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Programming 9.24 – 9.30

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Upcoming + Whats going on!"] October 8th - Reboot Challenge, Learn more by clicking here! October 20th AM - Barbells For Boobs - more details to come soon! October 20th PM - Halloween Party! - more details to come soon! November 10th - Wades Army Childhoood cancer is the leading cause of death in children under 15. 1 in every 285 children in the US will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20. Wade's Army is here to lead the charge against childhood cancer, and working hard to bring relief to families overburdened with the cost and stress of treatment. Donate to Crossfit South Bends page or become a fundraiser' then select the initiative you want to support. A $35 donation and you can claim your 2018 Wade's Army shirt. 1. International Neuroblastoma Research Initiative ? 2. Direct financial support of family battling neuroblastoma ? 3. Green Kitchen in Children's Hospital ? 4. Wade's Army operation costs ? DONATION LINK Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 9.24"] FIT A. Gymnastics - 15 minute amrap @ smooth pace 20m Dumbbell Bear Crawl 6-10 V-ups 30s-45s Plank Hold 50 Singles + rest 5 minutes + B. Breathing - 15 minute amrap 20 UB KB Swings 400m Run 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups 20 Cal Bike or Row COMP A. Gymnastics - 15 minute amrap @ smooth pace 10m Handstand Walk 4-6 Strict Toes to Bar 20s Ring Dip Support 30 Double Unders + rest 5 minutes + B. Breathing - 15 Minute Amrap 20 UB American KB Swings 70/55 400m Run 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups 20 Cal Bike or Row Notes: In B. If you break your kettlebell swings up for comp, reset to 0 kettlebell swings. Gymnastics for comp and fit, you can select movements between the two scalings. Score: A. Rounds + Reps B. Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 9.5"] FIT 20 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's/B's/C's B. 8 Sets @ the top of a 90s mark Odd Rounds: Hang Power Snatch Below Knee + Overhead Squat 2+3 Even Rounds: 3 Tall Box Jumps; build C. 3-4 Sets 8-10 Heavy Double Kettlebell Front Rack Squat rest 45s 8-10 Single Arm Tripod Bent Over DB Row/arm rest 45s COMP 20 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's/B's/C's B. 8 Sets @ the top of a 90s mark (12min) Hang Snatch from below knee x 2; build C. 3-4 Sets 8-10 Heavy Double Kettlebell Front Rack Squat rest 45s 8-10 Single Arm Tripod Bent Over DB Row/arm rest 45s Score: B. Heaviest Weight C. Heaviest Weights [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 9.26"] FIT A. 4 Sets @ the top of a 90s mark; build A1. 8-10 Strict DB Press A2. 30-45s Dead Bug A3. 30s Bike; build B. 3 Sets 4 Minutes to Complete 8 Deadlifts, tough 6 NPBP over Bar 6 Deadlifts, tough 8 NPBP over Bar 4 Deadlifts, tough 10 NPBP over Bar rest 2 minutes COMP A. 4 Sets @ the top of a 90s mark; build A1. 8-10 DB Push Press A2. 30-45s Hollow Rock A3. 30s Bike; build B. 3 Sets 4 Minutes to Complete 4 Power Cleans, tough 6 NPBP over Bar 3 Power Cleans, tough 8 NPBP over Bar 2 Power Clean, tough 10 NPBP over Bar rest 2 minutes Score: A. Heaviest Press Weight B. Three separate times + Weight used [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 9.27"] FIT A. 35 Minute Amrap 18 Cal Row or Bike 20yd Front Rack KB Carry, tough 12 Box Jumps with Step Down 6 Alternating Turkish Get Ups 50 Jump Rope Singles 10-20s/side Side Plank COMP A. 35 Minute Amrap 18 Cal Row or Bike 20yd Front Rack KB Carry, tough 12 Box Jumps with Step Down 6 Alternating Turkish Get Ups 50 Jump Rope Singles 10-20s/side Side Star Plank Score: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 9.28"] FIT E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; x2 A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X1; x3 B. Amrap in 12 minutes 8 Front Squats; tough, pulled from floor 12 Ring Row Face Pulls Run 200m COMP E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X1; x3 B. Amrap in 12 minutes 4 Front Squats; tough, pulled from floor 2 Rope Climbs Run 200m Score: A. Heaviest Weights B. Rounds + Reps / Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 9.29"] FIT 20 Min Cap A. Clean Thacker Warm Up A's/B's/C's B. 4 Sets; E4MIN (16 Min) Hang Power Clean/RDL x 2;build Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @20X1; x6 E3:30 x 4 Sets (14 min) C1. Deadlift @ 31X1; x3-6 COMP 20 Min Cap A. Clean Thacker Warm Up A's/B's/C's B. 4 Sets; E4MIN (16 Min) Full Clean + Front Squat+Jerk (1+1+1);build Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @20X1; x6 E3:30 x 4 Sets (14 min) C1. Deadlift @ 31X1; Optional Piece: to be done after class - on your own. 3 Minute Bike For Calories Score: B. Heaviest Weights C. Total Calories [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 9.30"] FIT A. Gymnastics - 15 minute amrap @ smooth pace 20m Dumbbell Bear Crawl 45-60s Dead Bug 20 Air Squats 45 Jump Rope Singles + rest 5 minutes + B. Breathing - 15 Minute Amrap 20m Farmers Walk 20 Cal Row or Bike 400m Run 20 Bodyweight Walking Lunges COMP A. Gymnastics - 15 minute amrap @ smooth pace 10m Handstand Walk 30s Hollow Rocks 10 Alternating Pistols 45 Double Unders + rest 5 minutes + B. Breathing - 15 Minute Amrap 20m Farmers Walk 20 Cal Row or Bike 400m Run 20 Bodyweight Walking Lunges Score: A. Rounds + Reps B. Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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Top 5 Ways to Save Money on Produce

