[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend"]Things coming soon at CrossFit South Bend
Are carbs good or bad? with Robby Gustin
Triple OG Status Series - Tracy G - Member since 2010
Mobility Schedule
October Pumpkin Spice Fundamentals Begins Soon!
Wades Army 2015
Barbells for Boobs 2015!
Events :
Who is running the Domer Run? I’ve been told the breakfast is worth it, lol.
CFSB will have a few coaches out at Eddy street commons for a CrossFit section of the St Joseph County Heart Walk! Come out and do a workout with Caitlin and Chad!
Inov8 Demo: The afternoon of 9/22 we should have a Inov8 Shoe Demo guy coming out! You can try on some shoes and check them out. More specifics as it gets closer![/accordion_item][accordion_item title="What is this CrossFit Open Notes stuff?!"]What is this CrossFit Open Notes stuff?!
October marks pre-season for the CrossFit open. What is the crossfit open?
Click here
I will start increasing the amount of volume and standards for those of you who would like to compete in the open. I will also start throwing in extra practice work for CFO people under a different tab. This work will be possible to get done within the hour time frame, and perhaps within 10 minutes after a wod if the open gym schedule allows it.
If you intend on coming in during an off time to do a bunch of open gym stuff this year,
be sure to keep to the open gym rules.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 9.21.15 "]Monday 9.21.15
7RM Bench, once you have reached the bottom on the bench have a partner count for you 2 seconds, then drive up.
***While warming up for your Bench Press sets, accumulate 3x12
5 Rounds
1 min to perform 12(6Rt/6Lt) Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunge
1 min to perform 10 Plyo Push Ups (single plate moving laterally with one hand on a plate)
1 min to perform 100yd Shuttle (10yd.20yd.30yd)
Don't "game" this workout. Go as heavy and as fast as you can for the repetitions.
Start super duper light for the scarecrows, perhaps even hit some bodyweight first. We have been noticing some sketchy shoulder positions and posture lately so you will be seeing some shoulder prehab work in the programming until shoulder morale improves.
This is your
KB Front Rack Position
For the push ups, I'd rather see you planked out on the crossbar performing plyo push ups than on your knees. Just...watch your aim.
remember...if you don't know how to spot - don't do it. If you think you may need a spot.
Ask for one. (nsfw)
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 9.22.15"]Tuesday 9.22.15
Warm Up
Power Monkey Foam Roller/Stretch Series
Kipping Pull Up Work
3 Rounds
1 min Hang Power Clean+ Shoulder to Overhead 95/65
1 min Burpees
These are bar facing burpees for you
Once the workout is finished. Row 100m afterwards for every time you dropped the bar during the minute with the exception of the last time you have to drop it to transition.
So if I drop it 2 times to break sets for each round, you owe a 600m row IMMEDIATELY AFTER the workout.
For the kipping work, the series will look something like this.
Positional Work: Hollow Rock, Supermans
Kip work on a Box
Hanging From the Bar Kip
Top Down work on Box
Top Down work from the Hang
Kipping Pull Ups[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 9.23.15 "]Wednesday 9.23.15
3 Rounds
Max L-Sit Hold
Top of the Pull Up Hold
Wall Facing Handstand Hold
20 Minute AMRAP
10 Cal Row
20 Step Ups
30 Double Unders
200 Run
Try to track your split times on rounds, I want you to push it the entire workout and see if you can keep your split times within 10% of your first time. For instance, if it took you 3:00 for the first round, I don't want to see it extend past 3:18, if you have to gun it toward the back end of the workout, and you cut your time by a significant amount (say more than 25%) you probably didn't set your past fast enough to begin with.
Watch your rower pace to get a good idea of whats a maintainable pace for you.
For the doubles, try to keep them unbroken.
For the Iso progressions
L- Sit Progression
Box KneeTuck -> Parallette Knee Tuck -> Box L-Sit -> Parallette L-Sit -> Varying Degrees of L-Sit
Pull Up Hold Progression
Black Band -> Green Band -> Blue Band -> Red Band -> Pull Up Hold -> Weighted Pull Up Hold
Wall Facing Handstand Hold Progression
Toes on 30" Box -> Wall Facing -> Wall Facing Pull 1 Foot off the Wall -> Free Standing[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 9.24.15 "]Thursday 9.24.15
5RM Squat, once you have reached the bottom on the squat have a partner count for you 2 seconds, then drive up.
***While warming up for your Squat sets, accumulate 3x12
5 Rounds
1 Power Snatch
1 Box Jump 30"/24"
1 Power Snatch
3 Box Jump 30"/24"
1 Power Snatch
5 Box Jump 30"/24"
Keep the technique clean, the last rep should look like the first.
If flexibility allows, perform a full snatch.
Don't kill yourself on the box jumps - this goes for everyone. Just...choose an intelligent height.
Start super duper light for the scarecrows, perhaps even hit some bodyweight first. We have been noticing some sketchy shoulder positions and posture lately so you will be seeing some shoulder prehab work in the programming until shoulder morale improves.
For the Snatches, they are as heavy as possible.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 9.25.15 "]Friday 9.25.15
8 Rounds Every 3 minutes
Snatch Push Press + 1
Snatch Power Jerk
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
**complete both within the 3 minute mark
EMO Tabata Diane
Deadlift 225/150
Handstand Push Ups
Try to keep to the CFO HSPU standards. We will provide a rough guideline as to where you should be, and the coach will yell at you if they see something sketchy. Have the balls to no rep yourself - and to keep cool if you have to do it.
*** Progression is Push Ups -> Feet on Box -> Handstand Push Ups - We have the right to pull you off of your scaling mid workout if we don't like it.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 9.26.15"]Saturday 9.26.15
Teams of 4 with a 30 minute cap
250 Ball Slams 40/30
250 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
250 Double Unders
250 Overhead Squats 95/65
Break the work up however you want
You have plenty of time to rest, we will pair you up with others that want to compete, so hit BIG SETS for today, this is a good time to see what you are capable of with going unbroken and fast.
communicate and keep the transition times tight
I shouldn't have to say this, but the KBS are american.
If you don't have the prerequisite mobility for overhead squatting...don't do it. Front Squat, and work on your mobility until you are healthy enough to do it.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 9.27.15"]Sunday 9.27.15
12 Minute Amrap
30 Power Cleans 115/85
40 Calorie Row
50 Wall Balls 20/14
there will be two scores.
- Your total repetitions performed
- Your time after the 40 Calorie row