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Weightlifting Programming 1/1/18-1/7/18

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Monday -  1-1-17

• Snatch - 5s x 3r (~70-80%) 

• Snatch pull - 4s x 4r 

• Pause back squat - 4s x 3r 

Feel out weights for each exercise that are challenging but not max efforts.

Tuesday - 1-2-17

• Power snatch + snatch -( 65% (of snatch) x 1+1) x 2, (70% x 1+1) x 2, (75% x 1+1 )x 2 

• Power clean + power jerk -( 75% x 1) x 5 sets 

3 sets; no rest:

400 m row

10 push press behind the neck 

Wednesday - 1-3-17

• Clean & Jerk - 5s x 3r (~70-80%)

• Clean pull - 4s x 4r

• Front squat - 4s x 2r

Feel out weights for each exercise that are challenging but not max efforts.

Thursday - 1-4-17

• Hang snatch (below knee) - (75% x 2) x 5 

• Hang clean (below knee) - (75% x 2) x 5 

• Heaving snatch balance - 4s x 3r 

For 5 minutes:

1-Arm KB clean + push press x 5/arm

5 lateral lunge/leg

Friday - 1-5-17

Rest Day

Saturday - 1-6-17

• Snatch - 60%x3, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, (85% x 1) x 3

• Clean & Jerk - 60%x3, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, (85% x 1) x 3

• Front squat - heavy single; (90% x 1) x 2

4 sets; no rest:

10 KB swings

10 DB chainsaw row/arm

Sunday - 1-7-17

Rest Day

Strength & Conditioning 1.01.18 – 1.05.18

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 1.01.18"] Base Push Press 3. 3. 3. 3. 3 Intermediate Push Press 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 Conditioning 12 Minute AMRAP 4 Pull Ups 8 Ring Rows 12 Get Up Sit Ups [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 1.02.18"] Power Athlete Russian Stim 3 Rounds Back Squat – 1×2, @ 90% Rest 3 minutes Back Squat – 1×2, @ 90% Rest 3 minutes Power Clean – 1×6, @ rest 30 seconds between each rep until finish 6 reps. Rest 3 minutes Power Clean – 1×6, @ rest 30 seconds between each rep until finish 6 reps. Rest 3-5 minutes before moving on. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 1.04.18"] Base Bench Press 5x 3 @ 85% 1RM Intermediate Bench Press 5x 3 @ 85% 1RM Conditioning You can complete in any order, reps, and rounds as you see fit. Just get the work done Deficit Push Ups - 50 Seated Med-Ball Throws - 50 Assault Bike - 50 cals [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 1.05.18"] Power Athlete Russian Stim 3 Rounds Back Squat – 1×2, @ 92.5% Rest 3 minutes Back Squat – 1×2, @ 92.5% Rest 3 minutes Power Clean – 1×7, @ 80% rest 30 seconds between each rep until finish 7 reps. Rest 3 minutes Power Clean – 1×7, @ 80% rest 30 seconds between each rep until finish 7 reps. Rest 3-5 minutes before moving on. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