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In this video we talk about the top 5 ways to save money on produce at the grocery store. 1. Use the Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list to save money. Use this list to buy organic off the dirty dozen list and save money by not buying organic on the clean fifteen list. 2. Buy local and seasonal fruits and veggies. A strawberry is a lot cheaper in July than December. Not only is this cheaper, but local and seasonal produce actually tastes better. 3. Use a CSA-a community supported agriculture group. You get a box of surplus veggies and fruits each week, and you get exposure to new ones that you might not have used before. 4. Go for vegetables over fruits. This not only saves you money but it's way better for your health. Fruits are way more expensive than vegetables and are not nearly as good for your health as vegetables. 5. Buy the whole vegetable or the whole fruit. Any time someone is cutting something up for you at the store it will cost you a lot more than cutting it up yourself.

Weightlifting Programming 9/17/18-9/23/18

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Monday - 9/17/18
  • Snatch
    • HS
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
    • 90%x1
  • Clean & Jerk
    • HS
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
    • 90%x1
  • Front Squat
    •  HS
    •  90%x1
    •  95%x1
    • 90%x1
  • Snatch Pull
    • 120%x2x4
Tuesday - 9/18/18
  • Dip Snatch
    • HS
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
    • 90%x1
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk
    • (1+1)RM
    • 90% x (1+1)
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Clean Pull
    • 110%x2x4
Wednesday - 9/19/18
  • Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch
    • 5 x (3+3)
  • Tall Jerk (from shoulders)
    • 5x3
  • Muscle Clean + Tall Clean
    • 5 x (3+3)
Thursday - 9/20/18
  • Snatch
    • HS
  • Clean & Jerk
    • HS
  • Back Squat
    • HS
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
  • Clean Pull
    • 110%x2x4
Friday - 9/21/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 9/22/18
  • Snatch
    • 80%x2
    • 85%x2
    • 90%x2
    • 93%x2
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 80% x (2+1)
    • 85% x (2+1)
    • 90% x (2+1)
    • 93% x (2+1)
  • Front Squat
    • 70%x2
    • 80%x2
    • 85%x2
    • 90%x2
    • 90%x2
  • Snatch Pull
    • 110%x2
    • 115%x2
    • 120%x2x2
Sunday - 9/23/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 9.17 – 9.23

