2014 05 18
2014 05 18
2014 05 18
After rough loss in the semi-finals to Gonzaga High School (the eventual national champions) Penn was able to bounce back and take 3rd in the nation with a solid win against Xaiver High School out of New York.
Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lb to last workout)
Press 5 RM, 1 x max reps @ 80% of 5 RM
21, 15, 9 reps of: 225 lb Back Squat Ring Dips
2014 05 18
2014 05 17
2014 05 17
BRING A FRIEND DAY! Saturday 5.17.14
2014 05 16
2014 05 16
Last weekend at the North Central Regionals we (CFFB) had vert tec in front of our booth. It was awesome to watch everyone crowding around to test their vertical jump. This is a photo of a guy getting a 40.5" vertical. This ended up being the second highest of the day. Would love to get one in here… to bad they cost $600 for some reason.
COMPLETE 8 ROUNDS: Sprint 60 yard *Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 135 lb Power Snatch – 3 reps Pull Ups – 5 reps Push Ups – 7 reps 20″ Box Jumps – 9 reps
2014 05 15
Don't forget! its Bring A friend Day tomorrow!
Power Clean Touch and Go Skill work
Power Clean TNG
For time: reps can be partitioned however you'd like.
50 Chin Ups
50 Ball Slams
50 Hollow Rocks
2014 05 15
2014 05 14