09/12/2022 - Monday
Coach Notes:
The intent here is to choose movements that you can move through with confidence. There shouldn't be much "coaching" needed.
Coaches Choice
A. Skill Practice
We'll be covering skills and modifications in the warm-up for
-Russian Kettlebell Swings
-Abmat Sit Up
-Walking lunge
-Bike setup and etiquette
-Format for the workout
B. Mixed Work - Teams of 2
8 Minute Amrap
50 Cal Bike
50 Russian KBS
50 Abmat Sit Ups
50 Walking Lunges
rest 3 minutes
x 3 Sets
*One person works at a time
*start from where you left off in the prior round
*Options for more advanced teams will be a row in place of the Bike
09/13/2022 - Tuesday
Coach Notes:
Choose weights that allow you to follow along with the tempo and rep range
Coaches Choice
A. Skills Practice
We'll be covering skills and modifications in the warm up for
-Bench Press
-Ring Row
-Turkish Get Up
-Strict Burpee
-Drag Curl
-Format for the workout
B. UB Resistance - 20 Min Amrap
Bench Press x6-8; rest 1-2 minutes
Ring Row x6-8; rest 1-2 minutes
*warm up with the first 2 sets
*3 seconds down is the focus for both the Bench and Ring Row
C. UB + Core
10 Minute Amrap; for quality
2 Turkish Get Ups/side
6 Strict Burpees
10 Barbell Drag Curls
*if you cannot do a strict burpee, perform 6 push ups and 6 no push up burpees
09/14/2022 - Wednesday
Coach Notes:
Think of this as 40 minutes at a conversational pace
Coaches Choice
A. Skills Practice
We'll be covering skills and modifications in the warm up for
-Farmers Carry
-Down ups
-Format for the workout
B. MAP 10 Aerobic Work
6 Sets
75s at Each
Jump Rope Singles
Farmers Carry
Down Ups
09/15/2022 - Thursday
Coach Notes:
Some interval weight training today :)
Coaches Choice
A. Skills Practice
We'll be covering skills and modifications in the warm up for
-SA DB Hang Muscle Clean
-No Push Up Burpee to a plate
-Wall Ball
-Ring or Elbow Plank
-Format for the workout
B. Bend + Core
12 Minute Amrap for quality
6/arm Single Arm Dumbell Hang Muscle Clean *tough
12 No Push Up Burpee to Plate
rest 60s
*you can use a kb for the SA Hang Muscle Cleans
C. Squat + Core
12 Minute Amrap for quality
30s Ring Plank or Elbow Plank
15 Wall Balls
rest 60s
09/16/2022 - Friday
Coaches Choice
A. Skills Practice
We'll be covering skills and modifications in the warm up for
-Air Squat
-Russian KBS
-No Push Up Burpees
B. Mixed MAP 5
3 Minute Amrap
3 Pull Ups
6 Air Squats
9 Russian KBS
50yd Run (on turf, down and back)
rest/walk 3 minutes
x 2 Sets
3 Minute Amrap
25 No Push Up Burpees with no overhead clap
Bike for max Calories in remaining time
rest/walk 3 minutes
x 2 Sets
3 Minute Amrap
Row for Calories
rest/walk 3 minutes
x 2 Sets
09/17/2022 - Saturday
Coaches Choice
A. Skills Practice
We'll be covering skills and modifications in the warm up
B. Teams of 4-5
10 Minute Amrap
Row is the pace setter - every 15 Calories (roll up)
No Push Up Burpee
Box Jump Step Down
rest 7 minutes
10 Minute Amrap
Box Jump Step Down is the Pace setter - every 20
No Push Up Burpee
09/18/2022 - Sunday
Coach Notes:
Think of this as 40 minutes at a conversational pace
Coaches Choice
A. Skills Practice
We'll be covering skills and modifications in the warm up for
-Format for the workout
B. MAP 10 Aerobic Work
40 Minute Amrap
100yd Dual KB Front Rack Carry
10m Bear Crawl
15 Cal Bike
15 Sit Ups
15 Russian KBS
15 Air squats
Run 100yds
2022 09 11