Holiday Closings Reminders

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Hey all Don't Forget - CrossFit South Bend will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day New Years Eve and New Years Day There will be a chance that we will have open gym hours on a few of those days - in which case - don't pester a coach - just look to the blog and it will be posted the day before :) Use the days after the holidays to rethink your diet and maybe get in some active recovery  

2016 CFSB Whole90 Nutrition Challenge-Wellness Wednesday

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In this week's Wellness Wednesday video we give you all the details for the 2016 CFSB Whole90 Nutrition challenge. How will the Whole90 help you achieve your goals in 2016? -It wil help you lose weight without calorie counting, carb counting, or point counting -It will help you focus on health first, which leads to long-term sustainable weight loss -It will teach you how to have a healthy relationship with food for the rest of your life Click the link below to reserve your spot for the 2016 Whole90: Enter discount code "earlybird" at checkout until 12/15/16 to get $10 off for each month of the Whole90.

4 Weeks To A Better Front Rack

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][text_output]Click here to purchase a mobility ticket now! You spend a lot of time in the Front Rack position in CrossFit - Cleans, Jerks, Presses, Push Presses, Thrusters, Wall Balls - and although this series is primarily designed for improving the front rack position, these drills also have a lot of carryover into other movements - back squats, pull ups, bench press, push ups, etc. In this 4 week series we will be performing mobility to fix the Front Rack position to something that it should resemble - or at least the more difficult variation of the position - The Clean and Jerk Rack position with a full grip. During this 4 week series we will be going over: 4 different restrictions causing the Front Rack to become tight, Shoulder External Rotationm Elbow Flexion, Elbow Extension, Wrist Extension. The differences in rack positions between the clean, jerk, push press, press - different styles of rack positions along with their purposes on what should be used, when, and why. We will also be going over wrist pain, shoulder pain, and upper back pain as it related to the front rack position - along with some fixes. Our Dates will be changed up a bit on account of the holidays - Instead of stretching this out over the course of 6 weeks and cancelling a few classes, I will be moving the last two dates to a Tuesday. So the dates and times for this upcoming series are as follows Thursday December 10th Thursday December 17th Tuesday December 22nd Tuesday December 29th Want to sign up? click here to purchase a mobility ticket now! This mobility ticket applies to this 4 week cycle of mobility classes. If you miss a day of the mobility class there are no make up sessions or refunds - this is a ticket for a 4 week series.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]