Wednesday 7-9-14

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A) Push press - <<start these sets close to your 3RM from 2 weeks ago B) Jerk - Start @ 60%, continue working up in 3-5% increments until you are no longer hitting your appropriate foot position / form breaks down C) OHS - 5x3 @ 90% of snatch (try to increase, even if by 2-5#, from 2 weeks ago) D) 3 rounds: 20 jackknives, 15 banded good mornings, 10 Russian twists (R+L=1)

Wednesday 7.9.14

By: 0

A. 4 Rounds Clean Complex (5 Deadlifts + 5 RDLs just below knee + 5 Muscle Cleans from top of the knee + 5 Push Presses + 5 Back Squats) 30 Sec Scap Pull Ups 30 Sec Straight Arm Childs Pose 30 Sec Moose Antler Childs Pose 300m Row 300m Shuttle ( 50yds down and back x3) Note: This is done In teams of 2, each partner will complete the movement before for moving on to the next one. Only one partner works at a time For the complex: Start with the bar and if they can add weight do so, but the movement still needs to be snappy. You shouldn't be trying to max out on this complex. Light weight. Understand the reason you are doing this complex is for technique work, treat it as such.

Tuesday, 07.08.14

By: 0

Image 14


Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Hang Power Clean 5×3 @ 85% of 1 RM from last Tuesday


"Quarter Gone Bad" 5 rounds for total reps of: 135/95 pound Thrusters, 15 seconds Rest 45 Seconds Weighted pull-ups, 15 seconds Rest 45 Seconds Burpees, 15 seconds Rest 45 Seconds

Monday 7-7-14

By: 0

Today starts our third programming cycle! We will be focusing on pulling (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and combinations of those) this month, but we won't stray far from the speed under the bar work we have been hitting hard over the past month. Awesome job to all of you who hit some new PRs last weekend! If you were unable to make it Saturday, can you let me know your numbers/new maxes? I'm keeping a record to try to track your progress. A1) Heaving snatch balance - <<try to end close to 1RM snatch A2) Snatch DL, 3 seconds down, snatch pull - 2@95%, 100%, 105%, 110% B) Front squat - 5x5 @ 75, 75, 80, 80, 85% of 1RM ** perform 1 Spider-Man complex each leg during rest period between each set C1) 6 min AMRAP: 5 ring rows, 5 push-ups C2) 3 min dead bug work as a group (group bonding, because I'm into that)