Thursday, 12.17.15

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Straight Ahead Speed

Complete 5-8 efforts of: 50 yard Sprint *Rest as needed between efforts.


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Close Grip Bench Press 5, 5, 5, 5 On the minute for 10 minutes complete: Front Squat 3- Reps @ 85% 3 RM from 2015-12-07

Are weight loss and health the same thing?

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Are weight loss and health the same thing?-CFSB Wellness Wednesday The number #1 health and fitness goal most people have, especially around this time of year, is weight loss. But what if instead of focusing on weight loss as the primary goal we focused on health first? In this week's video we explain why focusing on health first leads to so many more long-term sustainable results than focusing on weight loss as the primary goal. Short on time? Check out the 90 second preview here:  

Free Whole Foods Grocery Tour with Robby Gustin

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Hi everyone, On Friday January 8th from 6-7:00pm Robby Gustin from CrossFit South Bend will be doing a Paleo grocery store tour at Whole Foods. It will be about an hour long, and it will involve tasting some Paleo foods along the tour and answering as many questions as you may have! If you are new to Paleo, this is for you. There will be a sign up sheet in the gym for those who are interested in signing up, if you aren’t a member…Just show up at Whole Foods! Hope to see you there

The Push To Keep Going – Mandy’s Story

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][text_output]Want to give CrossFit a try today? Click here to find out how.  I about five years ago I had a family member tell me I should look into Crossfit that it seemed like something I would really like. I did some reading and decided I would look into it but had also heard it was very expensive and I was tentative to invest knowing our family schedule didn’t leave me much time to work out. Then I became pregnant with my second child so I threw that idea on the backburner for over a year and a half. Once things settled down after the birth of my son I stumbled upon a Groupon and decided that would be a great opportunity to try it at a discount. I REALLY had no clue what I was in for but knew I needed something different to get me active again. I struggled to understand the need for what was then called the On Ramp classes, really how hard could it be? As I stood waiting for Robby I watched a class that was in progress and immediately thought, I could never do that and maybe I was in over my head. As we progressed through the On Ramp and I continued to watch other classes I became more intrigued and challenged. It struck me as something I could continue to do, see progress, and not get bored with as I had with so many activities in the past. Nearly three years later I am continually challenged and motivated to do better and do more. Had I not had that initial training I may not have stuck with it thinking it was too much to learn in the little amount of time I had each week to train. Some had joked that Crossfit is like a cult, people get in and they can’t get out and that’s all they talk about. I can see that perspective from the outside but from the inside a see an amazing community. I don’t know if this is the culture in other Crossfit gyms but it is truly what makes my experience far and above anything I expected. In the past three years I feel like I have come a long way. Some days I have to remind myself of that when there are still so many skills I struggle with. Finally understanding the snatch move is one of my biggest accomplishments as well as just recently stringing together my kipping pull ups. The Olympic movements were all new to me and some of them have come easier than others. I finally feel that I have the right steps in place and continue to be able to move up in weight. I want to continue to improve on my Olympic movements but next on my list to master is the strict pull up and my double-unders. My favorite Crossfit experience has been participating in the Murph workout last Spring. I have never had the availability nor the confidence to participate in one of these type of workouts. This year I was able to come and felt like I was at a point I would be able to contribute and not die afterwards! It helped we could do it as team! Truly understanding the meaning behind what we were doing and why and using that during the workout made it such a rewarding experience. In the last run it started to rain and I reminded myself what I was doing the workout and gave me the push to keep going when my body said I had nothing left to give. There were so many people of all ages and athleticisms all there for the same reason. It was a chilling experience to me and brought a new appreciation for what the day is supposed to be about. I wish I could do more of the community events and be at the gym more often but I am trying to make the best of what I get. The people and the coaches make me appreciate every class even on those days when it was a hard choice to get up go.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Tuesday, 12.15.15

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Deadlift 1×5 (add 10lbs to your last workout) Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps


Power Snatch 8×2 Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps


As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

AHAP One Arm DB Power Snatches – 5 Reps AHAP Farmers Walk DB in each hand – 25 yds *For DB Power Snatch, alternate sides however you choose.

Monday, 12.14.15

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Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Squat 5 RM Press 3×5 @85% 3 RM from 2015-11-30


Complete for time: Barbell Thruster – 9 Reps Toes to Bar – 19 Reps Barbell Thruster – 6 Reps Toes to Bar – 16 Reps Barbell Thruster – 3 Reps Toes to Bar – 13 Reps

*Barbell Thrusters should be heavy.

