Programming 8.15 – 8.21
By: Brandon Wilton
Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2020-08-15
End Date: 2020-08-21
Saturday August 15, 2020
Title: Saturday
Warmup: I'm coaching I like to come up with the warm up one I see who is in class :)
A) Notes: The progression on this day centers mostly around variety presented within the format rather than straight volume accumulation.
B) Accumulation and Practice: 30 Minutes
30s to perform
6 Alternating KB/DB Snatch
Max Push Ups in remaining time
30s Rest
30s to perform
5 Burpees
Max Double Unders or Singles
30s Rest
30s to perform
6 Box Jumps with step down
Run in remaining time
30s Rest
Whiteboard score - Yes / No; were you able to stay consistent?
Sunday August 16, 2020
Title: Sunday
A) Notes: We are going to introduct a little skill work today, then build from Alactic Endurance, into Lactic Power
B) Snatch Skill Work - Positions: 20-30 Minutes of Snatch Skill Work focused mainly on positions
C) Lactic Power Work: 30s Assault BIke
4:30 Rest
x 3 Sets
Effort % are @ 90% if you are trained, 100% if you are newer to this
Monday August 17, 2020
Title: Week 6(2) - Monday
Warmup: 60s Jump Rope Singles
30s Reverse Plank
x 3 Sets; each at the top of a 90s mark
8 Minutes to Walk through Push Press Technique + Strict Pull Up dialing in
A) Notes: Same volume but less rest here on B/C
WHITEBOARD SCORE: Push press weight
B) Push Press: EVERY 90s x 6 SETS
x 6-8
C) Vertical Pulling: EVERY 90s x 6 SETS
x 6-8
*if strict pull ups are easy here - weight these
D) Mixed Modal Aerobic Work: 12 Minute Amrap
4 Single Arm Plank Row Left
4 DB Single Arm No Push Up Burpee Deadlift Left Arm
4 Single Arm Plank Row Right
4 DB Single Arm No Push Up Burpee Deadlift Right Arm
20 Double Unders or 60 Singles
Tuesday August 18, 2020
Title: Tuesday
Warmup: EMOM x 4 Minutes
25s Elbow Plank
Max Alternating Lateral Banded Steps in the remaining time
*keep the band on the whole time
6 Minute Amrap
5 Prisoner Good Mornings
5 Counterbalance Squats
5 Prisoner Kang Squats
A) Notes: We are adding more volume to the DL here, it's a decent amount of volume so make sure it is beautiful before it is tough
*WHITEBOARD SCORE: Deadlift weight, Goblet Squat weight (heaviest for both)
B) Deadlift : EVERY 3 MINUTES x 5 SETS @3111
*don't build today, keep everything tough but pretty for each set, if you cannot perform them pretty in the range, perform and RDL
C) Non-Complimentary Squatting: 10/8 Cal Assault Bike
12 Goblet Squats @20X1
rest 90-120s
x 4 Sets
Wednesday August 19, 2020
Title: Wednesday
Warmup: 7 Minute Amrap
100yard Jog *out the front, in the back
30s Prisoner Superman Hold
5 Arms Only inchworms
3; continuous movement
5 Supinated bent row @30X2
3 Push Up Negatives at 5 down
A) Notes: *the top position it could use some work across the board here on the supinated rows - so now you get 3 at the top! hold it in contact with your body
WHITEBOARD SCORE: Bent Over Row Weight, Total Push Ups
B) Horizontal Pull / Push Superset: EMOM x 5 Sets
Minute 1: Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Row @30X3; x6-8
Minute 2: Max Push Ups in sets of 2-3 OR *check other options for pressing below
Minute 3: Rest
*if the push ups are too easy, perform ring push ups or Ring Dips - same format (in sets of 2-3)
C) Aerobic Work: 15 Minute Amrap
5 Toes to Bar *see subs
5 Ball Slams
5 Toes to Bar
5 Ball Slams
300m Run
*If you cannot perform kipping toes to bar, progress down in this fashion> 5 Tuck Up to V-ups > 10 Tuck Ups > 10 Abmat Sit Ups
Thursday August 20, 2020
Title: Thursday
Warmup: Right into the skill work!
A) Double Under in a Skill Format: 10 Minute Cap (for each format)
Level 1: I'm working on singles
1 Minute of Singles
1 Minute of rest
x 5 Sets
Level 2: I don't have doubles, but I'm great at single unders
5 Attempts at a double under; rest 30-45s between
Level 3: I have around 20-30 Doubles
Choose a consistent amount of doubles and perform sets of it with 30-60s rest between; for instance if you know you can consistently hit 15 doubles you would perform 15, rest 30-60s, 15, rest 30-60s, etc...
Level 4: I have 30-50 Double Unders; rest 90s
perform the ladder and intentionally break between the noted sets. If you trip - perform that set again.
If you cannot perform double unders or singles - assault bike 10 minutes at easy pace.
B) Notes: Single Leg Squat
Bend Muscle Endurance w/High Breathing Rate
WHITEBOARD SCORE: Weight used for split squat and total time for C
C) Single Leg Squat: 3 Sets; 14 minute cap
Mixed Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat - x8-10/leg; rest 60s between legs
*up on a 25" plate
*if you cannot stay upright and touch your back leg to the ground, move back to a regular split squat
D) Get the work done: For Time; 10 Minute Cap - break this up however you want
40 American KBS
40 Wall Balls
40 No Push Up Burpees
Friday August 21, 2020
Title: Friday
Warmup: 10 Minute Amrap @ warm up pace
60s of your chosen modality :)
5 Curl to Press/arm
10 Reverse Snow Angels
A) Notes: Vertical Push / Pull Work
Single Modality Aerobic
WHITEBOARD SCORE: Max distance on D and the implement you used :)
B) Single Arm Seated Z-Press: EMOM x 5 Sets
Minute 1: x9-12 Left Arm
Minute 2: x9-12 Right Arm
Minute 3: Rest
C) Single Arm Upright Row: EMOM x 5 Sets
Minute 1: x9-12 Left Arm
Minute 2: x9-12 Right Arm
Minute 3: Rest
D) Single Modality Aerobic Work: Choose One
10 Minute Max
Measure meters on run, on bike, and on row
Notes; attempt to pace slightly faster than last week