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Programming Week 6 of 9 Monday 10.12.15 – Sunday 10.18.15

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[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][accordion][accordion_item title=”New Stuff at CrossFit South Bend” parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]New Stuff at CrossFit South Bend

Events: CFSB Halloween Party Details!

Getting Started! November Fundamentals Details are up!

Classes: October Mobility – 4 Week Shoulder Fix

Big Deal! 5% Day at Whole Foods for Wades Army

Events: Ladies Night Pumpkin Carving

Events: Bring A Friend Day and Barbells for Boobs: October 24th at 9:00am 

Nutrition: Last Weeks Wellness Wednesday – Which Fats are Healthy?

Events: Wades Army 2015

Our WIFI: Hey all, new wifi settings for “CFSB Public” If you want to use our wifi, when you connect it will ask you to check into Facebook to use it!

Hold up for even NEWER stuff coming next week![/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Monday 10.12.15″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Monday 10.12.15


15 minutes to find Bench 5rm

*pause 2 seconds at the bottom

*between your sets, accumulate 3×12 Reverse Snow Angels


4 Rounds

20 Walking Lunges @ Bodyweight

400m Run

20 Minute Cap


Keep the Reverse Snow Angels at a smoooooth tempo

Pause for a 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand, THREE (up on three) for the pausing.

Keep a vertical torso, don’t allow the knee to crash far over your toe – go deep on the lunges, touch your knee

Crossfit Open Notes:

Rest 3 Minutes after the workout then Perform 50 Kettlebell Swings American Style for time AHAP[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Tuesday 10.13.15″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Tuesday 10.13.15


15 minutes to perform Full Burgener Warm Up


5 Rounds

50 Yard plate pinch carry AHAP

15 Bent Over Rows AHAP

*There will be a 1 burpee penalty for each time you drop the plates during your carry, or set the bar down during your bent over rows to be paid at the end.


No hitching on the bent over rows – keep them honest. This workout is for time, but keep the movements clean

Also, If you do this right, you should have to pay a couple penalties

plate pinch carries will be done exactly like the video above, BUT – with thicker bumper plates

Crossfit Open Competitors Notes:

Instead of paying a burpee penalty, perform tabata burpees after the workout is over – set a timer on your phone and perform immediately after

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Wednesday 10.14.15″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Wednesday 10.14.15


3 Rounds

Max L-Sit Hold
Max Top of the Pull Up Hold
Max Wall Facing Handstand Hold


5 minutes max shuttles 10 Yards = 1 rep
5 minutes max cal row
5 minute max ball slams AHAP
5 minutes max jump rope singles


For the Conditioning – try to move at a consistent pace through everything, we want constant movement throughout.

For the Iso progressions

L- Sit Progression
Box KneeTuck -> Parallette Knee Tuck -> Box L-Sit -> Parallette L-Sit -> Varying Degrees of L-Sit

Pull Up Hold Progression
Black Band -> Green Band -> Blue Band -> Red Band -> Pull Up Hold -> Weighted Pull Up Hold

Wall Facing Handstand Hold Progression
Toes on 30″ Box -> Wall Facing -> Wall Facing Pull 1 Foot off the Wall -> Free Standing[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Thursday 10.15.15″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Thursday 10.15.15


15 minutes to find Pause Squat 2rm

*pause 2 seconds at the bottom


Teams of 2


Deadlift 275/185

Box Jump 30/24



Stick with a weight and range of motion that looks pretty

Oh, and a box jump height that makes sense for you

Same pause rules as earlier this week for the count

Crossfit Open Competitors: Go hard on the workout, haaaaarrrrddddd

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Friday 10.16.15″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Friday 10.16.15


Every 3 minutes for 8 Rounds

2 Overhead Squats

5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups



Accumulate 5 minutes in a Pillar


If you can hold a pillar for 90seconds – 2 minutes – use a 45b plate on your back

If you can’t, don’t use any weight

every time you break perform 10 russian kb swings 55/35

After 9 Drops, every drop after that will be worth 5 kbs


*Start conservative and work up in weight during your Overhead Squat sets

*Try to pick a scaling that allows CONTACT with your chest and the bar

Ummm…just listen to the coach explain the pillar workout

Crossfit Open Competitors: Use a 45lb plate on your back for these

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Saturday 10.17.15″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Saturday 10.17.15


Clean and Jerk Skill Work


15 Minutes to Establish 1rm Clean and Jerk


12 Rounds

20 Seconds Max Reps Clean and Jerk @ 55-65% of your 1rm

40 Seconds Rest

Notes: Stick with the method you intend on performing grace at, clean and push press, clean and push jerk, split jerk, etc. This is primarily some practice work to game plan for next weeks Grace![/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Sunday 10.18.15″ parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]Sunday 10.18.15



For Time

15 Snatches 95/65

Run 200m

30 Push Ups

Run 200m

45 Wall Balls

Run 200m

30 Push Ups

Run 200m

15 Snatches 95/65

20 Minutes time cap

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”What is this CrossFit Open Notes Stuff?” parent_id=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]What is this CrossFit Open Notes Stuff?

October marks pre-season for the CrossFit open. What is the crossfit open? Click here

I will start increasing the amount of volume and standards for those of you who would like to compete in the open. I will also start throwing in extra practice work for CFO people under a different tab. This work will be possible to get done within the hour time frame, and perhaps within 10 minutes after a wod if the open gym schedule allows it.

If you intend on coming in during an off time to do a bunch of open gym stuff this year, be sure to keep to the open gym rules.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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