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Upcoming + Whats going on!"] October 8th - Reboot Challenge, Learn more by clicking here! October 20th AM - Barbells For Boobs - more details to come soon! October 20th PM - Halloween Party! - more details to come soon! November 10th - Wades Army Childhoood cancer is the leading cause of death in children under 15. 1 in every 285 children in the US will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20. Wade's Army is here to lead the charge against childhood cancer, and working hard to bring relief to families overburdened with the cost and stress of treatment. Donate to Crossfit South Bends page or become a fundraiser' then select the initiative you want to support. A $35 donation and you can claim your 2018 Wade's Army shirt. 1. International Neuroblastoma Research Initiative ? 2. Direct financial support of family battling neuroblastoma ? 3. Green Kitchen in Children's Hospital ? 4. Wade's Army operation costs ? DONATION LINK Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 9.17"] FIT 20 Min Cap A. Clean Thacker Warm Up A's/B's/C's B. 4 Sets; E4MIN (16 Min) Hang Power Clean/RDL x 4-6;build Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @31X1; x4-6;build E3:30 x 4 Sets (14 min) C1. Deadlift @ 52X1; x4-6; build COMP 20 Min Cap A. Clean Thacker Warm Up A's/B's/C's B. 4 Sets; E4MIN (16 Min) Full Clean and Jerk (2+2);build Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @31X1; x4-6; build E3:30 x 4 Sets (14 min) C1. Deadlift @ 52X1;; build Optional Piece: to be done after class - on your own. 500m Row for time @ 100% effort Score: B/C. Heaviest Weights Optional: 500m Time Notes: [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 9.18"] FIT 15 Min Cap A. Introduction to: Shoulder Taps + Warm Up EMOM x 7 Sets (28 Min) B1. 12-20 Box/Wall Facing Shoulder Taps or HS Hold/30s B2. Bike 30s; build in speed B2. 30-45s Forearm Plank B4. 8 Tough Dumbbell Hang Power/Muscle Cleans COMP 15 Min Cap A. Introduction to: Shoulder Taps + Warm Up EMOM x 7 Sets (28 Min) B1. 12-20 Wall Facing Shoulder Taps B2. Bike 30s; build in speed B2. 6-10 Rower Pike Ups B4. 8 Tough Dumbbell Hang Power/Muscle Cleans Score: Nothing..move with intent [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 9.19"] FIT 20 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's/B's/C's B. 4 Sets; E2:30min Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (2+3) *stay light and work position 3-4 Tall Box Jumps; build E2:00 x 3 Sets (12 min) C1. Front Squat @ 32X1; x2-3; build C2. Ring Row @ 31X1; x4-6 *make these hard COMP 20 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's/B's/C's B. EMOM x 10 Min Hang Full Snatch x 1; build E2:00 x 3 Sets (12 min) C1. Front Squat @ 32X1; 4.3.2 C2. Strict Pull Ups @ 31X1; x4-6 *Bands allowed - Weight added is also allowed Score: B/C. Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 9.20"] FIT A. 8 Minute Amrap 3 Deadlifts *moderate weight 5 No Push Up burpees Over Bar 35 Singles + rest 6 minutes, then perform + B. 4 Sets for time 200m Run 10 Deficit Push Ups/Hand Release Push Ups/Incline 6 Turkish Get Ups COMP A. 8 Minute Amrap 3 Power Cleans *moderate (think 65%) 5 burpees Over Bar 35 Double Unders + rest 6 minutes, then perform + B. 4 Sets for time 200m Run 10 Handstand Push Ups *up to 3 mats allowed 6 Turkish Get Ups Score: A. Rounds + Reps + Weight used B. Time Notes: For the warm up A. Dial in the PC Weight to around 55-75%, DL Weight around 45-65% or moderate to tough For B. The HSPU/PU scaling so that it is tough, you may break these up as well - TGU Weight is a smooth weight. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 9.21"] FIT A. 15 minute amrap 10 No Push Up Burpees 15yd/arm Single Arm Overhead Carry 60yd Unloaded Prowler Push (30yd out and back) 18 Alternating DB/KB Snatches + rest/walk 10 minutes + B. 15 Minute Amrap 15 American KB Swings 10 Cal Bike 20-30s Side Plank/Side 30s Wall Sit COMP A. 15 minute amrap 10 Perfect Burpees 15yd/arm Single Arm Overhead Carry 60yd Unloaded Prowler Push (30yd out and back) 18 Alternating DB/KB Snatches + rest/walk 10 minutes + B. 15 Minute Amrap 15 American KB Swings 10 Cal Bike 20-30s Side Star Plank/Side 30s Goblet Wall Sit (with same KB) Score: A. Rounds + Reps + Weight used B. Rounds + Reps + Weight used [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 9.22"] FIT E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; 2-4 A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X1; x4-6 B. For time 10 Barbell Front Squats, heavy 15 Ring Rows 20 Cal Row 8 Barbell Front Squats, heavy 15 Ring Rows 20 Cal Bike 6 Barbell Front Squats, heavy 15 Ring Rows 400m Run *weight can be pulled from a rack COMP E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X1; x4-6 B. For time 10 DB Thrusters, heavy 15 Ring Rows 20 Cal Row 10 DB Squat Cleans, heavy 15 Ring Rows 20 Cal Bike 10 DB Front Squats, heavy 15 Ring Rows 400m Run Score: A. Heaviest Weights B. Time + Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 9.23"] FIT 20 Min Cap A. Clean Thacker Warm Up A's/B's/C's B. 4 Sets; E4MIN (16 Min) Hang Power Clean/RDL x 2-4;build Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @31X1; x2-4 E3:30 x 4 Sets (14 min) C1. Deadlift @ 52X1; x2-4 COMP 20 Min Cap A. Clean Thacker Warm Up A's/B's/C's B. 4 Sets; E4MIN (16 Min) Full Clean + Front Squat+Jerk (1+3+1);build Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @31X1; x4-6 E3:30 x 4 Sets (14 min) C1. Deadlift @ 52X1; Optional Piece: to be done after class - on your own. 3 Minute Bike For Calories Score: B/C Heaviest weights Optional - total cals [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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Which Body Type Are You? Ecto, Endo or Meso?