CrossFit Main Blog Programming 1.1 – 1.7

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on at CFSB"] Taylor's Story: Selecting A New Product Wellness Wednesday: Why isn't everyone skinny and rich? Free Thyroid Talk with FDN Practitioner Robby - Jan 30th Our Christmas Party Is Coming Up! Make sure you let us know you'll be there - click here to let us know!  Check out Our Michael Bann Movement and Assessment Seminar coming up in February Here Jenn's Story: What I Am Capable Of Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Closed New Years Day Monday 1.1"] Closed! [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 1.2"] Global Warm Up: Understanding of Fit Gymnastics part A. FIT A. 12-15 Minutes of Gymnastics Practice Arms only Inchworms > Wall Climb > Handstand Hold B. 5 Sets for time: 25 Minute Cap 10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 30 Anchored Sit-Ups 40 Singles/20 Doubles COMP A. 12-15 Minutes of Gymnastics Practice Wall Climb > Handstand Walking > Freestanding HS Practice B. 5 Sets for time: 25 Minute Cap 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups/Pull Ups 20 American KB Swings 70/55 30 Anchored Sit-Ups 40 Double-Unders Score: B, time or reps in cap. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 1.3"] Global Warm Up: Shoulder to overhead work - press, push press, ITA split jerk. FIT A. Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy single press/push press B. For Max Reps: 3 Minutes of Rowing for Calories Rest 60 seconds 3 Minutes of Box Step-Overs Rest 60 seconds 3 Minutes of Thrusters/DB Thrusters COMP A. Take 20 minutes to build to today’s heavy Split Jerk B. For Max Reps: 3 Minutes of Assault Bike or Rowing for Calories Rest 60 seconds 3 Minutes of Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (20″, 55/35 lbs) Rest 60 seconds 3 Minutes of Thrusters (115/83 lbs) Score: A, weight. B, total reps. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 1.4"] FIT For time: 15 Twenty Yard Runs 15 DB or Barbell Ground to Overhead 30 Push-Ups/Incline Push Ups 15 Twenty Yard Runs 10 DB or Barbell Ground to Overhead 20 Push-Ups/Incline Push Ups 15 Twenty Yard Runs 5 DB or Barbell Ground to Overhead 10 Push-Ups/Incline Push Ups COMP For time: 15 Twenty Yard Runs 15 Barbell Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs) 30 Push-Ups 15 Twenty Yard Runs 10 Barbell Ground to Overhead 20 Push-Ups 15 Twenty Yard Runs 5 Barbell Ground to Overhead 10 Push-Ups Score: time. Notes: If performing DB GTO for fit, perform that number of reps EACH ARM. The twenty yard run, is 10 yards out, 10 yards back. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 1.5"] FIT A. Four sets of: (25 Minute Cap) DB/KB/or Barbell Front Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x 16-20 reps Rest 90 seconds Strict Pull Ups/Ring Rows x 4-6 reps @ 2110 Rest 90 seconds B. For time: 11 Minute Cap 40 Wall Ball Shots 20 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows 30 Wall Ball Shots 15 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows 20 Wall Ball Shots 10 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows 10 Wall Ball Shots 5 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows COMP A. Four sets of: (25 Minute Cap) Barbell Front Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x 16-20 reps Rest 90 seconds Weighted Pull-Ups x 4-6 reps @ 2110 Rest 90 seconds B. For time: 11 Minute Cap 40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs to 10′) 20 Pull-Ups 30 Wall Ball Shots 15 Pull-Ups 20 Wall Ball Shots 10 Pull-Ups 10 Wall Ball Shots 5 Pull-Ups Score: A, weight(s) B, time. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 1.6"] FIT Teams of two will complete three rounds each (total of 6 rounds per team) of: 10 Lateral Box Jump/step-Overs 15 Thrusters/Dumbell Thrusters 20 V-ups/Sit Ups While one partner works through the round, the other must hold a medicine ball fully extended overhead. If the medicine ball is dropped from overhead, both partners must perform 3 burpees before resuming the remainder of their round. COMP Teams of two will complete three rounds each (total of 6 rounds per team) of: 10 Lateral Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) 15 Thrusters (95/65 lbs) 20 Toes to Bar While one partner works through the round, the other must hold a bar 75/55 fully extended overhead. If the barbell is dropped from overhead, both partners must perform 3 burpees before resuming the remainder of their round. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 1.7"] FIT & COMP 30 Minute Amrap 10 Yard Spiderman with vertical twist 10 Yard Bear Crawl with Sandbag pull 10 Cal Row 10 Yard Spiderman with Hamstring Stretch 10 Yard Lateral Bear Crawl L 10 Yard Lateral Bear Crawl R 10 Cal Row [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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Why isn’t everyone skinny and rich?

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Why isn't everyone skinny and rich? If we all know that we should be eating healthy and that we should save more than we spend, why are the vast majority of people overweight and in debt? The answer is deceptively simple: Knowledge is not enough, not by a long shot. Especially with things that involve temptation like food and money. In my experience as a health coach knowledge is 10% of the equation, at most, and implementation, habit formation, and accountability are 90% of the equation. Emotion and temptation will ALWAYS defeat reason and rationality, unless we develop a habit to counteract those tendencies. So, how do we overcome this situation? One of the most effective ways to overcome this situation is to hire a coach. A coach is someone who holds you accountable to your goals, even when your motivation is waxing and waning. The best financial advisors have their own financial advisors. Therapists have their own therapists. I personally have my own health coach, and I don't know of single CrossFit coach at CrossFit South Bend who programs workouts for him or herself. Why? Because "any lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client" We all have a tendency to short change our goals if we're only accountable to ourselves. However, hiring a coach is one of the most effective ways to reach your goals. If you're truly serious about your goals, then you should hire a coach to help you. It will be the best money you ever spent, and you'll definitely get closer to your goals way more effectively and efficiently than you would on your own.

