Friday, 3.17.17

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Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lb to last workout)


Power Snatch 2 RM + Max rep overhead squat One your last set of power snatches before dropping the weight perform a single set of max rep OH squats with your 2 RM weight.


Complete 5 rounds: 1 minute Max Calorie Row Max Weighted Pull Ups w/ 25 lb

Thursday, 3.16.17

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Bench Press 3×5 Add 2.5 pounds to your last bench workout.


Press 5 @ 70%, 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 80% of 1 RM from Monday


Religion Complete 5 rounds: Squat – Max Reps Burpee Box Jumps 20″ – 7 reps *If under a body weight of 225/145 lb, use a weight of 225/145 lb. If body weight is over 225 lb, put your body weight on the bar.

Kale tastes like feet! Or does it?

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Everyone's got an opinion on kale. Some people love it. Some people love to hate it because it's been the new "it" vegetable for the past few years. And Jim Gaffigan says kale tastes like feet. The main point of this video is not just to show you a kale recipe that you may like. But also to show you that trying the same food in a different way might change a food you don't like into a food you like. Raw, boiled or steamed kale, in my opinion tastes pretty gross. So, on that, I agree with the kale detractors. However if you saute that same kale with ghee, garlic, and salt it ends up tasting really good (or at least in my opinion). It's also a super quick side dish that takes less than 10mins from start to finish. Give it a try and see what you think. Everyone's taste is different so you may not like it. But then again, you might be able to add a new vegetable to your repertoire.

Tuesday, 3.14.17

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Deadlift 1×5, Add 10 pounds to your last DL workout.


Rack Pull 7 RM, Set the bar 1″ below bottom of knee cap and pull to full extension.


Complete for time: Deadlifts 70-80% of 5RM – 9 reps Sprint 50 yards Deadlifts 70-80% of 5RM – 6 reps Sprint 100 yards Deadlifts 70-80% of 5RM – 3 reps Sprint 150 yards

Monday Bright Spots

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The CrossFit Open does have a way of letting you meet yourself. When you meet yourself in a room, you will either love yourself, or hate yourself, but at least you'll know yourself a bit better. I've been seeing a lot of athletes hard training come to realization through the open. Take this time to learn about yourself, how has what you have been doing over the last year paid off, or not paid off? Are you where you expected to be? why or why not? Nice job on all of the PR's everyone.