2014 08 24
CFSB Recommended site of the day, Catalyst Athletics. Click here to head there and read a few good articles
TEST DAY! Prepare yourselves for a Squat 1rm today
Squat 1RM
B. 8 Rounds, 30 On 15 Off Pro Shuttle Max Plate Touches 45/35 with time remaining
*** score will be total number of plate touches
B. 8 Rounds, 30 On 15 Off Pro Shuttle Max Plate Touches 45/35 with time remaining
*** score will be total number of plate touches
2014 08 24
2014 08 24
2014 08 24
2014 08 23
2014 08 23

Calves!!! Lots and lots of calves.
A) clean - 2x2 @ 65, 70, 75, 80. Then, 3 min max reps clean at 85% of 1RM
B) back squat -
C) accumulate 50 GHDs and 50 back extensions
2014 08 23
Bring A Friend Day Saturday 8.23.14
Bring a Friend Day! Bring as many people as you want. Even if you don't know anyone here, just swing in for a workout :) Everyone is invited.
5 Rounds
7 Russian KB Swings 70/55
7 Push Ups
7 Air Squats
Rest 1 Minute
*** Partner 1 will do a full round then tag in Partner 2. Go back and forth till the 3 minutes is up. Each following round will be picked up where the team left off
2014 08 22
Crossfit Team Series - We have a few teams that will be having some fun with this starting August 28th. This is a competition held in house - just like the open, but for teams! Click here and register a team to get in on the action!
5 Overhead Squat Every 2:30 for 20 minutes (8 sets)
Build to a heavy 5 over the 8 sets
5 Rounds for time
Bear Crawl 20 Yards (10 yards out, 10 yards back)
5 Power Cleans 155/105
10 Bar Over Burpees
12 minute cap
2014 08 21
For time
Row 500m
rest 1min
Run 400m
30 wall balls 30/20#; 10/9′ target
30 KB reverse lunges 55/35#/hand
30 box jumps sd 24/20″
30 T2B
60 DU
rest 3mins
Row 500m
20 minute cap
The 500m Rows at the top and bottom, and the middle chipper are scored separately
2014 08 20