Monday 12-14-15

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Brandon is guest coaching today! Have fun. :) Warm-up: coach's choice squat mobility A.  C&J - 10min EMOM of 1 clean and jerk (try to increase weight from 11/23 if possible- that day was a hang clean and jerk btw) B.  Front squat - 3x waves - 1,2,3,4,5 every :30. 2:00 rest between rounds. Try not to rack it between sets. Brandon has every right to tell you to strip weight if you cannot facilitate a good upper back position for the whole round! C1.  5x5 each leg single leg squats C2.  5x5 KB deadlift **slow and controlled, these should burn your hammies!**

Wods 12.14.15 – 12.20.15

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend NUTRITION – WHOLE90 NUTRITION CHALLENGE PREREGISTRATION IS UP Classes - Crossfit Open Prep Class and Programming - Coming January 3rd SAVE THE DATE - CFSB Holiday Party - Saturday Jan 23rd ***Click for Details*** CLOSINGS – Holiday Closings and Hours NEW CLASSES! Kids and Teens training has begun! click here for details Holiday Food/Supply Drive – We could use your help! SMBHC Holiday Drive[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 12.14.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Monday 12.14.15 A. 3 rounds 30 Seconds Contralateral Dead Bugs 15 Seconds rest 30 Seconds Moose Antlers 15 Seconds Rest B. Deadlift 5rm **Try to beat your last 5rm from 11.24.15 C. 4 Rounds of 2 Deadlifts @ 55% of Todays 5rm 2 Pull Ups 2 Box Jumps 24/20 4 Deadlifts 4 Pull Ups @ 55% of Todays 5rm 4 Box Jumps 24/20 6 Deadlifts 6 Pull Ups @ 55% of Todays 5rm 6 Box Jumps 24/20 Notes: Try to really be conscious today of your back position - this is a lot of pulling off the floor, when we start the clock, don't let your mind go blank, each pull be mindful of having a good posture and braced position. Goal: Shoot for a scaling that gives you a finish of around 10 minutes or less.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 12.15.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 12.15.15 A. 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Pillar Hold Alternating Hand Reach 15 Seconds rest 30 Seconds Single Leg Elevated Hip Bridge LEFT 30 Seconds Single Leg Elevated Hip Bridge RIGHT 15 Seconds rest B. 15 Minutes to establish Push Press 3rm **Beat your last Push Press x 3 from 11.23.15 C. 6 Rounds 5 Hang Power Cleans 7 Front Squats 3 Shoulder to Overhead **Build to a heavy set of the complex, rest 2 minutes between rounds For every time you drop the bar mid-complex, the penalty is 10 burpees to be completed after the workout. Notes: Goal weight for the workout: There are a lot of factors in there when choosing a weight, go with the lightest weight you have of the three movements - that will more than likely be the limiting factor causing you to fail For example: If Jane Doe's Lifts are Hang Power Clean - 85 Front Squat - 100 Push Press - 95 She may be limited by her weakest lift, the Hang Power Clean. So base the percentages off of that. Most people are limited by their shoulder to overhead (in most cases) so shoot for around 85-90% of your heaviest shoulder to overhead. . Don't be afraid of that penalty - if you do this workout the right way, you should accrue a penalty. And if you don't know your weights. A. Start writing that shit down. B. Go by feel, and move up in small jumps.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 12.16.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Wednesday 12.16.15 A. Carl Paoli Kickup Progression Progression 1 Progression 2 Progression 3 B. 3 x max handstand push ups C. For Time 60 Calorie Row 50 Toes to Bar 40 Burpees 12 Minute Cap Scoring is total time, if you have repetitions left after the cap, add them to the cap as 1 second per rep. For instance, if you had 20 reps left to finish when the 12 minute mark goes off, your time scored is 12:20. SUPER FUN TIME UNECESSARY GIANT NOTES SECTION Goal: Lets break this one down, maybe I'll put some things down there that may help some of you look at the workout a bit differently. Knowing your pacing on things and what your max sets look like on movements will sometimes help game things out a bit like we have below. I want you to pick a scaling that will allow you finish underneath the time cap. If any of the numbers are off - just call me out on it. I'll shoot some middle of the road times out there for people - not super fast, not super slow - Getting off the rower for girls and guys are usually a bit different *on average* of course there is overlap with some stuff there though with fast girls, slow guys, and everyone in between. So lets say middle of the pack and getting off kinda fresh - knowing that most of you will get some rest whether you need it or not between the toes to bar due to muscle fatigue rather than cardiorespiratory endurance - you may be able to push the pace a bit more on the row assuming your grip isn't getting fatigued knowing that you'll have that rest to relax between the TTB and the Burpees. THE ROW Lets go with 16 calories a minute for guys, and 12 for the girls.  - Thats one calorie every 3.75 seconds for guys (or one per pull if you are at a bit slower than a 20 s/m) and one calorie per each two pulls, if you are cruising as a female at around 24 s/m (1 cal per 5 seconds). That gets you off at 3:45 as a  male, and 5 for the ladies. TRANSITION Lets say there is a 15 second transition coming off the bar for both parties - this is including your chalk up time, walk up to the bar, get whatever shit straight you need. male 4:00 female 5:15 THE TOES TO BAR This one is a big decider for this wod, everyone can row at a consistent pace, but if you aren't savvy with toes to bar and make consistent drops - it's going to cost you. Lets talk further. Lets say the male has a hard time hitting big chunks of toes to bar and stringing them together he can hit maybe around 7 max then they fall off, but the female can hit a max of about 18-20 if she needed to. Male sets - This is going under the assumption that he is going to "have a bad time" during the Toes to bar, those higher rep blocks won't feel good after the row, and I would encourage you to not to stay at the highest block you can until you burn out - causing failed reps, which not only did you waste time failing that rep, you also have an extra recovery block after that and very often some frustration you'll have to deal with for failing a rep. If you have some left in the tank toward the back end of 35 then go for it, but if not - stay conservative and don't fail any reps - I may even encourage him to practice switch grip and use gymnastics straps - it may keep him on the bar just a little bit longer. Lets say 2.5 seconds per rep for him, with about 2 deep breathes between sets of the 5,4,3's - which will probably take about 8 seconds and one deep breath between the 2's and 1's at around 4 seconds - average of 6 seconds per rest with around . (video record yourself one time during a workout, most people take a LOT more rest than they realize) and lets assume he can manage breathing while chalking up at the same time. Thats 2:24 TOTAL JUST FOR REST and 2:05 for the reps. So 4:29 total for the Toes to Bar (which, so far is middle of the pack, in 14.4 we had quite a few people just getting into the wall balls toward the 14 minute mark - click here) So the female is much better with them, she can hit a big set of 18-20 if she needed to max, but not that she would want to. Female Sets - 12 - 9 - 7 - 5 - 4 - 4  - 3 - 3 - 3 so thats 8  rest sections (a lot less than the male) and lets say she is shorter and can hit the reps a little faster, at around a 2 second per rep pace. Lets also say her rest is around the same average between sets. Thats 1:40 for the reps and :48 seconds for the rest, for a total of 2:28 TRANSITIONS AND TIMES THUS FAR Shorter transition sliding away from the pull up bar just to get out of the way for both of them, lets say a 5 second transition to step forward from the pull up bar. Male has finished his TTB and transitioned his burpees at: 4:00 + 4:29 + :05 = 8:34 mark Female has finished her TTB and transitioned her burpees at: 5:15 + 2:28 + :05 = 7:48 mark BURPEES These are standard burpees where the feet leave the floor and you touch above the head - nothing fancy about them, a 3 second pace at this point may be hard from being in flexion for the row and toes to bar for so long. Since the female is shorter lets say she is at a 3.4 second per burpee, and the male is at a 5 second per burpee, he is smoked. Lets say the male does a steady smooth cadence without stopping to a metronome. male  3:20 Lets say the female guns it for sets of 15 - 10 - 15 at a faster pace than her steady cadence, and rest between for 10 seconds to see if it would help her time. female 2:00 FINISH TIME Male: 11:54 Female: 11:08   Congrats, just made it under the cap :)   [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 12.17.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 12.17.15 A. 30 Seconds Left Side Pillar Hold Hip Drop + Hip Reach 15 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds Right Side Pillar Hold Hip Drop + Hip Reach 15 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds Reverse Snow Angels 15 Seconds Rest B. Ground to Overhead Touch and Go Skill Work C. For Time 30 Sandbag Get ups AHAP 30 Strict Chin Ups AHAP Finish the work however you'd like to. No, really. 30 Rounds of 1 and 1 30 and 30 1 then 29 then 29 then 1 We don't care, just do the work.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 12.18.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 12.18.15 A. 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Alternating Wall Facing Med Ball Plyo Series 10 Teapots Right 10 Teapots Left B. Snatch Touch and Go Skill Work C. For Time 150 Double Unders 50 Front Rack Lunges 45/33 30 Ball slams 40/30[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 12.19.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 12.19.15 A. CrossFit Open 15.2 Notes: For this workout - Click here and then Click "week 2" for all of the details to this workout. Look at the workout, try to understand the workout, we will try to pick a scaling that you would feel very confident that you'd make it past the second round. We won't be playing with banded pull ups or ring rows today - you are either Rx'd, doing Scaled chin over bar, or Jumping Pull Ups. For the overhead squats, If flexibility ABSOLUTELY does not allow you to perform these with some kind of weight overhead, you will perform Front Squats. Notes: You guys will be judging each other on this one, so make sure you prepare yourself mentally for that.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 12.20.15" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Sunday 12.20.15 A. 15 Minutes to Establish a Snatch 1rm Rest 8 minutes, then perform... B. CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.1 (modified) 17 min time cap 40 burpees over the bar, 30 snatches @ 35% of 1rm 30 burpees over the bar, 30 snatches @ 55% of 1rm 20 burpees over the bar, 30 snatches@ 65% of 1rm 10 burpees over the bar, AMRAP snatches @ 80% of 1rm[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Friday, 12.11.15

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Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Power Clean 4×4 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Complete 6 Rounds of the complex. AHAP Hang Power Clean – 5 Reps AHAP Front Squat – 7 Reps AHAP Push Jerk – 3 Reps *Each complex must be completed unbroken. Rest as needed between rounds. **For every bar drop mid-complex the penalty is 10 burpees to be completed after the workout.