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In this video, we talk about the three main body types, namely the ectomorph, the mesomorph, and the endomorph. You may not be familiar with these terms but I'll bet when I describe them you'll recognize them. Ectomorph-Typically tall and skinny. Can eat anything they want without gaining a pound. But on the flip side it's hard to gain muscle. Mesomorph-Naturally athletic. Rarely has to lose weight, but unlike the ectomorph can build muscle fairly easily. Endomorph-Short, stocky, big-boned. Easily gains size, which is good for muscle gain, but bad for fat loss. Looks at a cake the wrong way and gains a pound. The reason that the three of us did this video together is that each of us corresponds to the three main body types. Brandon (green shirt)-Ectomorph Carl (gray shirt)-Mesomorph Robby (red shirt)-Endomorph These categories of body types can give you some initial insight into which macros are better for you. For example, ectos tend to do better with carbs, whereas endos do not. It can give you a sense of your natural strengths and weaknesses and which sports might be best suited to you. You're not going to see many (any?) endomorphs in the NBA or as long-distance runners, but on the flip side it will be a cold day in hell before you see any ectos as football lineman or heavyweight powerlifters (for the most part). These types aren't set in stone, but they can give you extra insight into whether you're going to have to expend way more energy to gain muscle (ecto) or lose fat (endo). Here's a great article on the subject: Sorry that I'm kind of cut off visually in the video. But you guys probably see enough of me in these videos anyway :)

Weightlifting Programming 9/10/18-9/16/18

By: 0

Monday - 9/10/18
  • Snatch
    • HS
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
    • 90%x1
  • Clean & Jerk
    • HS
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
    • 90%x1
  • Front Squat
    • 70%x2
    • 80%x2
    • 85%x2
    • 90%x1x3
  • Snatch Pull
    • 115%x2x4
Tuesday - 9/11/18
  • Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch
    • 5 x (3+3)
      • Build each set
  • Tall Jerk (from shoulders)
    • 5x3
      • Build Each Set
  • Muscle Clean + Tall Clean
    • 5 x (3+3)
      • Build Each Set
Wednesday - 9/12/18
  • Dip Snatch
    • HS
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
    • 90%x1
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk
    • (1+1)RM
    • 90% x (1+1)
    • 95% x (1+1)
    • 90% x (1+1)
  • Clean Pull
    • 105%x2
    • 110%x2x2
    • 105%x2
Thursday - 9/13/18
  • Snatch
    • 70%x1
    • 75%x1
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 70%x1
    • 75%x1
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
  • Back Squat
    • 70%x1
    •  80%x1
    • 85%x1
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
    • 80%x3x2
  • Snatch Pull
    • 110%x2
    • 115%x2x2
    • 110%x2
Friday - 9/14/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 9/15/18
  • Snatch
    • 80%x2
    • 85%x2
    • 90%x2x2
    • 90%x2
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 80% x (2+1)
    • 85% x (2+1)
    • 90% x (2+1) x 2
    • 90% x (2+1)
  • Front Squat
    • 70%x2
    • 80%x2
    • 85%x2
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
    • 85%x2
    • 90%x1
    • 95%x1
  • Clean Pull
    • 100%x2
    • 105%x2
    • 110%x2x3
Sunday - 9/16/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 9.10 – 9.16