Taylor Johnson: Selecting A New Product

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I moved to South Bend for a one year graduate program at Notre Dame. I had been crossfitting for 3 years prior and knew I wanted to join a gym. I chose CFSB because of the diverse number of classes they offered and it was probably the best decision I made during my year in South Bend My first impression at the box was that the coaches were very involved and concerned with my form, success, and goals. I am a questionative person and every coach was great at answering any I had or directing me to the best source they knew if they weren't sure. I once read that anytime you are selecting between new products or services a good measure to decide by is the one that tries to teach and not sell. In four years of Crossfit, CFSB goes above and beyond in teaching. The coaches and owners do not buy into just selling the crossfit brand and 50 minute WODs that make you puke for the sake of crossfit. They chose workouts, movements, and programming designed to help and improve the lives and fitness of as many members as they can. This is an invaluable characteristic at a box and very rare in my opinion. My favorite memories at the box are easily the times when I stayed after class and any of the amazing coaches took time out of their day to answer my questions. These range from nutrition to why we did ring rows and not pull-ups. I remember a few times after 50 minute summer Sunday AMRAPs that Brandon spent 30-60 minutes just talking to me about anything I could think of. Unfortunately, I had to leave the box for a new job. However, I will always remember and cherish the teachings and relationships I learned and built at CFSB. If someone wants to not only improve their fitness but also understand the methods and techniques of doing so, this is the place for you.
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Thyroid Talk with FDN Practitioner Robby Gustin

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Getting to the Root Cause of Thyroid Issues Do you feel tired all the time? Do you have trouble losing weight? Do you have low libido? Do you feel cold in your hands and feet a lot? Do you feel chronically constipated? It may be your thyroid The numbers of people with thyroid issues are increasing every year. The conventional medical approach for most thyroid disorders is to put someone on prescription thyroid medication for the rest of their lives. While this can be necessary sometimes, more often than not it’s not fixing the real cause of the issue. In this talk Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® practitioner and Head Nutrition Coach at CrossFit South Bend, Robby Gustin, will explain how to get to the root cause of what’s causing any thyroid issues you may be having. Things like nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, and temporary natural supplementation can do a tremendous amount to heal the thyroid without having to be on prescriptions for the rest of one’s life. Come learn the true cause to most thyroid issues, and how you can begin to optimize your thyroid function naturally. We look forward to seeing you at the talk! Talk Details: Where: Any Lab Test Now, Mishawaka When: Tuesday January 30th 2018 at 6:00pm Cost: Free to the Public

Weightlifting Programming 12/25/17-12/31/17

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Monday - 12/25/17
  • Back Squat - 95%x1x3
  • Snatch - 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x1, 85%x1x3
  • Clean & Jerk - 70% x (1+1), 75% x (1+1), 80% x (1+1), 85% x (1+1)
  • Clean Pull - 85%x2, 90%x2, 95%x2
-Back Extension - 3x10 -Weighted Sit-Up - 3x10 Tuesday - 12/26/17 Technique Primer: Tall Snatch - 5x3
  • Power Snatch - (70%x1, 75%x1) x 3
  • Power Clean + Jerk - (70% x (1+1), 75% x (1+1)) x 3
-Plank - 3 x 30sec Wednesday - 12/27/17
  • Snatch - 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x1x3
  • Clean & Jerk - 70% x (1+1), 75% x (1+1), 80% x (1+1)
  • Snatch Pull - 85%x2, 90%x2, 95%x2
  • Front Squat - 70%x2x5
-Back Extension - 3x10 -Hanging Leg Raise - 3 x max Thursday - 12/28/17 Technique Primer: Tall Clean - 5x3
  • Power Snatch - (70%x1, 75%x1) x 3
  • Power Clean + Jerk - (70% x (1+1), 75% x (1+1)) x 3
-Plank - 3 x 30 sec Friday - 12/29/17 Rest Day Saturday - 12/30/17
  • Back Squat - MAX!
  • Snatch - HS
  • Clean & Jerk - HS
Sunday - 12/31/17 Rest Day

Crossfit Blog Programming 12.26 – 1.1.2018

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Click here for details on Holiday Closings Our Next CF Kids Camp Registration is open here! Check out Our Michael Bann Movement and Assessment Seminar coming up in February Here Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps!

Facebook: Click here!

Google: Click here! 

Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 12.26"] Hey all! I'll get Wed - Sunday out on Tuesday, its been a hectic weekend! FIT A. Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets): Deadlift 4-6 B. For time: 1000 Meter Row 50 Russian Kettlebell Swings COMP A. Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets): Power Clean x 1.1.1 (rest 10 seconds between singles) B. For time: 1000 Meter Row 50 American Kettlebell Swings Score: A, heaviest weight. B, time and weight. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 12.27"] FIT A. Score Weights, Build 4 Sets - 20 Minutes to finish Single Arm Overhead Press x 8-10 reps each arm B. Score reps AMRAP in 10 minutes 10 Push Presses/Press 10 Alternating Reverse Lunges 10 Burpees/NPBP C. Optional - If time allows, no score 2 Sets 60 seconds of Reverse Snow Angels (slow & controlled) 60 seconds of Side-Plank Hold (Left Side) 60 seconds of Band Pull-Aparts 60 seconds of Side-Plank Hold (Right Side) COMP A. Score Weights, Build 4 Sets - 20 Minutes to finish Single Arm Overhead Press x 8-10 reps each arm B. Score reps AMRAP in 10 Minutes: 10 Push Presses (95/65 lbs) 10 Alternating Overhead Reverse Lunges (95/65 lbs) 10 Burpees Over the Barbell C. Optional - If time allows, no score 2 Sets 60 seconds of Reverse Snow Angels (slow & controlled) 60 seconds of Side-Plank Hold (Left Side) 60 seconds of Band Pull-Aparts 60 seconds of Side-Plank Hold (Right Side) [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 12.28"] FIT A. Score fastest and slowest  times through the workout (i.e. 3:55 - 4:10) Every 5 minutes, for 35 minutes (7 sets) for times: Row 250/200m 8 Ring Rows 12 Sit Ups/Scaled TTB 16 Push Ups/Incline Push Ups COMP A. Score fastest and slowest  times through the workout (i.e. 3:55 - 4:10) Every 5 minutes, for 35 minutes (7 sets) for times: Bike 15 Calories 8 Strict Pull-Ups 12 Toes to Bar 16 Push-Ups Notes: Scale so that you can finish [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 12.29"] FIT A. Score heaviest weight(s), build over the sets Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets): 4 -6 Deadlifts immediately followed by… 12 Alternating Reverse Lunges B. Score time 45.30.15 Kettlebell Swings Bench Dips COMP A. Score heaviest set - for comp this is a complex, Build Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets): 4 Power Cleans immediately followed by… 12 Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges B. Score time “Elizabeth” 21.15.9 of Power Clean 135/95 Ring Dips [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 12.30"] You thought Christmas was over FIT 12 Days of Christmas - 30 minute cap 1 – 25 Singles 2 – Burpee Box Jump/Step Ups 3 – Push-Ups 4 – Scaled Toes to Bar/Sit ups 5 – Burpees 6 – Dumbbell Grounds to Overhead 7 – Push-ups 8 – Walking/Reverse Lunges 9 – Kettlebell Swings 10 – SA Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 11 – Goblet Squats KB or DB 12 – Pull-Ups/Ring Rows COMP 12 Days of Christmas - 30 minute cap 1 – 25 Double-Unders 2 – Power Cleans 135/95 3 – Ring Dips 4 – SA KB Ground to Overhead 70/55 5 – Burpees 6 – Toes to Bar 7 – Push-ups 8 – Box Jumps 9 – Kettlebell Swings 70/55 10 – Pull-ups 11 – Front Squats 135/95 12 – Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 Follow the movements to the tune of the song 12 days of Christmas. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="CLOSED New Years Eve Sunday 12.31"] We are closed the New Year I hope you all have a safe and wonderful New Years [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="CLOSED New Years Day Monday 1.1.2018"] Everyone okay? [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

