2014 10 09

Happy belated birthday to Jenn!! :)
A) jerk dip + jerk - 3x2@75%, 2x1@80%, 2x1@85%
B) 4 steps weighted duck walk forward, 2 OHS, 4 steps weighted duck walk backward, 2 OHS - 4 sets @ 60% of 1RM
C) 10 min ladder
2, 4, 6, 8, 10...
Step ups w/ barbell (24/20")
2014 10 08
Jerk Skill Work
Complete 5 Heavy sets of
3 Front Squats + 1 Jerk
40yd Shuttle Sprint 10,20,10 shuttle
2014 10 08
2014 10 08
3 Rounds
Max Chin Up Hold
10 Tempo Push Ups, 3 down 0 at the bottom 1 at the top
3 Rounds
Max L-Sit
10 Barbell Bent Over Row
4 Rounds
2 Minutes to complete
250m Row
Max Double Unders
2 Min Rest
Score is total Double Unders
2014 10 07
15 min to establish heaviest weight in the Snatch Complex below
1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch
for those who can't go in a good looking full snatch all of these will be power snatches.
Every 90 second for 8 Rounds
1 Set of the complex from above at 70-75%
8 min AMRAP
10 Ring Rows
10 Russian Style Kettlebell Swings AHAP
Come in with a game plan today, move fast and pay attention, there is a lot of stuff to get done.
2014 10 06
2014 10 06

A) Snatch DL, 3 seconds down to floor, snatch pull - 2@95%, 100%, 105%, 110%
B) Front squat - 15min to find 1RM
Then: 3x3@80%
C) 1:00 Sorenson hold
1:00 wall sit
10 scarecrows w/ 5# plates
10 air traffic control w/ 5# plates
10 "don't shoot" w/ 5# plates
X4 rounds
2014 10 06
Squat 5 RM
You should have some prior 5's (we've been doing a few of them lately) Keep getting after this, try to best your prior attempts each time by 3-5%+
4 Rounds
1 min as Bench Spotter "aka" Rest
1 min max Bench Press 135/95
1 min max Ball Slams
1 min to complete a 200 m Run
*** in teams of 4, each team member will start at a different station and rotate through for a total of 4 Rounds
2014 10 05
15 minutes to work to a heavy single Overhead Squat
8 minute amrap
3 Overhead Squats 95/65
3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
6,6,9,9,12,12....continue up the ladder as long as you are able in the time remaining
If you have issues with your overhead position, you will front squat for today's strength and workout. For the strength, you may pull from the rack, for the workout, you must pull from the floor
2014 10 04