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 9.10"] FIT E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; 5-7 A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X3; x4-6 B. 5 Sets for time (20 Min Cap) 5 No Push Up Burpees 100m Run 5 Front Squats; heavy 60-90s Rest COMP E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X1; x8-10 B. 5 Sets for time (20 Min Cap) 5 Burpee Box Jumps 100m Run 5 Front Squats; heavy 60-90s Rest Score: A. Back squat and Row weight B. Front Squat weight and time [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 9.11"] FIT 15 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Clean; A's/B's B.5 Sets (18 Min Cap) Build Hang Power Clean/RDL x 3 *skill, work bar path Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @31X1; x4-6 Rest 90s C. 3 Sets Deadlift @ 52X1; x3-6 COMP 15 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Clean; A's/B's B. 5 Sets (18 min cap) Build Clean + Jerk (1+2) Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @31X1; x4-6 Rest 90s C. 3 Sets Deadlift @ 52X1; 4.3.3 Score: B. Heaviest Weights C. Heaviest Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 9.12"] FIT 15 Min Cap A. Introduction to: Kicking into handstand or Wall Walk + Hold / Box Hold / Floor Arms only inchworm EMOM x 6 Sets (24 Min) B1. See Below Scaling B2. Bike 30s; Build in speed to a tough last round B3. 30-45s Dead Bug B4. 40s Double Unders/Singles Scaling for B1. - 1 Wall Walk + 20-30s Hold - 20-30s Box Handstand Hold - 4-6 Floor Arms Only Inchworms COMP 15 Min Cap A. Introduction to: Kicking into handstand or Wall Walk + Hold / Box Hold EMOM x 6 Sets (24 Min) B1. Kick up x 2-4 attempts working soft wall touch B2. Bike 30s; build in speed B3. 30-45s Hollow Rock B4. 40s Double Unders Score: Not a damn thing today - move with purpose on everything. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 9.13"] FIT 15 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's B's EMOM x 8 Min B1. Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (1+5) *stay light and work position B2. 10-15 Russian KBS *challenging weight E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) C1. Front Squat @ 32X1; x5 C2. Ring Row @ 31X1; x6-9 COMP 15 Min Cap A. Thacker Warm Up - Snatch; A's B's B. EMOM x 8 Min Hang Snatch x 2; build E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) C1. Front Squat @ 32X1; C2. Strict Pull Ups @ 31X1; x6-9 *Bands allowed Score: B. Heaviest weight for the weightlifting portion C. Front Squat weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 9.14"] FIT A. 2 Minute Amrap 10 Deadlifts *Heavy Max Burpees in the time remaining rest 2 Minutes x 3 Sets B. 2 minute amrap 7/7 DB/KB Snatches Max Plank Walk Outs in remaining time rest 2 minutes x 3 Sets COMP A. 2 Minute Amrap 10 Deadlifts *Heavy Max Burpee Box Jumps in the time remaining rest 2 Minutes x 3 Sets B. 2 minute amrap 7/7 DB/KB Snatches Max Handstand Push Ups in time remaining rest 2 minutes x 3 Sets Score: A. Weight and reps B. Weight and reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 9.15"] FIT A. 10 Min Amrap 15yd/arm Overhead KB Walk 15yd Slow Bear Crawl/hips down 20-30s Wall Sit B. 7 Sets (28 min) 30s Double Unders/Singles 30s Rest 30s Scaled Toes to Bar/Ab Mat Sit Ups 30s Rest 30s Bike for Cals 30s Rest 30s Wall Balls/Goblet Squats 30s Rest COMP A. 10 Min Amrap 15yd/arm Overhead KB Walk 15yd Slow Bear Crawl/hips down 20-30s Wall Sit B. 7 Sets (28 min) 30s Double Unders 30s Rest 30s Toes to Bar 30s Rest 30s Bike for Cals 30s Rest 30s Wall Balls 30s Rest Score: B. Your range of repetitions from lowest to highest - the goal for this is to be consistent DBLs 40-47 TTB 15-18 etc... [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 9.16"] FIT E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; 4-6 A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X1; x6-8 B. For time 10 Goblet Squats *heavy 30 cal row 30 KB swings (55/35) 10 Strict Pull Ups *bands allowed 30 box jumps, step down (24/20) 30 airdyne calories 10 wall climbs/arms only inchworms COMP E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X1; x6-8 B. For time 10 Full Cleans *tough 30 cal row 30 KB swings (55/35) 10 muscle-ups / Strict Pull Ups/C2B 30 box jumps, step down (24/20) 30 airdyne calories 10 wall climbs Score: A. Weights B. Time [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]  
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Marlo’s Story-I Need a New Wardrobe (In a Good Way!)

