Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)
5 rounds for total reps of: 50 lbs DB Hang Power Cleans + Push Press, 15 seconds Rest 45 seconds 50 lbs Weighted pull-ups, 15 seconds Rest 45 seconds Burpees, 15 seconds Rest 45 seconds Score is total reps for all five rounds.
Here is a Talk to Me Johnnie throw back and on of my favorite "Deadlifts & Viagra." Side note if you haven't made your way over to TTMJ yet do so, there are some serious knowledge bombs on there. In this post John explains why we use the deadlfit sparingly once you make the switch to Collegiate. When I first read this post it also lead me to change the way I warm up. When I first started I would do 4-7 warm up sets with 5 reps at each one. By the time I got to my working set I was pretty smoked. Looking back its obvious now, but at the time I never made the connection. Now when I warm up I will still do the same number of sets however I drop the reps significantly it may be something like this: Set (1) 3-5 reps, Set (2) 3 reps, remaining sets 1-2 reps. I just want to do enough to feel the weight and warm up the CNS, not completely tax it. I also focus on speed off the floor. How do you warm up? Have you experimented to find what works best for you?
2013 10 21