12.25.17 – 12.29.17

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday, 12.25.17"] All Levels Press 5. 5. 5. 5. 5, work up to a heavy 5 for the day Vertical Pull 4x MAX change grip each set Conditioning 3 Rounds Russian Twist - 20 Get Up Sit Up - 20 Sandbag Walking Lunge - 20 yds [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday, 12.26.17"] Power Athlete Russian Stim Back Squat - 2x2, @ 85%, Rest 3 minutes between each set. Power Clean - 2x8, @ 80%, Perform on power clean every 30 seconds till you complete the 8 reps. Rest 3 minutes and do it again. Rest 3-5 minutes before moving on. Back Squat - 2x2, @ 85%, Rest 3 minutes between sets. Power Clean - 2x7, @ 80%, Perform a set of 7 reps. Rest 30 seconds between each rep. Rest 3 minutes between sets. Rest 3-5 minutes before moving on. Back Squat - 2x2, @ 85%, Rest 3 minutes between sets. Power Clean - 2x6, @ 80%, Perform one rep every 30 seconds till you complete the 6 reps. Rest 3 minutes between sets [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday, 12.28.17"] All Levels Close Grip Bench 3. 3. 3. 3. 3, work up to a heavy 3 for the day Bent Over Row 5. 5. 5, work up to a heavy 5 for the day Conditioning 8 Rounds 100 yard shuttle ( Rest 90 seconds [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday, 12.29.17"] Power Athlete Russian Stim Back Squat - 2x2, @ 87.5%, Rest 3 minutes between each set. Power Clean - 2x8, @ 80%, Perform on power clean every 30 seconds till you complete the 8 reps. Rest 3 minutes and do it again. Rest 3-5 minutes before moving on. Back Squat - 2x2, @ 87.5%, Rest 3 minutes between sets. Power Clean - 2x7, @ 80%, Perform a set of 7 reps. Rest 30 seconds between each rep. Rest 3 minutes between sets. Rest 3-5 minutes before moving on. Back Squat - 2x2, @ 87.5%, Rest 3 minutes between sets. Power Clean - 2x6, @ 80%, Perform one rep every 30 seconds till you complete the 6 reps. Rest 3 minutes between sets [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]

Jenn H: What I Am Capable Of

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My story begins with another embarrassing physical fitness test failure for the military. It was hard to pinpoint why I failed again. I have been working out, the usual stuff at the usual gym. Days divided up by body part and a grueling 45 minutes to an hour on the (insert whatever cardio torture machine here). Barely passing or failure has been my fitness history, and I was miserable. My workout routine was boring however necessary, year after year, it was the same thing but different gym. Then late one night, I googled gyms and fitness clubs, and Crossfit South Bend came up. I had limited exposure, so I decided to do a little more research into it. Compared gyms and decided, Crossfit South Bend will be my next journey in fitness. Maybe this will be better, maybe, finally I will find enjoyment in working out... then my anxiety decided, "maybe not, look at those people, lifting all those weights, you couldn't possibly fit in, in a place like that, go back to comfort and boring..." Anxiety won out a few times, I kept going back and forth, arguing with myself, "but why not me!" Eventually after two months of agonizing over my decision, or indecision... I signed up, I was doing this, regardless of what my anxiety said I was capable of, or incapable of. I ended up skipping the fundamentals I signed up for, because as much as I wanted that to be me... I was just not there yet. I signed up for the personal training option which was a much better option for me and my anxiety, since like it or not she was along for the ride... but we were doing this. Sitting in the parking lot at 0530 ... I took a deep breath and walked into one of the best decisions of my life. I won't lie... it was tough in the beginning. I had never put my body through such intensity before (other than basic training when I was 18). Even though, looking back, it really was not that intense. Brandon was so awesome to work with. Not once was I judged because I was feeling nauseated, or couldn't go into a full squat, or a number of other things I was unable to do at the time. He worked with me and my limitations, and pushed me more than I would have pushed myself. I could lift more than I thought, I just didn't have the confidence in myself. With each class, and each lift, and the encouragement of each coach, the confidence came, and it stayed. I found a place I felt I belonged, which has always been a problem. Every time I walked in and saw people from all different backgrounds and body types working out together, encouraging each other, cheering for one another, celebrating a PR, I knew, without a doubt, this is my place, these are my people, I have found a place where I belong. I have now been a part of the CFSB family for over 2 years now, and yes, it really is a family. Everyone cares and celebrates together, they notice when you are gone and remember events in your life and ask about them. I have lifted more weight then I thought possible. In the beginning, I firmly believed I would not be able to move anything over 100 pounds, now all of my lifts are over 100 pounds, now that is a warm-up weight. Now, I know, if I put the work and dedication in, I will hit that 150 pound power clean and that 300 pound deadlift. I have also recently ran my second fastest 1.5 mile. The last time I hit it that fast, was years ago and a very much younger me. I also competed in my first powerlifting competition, and yes, I belonged there, among the athletes (which I never in my life would ever call myself, but there I was, an athlete competing). Aside from my own personal gains and new found empowerment, watching others in the gym succeed, hit their goals, make their transformations both physical and mental, is amazing. I am so glad I decided to join the CFSB family, I love who I am now and nobody can tell me I cannot do something, now that I know what I am capable of (even if Carl has to tell me my weights are too light sometimes).