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In this video we sit down to discuss Marlo's story. In terms of Marlo's body composition she has: -Lost 35lbs -Kept her muscle mass the same even with the weight loss. -Lost 12.5% body fat -Lost 5.5 inches off hips -Lost 3.5 inches off waist But she also gained so much more than that: -She gained control over her food choices. -She says she has a much better mood overall -She says she now looks forward to activities with friends -She needs to get a completely new wardrobe (in a good way!) Marlo has been one of the most disciplined people I've ever worked with, and I'm so proud of her and her progress. Keep up the great work Marlo! __________________________________________________________________________ - Hey guys, Robby here from Crossfit South Bend, today I'm here with Marlo, who is just about to finish her six months of one-on-one nutrition coaching. So Marlo, thank you so much for being here today. - Thank you. - So, first thing we're gonna talk about is Marlo's progress. So we have her most recent InBody scan here. Marlo basically since her first scan, has lost about 35 pounds, which is crazy. It's amazing. Her muscle mass has basically stayed the same at 61 pounds. And then, she dropped 12.5% body fat. And in addition to that, she lost 5.5 inches off her waist and 3.5 inches off her hips. So, congratulations, Marlo - Thank you - Fantastic job. So, tell us a bit about what food and health and life was like before you started the program. What made you interested in this? What were you eating before this? Tell us what life was like during that time. - During that time, prior to doing all of this, I spent a lot of time trying to eat healthy, but not having the correct information to be able to do that. So, I think I was doing a lot of the things that people think are healthy, but then when you really drill down into whatever the ingredients were, or how it was prepared and things, it's really not. So, a lot of yogurts in the mornings and things like that, and salads, but there was always the more frequent cheat days than not. And it was the 'Oh, well I had a really stressful day,' 'so it's okay for me to have a couple of cookies.' 'That won't hurt anything.' So, I think a lot of people fall into that. Where we're trying, but we don't have the knowledge base to really see the results that we want to have. - Absolutely. So, tell us a little about the journey. You've been doing this for about five months at this point. Tell us about transitioning to real whole food, and then the whole 30. Tell us when your end's been like. - Well, when I started the nutrition coaching, I think we did about, we started officially in June, so, it was a couple of months of me prepping myself, and prepping my kitchen, to be prepared to have the tools in place necessary to succeed. I cleaned out my kitchen probably way before I needed to, just because I knew I wouldn't be able to dive in just like eating what I was eating and then suddenly the very next day, not eating that stuff. So, it was a couple of months of prep work. And then I honestly had a serious talk with myself the night before I was officially going to start because I wanted to succeed. So, I made sure that I was ready to go. And so that talk with myself was about 'it's 30 days.' 'You can do this for 30 days.' But then the journey itself, it was tough at times. Different social occasions, a lot of families, mine is no different, with the rewards for food and family dinners, always having two or three desserts to choose from, and things like that. So, it was definitely an up-and-down sort of thing. In the beginning, lots of energy. I felt that initial rush of being able to, the positive results, and then when I started to see the results, and not just feel them, that kind of pushed my motivation to another level to continue. - Absolutely. Yeah, just for context guys, Marlo voluntarily decided after doing her first Whole 30, to do a second month, which has just been like, that takes tremendous will power. And, it's been a huge boon in terms of how much progress you've made. So, we talked a lot about scale victories and percent body fat, and you've lost a ton of weight, and you said before we started filming that you needed to get a whole new wardrobe essentially. - Yes I'm in the process of purchasing a whole new wardrobe. - So, tell us a bit about the non-scale victories. You're mentioning the energy before, things like recovering from workouts, mood, cravings, tell us about other things that improved in your life. - The biggest piece, for me, is my overall mood and affect. I, at time, have to push myself through bouts of depression. I am not one to take medication, so I don't take medication for that. And, over the course of the last several months, I have felt my overall mood, my stress level, and all the things that I would battle, to do certain things in my life, has gotten much easier. And that, I think is, for me, one of the most positive outcomes of this whole thing. Because I knew at times, I just didn't want to do things. And I would push through that, and I would do them, but I wouldn't necessarily enjoy them as much as I could. And now, it's like, I'm the one whose calling my friends, to be like 'Hey, let's go do something', or that sort of thing. And so I am overjoyed with that, that feeling. - That's fantastic. That's awesome. So, one of the main points of our program is does someone feel like, after the program's done, they can do it long term? Do they feel like they can make this a sustainable thing? Having done this, how do feel this will be in terms of making this a life-long baseline that you can refer back to and make the foundation of your healthy eating? - I feel much stronger since doing the second month. Coming off of the first 30 days, I felt confident and felt that I was much more educated than I had been. But I still felt like I was still battling a lot of the cravings and feeling weak at times, not as strong as I wanted to be coming out of the first 30 days. So that was my big push for doing the second 30 days. Now, I do feel much more confident that I will be able to sustain this for longer periods of time. I don't foresee myself ever not falling off the wagon when it comes to certain things, but I do feel much more confident being able to sustain and, if necessary, come back to it if I've fallen off the wagon too far. That I will be able to pull myself back, because just having that knowledge base now is so much, so key to the success. - Awesome, that's fantastic. So, last question is, if you could talk to Marlo six months ago, or to someone who might be in your situation today, whose unsure whether they could eat this way, or has similar work obligations and things like that, what would you say to someone whose thinking about taking the plunge but isn't quite sure in hindsight? - First I would be honest and say, 'it is a challenge'. - Absolutely. But, two, it is not insurmountable. Having your assistance was super beneficial, being able to tap into your knowledge base and the questions that were asked, so I would just drill it down to, you can do it, do it, do it, do it. Avail yourself to the opportunity to improve your health, because, yes, it's a challenge, but in hindsight, it wasn't something that was so, it wasn't terrible. It was a challenge, but it was not terrible. And if folks are, I don't want to say, as lucky as me, but I felt like I was seeing results fairly quickly which helped keep that momentum going. So, do it! That's what I would say. - Yeah, and I just have to say, from my end, as a coach, you've been one of the most disciplined people I've ever worked with. You've done a fantastic job of sticking with things for your goals. And I am super proud of the progress you've made. And I think you've done an excellent job. - Thank you, thank you. - Alright guys, that's Marlo's story. Thanks so much for tuning in. We'll see you next time.

