Programming 8.21 – 8.27
By: Brandon Wilton
Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2021-08-21
End Date: 2021-08-27
Saturday August 21, 2021
Title: Saturday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Notes: -No score here
INTENT: UB, continuous, AND pretty, all the way to the last set
B) Full Body Muscle Endurance: 30 Minute Amrap
10 Goblet Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Toes to Bar
10 Cal Row @ 10 Damper - tough pace
rest 90s
Modifications are cool to ensure the intent, move the difficulty up or down as needed
Sunday August 22, 2021
Title: Sunday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Notes: -NO score here either
B) Double Unders: 7 Minute Cap
5 Unbroken
rest 10s
10 Unbroken
rest 10s
15 Unbroken
rest 10s
20 Unbroken
rest 10s
25 Unbroken
rest 10s
30,35,40,45,50,55...continue up the ladder as high as you're able
C) Grind: 10 Cal Assault Bike
50 Yard Dual KB Front Rack Carry
x 5 Sets; increase bike pace each set - end moderate
D) Grind: For Time
70 yard prowler push
70 yard farmers carry
400yd Run
50 yard prowler push
50 yard farmers carry
300yd Run
30 yard prowler push
30 yard farmers carry
200yd Run
Monday August 23, 2021
Title: Monday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice Warm Up
A) Notes: -Score your Split squat and RDL weight
B1) Dumbbell Split Squat : @3110; x15.12.9/side; rest 90s between legs; rest 90s
*build across sets here
B2) Core Variation: Pick one
30-60s Plank on hands
30-60s Weighted Plank
30-60s Ring Plank
30-60s Weighted Ring Plank
rest 90s
x 3 Sets
C1) Romanian Deadlift : @3010; x4-6; rest 15s
C2) Abmat Sit-Up: x15-20; rest 15s
C3) Row: 10 Calories @ Damper 10; TOUGH
rest 2-3 minutes
x 3 Sets
Tuesday August 24, 2021
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Go right into part A
A) Snatch Burgener Warm Up - 15 Minute Cap: 1.Down & Up
2.Down & Up with High Elbows
3.Muscle Snatch
4.Snatch Lands
5.Snatch Drops
Coaches will cover the muscle snatch and overhead squat as well
B) Snatch Work - 15 Minute Cap: These are in order, don't move on unless you're very confident with the positions, movement, speed, and load of the prior.
Choose one of the below
1. 4-6 x8-10; Muscle Snatch
2. 4-6 x3+2; Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat
3.4-6 x3+2; Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
4.3.4-6x2+2; Power Snatch + Hang Snatch
C) Horizontal Push + Pull: x15.12.9.6; Bent Over Barbell Row
x15.12.9.6; Glute Bridge DB Floor Press
build across sets here
Wednesday August 25, 2021
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice Warm Up
A1) Front Foot Elevated Dumbbell Reverse Lunge: *elevate on #25 plate
x20.16.12 Alternating; rest 60s
build across sets
A2) Core Variation: Pick One
30-60s Side Plank/side
30-60s Extended Side Plank
30-60s Weighted Side Plank
30-60s Side Star Plank
rest 60s
x 3 Sets
B) MAP 9; Mixed Cyclical: 20 Minute Amrap @ 60 minute pace
30 Cal Bike
30 Prisoner Step Ups
30 Cal Row
30 Yard Bear Crawl
100 Jump Rope Singles
400 yard Run
Thursday August 26, 2021
Title: Thursday
Status: pending
Warmup: Go right into part A
A) Clean Burgener Warm Up - 15 Minute Cap: 1. Down and ups
2. Down and up with high elbows
3. Muscle Clean
4. Clean lands
5. Clean drops
B) Clean Work - 15 Minute Cap: These are in order, don't move on unless you're very confident with the positions, movement, speed, and load of the prior.
Choose one or the other
1. 4-6x10; Muscle Clean
2. 4-6x3+2; Muscle Clean + Front Squat
3. 4-6x3+2 Power Clean + Front squat
4. 4-6x2+2 Power Clean + Hang clean
C1) Vertical Push: Pick one
x9-12 DB Strict Press
x8-10 DB Push Press
x6-8 DB Push Jerks
x4-6 DB Split Jerk
rest 60s
These are in order, don't move on unless you're very confident with the positions, movement, speed, and load of the prior.
You can use DB or KB here
C2) Vertical Pull: Pick one
x12-15 Ring Rows @ 3 seconds down
x7-15 Banded Pull Up @3111
x8-12 Strict Pull Up - not banded
x6-8 Weighted Pull Up
rest 60s
x 3 Sets
Friday August 27, 2021
Title: Friday
Status: pending
Warmup: Coaches Choice
A) Single Leg + Core Work: 12 Landmine Goblet Reverse Lunge
4 Alternating Turkish Get Ups
x 4 Sets
*build slightly across sets
B) MAP 3: 30 Minute Amrap
100yard Run
10 Alternating DB Snatch
100 yard Run
10 No Push Up Burpees
rest 90s
*choose modifications that you can move through UB