Snatch - 2RM, 1x2 @90%, 1x2 @85% Part D Snatch Pull: 1x3 @ 100% of 2RM, 1x5 @ 105% of 2RM, 1x5 @ 110% of 2RM [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 5.29.18"] PA Metabolic Circuit (Light)  Back Squat - 3x 10 Bench Press - 3x 10 Pull Ups - 3x 10 Full Glute Ham Raises - 3x 10 Press - 3x 10 Chin Ups - 3x 10 Front Squat - 3x 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 3x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3x 10 I would suggest taking 10-15% off from Friday depending on the lift. Just remember that we are progressing this. You will have 20 seconds to complete the 10 reps and then 60 seconds to rest, for a total of 80 seconds per set. You will complete all sets at each movement before moving onto the next movement. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 5.31.18"] Part A 4 Rounds MR. Hammy - 4 Broad Jumps - 3 Part B Power Clean Warm Up (2 rounds) - 5 Deadlifts + 5 RDLs + 5 Hang Muscle Cleans + 5 Push Press + 5 Back Squats + 5 Good Mornings Part C Hang Power Clean - 2. 2. 2. 2. 2 Part D 3" Deficit Deadlifts - Speed 5RM, work up to weight where the bar is moving at a good pace. No grinding reps Part E Single Arm Dumbbell Row - 3x MAX, reps should fall between 8-12 [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 6.01.18"] PA Metabolic Circuit (Heavy)  Back Squat - 3x 10 Bench Press - 3x 10 Pull Ups - 3x 10 Full Glute Ham Raises - 3x 10 Press - 3x 10 Chin Ups - 3x 10 Front Squat - 3x 10 Parallel Bar Dips - 3x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls - 3x 10 For the heavy days , I want 10 reps, then 60 seconds rest between each set.  I want this heavy, so it might take you 30-40 second to bang out 10 reps. Don't worry about the 80 seconds on these, just make sure you are getting at least 60 seconds between sets.  [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]