Weightlifting Programming 9/3/18-9/9/18

By: 0

Monday - 9/3/18
  • Snatch -
    • 70%x1
    • 75%x1
    • 80%x1x3
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 70%x1
    • 75%x1
    • 80%x1x3
  • Front Squat
    • 70%x2
    • 75%x2
    • 80%x2x3
  • Snatch Pull
    • 100%x2x3
Tuesday - 9/4/18
  • Dip Snatch
    • 70%x1x5
  • Power Clean + Power Jerk
    • 70% x (1+1) x 5
  • Clean Pull
    • 100%x2x3
Wednesday - 9/5/18
  • Snatch Balance + OHS
    • 70%x1
    • 75%x1
    • 80%x1x3
  • Press
    • 80%x3
    • 82.5%x3
    • 85%x2x2
  • Jumping Quarter Squat
    • 50%x3x3 (% of Back Squat)
Thursday - 9/6/18
  • Snatch
    • 70%x1
    • 75%x1
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1x3
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 70%x1
    • 75%x1
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1x3
  • Back Squat
    • 70%x1
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1
    • 70%x3x2
  • Snatch Pull
    • 100%x2x3
Friday - 9/7/18
  • Rest Day
Saturday - 9/8/18
  • Snatch
    • 70%x2
    • 75%x2
    • 80%x2x2
  • Clean & Jerk
    • 70%x2
    • 75%x2
    • 80%x2x2
  • Front Squat
    • 75%x2
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1
    • 75%x2
    • 80%x1
    • 85%x1
    • Yes, the 75,80,85% wave twice
  • Clean Pull
    • 100%x2x3
Sunday - 9/9/18
  • Rest Day

