2014 06 25
2014 06 25
Hey Guys :)
We are cleaning on Friday from 10am - 4pm. For our CrossFit Football Trainer Course Seminar, so if anyone would like to help us out with any community cleaning of the gym, it would be greatly appreciated. So from 10-4, just drop on in, we will be doing stuff all day long!
2014 06 25

A) Push press - 20 min to work to 3RM, then 2x3 @ 85% of 3RM
B) OHS - EMOM for 10 minutes: 2 OHS @ 75% of 1RM snatch
C) 5 rounds: 3 man-makers, 3 broad jumps, lunge back to DB
***Remember there is no Oly class (or any class, really) on Saturday!***
2014 06 25
Crossfit South Bend Closed 28th-29th For CrossFit Football Trainer Course Seminar
Hey everyone!
We are closed this weekend for the CFFB Trainer Course Seminar!
28th and 29th.
Don't forget it
Post what workout you did from home
and send in a picture
of you doing the workout
So I can mess with it and photoshop you in exotic locations
2014 06 24
July On Ramp starts soon! Click here for more details
30 minute amrap
Row 15 Calories
15-30 second L-Hang Hold
30-50 Singles
Snatch Complex Snatch DL + Snatch RDL + Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch Push Press (3 at each movement-click for video) *Barbell
Run 200m
10 Scap Pull Ups with 1 Second Hold at the Top
Row 15 Cals
Move through this workout at a steady conversational pace, do not go so fast that you have to pause for any reason. Pick a pace and go with it.
2014 06 24
2014 06 23
2014 06 23
We are closed this weekend for the CrossFit Football Trainer Course Seminar this Saturday - Sunday. (28-29) Want to learn more on how to register? Click here
The timeless wisdom of Jean Claude Van Damme
30 Strict Pull Ups for Time
*Use any grip
5 Rounds
6 Alternating Sandbag to Shoulder + Shoulder to Shoulder Press
6 Burpees
15 Yard Down and Back Plate Push *45lb
2014 06 23

A) Snatch balance - 4x2 - 2 sec hold in bottom
Snatch pull + hang snatch from knee -
B) 3 Rounds
15 Front squat @ 60% of 1RM
15 strict Pullups
C) Alternating tabata - Russian twists and butterfly sit-ups
2014 06 23