Programming 9.3 – 9.9

By: 0

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] Buddy Week is THIS WEEK! Click here to check it out Ever checked out our YouTube channel? You should! We have a ton of helpful (and also some ridiculous) videos! Click here to subscribe when we get a new video up Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="CLOSED LABOR DAY Monday 9.3"] Open Gym Hours Available for everyone from 8am - 11pm [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 9.4"] FIT E2:00 (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; x6-8 A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X3; x4 EMOM x 4 Sets (16 min) B1. 8-10 Goblet Squats; heavy B2. 50-75 Singles/ 50 Doubles B3. 30s Ring Rows B4. 10s Assault Bike @ 100% COMP E2:00 x 4 Sets (16 min) A1. Back Squat @ 20X1; A2. Bent Over Barbell Row @31X3; EMOM x 4 Sets (16 min) B1. 5 Front Squats; heavy B2. 50 Double Unders B3. 30s Max Muscle Ups/Strict Chest to Bar/Strict Pull Ups B4. 10s Assault Bike @ 100% Score: Back Squat Weight Bent Over Row Weight Record everything else for your own progression purposes Notes: *For the time oriented movements on the EMOM...just pay attention to the clock. *work to a heavy 4 on the bent row, make sure the 3 count is pulled against your torso [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 9.5"] FIT 15 Min Cap A. Burgener Warm Up + Jerk Work EMOM x 10 B. Hang Power Clean/RDL x 3 *build to a heavy 3 E2:00 x 3 Sets (12 min) C1. Deadlift @ 52X1; x6-8 C2. Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @31X1; x6-8 COMP 15 Min Cap A. Burgener Warm Up + Jerk Work EMOM x 10 B. Clean & Jerk x 1 *build to a heavy single E2:00 x 3 Sets (12 min) C1. Deadlift @ 52X1; 4.4.4 C2. Dumbbell Bench (Neutral Grip) @31X1; x6-8 Score: Clean & Jerk Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 9.6"] FIT 3 MIN MAX DISTANCE A. Bear Crawl Using a 20ft section (5x4ft mat sections) *hips stay above shoulders B. 15 Min Amrap 16 Alternating KB/DB Snatch/arm 16 No Push Up Burpees 16 Scaled Toes to Bar COMP 3 MIN MAX DISTANCE A. Handstand Walk Using a 20ft section (5x4ft mat sections) B. 15 Min Amrap 16 Alternating KB/DB Snatch/arm 16 Burpees 16 Toes to Bar Score: Bear Crawl/ HS Walk Distance Rounds + Reps Notes: If you drop your Handstand/Crawl prior to a mat, start at the beginning of that mat on the line. [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 9.7"] FIT 15 Min Cap A. Thacker General Barbell Warm Up: RDL, Press, Squat, x5 of each a 1-3 sets (until loose/warm) Snatch Position Stretches: x10 seconds in each position x1-3rounds or until loose As: 1) Squatting Quad Muscle Snatch x3-5 2) Squatting Quad Power Snatch x3 3) Squatting Quad Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3 4) Squatting Quad Snatch (squat snatch) x3 EMOM x 10 B. Hang Power Snatch x 3 *build to a heavy 3 EMOM x 10 C. Front Squat x 1 *build to a heavy single COMP 15 Min Cap A. Thacker General Barbell Warm Up: RDL, Press, Squat, x5 of each a 1-3 sets (until loose/warm) Snatch Position Stretches: x10 seconds in each position x1-3rounds or until loose As: 1) Squatting Quad Muscle Snatch x3-5 2) Squatting Quad Power Snatch x3 3) Squatting Quad Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3 4) Squatting Quad Snatch (squat snatch) x3 EMOM x 10 B. Snatch x 1 *build to a heavy single EMOM x 10 C. Front Squat x 1 *build to a heavy single Score: Snatch Weight Front Squat Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 9.8"] FIT 10 Min Cap A. Burgener for Power Clean EMOM x 10 B. Push Press x 1 *Build to a heavy single C. On a running clock (18 Min) 0-8 Find a Deadlift 1rm 8-10 Switch Weights to 80% of today 10-18 Max Reps @ 80% COMP 10 Min Cap A. Burgener for Power Clean EMOM x 10 B. Push Press x 1 *Build to a heavy single C. On a running clock (18 Min) 0-8 Find a Power Clean 1rm 8-10 Switch Weights to 90% of today 10-18 Max Reps @ 90% Score: Push Press Weight Power Clean/DL Weight Total PC/DL Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 9.9"] FIT A. 30 Min Amrap 400m Run 60 Singles or 30 Double Unders 15 KB Swings COMP A. 30 Min Amrap 400m Run 30 Double Unders 15 American KB Swings Score: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]